Dr. Berg and Karen Live | DrEricBergDC

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riff Wow hey guys so we’re gonna we’re

Plan C we’re gonna try to go live on our

little cell phone here because the

internet went down so we’ll wait just a

second before one logs on we don’t have

doesn’t look like anyone there’s not a

single person come on baby too late it’s

too late ah okay one yay we got one

person who wants a person I don’t know

how do we see I don’t know how we see

their names okay Rosie and it’s a

certain kind of picture does it really

washed out weird picture we look like

cartoons okay guys so guess what this is

sighs I can’t

yeah so so just so you guys know this is

plan B and and C so we’re basically

gonna do the show like this off this so

okay do you have YouTube on Facebook

okay guys so we have some questions that

we noted down from you from before so

we’re gonna take some of these so Scott

on YouTube says all Steve’s doing from

this one oh that’s so Scott from YouTube

asked can he will nutritional yeast

break his fast okay a lot of people want

to know can supplements break too fast

any supplements the answer is no unless

this supplement is pure sugar

so now none of the supplement are gonna

break the fast I wouldn’t worry about it

at all there’s just not enough calories

now yeah so that’s okay okay good what

about the trace minerals can I give it

to a five-year-old absolutely if it’s

yeah the trace minerals I have this

plant face so yes you can give it to a

five-year-old okay good now on YouTube I

think the name is owl II said that their

vitamin A is high why would that be in

what can they do about it well are they

eating a lot of now the question is

sometimes when you eating a lot of

carrot juice and

things like that you might have high

vitamin A in which case that’s why and

it’s really beta-carotene which is a

precursor and that’s why you might turn

yellow something like that or orange but

here’s what you do that’s more of a

liver thing I would look at the liver

the gallbladder because the liver tends

to kind of deal with the fat type of

vitamins so you may find that you need

some help with your gallbladder or your

liver that’s what I would do if I were

you okay good and then I had another

YouTube one that we had trouble with

Facebook initially and then in the

reboot we had general web trouble so

most of these are from YouTube YouTube

Margaret says Kenan adults who vomits a

lot be lacking acid they’re having some

trouble sorting out what’s happening

with the vomiting yeah one of the things

with vomiting and diarrhea those two you

lose a lot of electrolytes and you also

lose acid so the pH starts becoming more

alkaline so you get what’s called

alkalosis and alkalosis you’re gonna

have problems with all sorts of things

mineral absorption absorption of

breaking down proteins heart arrhythmias

because you need the electrolytes so

there’s gonna be a problem with calcium

potassium magnesium sodium chlorides so

yes that’s a big big problem so anytime

you have diarrhea or vomiting you need

to replace that lactic acid and you can

replace it with kombucha tea maybe some

up soda vinegar maybe the pickle juice

would be good but yeah so that’s a

really that’s a big problem especially

for people that have chronic diarrhea or

chronic vomiting even like polemics they

have a lot of problems with electrolytes

a lot of problems with with all bladder

things like that so yeah good question

yeah unfortunately just the lights cuz

I’m blown out on we are this is a good

time okay

okay good so um so okay so someone is

here this lighting is horrible

no there’s a lighting this one this is

the one that we need to adjust to our

world this is what it’s like in studio

before we hit the switch a little more

it’s this constant little more Steve

okay anyway so there was someone I’m

sorry I didn’t catch your name but she’s

saying that it’s her first week on keto

and she’s getting a lot of headaches

yeah here’s the thing when you convert

over to ketones running you about any

ketones you’re if you’re deficient in

any type of nutrient especially the B

vitamins or even salts or maybe

potassium with electrolytes that’s when

you start noticing the symptoms if you

take sea salt or that’s good Steve take

sea salt electrolyte and B vitamins you

shouldn’t have any transitional symptoms

whether it’s headaches headaches usually

come from low sodium so salt is very

very important when you’re doing keto a

lot of people are trying to reduce the

salt really what you need to do is

increase the salt and potassium those

two things right there because they both

work together and that’s why you want to

do vegetables Karen with for the

potassium okay and the magnesium good so

I love this question I’m sorry I didn’t

catch your name and I’m afraid to adjust

