The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - September 2, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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all right welcome back everyone we are

here for another q a on some really nice

and simple questions that you guys are

going to ask me that way i can answer


anything that i say definitely not meant

to diagnose

replace your medical care check with

your doctor before

taking my advice

all right steve so let’s dive right in

all right let’s do it why don’t we kick

it off with a quiz question uh this


uh and why don’t you have at a doc

okay why are diabetics always

thirsty right very good and let’s go to

uh first off from our green room let’s

go hang on doc you’re all off center

here let me fix you

let’s go to


uh and let me unmute you and melanie

you’re on the air with dr berg

hi dr berg


so you want me to answer that question

why are diabetics always thirsty or do

you want me to ask my question no i want

you to ask your question yeah good

because i wasn’t sure about the other

one um so my question is last summer i

was doing some extended fasting i had

worked my way up and i was coming off of

a 55-hour fast and um in the efforts to

maintain ketosis as much as i could i um

broke the fast with a relatively high

fat meal i think i ate olives and eggs

and avocado

and shortly after eating i ended up


a lot of like heart palpitations and it

was really fast and really hot beating

really hard and so um that kind of

scared me off from fasting i really

haven’t done extended fasting since then

and so i’m wondering if you could kind

of help me out and tell me what i did

wrong and um kind of give me the

confidence to get back on the horse so

to speak

hey listen i did the same exact thing

it’s kind of like you fast forward

that’s called that’s definitely a

definition of prolonged fasting so what

happens when you fast for that long is

your insulin um

receptors get very receptive i mean

they’re just like wide open and so when

you eat that meal wow you’re gonna have


shift in


and certain nutrients um won’t get into

too much detail with that but i will say


you got to ease into it very very


because you can end up with

what happens is like you need a certain

amount of potassium

inside the cell

and so

if your body sucks in too much potassium

too fast you can end up with low

potassium in the in the blood and that

can create um pulse rate going up heart

rate going up


the best way to do it

is to have uh

just a little bit of food maybe like one

olive maybe a little uh and one

one egg

wait for a couple hours

maybe a little bit of salad

wait for a couple hours have some nuts

something like that because um

because what i did is i

i ate just a ton of food and i end up

getting really sick so it’s just

something i i have videos on all the

details you can watch that but

i think you should get back right back

on it because you probably experienced

some cool benefits it’s just that

you got to go really really uh slow into

that first meal

thank you that’s great well thanks

thanks so much melanie for a great

kickoff to our green room participants

and let’s see and the worst and the

worst thing and the worst thing you

could do

is um have uh refined carbs like when

you come off a long

long term fast which i don’t think you

did that but you had i think you had

some other things but

yeah so

one thing not to consume

is too much of any one macro especially


well that’s fantastic well i’d hear it

we just lost a caller from india i hope

she comes back

uh very exciting to have people from

around the world and speaking of those

people we’d like to say a good morning

to our viewers joining us

today from uk canada austria puerto rico

greece india germany mexico

bermuda australia the netherlands

jamaica france belgium pakistan italy

cameroon france ghana denmark south

africa scotland

iraq japan sweden new zealand nepal

vietnam haven’t heard from them for a

while trinidad tobago nigeria belgium

the czech republic taiwan iceland iran

zambia wales cambodia syria norway and

from all over these united states so

welcome everybody and thanks so much for

making the show a success did we get did

we get anyone steve do we get anyone

from eagle river wisconsin oh i just

denied them i just no i mean

actually we

never heard of it

yeah i think i think uh

i think my parents are watching they’re

actually going to have their 60th

anniversary can you believe that 60

years that’s a pretty good track record

and especially since um

um they’re only

70 years old so i’m trying to figure

that out


yeah yeah well that’s wonderful

no i know well mom and dad

congratulations on that wonderful

achievement uh mr and mrs byrd yes so uh

that’s fantastic and look at your look

at your progeny go and what a proud

moment that is all right let’s see uh

wasp from youtube i have had two kids by

cesarean section i’m having problems

with my bones my mood and energy what

should i do to stay fit and active

did they did they give us any

description of what what they’re eating

or not

no unfortunately not

it’s just one of those things that you

can have those symptoms from

any number of things it’s really hard to

tell you what to do

other than get on the basic plan to try

to see what you’re eating because it’s

hard to evaluate

all those symptoms with if i don’t have

other data especially with what you’re

eating so i’m going to recommend that

you ask the question again but just give

me a little background of what you’re

eating just so i can have that idea

okay devry from youtube isn’t having a

lot of fun i’ve been on keto for a few

months and a lot only lost 10 pounds

doesn’t feel very energetic feels kind

of crappy only eats two small meals and

drinks a bottle of water a day what else


i be doing she asks

if if you’re struggling and you’re

trying to lose weight and that’s the and

you’re doing keto the first thing out of

all the things you should change is just

go to one meal a day

one meal a day in fact that’s what i’m

doing right now um

and um i just just recently started just

doing one me i’m like what am i eating

two meals a day for i’m not even at all

hungry for it so uh one meal a day and

one little tip on that just to

