Find Out How to Predict a Silent Stroke When There Are NO SYMPTOMS Present | DrEricBergDC

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today let’s talk about how to predict a

silent stroke a silent stroke is a

stroke that has no symptom so how could

you actually predict it is it possible

well we’re going to use this book right

here one of my favorite books it’s

called the technology of War you

probably heard of The Art of War by Sun

Tzu but the technology of war was

written by this guy who um found that

there’s so many confusions in The Art of

War he decided to learn Mandarin Chinese

and transcribe the entire original text

and he was curious about if the original

text was the same as some of these books

that are put out there The Art of War or

slightly different and in a thumbnail he

found out that that original text was

severely altered to the point of a lot

of false information a lot of confusing

information and so it’s really difficult

to make sense out of the Art of War and

even if you look at the original text on

the name of the book it wasn’t even

called The Art of War because art

implies more maybe creativity but a

technology is a very specific thing and

so the technology of war is Sun Tzu’s

original transcript on how he won so

many wars so we’re going to apply that

to the body and the reason I’m going to

do this because of this word prediction

this book is really into predicting

things like number one if you should go

into battle or not you can predict that

based on your advantages and things like

that if you only have a 10 chance of

winning a battle

you better not go to war you better run

in the other direction as fast as you

can because there’s no Advantage there

you’re going to lose so he talks a lot

about certain things or like clues or

indicators to know

um if you’re going to be successful or

not so we can apply this to the body too

and especially with the area of Strokes

so even though you don’t have this


symptom to tell you’re going to get a

stroke there are some things that can

very easily give you information to know

if you are going to have a stroke or not

and another really good reference or

paragraph which I’m going to paraphrase

has to do with being Victorious knowing

yourself and knowing your enemy so if we

were to apply this to health it’s very

important to understand the nature of a

stroke as well as how our body reacts to

it and how potentially we can avoid it

so what do we know about silent Strokes

there are Strokes that occur without any

symptoms at all you have it you don’t

even know you had it apparently the

damage that it creates in the brain

doesn’t affect vital areas so you might

not even feel anything other than maybe

a little bit of a a lapse in memory

maybe some fatigue maybe some dizziness

maybe even a mood change and what’s

interesting about these silent Strokes

is that in one reference I read uh they

occur five times more than The Strokes

that create all the classic symptoms

like half your body being numb or weak

or having cognitive dysfunction or

having slurred speech but typically if

someone has a stroke whether it’s a

silent stroke or another stroke they’re

very likely to get another one and

strokes are basically the fifth leading

cause of death in the U.S and the second

leading cause of death in the entire

world so what else do we know about

Strokes well there’s a lot of different

aspects to strokes but I’m basically

going to talk about the the most common

situation with Strokes okay you have

these two uh coronary arteries that come

up through the neck through here they

Supply the brain with blood there’s some

other arteries but these are the primary

ones and then they kind of merge with

some other arteries is called the medial

cerebral arteries and most of The

Strokes like over 50 percent of The

Strokes occur in one of those main

arteries the most common type of Strokes

that occur in one of these arteries like

85 percent of these Strokes is a

situation where the blood clot

originates in one of those arteries in

the brain so if we were to know the

enemy or know the blood clot if we take

a look at a blood clot what is a blood

clot and is it really an enemy

um it’s actually just a mechanism of

healing some type of bleeding situation

maybe some damage in an artery so it’s

not really the enemy yet a lot of times

doctors treat it like the Enemy by

giving you a drug to thin it but they

don’t really look at the true enemy

behind the scenes and that would be what

we’re going to talk about so a blood

clot is a kind of a an aggregation of

platelets which which are things that

help stop bleeding with fibrinogen which

is kind of like the glue that binds

everything together and blood clots

occur in response to some injury or

damage usually in an artery and so what

is the true enemy or the cause the root

cause of a stroke well if you look at

that you’re going to find some

interesting things number one

high levels of sugar in the blood

creates a lot of oxidation and creates a

lot of damage in the artery so there’s a

much higher association between

diabetics or pre-diabetics or people

with insulin resistance and getting

blood clots and so sugar directly okay

too much dietary sugar and too many

carbs can create this problem not to

mention it really increases your

inflammation as well as something called

the sympathetic nervous system that’s

right the stress response and that leads

us to number two that would be


or you can call it epinephrine the same

thing so adrenaline comes from stress

and adrenaline can directly increase the

risk of getting a stroke especially

chronic adrenaline or epinephrine from

chronic stress chronic stress causes a