anything here but someone wants to know

what food is good for hair growth I like

this question because people so often

are like what supplement can I take what

can I take what can I take let’s assume

that you’re doing healthy keto and your

eye off okay and you have hair loss that

could be from too many refined carbs

which spike insulin which then increases

androgens which burn out the hair

especially if you’re getting receding

hair up here I’m not gonna lie you just

lost me with what was too many androgens

okay so there’s a hormone called there’s

the male hormone called

and that’s what’s behind hair loss okay

and so what you want to do is you want

to get rid of the triggers to that and

it’s usually going to be a problem with

high levels of insulin from carbs so we

want to reduce the carbs get into

healthy keto that should help your hair

right if they’re in Kido what are you

going to lose hair it’s usually going to

be a problem with the cofactors the

things that helpers for protein

metabolism which is either gonna be the

B vitamins okay or it’s gonna be

minerals trace minerals and again like

if you just do what I said like do trace

minerals and then you be vital mins boom

you’re not gonna have the hair loss boom

so you need there’s like for example

zinc zinc zinc is really important

there’s a lot of minerals involved in

protein metabolism in your way if you

need for example potassium sodium iodine

a lot of minerals for protein metabolism

and also protein breakdown also the

ability to break to form acid

hydrochloric acid in your stomach

so without acid you’re going to

eventually get heartburn because of the

compensation because the valve on the

stomach I want to talk about what what

what I asked what food is good for hair

loss and attrition over later this

called a segue Dave Feldman is watching

hey Dave hey Dave how’s it going so this

is random day but I had another question

okay okay so someone wanted to know

about k we got the hair loss sorted out

know what about I’m on keto and I have

constipation well that’s a very

important question it really relates to

either it’s either gonna be you’re

consuming too many vegetables that

you’re not used to and you don’t have

the microbes to break down some of these

fibers okay that’s gonna be one reason

or you’re doing too much protein

and you’re not and your system is kind

of bogged down from that or it could be

actually too much dairy that’s very

constipating you need potassium to help

the bowels work you need b1 to help the

bow so there’s a lot of you guys are

asking specific questions on how do you

fix this symptom or this or that a lot

of these problems are going to be

resolved Karen if you just get in to the

basic correct

health Aikido and am in a fasting if you

do that you probably won’t have a lot of

these symptoms it kind of boils down to

that one problem of one implementation

so that’s why I always revert you are

you doing healthy keto and intermittent

fasting and usually they’re not doing it

correctly and so then they have a

symptom right so we assume that that

when people ask these questions that

they’re already doing healthy keto per

all dr. Berg’s videos and intermittent

fasting so correct yeah so if you’re not

already doing that there are a lot of

videos on dr. bird comm how to get

started if you’re new there’s also

thousands and thousands of videos on

YouTube how to get started also you know

if we do have a web connections and you

do have questions that don’t get

answered go to youtube dr. Berg and then

put your subject in and there’s so many

videos there to help you out there’s

apparently right now it’s a it’s kind of

like I don’t know how you’d call this it

is a I’m kind of a wild wild west when

you get into keto versions of keto diets

there’s so many different versions and

let’s just talk about that right Karen

because I I have a version that I call

healthy keto which basically is a

combination of things and very high

quality ingredients but there’s another

version out there that people and I’m

not going to mention the name but I’m

just going to tell you what it is it’s

low carb and that’s why it works so

that’s good low carb but they’re

actually doing also low fat hmm and

they’re doing higher protein and they’re

doing five to six meals a day and the

quality of protein you’re using is


protein powders now the problem with

that is you are going to get results at

least initially but you’re going to end

up looking older you’re going to end up

with dry air in a older skin because you

don’t have the fats people still have

this idea this fat phobia that you can’t

eat that’s and so you’re going to create

problems let’s say you’re vegan in your

wanna do keto well you can do it but you

also have to figure out what you’re

going to do for omega-3 fatty acids

because usually the omega-3 fatty acids