as the icing on the cake to make it a

little bit better

if you could have that one meal

no later than three o’clock in the

afternoon you’ll be aligning

with your um

natural rhythms in the body and you’ll

probably end up having better blood

sugars better weight loss

better sleep

versus eating that one meal later in the

day so even if you have two meals

shipped it more in the morning the

second thing i would look at would be

making bring your carbs down to as close

to zero as possible i have a video on

that it’s um if i’m not mistaken it

it’s either called keto on steroids or


weight loss

or screen extreme fat burning so you

look up those videos on how to bring



your carbs as close to zero as possible

the third thing

is uh your fat um the more fat you have

the more your body is going to burn that

is energy and not your own fat so at

this stage if you really need to lose


cut back some of that fat not in low fat

but about 75 grams

and then the other thing is exercise so

i don’t know what your exercise routine

is but we will be chatting a little bit

on that so stay tuned for a little bit

more information on that but i think we

get this question every single week so i

think it’s an important one and guess

what um

if you are on our list if you sign up

for my email list i’m going to be doing

actually probably next week or the week

following i will be doing a

two different webinars and they’re both

on keto the first webinar is going to be

for people starting keto the second one

is people that want to

bust through their plateau and these

webinars are just q a

for an hour

so that way you can have the full

information they’re not going to be

recorded so you won’t see them on

youtube they’re all they’re just live

events so we’re going to be

trying it out and see how see how that

helps people second one is through

people that want to

bust through them

hang on just a moment let me someone is

going through there we go oh we got our

viewer from india back so that’s

terrific we’ll get to her shortly and by

the way folks all that dr berg described

is available to you at dr so go

there and from there you’ll be able to

find out everything about live

broadcasts and great videos etc dr

if i if i can add one thing to that

steve i um there is another place where

you could find all these videos and it’s

a it’s actually my new app it’s a free

app you can download it off you’re just

searching on your cell phone and it’s a

dr berg app and we have all the videos

on there we have quizzes we have some

really cool stuff but we just had a new

redesign i think you guys will like it

so definitely go download that just in

case something happens with youtube you

have a backup of all my videos okay so

you never know when you might need a

video wonderful

that’s terrific all right our first

question today asks why are diabetics

always so thirsty

and 85 of her respondents say that it’s

body trying to eliminate excess sugar

through frequent urination

and then the other 15 say is because of

low potassium levels


so what happens in the body is that

water flows


glucose so

a diabetic is losing sugar okay for the

urine it’s going right through the

kidneys and so with that sugar comes the

water to follow

and that also applies to

the more carbs that you eat the more

water you’re going to retain

and this is why when you go on keto and

you go low carb you lose all this water

so you no longer are a fluid-filled

sponge and how much water roughly on

average probably about 13 pounds but if

you’re a bigger person it could be more


a person that’s carboned out all the

time they’re carrying a lot of extra uh

glycogen and that’s stored sugar with a

lot of extra

water that’s

so i guess one molecule one gram of um

of glucose stores

up to three grams of water

so you can imagine

uh how much water most people are

carrying around it’s crazy

wow that’s incredible and by the way

whenever we do the shout out for people

that seems to spur other people into

action so in addition to those that we

spoke of earlier we also have viewers

from poland serbia bolivia hong kong the

congo egypt kenya turkey albania and

costa rica so welcome you folks to as

rounds out the globe i think so let’s

see and before i lose uh delicia again i

want to try to get her on the air and

she’s our visitor and respondent from

india and alicia if you’ll unmute

yourself you’re on with dr bird


good hello

good morning

yes so i have this one question that no

since i’m in india and here we are more

prone to eating a lot of carbohydrates

i would like to know what exactly would

be a diet of an indian in terms of going

low carb or doing intermittent fasting


a lot of people also here do not eat

beef you know like you’ve suggested in

your videos

but that’s

so it’s not really convenient to find

the beef


wild caught fish

in our diet so what would you suggest as

an alternative

well i just have to say that

indian is one of my favorite foods i

mean it’s incredible the taste of the

spices are just off the charts so i’d

like to

congratulate you on that and you’re

probably it’s wonderful living there to

get all these wonderful spices but it

comes with a package because

um out of all the foods um india

it’s almost like

in their jeans in their culture in the

ceremonies and all the different parties

and rituals and things like that there’s

a lot of

sugar going on and uh i’m sure at social

activities it’s like if you don’t eat

the sugar you’ll be


you know shunted away from the group but

i i would you’re gonna have to start a

new trend unfortunately because


we do have an indian channel and i do

have some indian recipes

if you look under dr berg’s channel

under different channels because we have

a recipe a lot of different recipes for

indian food but let me let me tell you

there’s a um even a local

guy that i have that um

he does indian dishes without all the

sugar and so for example the rice would

be cauliflower

he uses all the spices

but he uses stevia instead of sugar so

it’s just a matter of reformulating some

of these recipes because i don’t know

why they need to add the sugar with it i

don’t think it adds

a better flavor um

but i will say that even like in local

eating restaurants around america you