vasoconstriction but it also creates a

lot of inflammation and it creates your

body running on glucose that’s right

glucose I did another video on this and

this is interesting because now this

overlaps with number one eating a lot of

sugar but in this case you’re not eating

any sugar the sugar that is there is

coming from the stress state so this

combination of eating a high carb diet

with stress is just a deadly combination

for so many issues these things I’m

talking about are the true enemies that

we need to understand and try to reduce

as much as possible and we get to

chronic stress there’s many different

types of stress and I think the biggest

stress is emotional stress especially

losses loss of a loved one loss of job

loss of money loss of anything can be

very very devastating to your body and

then we also have the side effect for

medication like HRT hormonal placement

therapy that would be the exposure to a

lot of estrogen also birth control pills

also increase the risk of getting these

strokes and then number four is smoking

now how can smoking you’re you’re

breathing it in with your lungs cause a

stroke well

where does that uh smoke in chemicals go

it goes to your lungs and right into

your bloodstream that’s carried up to

the brain and the smoke that ends up in

your brain creates a lot of oxidation

free radical damage and a lot of other

issues and then we have number five this

is another thing it’s a hypertension now

this might not be the enemy either just

kind of like the tip of the iceberg that

there’s something else underneath it but

just the fact that you have hypertension

can cause a different type of a stroke

which is a hemorrhagic which you’re

bleeding because it blew a blood vessel

but if we take a look at hypertension

and what’s interesting about

hypertension is that 90 percent of

hypertension is classified as essential

or another name for essential is primary

and what does that mean well both of

those terms describe hypertension of an

unknown cause yet so many people are

being treated by high blood pressure I

mean it’s pretty wild I think there’s

probably a great advantage of keeping

that cause unknown because you can

actually make a lot of money on

medication but the point is that if you

research hypertension and all the

different mechanisms

you’re pretty much going to end up with

the real cause being either one of three

things okay most commonly number one

insulin resistance if you take a look at

high sugar diets or high carb diets it

thickens the wall of the artery it makes

the artery stiff

okay so there’s no more elasticity so

you’re going to increase pressure just

from that so again that crosses over

with the number one thing which is the

high sugar in the diet number two a

potassium deficiency now what does

potassium have to do with the arteries

well potassium keeps the arteries

elastic it keeps them flexible and

without potassium your arteries can

become very hardened and your blood

pressure can go up there’s a lot of data

on having enough potassium in keeping

your blood pressure normalized and where

does potassium come from well it comes

from a lot of the foods that are high in

magnesium too and that would be the

leafy greens the average person consumes

only like a a cup and a half of

vegetables a day where they really need

about you know seven to ten cups of

salad per day or four to five cups of

regular vegetables and a lack of

potassium also can cause problems with

arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation

which is another predisposing factor of

getting a stroke and then we also have a

lack of vitamin D which a lot of people

are deficient in the lack of vitamin D

will create more inflammation it will

increase your chance of getting you know

pre-diabetes and diabetes and insulin

resistance and so I always recommend a

good amount of vitamin D


and they get on a low carb diet that

seems to really handle a lot of

hypertension which will indirectly put

you at a much lower risk of getting a

stroke so when we talk about predicting

a silent stroke if someone is eating a

lot of carbs okay and they’re diabetic

and they don’t eat much salad and

they’re going through a lot of stress

and they’re sedentary those are the true

enemies the factors that will predict a

stroke and one last concept I want to

talk about in this book

the first part of the book is all about

getting Intel intelligence so you’re

able to evaluate and then predict I have

the knowledge before you go to battle

because if you go to battle or battled

with an illness a sickness let’s say

you’re battling cancer for example

directly with chemotherapy and

everything else and just throwing

everything out the wall to try to

reverse the situation the outcomes are

not that great if we understand the body

as well as a lot of these other

conditions and that is what my YouTube

channel is all about giving you the

information so you can estimate things

or evaluate things and you can predict

things and you can prevent a lot of

health problems down the road so number

one get on keto and intermittent fasting

number two

make sure you have enough salad in your

diet that way you get the potassium and

magnesium number three start a regular

exercise program to flush out the

adrenaline in the stress that builds up

that ends up creating a lot of problems

and killing a lot of people and also

make sure that you’re eating

nutrient-dense foods to provide the B

vitamins vitamin C vitamin E vitamin D

for all the other support for creating a

healthy body now if you haven’t seen

this very popular video on the best meal

to clean out your arteries

I put it up right here check it out