I’m talking about DHA and EPA come from

seafood and salmon and cod liver oil

right but if you don’t know that you can

get those films microalgae or algae then

you might not get those essential fats

so you might have problems with

cognitive problems depression mood

issues focus problems things like that

so there is a way to do it but you just

have to have the data this is why I

recommend follow someone that has at

least a good amount of success stories

and success with this and experience and

I’m not being biased for myself but I

think I’ll be biased for himself but we

do have something that really works I

mean take a look just that I mean I know

some people don’t really look at success

stories but we have a lot I’m talking a

massive amount so these people it’s

legitimate it really works

then then you get the other people we’re

really emphasizing well it’s not backed

up by science right or whatever I want

to just touch on that one second because

it better you know yeah you guys realize

that minimally there’s over a hundred

and seventy-three drugs that were

approved by science for four years and

I’m talking some of these drugs for 30

40 even up to 55 years before they found

it was very very dangerous so there’s a

tremendous amount of corruption in this

area of science and industry funding

studies I will be doing a study of video

on the

science of science where the studies of

studies which I’ll be researching the

research and then you’ll be able to see

some interesting correlations you you

know if you if you buy a product even in

Amazon you’re gonna look at the reviews

and see what people are saying that has

some weight so I’m gonna recommend you

follow my version of keto right now

that’s all I’m saying okay and then all

that’s all I’m gonna say okay so so the

next one is there’s somebody here

devinder I think his name is he’s dizzy

all the time please help ya a couple of

things for dizziness especially if

you’re doing keto is you need more salt

sea salt and more fluids what happens

when you’re on keto you’re no longer

retaining the the the fluid as much so

you’re gonna get rid of a lot of fluid

you might end up with a low blood

pressure and with the fluid becomes loss

of electrolytes and you might get dizzy

from that so start consuming more and

more sea salt with water the other thing

I want to mention with the adrenals if

you dream if you have adrenal fatigue or

you have adrenal burnout and your

cortisol actually is low not high but

low you could be losing a lot of sodium

and this is one of the conditions

advanced conditions it’s called

Addison’s disease where your adrenals

are just shot where if you don’t consume

enough salt you can die so you just lose

so much salt so with the adrenals are

really good for the I’m sorry salt is

really good for the adrenals so you want

to beef up on the salt no pun intended

Kevin what if someone did not sure how

this would be but what if someone

couldn’t get sea salt then find a Salt

Lick and then just go out there a Salt

Lick no if you can’t find sea salt it’s

cuz that’s really hard to find

I mean maybe someone maybe someone is

somewhere where they just don’t sell

that I’m just reading the question okay

you can find sea salt just about

anywhere if you can’t go to the Dead Sea

go to go to the ocean

drink some seawater no don’t do that I

mean that’s a plan B

go write some plans see just right okay

now I’m dying to know the answer to this

question can you talk about camel meat I

think it’s I think it’s a good good

source of protein

I actually know something about candy

yeah yeah it’s actually camel milk as

well it’s actually really really healthy

for you so you can’t find it shine

certain areas of the country like um

Jersey Minnesota but if you’re in the

Middle where you can find it where can

you find camel meat and you need to fly

to the Middle East to find high-quality

camel meat I was grasping I wish I was

sure you were gonna say I have no

nothing to say about that but of course

dr. Burke you knew something about camel

me and you had something to say about it

I loved it

okay you know something about this too

and so do i what about hand and foot

skin that peels this is a B vitamin

deficiency B vitamins so there’s a lot

of skin problems that happen when you

have B vitamin deficiencies especially

about a vitamin b2 or b3 which is

pellagra and your skin starts having all

sorts of issues one note on this Karen

if you have like cracked cracks on the

your heels for example that’s a b2

deficiency if you have even acne around

your mouth okay that can be fluoride in

the water you’re drinking so there’s a

condition called halogen acne also

there’s one called flora dermal I think

acne where you’re basically consuming

too much fluoride and here you are like

thinking it’s helping you but it’s