they dump so much sugar in the sauces

and i don’t know why in the curries like

why can’t you just have the spices boy

if you could just um

someone i’m sure there’s you could

probably even come up with

um some recipes of traditional indian

foods and just

substitute the sugars

to play around with that i think a lot

of people would go for these recipes



that is a

a delicious food with that comes with a


and i don’t have uh

i don’t have a an easy answer other than

you’re going to have to start a new


be a trendsetter

yes i think i totally take

it here also another thing that i wanted

to ask you is that is intermittent

fasting suitable for women physiology

because there’s a lot of also there’s a

lot of research there’s a lot of

information around which states that if

you have a hormonal imbalance or if

you’re somebody who has any kind of

issues with your hormones then and also

since you’re a woman and you go around

this 30 days spiritual cycle

you cannot go off carbs because it’s

going to just

you know be a disaster

is that true and to what extent is that


i’d like to find the person who started

those rumors because it’s uh

like the question you have to ask is

this um


in what way

would adding carbs help your hormones

i mean that doesn’t make sense to me

like okay so

in what way does adding more insulin to

your bloodstream improve your female


it doesn’t it doesn’t help you in any

way shape or form so all we’re doing

with keto is we’re reducing that insulin


we’re bringing things back to normal

fertility issues may occur if you

do long prolonged fasting but then

things come back


if you’re eating dirty keto and not

nutrient dense healthy keto which one i

recommend that can create problems but

it is true that

your thyroid hormone may go down a bit

but it’s only it’s still within the

normal range but it’s not classified as

hypogly uh hypothyroidism because

there’s no change that’s that’s going to

occur with your

your thyroid stimulating hormone but the

the factor that um

diet helps you

you know diagnose hypothyroidism there’s

not a change there it’s going to be just

with maybe t4 or t3

and that’s just because you’re running

on a different

more efficient system that’s all

as far as fertility issues

i think you’ll become more fertile if

you do


um keto and in a version of intermittent

fasting because you’re you’re healing

the endocrine system you’re taking a

person out of the sympathetic


um and then also if you ever hear

someone tell you that

um get a reference right and you’re

they’re gonna give you a reference

involving a mice study or a mouse study

or a rat study whatever and then when

you read this study you’re like wait a


they’re not even on keto they’re on a

high fat diet with a high sugar diet so

again it’s like

a little bit of bad information goes a

long way it’s you know

we know that tomatoes reduce your risk

of prostate cancer so then start eating

more pizza that’s the logic

that they’re using there

yes that’s very clear

thank you very much for that

and also to relieve

gut health and what would you say about

coffee on a keto

will it not affect your gut health is it

okay to have coffee on an empty stomach

when you go on fasting

99 of the time it’s going to be fine

especially if you do organic coffee

if you do regular coffee there’s a lot

of pesticides and who knows what that’s

going to create

also the water that you use to make the

coffee if that’s

tap water that could be a problem

because the chlorine but typically

coffee has some benefits in small doses


i have not found a lot of problems with

coffee even a little caffeine

is going to be fine but

my cup is very small


simply because i used to do a lot of

coffee and now i don’t because uh i


it’s just uh it affects my body but the

point is that just coffee is not going

to be a problem at all it can actually

even help you in various ways i did a

video you can search out on the benefits

of coffee

great well delisha thank you so much for

joining us uh from india that’s


and uh we’d love to hear back from you

on your progress

with your various eating habits and so

on all right dr

berg let’s go to the next question and

here it is

all right true or false

protein triggers


if i can’t i can’t even release

police yeah is it true or false protein

triggers insulin release

all right dig into that audience okay

geet tan jelly um from facebook please

help me control high cholesterol and

estrogen dominance in my ten-year-old


yeah our kids are being

bathed in an environment that is very


and that’s because

of the amount of plastics

in the environment that we’re eating in

our foods in the water and also



any anything like like pesticides

insecticides herbicides uh heavy metals

you know that they’re they actually are

estrogenic they actually can

you know start creating too much

estrogen as well

as consuming a lot of the foods

especially like the soy protein isolates

and that type of thing so

what you’re gonna have to do is um watch

my videos on that start consuming


foods that will help clean that up like


like fermented um

like sauerkraut things like that that

your gut health will help

dismantle some of that estrogen and then


the other thing

especially for um

kids is that uh um

you know you can do a level of fasting

but but don’t go too too crazy if

someone is that young

unfortunately right now

there’s a lot of new chemicals like

glyphosate which is in gml foods that

then disrupts the gut and that creates

other problems but

i think with estrogen dominance

you can you can clean it up if you’re

now aware of what you’re putting in your

body so there’s so many things that

trigger estrogen


all right very good noel uh noel from

youtube my blood work indicates i’m low

in magnesium so i ordered your lemon

electrolyte powder i love that and trace

minerals is that is that too much to


and how much should i take each day

no it’s not too much i do have a

separate magnesium product but i think

you’re going to get enough magnesium and

electrolyte powder and the cool thing

about magnesium and also other

electrolytes like potassium is if you’re

if you have too much your body gets rid

of the excess versus other minerals like

