How To Dissolve Kidney Stones Explained By Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Burke here listen in this video I’m  gonna discuss how to dissolve kidney stones but I  

want to make a disclaimer first make sure that  you’re discussing it for this information any  

changes with your doctor because this is not meant  for a replacement for any meds or any surgery that  

they’re gonna do any okay so I just wanted to  present this as extra information to work with  

he or she in helping to you know prevent this from  coming back or helping slow down stones sometimes  

it takes several months to dissolve stones and  if you can prevent an invasive procedure I think  

it’s worth it to try this you can always go  back and get your ultrasound and see if the  

stones are shrinking but here’s here’s the data  most kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones  

or calcium phosphate stones twenty percent or  a little less than twenty percent of the stones  

are uric acid crystal stones okay so there’s two  different there’s several but these are the main  

two now golf stones are completely different than  kidney stones as far as the formation gall stones  

are more cholesterol stones because of lack of  bile kidney stones if we’re going to talk about  

the most common are calcium oxalate stones okay so  there’s there’s really two things that you need to  

put your attention on one is removing the oxalates  from your diet this is like a waste product from  

metabolism but oxalates bind with calcium in the  kidney okay and they develop these little crystals  

that then can create a lot of problems they can  get lodged right on the kidney right before the  

ureter and cause a backup of fluid and pressure  and cause a lot of pain the symptoms from kidney  

stones are very similar to the symptoms from gull  stones so sometimes you don’t know what is causing  

what because they’re very very similar but you  can get an ultrasound or a cat scan to find that  

out all right so the underlying mechanism is that  usually the person is low in citrates and high  

in oxalates now citrates actually help prevent  the formation of stones and help dissolve stones  

so the two mechanisms that you want to focus  our increasing sit rates in the diet decreasing  

oxalates all right so let’s go through step one  number one you want to increase sit rates there  

are many types of lemon juice that you can  consume I like the volcano lemon juice you  

can even get lemon juice any lemon juice and it  will work but I would like to recommend that you  

get a higher quality lemon juice because it’s  a lot more nutritious volcano is the best but  

you can just get organic lemon juice but lemon  juice has a lot of citrates anything any mineral  

with citrate at the end of it is a citrate so  you can do potassium citrate which I like that  

one way better than sodium citrate but potassium  citrate will break off so a good portion of the  

potassium will go this way the citrate will  go that way and it starts to form with the  

calcium and help break up the stones so that will  handle the citrate number two you want to avoid  

oxalates now I put a link down below of all the  different categories of foods and what has high  

extremely high oxalates and what are very low  and you can use that but spinach is the top of  

the list spinach has hundreds of milligrams of  oxalates per ounces of spinach and then we also  

have avocado is high dates are high grapefruit  is high potato wheat beans beets are very high  

Swiss chard is very high Kiwi canned pineapple is  very high figs and tofu are very high in oxalates  

okay nuts unfortunately very high almonds are  very very high I’m sorry did you realize that  

kale is very low in oxalates even though it’s a  cruciferous it has like seven teen milligrams  

per three ounces spinach is hundreds okay cabbage  is low in oxalates bok choy is low cauliflower is  

low cucumber is low so take the list down below  dissect it make notes and what you’re going to  

you know do if as far as you’re changing your  diet now the point I want to make is this it is  

true and some of the other videos I talked about  calcium coming out of solution into the different  

soft tissues when your body is too alkaline okay  so when you have alkalosis calcium participates or  

it precipitates out of the solution and starts  clogging up joints and things that’s true but  

if you take dietary calcium like some cheese  and things like that that will not end up in  

the calcium through the kidneys in fact some of  that calcium through the digestive system will  

bind with the oxalates and lower the chance of  getting a stone the thing you need to worry about  

is taking dietary extra calcium like supplements  like calcium in a supplement form especially  

calcium carbonate you want to avoid that so just  make sure you’re not taking these supplements  

with calcium but you can take some dietary foods  that are higher in calcium okay the other point I  

want to make is there’s a confusion with vitamin D  there’s mixed reviews a lot of the recent research  

says that vitamin D actually helps lower stones  some of the older research says it will increase  

it but here’s my viewpoint vitamin D helps the  absorption of calcium in the intestines by 20  

times that doesn’t necessarily mean it ends up in  the kidney okay so I think it’s okay vitamin k2 is  

another vitamin that’s very important if you have  kidney stones because that helps you hold calcium  

in the bone that helps you remove calcium from  soft tissues and puts it in the bone where it  

should be so this is a very good anti kidney stone  vitamin there’s also mixed reviews and vitamin C  

or ascorbic acid you know synthetic like large  amounts of the scorebook acid some studies show  

that it increases some studies do not so I am I  don’t have an opinion about it and see I don’t  

know exactly what it does some people think that  cranberry helps dissolve kidney stones it does  

not all cranberry will do will help lessen the  stickiness of the bacteria on your ladder okay  

now let’s talk about uric acid crystals now that  particular type of stone usually comes when your  

pH is too acid your urine pH is too acid and that  could happen after several things number one you  

need a ketosis diet and all of a sudden you upload  a kidney stone or you have an insulin problem a  

lot of diabetics have kidney stones because of the  sugar involved because sugar fructose that kind of  

can lead to uric acid building up in the body so  if you have more of the uric acid stones what you  

want to do is increase the pH and you can do that  or alkalis the by a little bit more by taking the  

potassium citrate or even lemon juice because both  of these are alkaline even though the lemon juice  

is a an acid it turns into an alkaline ash in the  body so actually these two remedies will be good  

for both of these the I last point on the mention  that’s very very important is that if you have a  

uric acid crystals in the kidney they’re little  stones or gout you need to fix the insulin you  

need to lower the insulin okay because it usually  comes from insulin resistance I’m gonna put a link  

down below to give you the data I just wanted the  more of a comprehensive video because I have a  

lot of different videos talking about different  aspects but this is a real comprehensive video  

just to give you the overview of what to do if  you had a kidney stone alright thanks for watching