actually creating more skin issues um I

think I released the video on that today

so you want to get a water filter that

pulls out fluoride and I actually

recommend one which looks quite crystal

crystal some company I’ll just go to my

YouTube video and check it out

someone says what supplements can you

take for omegap omegas do I sell any I

currently am not selling any omega-3

fatty acids I am getting one soon but

the problem is I wanted a very high

quality cod liver oil that didn’t go

rancid that was in a powder here’s the

problem all the powders have they spray

them with multi dextran or other things

that I don’t want in them so I did find

a company that is working on another

formula it’s not out yet but they’ll be

able to help me with this so I’m working

on that now but in the meantime I would

go to Amazon and get a virgin cod liver

oil and start taking that high quality I

mean it’s really good

I mean cod liver oil is so so important

especially for growing kids pregnant

women women that are breastfeeding the

size of the brain of the child is

influenced by that and one thing that’s

really I think an interesting topic

Karen I want to talk about metabolism

what slows your metabolism there’s two

big ones and a big myth is that your

metabolism will slow because you’re

skipping a meal some people actually

still think that if I skip a meal my

metabolism be slower because eating will

increase the metabolism or it is true

that low calorie diets can slow your

metabolism but skipping a meal is

different skipping meal is decreasing

the frequency of meal and that is going

to increase your improvement in your

blood sugars and insulin resistance

which is going to be the biggest factor

in improving your metabolism but there’s

one more thing Karen yeah

which a lot of people can’t do anything

about necessarily because you’d have to

pick your parents more wisely but if the

mother who is pregnant with you

consumes a lot of carbohydrates and then

develops insulin resistance

in diabetes the chances of you getting

diabetes go up dramatically the chances

of you having weight problems come up

and a lot of health problems so the

reason I’m saying this is if you know

someone who is pregnant okay get them to

watch some of the videos that we’re

doing because it’s the future health of

that child is dependent on what that

mother eats very very important stay

tuned for more information on that okay

you didn’t give you a certain someone

asked about ferritin levels okay

okay someone’s asking about ferritin

levels which relate to iron you it’s

very very dangerous to have too much

iron it’s very dangerous to have not

enough iron you just brought them out

the problem with iron Karen yeah is that

our bodies can’t get rid of it easily

especially if if you’re a guy and you

don’t menstruate or you’re basically

beyond men straining and you do I do you

look at me when you say that I was

looking over there at the floor someone

just asked if your wife was pregnant is

your wife pregnant

well no but that would be very rude to

say to someone um so here’s the thing

about iron now if you’re drinking water

that it’s heavy with iron or are cooking

in iron pots and pans or taking

supplements with iron or doing a lot of

red meat and you have an excess of iron

you can end up with Alzheimer’s cancer a

lot of other issues in which case you’re

gonna have to chelate or pull these this

iron out especially if you know you’re a

guy that you can’t get rid of it easily

so I have done videos on this there’s a

great key later you can do

but first immediately get rid of the

iron supplements you’re taking and learn

about what foods are low in iron but you

can do

it’s called EDTA it’s a key later that

helps pull iron out but yeah you want to

get rid of the iron and then also do

periodic donation of your blood to

actually reduce that iron level and you

actually feel so much better

iron is very very toxic in large amounts

okay okay I want to mention about the

summit coming up oh good idea

okay guys there’s a couple reasons why

you need to come to the summit one is

that the speakers are going to blow you

away we have the top experts in Quito

and I asked both together and I wonder

just kind of go down the list to tell

you who’s coming because I think he

would be interested to come out and just

be in this environment you’re gonna meet

a lot of friends but like-minded people

but dr. Mercola is coming and he’s going

to be talking about some really

cutting-edge new stuff he’s one of the

top guys in health and you get to meet


if you come also dr. Westman who is a

medical doctor he’s down at Duke in

North Carolina

he’s like the keto researcher he’s in

clinic he uses keto as his primary mode

of therapy to all of his patients he’s

coming it’s awesome

Jackie Burstein she worked with dr.