iron that’s uh that one that doesn’t


but also the trace minerals are are

really good and they’re they’re they’re

plant-based so they are ancient



ancient plants that we take the trace

minerals from so they’re in a type of

bond that is really easy for our bodies

to digest and absorb and utilize so

as far as how many if you just do a

minimum of one scoop of electrolytes and

then maybe two of the trace minerals i

think you’re going to be fine with that

uh if you exercise or you um

sweat you can take more electrolytes but

also take the sea salt with that just to

make sure you don’t omit sea salt in the

diet and that way you’ll have the

electrolytes you need

all right you know salt is considered

such a

bad thing



the data is is so mixed on that because

what they’re not looking at is

any time you look at one thing

one nutrient right yeah

our bodies don’t metabolize one one

nutrient as is there’s always this

combination of factors

and usually with minerals it comes in

two so

that’s why you need

the ratio of more twice at least twice

as much potassium to sodium so if you’re

high in sodium and you’re having any

symptoms take more

potassium to balance it out and all of a

sudden those symptoms will go away

all right well speaking more about

electrolyte powder uh shrey from youtube

is it okay to have dextrose in my

electrolyte powder

i don’t think you should because you’re

eating sugar it’s a synthetic sugar too

and unfortunately they um

a lot of electrolyte powders and i won’t

mention any names gatorade uh but um

there’s just a lot of sugar and just a

few electrolytes and

you know the idea is to exercise deplete

your glycogen and then replace it with

new sugar but

first of all when you exercise

you don’t lose

a tremendous amount of

glycogen maybe at the very most with the

hardcore workout you lose 30 but your

body is just going to make it right back

and that’s that’s why we have a thing

called gluconeogenesis

neo meaning new genesis mean the

creation of so

you don’t have to replace your glycogen

it’s not going to help you recover it’s

going to actually make you worse over


all right very good we got some more

answers and the latest one was a true

falsehood protein triggers insulin


68 percent of our respondents say false

and about a third of them say it’s true

who’s right

when you’re counting carbs on keto

the biggest mistake is not realizing

there’s other things that can also

trigger your insulin because the really

the whole goal of keto is to lower

insulin and carbs will increase insulin

but guess what unfortunately

protein will also do it not to the

degree carbs will but protein will do it

so if

if you took even like uh checked your

blood sugars and you had

especially if you have insulin

resistance or you’re pre-diabetic or

you’re diabetic

and you eat this huge steak in the

evening you’ll wake up your blood sugar

will be higher um even

significantly higher

and so you’re wondering wait a second i

had no carbs well it’s because the


um a much better uh thing to look at in

relationship to

making sure that you’re doing it correct

is the insulin index let’s see if i

don’t even have my book here but there’s

an insulin index in my book

that measures

all the things that

react to insulin not just a spike of

blood sugar with the glycemic index so

there’s only two things that don’t

trigger insulin fat and fiber

and both of those things can buffer

the other foods that you eat


if you just ate for example

low-fat protein like in egg whites right

that would be that would create a higher

insulin spike than if you had the whole



the point is that

this is why


you know lean or low fat this or that is

can create more of a problem with


knowing that you can then do better with

your keto because

you can have a moderate amount of

protein and you can

realize why your blood sugars are higher

i will release the video on that shortly

so you can get more information because

there’s a lot more to know you know you

know one of my um fascinations is sort

of a quasi dessert it’s blueberries with

heavy cream on it and it just looks so

guilty but i don’t get twitchy after i

eat that i do not get uptight like i do

with sugar

steve um i don’t know if you can get

this but

in my area you can actually get raw milk

okay you have to sign a contract

and um


sign over your firstborn but what

happens is that

they ship you this raw cream which we

get right

and there’s nothing better i don’t know

if you’re doing raw cream with uh

blueberries but that is quite a dessert

and i i mainly with nuts and things but

uh i agree with you 100 it’s uh it’s

quite good

and uh you’re making me hungry steve i

know kind of your cake and eat it too

when you when you look at keto and low

carb stuff you can have fun

all right let’s see uh deangelo is

gallbladder removal by surgery necessary

of course i can’t give you the medical

advice i don’t know your situation but i

can tell you that the gallbladder is not

an extra gland that’s not needed the

gallbladder does have a purpose

and it stores and it concentrates bile

by a factor of at least seven times so

why do we need concentrated bile because

when we eat that bile is

released into the small intestine

and it helps break down

all of our fatty foods so that we can


vitamin a d e k omega 3 fatty acids all

these key fats

without that concentration you’re not

going to absorb nearly the amount of


fat soluble nutrients so

the gallbladder is

necessary and when you remove it you end

up with a bile deficiency

and that creates a whole bunch of

problems too if if bile was not needed

then why do even our microbes make it

they actually help you make make a good

amount of your bile but so does the



it’s not an extra thing and

try to keep it is as long as you can

keep that gallbladder as long as you can

all right very good andre from facebook

andre excuse me from facebook i’ve

learned so much from your videos i’m

having no health issues to speak of i

just wanted to say thank you and god

bless there’s a lot of that going on and

so thank you andrew for your positive

comments and dr berg’s uh

you know just incredible growth

i suspect is because of uh you know the

great results people are getting as dr

burke said before he doesn’t say smash