Atkins and so did dr. Westman as well by

the way did the research for him but

Jackie you were seeing she did she was

like a clinical director of his clinics

I think I had not the right title but

anyway she’s been around keto probably

longer than anyone that I know she’s

really knowledgeable she’s good with a

lot of practical information she’s

coming she was voted that the best one

of the best speakers last year so we’re

inviting her back so you want to stay

tuned for that screen - cardiologists

who are low-carb

keto friendly experts but these guys do

surgery on hearts I mean you need this

data because if you’re concerned about

cholesterol we’re doing it right they’re

gonna speak big dr. Anna dear and also

doctor sure Brett sure is coming both of

them are really knowledgeable in this so

you’ll get to meet them as well doctor

he’s the professor been bickmans coming

he does research bring him young and he

has his own lab and they study the cause

of insulin resistance fascinating guy

great research I mean you’re gonna love


another one that’s coming is

Nadia pod iguana okay it’s coming she’s

a naturopathic doctor she’s coming she

works with Jason Fung who’s a medical

doctor and she’s gonna be talking about

fertility PCOS and fasting and so is

Megan Ramos who also works with bassist

Jason Fung in their clinic she’s gonna

be talking about fasting in a minute

fasting you don’t want to miss that

and of course Ivor Cummins is gonna come

he is an engineer he’s gonna be talking

about insulin and cholesterol and a lot

of hot topics he’s really funny yeah and

we always enjoy him but these are just

speakers are coming and dr. Berg I’ll be

there so yeah and then we have some

sponsors keto mojo us wellness meets and

do we ever I mean we actually and just

so you guys know we don’t get any

kickbacks or anything from these guys

but the point is that we endorse them

because we like them and we invite them

to the summit right but us wellness

meets is coming

kibosh is coming pretty sure they’re

coming and chocolate cocoa perfection is


and love good fats is coming Bragg’s you

know about Bragg’s opposite of vinegar

and select savory seasonings will be

there Redman real salt it’s not fake

salt it’s real salt they’re gonna be

there and there’s another six um lineup

so it’s gonna be a lot more this year

there was just a small number of

exhibitors and this year there’s gonna

be a lot more it’s gonna be a bit more

like a keto fair it’s August 31st and

September 1st in the Gaylord hotel

it’s called National Harbor Maryland but

it’s really right across the river from

DC and Old Town Alexandria and I noticed

I’ll tell you we have a rim block with

an amazing great at the Gaylord it is

filling up really fast I never run out

we actually got an additional block of

rooms but we are running out of these

rooms really fast now there are

other hotels in the area like right

across the street but I can’t guarantee

it that there’s anything available it’s

a holiday weekend a lot of people are

coming for four or five days um enjoying

the holiday yeah how can you find out

about it there’s I would go to dr. Byrd

comm there’s a link right at the top of

the page and then register within a

couple days because you you don’t want

to miss out in the room yeah

the other thing I want to mention I

wanted to mention too sorry to catch you

but I wanted to mention that there are

different three different tiers and

we’re almost sold out of the Platinum I

think we might have two seats left


so if you wanted that do it today good

yeah and so yeah so stay tuned we’ll be

doing more videos on that but it’s a

it’s something that I think that if you

want a master key doubt you need to come

out let’s go through some questions

there’s a these questions are stacking

up here they are stacking up and I did

want to say someone was saying they were

on the phone for a half hour should they

hang up I think at this point

unfortunately I would say yes because

our entire facility lost its internet

and we are that’s why we’re using

telephones right now we didn’t want to

just not do this with you guys but the

phone line yeah sorry first time it

happened unfortunately the first time

this is a problem someone asked about

accutane yeah that’s that was basically

banned and it’s one of those drugs where

they thought it’s safe then years later

oh it’s not safe

yeah so by the synthetic vitamin a watch

my videos on acne I have a lot of them

do that instead alright and thank you

baby girl I appreciate the compliment oh

it’s not banned Emma

it’s not banned you got to be kidding me

okay so we got some false data there

that’s why you always think for yourself

do your own research oh I just I

completely and utterly wanted to add one

more speaker Logan Sneed is out that’s

right we just we actually got him in we

we were we rearranged some things we got

him in so he’s gonna be speaking on his

experience with brain cancer so you

definitely want to come

to check that out as well he is a pretty

good following so I think you’re gonna

enjoy his talk quite quite well okay I

have two two interesting questions is

alcohol good for an acid or a low acid

stomach alcohol it’s good if you want to

drown your sorrows no now you don’t want

to be drinking alcohol to change your pH

because I mean just take any of the

imbalances with nutrients micronutrients

it’s it’s like alcohol is the top of the

list it sucks nutrition out it cause

more deliberative work harder oh wow

you’re right

Thomas de Lauer is coming what I don’t

know for some reason no I thought I

mentioned him but yeah Thomas de la rue

is going to be those that names just

keep on coming I thank you guys for keep

me in check here because yeah Thomas

flour is gonna be there you could you’re

gonna meet him he’s gonna talk on all

sorts of really cool things in Quito

yeah so yes so James my gosh else did

you miss I know what I screwed up on

that you know that’s my mic I might be

screwing up on a couple more people that

are exhibits I requested a list

beforehand because they’re more getting

added and getting paid every day so um

Thomas if you’re watching sorry Logan

sorry did we mention everybody else he

says as far as I know now as far as I

know okay um did you want to do that one

what I didn’t see it this one right here

why do SSRIs cause waking well because

what they do to your hormones and how

they influence insulin actually are

increased your risk of insulin

resistance okay so that’s why and that

is the problem you know if you do keto

and I F you’re gonna find that your mood

is going to change its going to be a lot


because your brain is finally getting

fed and you’re absorbing more of the

amino acids into your brain which can

then make the neurotransmitters which is

going to help your mood big-time okay

good so I just want to say to a lot of

you guys we get a lot of questions that

are specific medical questions right

there asking about medical diagnosis

asking about medicine treatments things

like that that’s not what we do

that’s not our realm and you’ll never

hear us telling you what to do medically

for any medical condition if there’s

ways that that some thing some kind of

nutrition can support a body or help

heal certain things in terms of growing

healthy tissue whatever but we we’re

probably not even going to take your

questions if they are asking how do you

treat a medical condition it’s just not

and that question is really related to

someone new because most people we’ve

mostly guys know about this new and

you’re thinking we’re ignoring you and

by the way almost all of the questions

actually a hundred percent of the

questions today are from YouTube so if

you think you don’t you’re not getting

the shout out it’s all Facebook I’m just

not going through them Facebook well

you’re not you’re only getting who’s

watching on Facebook you’re not getting

the questions

no okay thanks hoping so if you guys

have a medical question this is what I

would recommend implement the basics of

healthy kiddo and if’ in a minute

fasting first and I you know what nine

times out of 10 you’re gonna find that a

lot of your symptoms are not going to be

there you’re going to avoid them it’s

just amazing how I know some of you are

saying oh it just sounds too simple but

I’m telling you the things that are

powerful are simple things that are

complex usually are not true I just said

food is medicine

well it says like that and what’s

happening is like there’s just not this

emphasis on

foods and even let’s take for example

arrhythmias okay your heart starts

skipping you get palpitations where it

speeds up and you have all these

rhythmic problems and so you have this

huge textbooks and I buy them on

arrhythmias and heart problems and

you’re like it gets so complex and

people get on medication and run it for

the rest of their life but I’m but I’m

like wait a second wait a second where

is the rate research that talks about

why you get them in the first place and

in relating to food and electrolytes the

pacemaker of the heart

it’s basically little bundles of these

little cells that are on a rhythm need

electrolytes but no-one’s talking about

getting electrolytes from your diet and

how do you get that salad vegetables

things like that they’re not emphasizing

that so and of course a lot of

medications and things will deplete the

electrolytes and so will stimulants and

my coffee and recreational drugs and

refined foods pull out these

electrolytes so if you just start with

the food you can solve a lot of issues

prevent and avoid a lot of issues okay

I said Dhamma I think it’s Deanna sorry

Deanna it’s like a two font on this

phone um oh they said I think you have

your Commons turned off on Facebook oh

you’re right it could be we really did

this on the fly we just didn’t want you

guys sitting and waiting anymore sorry

about that next week we’ll be back in


I hope let’s see

okay well there was a question here I

gained all of my weight in my belly why

is that okay you may be new to the

channel because you’re gonna actually