that whatever button and

click on this and yet people do it like

crazy anyway because they are getting a

return on their investment of time and i

sure am too

all of my blueberries in heavy cream

what fun all right let’s see um loretta

from facebook is it true that stevia can

spike blood sugars in some people

um it could i think it could in some

people but not in the great majority of

people um

what you have to realize with stevia is

a lot of times it doesn’t just come with


so many different

packages and products of stevia come

with maltodextrin

to when they make this powder

they have to use a spray a drying agent

and maltodextrin is the one of choice

because it

it’s uh it’s just something they use

it’s cheap and it’s from corn starch so

here you are trying to do this

great low carb and then end up you’re

consuming all this maltodextrin which by

the way they also use it a lot of


especially in electrolyte powders

and this is

one reason why

some of the copycats that

are able to charge like

very small uh fees for the electrolytes

they’re getting it from china they’re

getting their powders from china and

it’s loaded with maltodextrin and so


you have to actually

pay more of the raw ingredients to get

it without the maltodextrin and so

that’s what we do

so i’d rather

deliver a quality product without the

hidden sugar and

then something that has something hidden



had to do have it go off on a little

rant there steve but um

yeah that’s a problem a much appreciated

one i’m sure here’s a question our next

one number three

all right

number three which um

factor of exercise triggers

growth muscle growth more than any other


dig into that audience and let’s see

let’s go back to our green room and

we’ve got a

adorable uh uh daughter mother team

coming up here now we can only see uh

tokoa but her mom because of our little

box her mom is right next to it so mom

maybe you can lean in sometimes but

takoya go ahead with your question about

your mom

hi dr bird


so my mother has

had type 2 diabetes for a number of

years but it started

she was in a car accident

and part of her pancreas was removed

so over the years she’s been controlling

her um blood sugar you know through her

diet and her

eating habits uh she small meals uh

usually starts later in the day about

maybe 10 or 11


um but she’s lost a lot of weight and

just looking to either maintain or pick

up a little more weight but not continue

to lose weight

got it and is she type 1 or type 2


type 2



is she doing actual keto as well with

like with intermittent fasting two meals

or is she kind of having multiple meals

for the day

it’s probably


most of the times it ends up about two

meals a day but sometimes it’s

two or more


and um

got it so here’s here’s a couple little

tips if you’re a diabetic and she’s a

missing part of the pancreas

what’s the good news is that your body

will compensate and um

i think she can still do fine but

one really important product that might

benefit her it’s from a company i’m not

affiliated with called standard process

it’s called pancreatrophene pmg

pancreatotrophin pmg

i would if i were her just take one of

those before bed

for like three months because that could


something that could um just support

that pancreas


the other than that um

i would get a bit

stricter on the um just the two meals a

day but increase the calories if

possible and make sure the quality of

food is there and i would start to


a very specific type of exercise

which i’m going to be discussing in the

next section when we answer this


but um

when people

age they kind of lose muscle so that’s

like a very important factor to maintain

muscle and or else they start getting

atrophy and uh so people think of weight

loss of being just like oh i’m losing

too much fat well you’re losing muscle

that’s we need to work on i mean

do we want to gain more weight with fat

no we want to gain more weight with

muscle so the muscle uh is going to be

stimulated with exercise but a very

specific type of exercise

you’re going to have to kind of like

watch my new video release on that

because i want you to get the full



we’ll talk a little bit about it later

but i would include more calories

two meals only


that product pancreatrophen pmg

and add the exercise not frequent

but a good workout maybe once a week i

would recommend that to maintain the


thank you

thank you ladies good luck and uh please

get back in touch with us with the great

results that you get after the fact it’s

great to see mom and daughter together

there let’s see we’ve already got answer

for quiz question number three let me

bring that up

i should have three hands to do this but


and before you answer that you know i’m

gonna be doing a video on a type one

diabetes i’ll do an interview with uh

a person i’ve been

back and forth with through the email

line and it’s fascinating fascinating uh

what’s happening with him because he’s

going on

um he’s doing hardcore keto with

intermittent fasting and the

amount of insulin he needs i mean i

think about this he has virtually

no insulin left

but the amount of insulin he needs is so

small right now i mean it would just

like defy

nature it’s just like well you can’t

live on that low amount of insulin but

he is because if he has any more his

blood sugars go too low

so i think

the keto plan and intermittent fasting

for a type 1 diabetic

just as much as a type 2 is

going to be a lifesaver

because the more insulin you take the

more medication

the higher the risk of getting all sorts

of complications and side effects

so go ahead steve give me the the answer

to that all right so which factor of

exercise triggers muscle growth more

than any other

and 75 percent of our respondents say

resistance or weight training will

develop the most muscle 20 say high

intensity reps and 5 see using your own

body weight like walking running or



so the answer is intensity intensity um

and what i mean by intensity is um

is uh effort

a maximum effort to the point where um

the muscles are exhausted

they’re not just fatigued they can’t go

anymore like um of course

not everyone could just jump right into

that you have to kind of build up to it

but if you’re interested in