have gained weight in the midsection

mainly from two things one is high

levels of insulin because you’re eating

too many carbs or high levels of

cortisol which then turns in the insulin

or actually increases insulin and that’s

the stress stress in carbs so that’s

what happens but let’s say for example

you get on keto and if’ and you lose

weight but not in your stomach and you

really need to target the stomach some

people have such a fatty liver and it’s

spilling over into the belly that they

have to first use up all the fat and the

liver and actually handle the liver

issue before the evening gets and for

your body starts even tapping into the

belly fat and so it takes time but

there’s one thing you can do if you want

to know to speed up the process if you

want a flat belly and we’re gonna do

anything we’re gonna cover that at the

later in the show advanced seminar next

month after I come out have the time and

I’m just being sarcastic

okay so this is what you do guns really

simple okay

it’s called Oh mad every other day what

you eat one meal a day every other day I

don’t recommend jumping into it

overnight but just grab do it and this

don’t eat if you’re not hungry what’s

gonna happen is you’re gonna go wow I’m

not hungry and then you’re gonna be

ready for the meal I’m like no no just

keep going keep going longer and longer

longer until the point where you’re

eating every other day that is sink

hands down the fastest way to get your

stomach flat if you have some way to

lose now the problem with me is I don’t

want to lose any more weight so I have

to consume bragger at least two meals

for one massive large meal which is

really hard to consume 3,000 calories

one meal so what I’ll do is I’ll have a

kind of like a within a maybe three

four-hour window trying to go three

maybe even two and just trying to eat

all my calories in that period of time

but I’m just bragging

hey bragging you’re just bragging I am

hey I have a question

yeah so there’s a nutrition a student of

nutrition that asked what book would you

recommend they read if you could have

one I mean you should see our house it’s

just filled filled filled with

physiology and medical books and

nutrition books but if there was one

well of course I’m assuming you have my

book just on basic foods I am creating a

course on nutrition and vitamins but as

far as books on nutrition let me think

about this the problem is there’s not

one book there’s like for example I buy

textbooks on on zinc or DHA or or one

nutrient and they’re just by different

authors but they’re just I mean I would

highly recommend them there they’re like

200 bucks so that’s the problem

but to have them oh yeah you can rent

them for like a few days for 30 bucks

but I’m work on that I’ll get a

reference list but there are some books

out there from some really top guys that

have great data to share but right now

I’m reading several books one is on

malabsorption and it’s just fascinating

because it gets into the parts of your

digestive system that have absorbed very

specific nutrients and if you have

damage for this what you’re going to be

deficient in that’s the topic I’m in one

of the topics I’m going to be talking

about at the summit so you want to come

to that in relationship to keto and a

half and how to maximize your absorption

of nutrients your gut and why we have

problems with all the fiber so it’s

going to be a very interesting talk the

problem with that talk is I really want

to do videos on this topic but I’m

withholding myself because I want to say

that for the supplement and it’s like I

can’t really talk about it even though I

want to okay so that was great and I

think it would be cool if periodically

you just brought the book on that you

were really into like your reading and

really into it because you know I mean

really because your day is filled with

ordering research studies researching

research studies digging into the book

and I think you know with the purpose of

having these guys understand more some

will be interested in reading that kind

of stuff most yeah you have to have the

discipline or the interest make sure you

find all your complex words you have to

have the interest with a discipline to

basically dig in and focus on one topic

over a period of time to really get all

this data I think someone has a TD or

something or they they can’t understand

the language or they don’t have they’re

not looking up their words they’re gonna

basically not continue so one thing I’m

really doing is I emphasize as I go

through I’m trying to understand

everything and not to keep going if I

don’t understand something right yeah

oh it’s afternoon see we’re in like this

we’re in like this wormhole where we

don’t really know what time it is what I

wanted to give away of VIP ticket to the

summit so we have to do that really

quick okay okay so I want to know since

we have YouTube it’s for YouTube guys if

you can or you you can make it go right

to the come to the summit and you would

come if you got a VIP ticket state yes