strengthening your muscle growing muscle

you want to focus on your intensity and

really working doing a workout weight


you can achieve it probably better than

other things because you can

do types of weights to the point where

you just can’t go anymore there’s just

no more you’ve completely exhausted that

muscle and if let’s say you want to do


enough workout to be able to go up to at


six reps but no longer than nine reps

until you get like there’s no more

more energy to do even one more even if

someone put a gun to your head that

means you hit that maximum effort and

that intensity that you need to create

the stimulus necessary to cause your

body to adapt and recover but here’s the

secret of the universe steve are you

ready for this i

am you

don’t make the mistake that i made

exercising over soreness exercising

prematurely not letting your body fully

a hundred percent recover before you do

that again i’m talking about the type of

exercise that’s more intense so it’s a

principle that’s very very important but

neglected so many people are going to

the gym three times a week and they’re

not like paying attention to

their recovery

they’re exercising when they don’t

really even feel like it

the good the best thing to do is to wait

for your body to fully recover so you

feel good energy no more soreness then

do it again and it might take

one to two weeks that would be way way

better than

to try to force this

three times a week mentality now on the

other days you can do

light stuff you can do cardiovascular

that’s not a problem but anything

involving intensity even high intensity

interval training

if you’re going high you want to do that

less frequent and more intense


short duration

i will be releasing two videos on it

it’s really simple very important and uh

um i want you to give you i want you to

think with the data so you can actually

grow your muscles back


based on your level of recovery which

you have age you have

other factors like your joints can they

handle that intensity there’s a lot to

it but

very important

factor with exercise wow interesting

okay speaking of intense

rose from huntsville alabama says that

it’s intensely hot down there but she’s

surviving and she has a question for you

dr berg go ahead rose

well um i i started following you my

husband and i started following you like

three and a half years ago um he’s cuban

i’m puerto rican so we love our rice and

beans so we gave all that up just for

you followed your ways my husband lost

110 pounds in 11 months

i lost

40 and then i kind of been stuck but i

have other uh issues i have sjogren’s

fibro um nash and lipedema helps um

makes it the lip edema i have it makes

it hard for me to lose weight and i do

not have a gallbladder i’ve been i’m

doing what you said the tucker

the milk thistle the nac the tocotrinols

i get a mre

once a year it’s a magnetic renaissance


and thanks to you my liver has improved

because everybody in my dad’s side of

the family has died from uh liver camps

cancer so they monitor me

and so my one question to you

is um

i was thinking about getting getting

glutathione injections

if you thought that would benefit me in

any way

my stiffness has improved 50 percent

my fibroids have improved 50 but my

fatty liver

is still

uh you know

fatty and then i love you and your wife

and uh you mentioned that you were going

to do a homesteading channel i can’t

find that did you start that or

um i did not yeah i’m still working that

out it’s um

it’s taking a bit longer but that’s on

the agenda too


okay so um

ion if you think i should take it how



i i’m not a fan of the injections of

glutathione because it’s a one-shot deal

then you have to keep doing it

it’s giving you one of a powerful


but um

how can we get your body to make more

glutathione that is a bigger question


you know like for example i think from

you you have an autoimmune disease you

have a fatty liver

you have lipoedema there’s a lot going

on so and you’ve done really good so far


i like

i like what you said like let’s focus on

the liver because that fatty liver is

gonna once the liver is better

you’re gonna do better overall so i


this is what i would do if i were you

every two weeks i would do a 48 hour


and and then also i would do on the

regular days i would do one meal a day

and only have water and supplements

between there

that’s going to start to force your body

to dump a lot of this fat on your liver

the other key nutrient for pulling fat

off the liver other than the one you’re

taking like the tuck cut is the um

is choline

choline choline is

very powerful to pull the liver off pull

the fat out of the liver

what i think i would also do is find a

functional medic functional nutritional

doc that can

look at your dna there’s dna tests now

and just see where your weaknesses are

genetically to see if there’s a some

type of um

mutation for

something it could be i don’t know

vitamin d it could be a problem with

what’s called methylation

i don’t know but

i have to stay

away from that i do have a methylation


vitamin d3 i do have to take vitamin d3

because if i don’t i’m um

low and that’s another thing you help me

on on those high doses i don’t get my


wheezing or anything like that when that

happens i take high doses it’s gone

within a day or two so you’re awesome so

i think i think there’s uh yeah there’s

definitely some weaknesses that you’re

doing the right thing so uh so in the

case if you have a methylation problem

you’re going to need more of the correct

type of b12


and folate you know there’s products

that you can get on that but i would add

the choline in there as well and

and then just give it more time

and i’m glad you’re taking the vitamin d

but the the key thing that’s missing is

the periodic prolonged fasting

to give you a new immune system and to

drop all the inflammation down and to

also force your body to dump morph out

the liver so i think that would be the

best tip i can give you today

okay i’m doing oh man so just continue

on omad and then do the 40 hour every

two weeks

yes yes

that’s it well terrific rose thank you

so much we’re gonna move along here to

uh one of our next quiz questions and

doc here it is it’s a true false sir

okay true or false the only