your name and where you would be coming

from and then I’m gonna pick one and and

then really quick go well we’ll do the

one for Facebook maybe later today or

tomorrow but no I can’t I can’t I mean

next week we can do it yeah so don’t

feel like you’re missing out right well

we’re doing we’re gonna do this every

week until um okay here’s one so don’t

pick it yet cuz they’re all but just let

me let me let them do that for like a

minute or so and I’m gonna I’m gonna

talk about some of the comments well we

started late it’s fine with me

all right so let’s see here what what

can I talk about why don’t you talk

about charley horses

yeah okay someone cramping there I think

I’ve actually have a video on this but

the crap ain’t crank okay okay so let me

start over again alright so be cramping

or a versions of cramping which is

called tetiny or twitching like that or

you might have in your arm its little

sound effects there really come from an

imbalance of electrolytes there’s it’s

not just one electrolyte though it could

be magnesium it could be calcium it

could be sodium it could be potassium so

it could also be a problem of your pH is

too alkaline because your stress is too

high or to me you’re eating too much

sugar in which case you would want to do

outside of vinegar so what I like to do

if someone is cramping is I the first

thing I was saying is okay so I don’t

know what electrolyte you’re deficient

in so let me just kind of reverse the

question and say what what did you eat

you know what are you been eating the

last week and just find out do they have

a problem with hidden sugars are they

eating not enough vegetables are they

eating low magnesium foods are they

eating low potassium foods already -

taking medication pulling out this stuff

are they on an anti acid are they out of

diuretic like I want to find out what

could be causing electrolyte imbalance

and then I’ll ask him other symptoms for

if their pH is off and then what I’ll do

and then then I can actually tell them

what’s going on but it’s hard to

evaluate someone Karen if you don’t have

all the data mm-hmm so someone says oh I

can’t lose weight okay I need to know a

little more about that mm-hmm so anyway

okay good

what do we hope well first of all was a

plea here to answer I think it’s Rohini

from India he’s been asking questions

how do you do keto for Indians if there

is no kale available you don’t have to

do can do other vegetables any other

Green you guys have all you can so I

know in India I know you guys need a lot

of cook foods I know there’s a lot of

sugar and why do I know that because you

have a very high rate of getting

diabetes I honestly do want to go to

India to do a seminar we want to go

there but we need kale first we need to

we need you guys to at some point we are

gonna be going to India

the point I think is that there are way

more important things to for keto and

intermittent fasting than just having

kale available green it’s getting the

sugar out it’s getting the other

carbohydrates out it’s just fine

what’s your popular you know eat your

popular green vegetable right okay who’s

gonna win okay so now we went a little

bit far here so let me just dig one up

I have Mary Oberstein is watching hey

Mary Mary holy cow Mary how you doing

that’s cool

okay let me pick a winner I’m sorry

because we got on you started talking

about other things and everyone just

started commenting I’m in this tiny

phone here but I have someone I have her

part of her name so I’m gonna find the

rest of it can you say something

interesting while I’m finding this I

have nothing else decide no more data

okay Austin my data users and I will I

will um I can talk here here it is okay

good uh Carla back from Peoria Arizona

you are the guy Jane GI Jane Carla Beck

Carla congratulations and and what I

want you to do is I want you to email

Maria at dr. Berg at dr. Berg comm GI

Jane yes okay awesome

so we’ll see you at the summit I’m gonna

tell Maria that you get the ticket email

dr. Berg at dr. Berg calm and she is

gonna verify you and we will see you

there and every week we’re going to be


away some tickets so hey guess what now

the comments are sir

now the comments are coming in on

Facebook all right so you guys thanks

for hanging in there with us and yeah

we’re gonna find out what’s happening

with this next next year next week it’s

gonna be back to normal and I feel bad

about all these questions people had I

know all the callers so if you want to I

tell you what if you’re if you have

found this ask the questions below and

I’ll today I’ll go through I’ll try to

answer some of the questions below okay

yeah I know we get like three thousand

thousand I’ll try to answer a bunch of

them anyway have a wonderful week and

and we will see you next week and we

really hope to see you at the summit

yeah coming up yeah in about a month and

a half so close now yeah okay guys

thanks for coming thanks for hanging out

with us and all our technical

difficulties we’ll see you next week

okay see ya okay bye