anti-depression factor being

in the sun is getting

vitamin d i’m going to rephrase that

because it

looks like someone rephrase it so the

only um there’s when you get sun


you know you get vitamin d right

so the question is um

that usually helps you with depression

but is there any other factor in the sun

that is anti-depression and now we’re

now i’m altering the question because

it’s a true or false question so

i hope you got the concept see if you

can answer that question

and the question is is there anything

else in sun that can help you with

depression beyond vitamin d

and once again these true false

questions are fabulous because you have

a 50 chance of being smart and that’s

not bad odds

so let’s see why don’t we move on here

let’s uh see jackie from youtube can

gluconeogenesis alone raise my a1c

oh that’s a really good question and

i think it can but not by a significant


not by a significant amount

but there’s just so much unknown about

that specific topic

i’ve looked at it before and there’s

i couldn’t find

any research on that

on answering that definitively i so

my answer is i think so by some degree

but i don’t know for a fact


if it does raise it

it’s like here you are you’re doing keto

and you’re going low carb but then your

a1c is going higher like what’s up with

that uh that does happen but um

over time your insulin resistance will

improve if you keep doing it to the

point where you’ll have less

liver producing new sugar okay so that’s

going to happen but the reason why

people wake up

with all this in high blood sugar and

they didn’t eat anything today before

sugar-wise it’s because their liver is


new sugar out of fat ketones

and protein

and that’s just because you’ve had

insulin resistance for too long and it’s

going to take a while for your body to


okay back to the green room we’ve got

kadeem from way up north in maine kadem

you are on with dr byrd

um hi dr barger this question is

actually from my wife um

she is actually listening to us through


youtube channel right now

um so it’s started in her early 20s uh

she had a very bad

pain in her lower back

and all the mris ct scans mri did not

show any physical damage and then

because of the pain she had lack of

sleep uh she sometimes don’t sleep for

uh two or three days uh because of the

lack sleep of sleep that led to

getting epilepsy and seizures

in her early 30s so they they put her on


for about four years and then they moved

to uh


and she’s been taking larika since then

till last year they finally found out

the shipping diagnosis with uh

endolamism and um

endometriosis sorry

and uh


yes and um she did the surgery last year

to remove them and it came back this

year and uh

so um and they need to do another


uh anyway um

so i just convinced her to uh

get into a keto healthy diet and uh

she started doing that this is her

fourth week right now and uh but the

side effect for the keto i don’t know if

it’s a conflict with her medicine or


but she’s getting like a 24 7 headache


she like the headache is very very


and um she’s getting a brain fog and

fatigue so

my question is what’s the best remedy

for that and

yeah yeah so because when you do keto

you’re supposed to feel good right um

like what’s going on with that so there

must be some type of uh complication

going on with the medication

a couple things i would mention about


uh make sure to event to prevent


side effects from ketos to take more sea


sea salt with the diet make sure she’s

taking electrolytes make sure she’s

taking the b vitamins because the lack

of sodium alone can create the headaches

and migraines especially


so we need this uh

sodium we also need enough potassium to

prevent headaches i think that is going

to create a big change for her um

you mentioned a lot with her history

endometriosis yeah which tells me that

she should have been on keto a long time

ago because

a lot of those carbs including even

dairy can stir up hormonal factors that

can create like tumors in the uterus

you also mentioned

the seizures which guess what keto is

the best

thing for

seizures and so the key is to have

a lot of fat


moderate protein make sure it’s like on

the low side protein and very low carb

and make sure it’s quality

and i think she will

she will come out of this quite nicely

and just give it a little bit more time


i think um

because she has a lot of issues i would

come back maybe in a couple weeks

and let us kind of review where she’s at

but she needs to be on

the healthy version of keto

i would have i would also go through my

book to make sure you’re doing it

correctly because there’s a lot of

details and

she might need some tweaking


based on her her weaknesses

kadeem thank you so much and please do

get back with us we got to move along

here a little bit but that was a

fascinating question we all wish your

wife uh well and look forward to hearing

the great results in the future okay doc


true falser number four the only

anti-depression factor being in the sun

is getting vitamin d or however you

would phrase that and 50 50 this time 50


that it is and 50 say it ain’t

you know it’s not all just about vitamin

d with depression but vitamin e can help

depression um that’s why

even people use what’s called bright

light therapy during the winter to pull

them out of depression and it works like

crazy good for that because um you know

something about being in the dark

that makes you depressed

so um being out in the sun especially um

the actual sun

there’s certain things that uh you will

stimulate number one is serotonin


excuse me um


again they don’t know exactly what

serotonin does but it does affect the

mood in certain ways

and so being out in the nice sunshine

can give you more serotonin and

you also have the benefit of


it’s a type of energy from the sun so

you have a huge different spectrum of

different wavelengths coming from the

sun and infrared is one of them in fact

54 of the sun is infrared infrared is a

great therapy for many things

including back pain from the last person

that we just talked about like she could

do infrared

and um but the point is that

when you expose yourself to infrared you

are generating a lot of melatonin that

is uh

that’s kind of outside the pineal gland

and that’s a good antioxidant it’s a

good protective

against all sorts of things

so i hope i answered that question and

i want to just shift gears because i

forgot to mention one thing for our last

caller who has the lower back pain

what’s really good is that she has no

nothing on x-ray uh to show that there’s

a disc problem or anything like that

so the best thing to do is to get some

type of

low back support

you know you can even go to a store and

get these little uh foam things from


you know the dollar store and cut them

and use these as little back supports i

have them in all all over the house and

you sit down you keep that low back

curve going forward because sitting and

driving just a killer for the lower back

and um

that will

keep your back in a curved position and

reduce sciatica nerve pain and lower

back pain

because so many people sit way too long

and they’re wondering why does my back

hurt because you lost a curve


it’s time to put that curve back all

right kadeem uh get some of that from

the dollar store and fix your wife up

and waiting very patiently is marcela

she was taking her daughter to uh school

and now she’s all set in her house so

thanks for hanging in there with us

marcella you’re on with dr burr

oh unmute yourself dear

there we go good morning

so um my question to you is um so i

belong to the navajo tribe and um type

two diabetes is like a major situation

with um a number of tribes and so i’ve

been doing um omad for at least

maybe four four months but i i’m not

noticing you know the dramatic weight

loss or anything um


and i’m also confused in regards to like

my body type i seem to fall into

possibly the three categories and um i i

just need some you know um

i guess i just need some assistance in

regards to

what’s my real body type

what type of supplements should i take

and also um

what would be the best exercise for me

because i’m currently doing a lot of



do i need to switch that up a little too

okay so i’m going to try to answer this

pretty quick

do you do one meal a day or two meals a



okay and

are you taking any medication


okay and did you say you you were a



gestational diabetes so when i was told


that’s a precursor for type 2 type 2.

i kind of started switching the way i

you know my eating habits but

um i am

you know i can get type 2 diabetes and

i’m trying to avoid that

do you do you ever check your blood

sugars or ketones and if you do

um is there any problem with your blood

sugars and also like do you have you

ever checked your ketones

um i i’ve checked my ketones and they

seem to be in check

um generally after i eat

i’m not in ketosis but the following

morning i generally am but it just

varies um you know a lot of times i

really watch what i eat and i’m thinking

i’m like in ketosis and i check and i’m


so it’s kind of frustrating

so do you do did you have any benefits

so far from ketosis for example like

your appetite is gone or you have a

little more energy anything like that


you’re still hungry


okay so then then it tells me that uh

there’s something going on with the


meal that you’re eating there’s

something that needs to be evaluated and

i the the good news is that um i’m doing

a webinar in one to two weeks but i want

you to pop on so we can get a full

detailed thing on what you’re eating


if you’re doing keto

and of course i need to know all the

details of what you’re eating

you should be

you should lose your appetite and you

should be in ketosis so apparently

you’re not now the fact that you had

gestational diabetes tells me that you

probably have very severe insulin

resistance which is probably hanging you

up and taking causing

it to take longer

so a couple things you can do right now


powder is going to be really key with a

lot of potassium

that potassium can speed things up

tremendously and then the other thing

especially for insulin resistance

and the other thing the two things is


i would if i were you

if you have the discipline


maybe a few times a week go do like a

48-hour fast

what’s going to happen is you’re going

to force your body to adapt to fat

burning and your body has no choice but


extract that fat and that will speed up

this healing of insulin resistance

the last thing i would do i’d probably

do this around your eating window is do

a workout maybe once a week a really


intense workout to the point where you

are definitely sore not just for one day

but you’re sore

for two or three or four or

the whole week so that would be the

level of intensity because that’s going

to create um

a huge stimulus for not just

you know to support your muscles but

also for insulin resistance i like the

fact that you’re doing walking each day

so that’s good but we need to add that

anaerobic or

that intense workout somewhere during

the week to speed things up and then

stay tuned for uh if you’re at my email

list we’ll tell you when we’re going to

have this webinar and then you can

we can go into more depth of what you’re

eating and to really figure out this be

because we’re trying to get information

so we can

coach people better and evaluate your


and you would send us pictures of your

meals so we can go


that’s exactly what we need to change

because working out the

your meals is not as easy as you think

it’s just not like a quick thing so

we’re putting in a program that we can

do more evaluations on your eating so

that’s coming up real quick

well that’s great listen thanks so much

everybody we’re out of time but marcella

we hope to see you on this great webcast

when dr berg announces it and with that

dr berg it looks like it’s tgif

so i want to thank everyone for being on

and i just want to mention one thing


and i’m going to be doing um our friday

show next week and the following week

but then um

after that

i won’t be doing it for probably about


three weeks because i’m going to be

doing a whole research thing

so just to give you a heads up

there’s going to be some fascinating

research i’m going to do that i’m going

to actually do videos and

after that so it’s going to take some

intense work but anyway we will see you

next week same time have a wonderful

weekend and thank you so much for your

a wonderful comments on youtube and


