The #1 Best Food for CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) | DrEricBergDC

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I’d like to discuss this very

interesting amazing molecule called

coenzyme Q10 now what is it and where do

you get it and what food has the highest

amount I’ll enzyme Q10 is a helper

molecule that is inside your

mitochondria to help you make energy ATP

in their cells and it is in every single

cell in the body it helps in this


into ATP as well as stabilizing the

membrane and preventing

any type of leakage of electrons now if

you think about a battery a battery is

filled with this energy that is filled

with electrons and if you had a hole in

the battery and they leaked out you’d

get a dead battery

same exact thing happens in your cells

in relationship to coenzyme Q10

if you don’t have enough of it you’re

going to have a loss of energy I think

the best way to kind of help you

understand the significance of coenzyme

Q10 is to talk about what happens with

statins when you take a Statin

you could generate this condition called

statin-induced myopathies because statin

drugs block the formation of coenzyme

Q10 now what is a myopathy like what

type of problems can you have when you

have a myopathy well muscle pain muscle

weakness and you’re going to have an

intolerance to exercise you’re not going

to want to exercise you’re going to get

tired real fast even if you like climb

the stairs or climb a hill you’re going

to run out of oxygen pretty quick a lens

I’m Q10 can increase the energy in your

muscles in your in your entire body it

can greatly reduce your fatigue

especially when you’re exercising it

actually can give you more oxygen when

you exercise so you’re less winded and

it also can improve your repair

when you exercise so that’s going to

improve your performance now if you have

congestive heart failure you should

definitely be taking coenzyme Q10 or be

eating the foods that are high in

coenzyme Q10 which I’m going to explain

but in one study with patients that had

congestive heart failure much less

hospitalizations especially from

pulmonary edema

cardiac asthma

and arrhythmias now another interesting

thing about coenzyme Q10 it gets

transported through the body

on a shuttle

and the name of that shuttle is LDL

that’s right that so-called batch

cholesterol is the transportation of

this coenzyme Q10 it it’s bound to it

it’s in it travels to the body and

without that LDL it doesn’t really go

anywhere it kind of just kind of lingers

around and doesn’t do much so we need

the LDL now another purpose of coenzyme

Q10 is its ability to act as an

antioxidant so it prevents the oxidation

of LDL so this is another benefit it

gives you this anti-athrogenic effect so

it supports the arteries so that’s

pretty much what cleans mq10 does I mean

it does a lot of other things for your

brain for the different organs but let’s

just talk about what food has the most

enzyme Q10

it is

heart muscle that’s right which is an

organ to meat that very few people

consume recently we had one of our um

cows butchered and they wanted to know

if I wanted to keep the heart muscle and

I’m like yes I do I definitely want to

keep all the organs so I’m going to

freeze dry that heart

and I’m going to turn it into

freeze-dried heart capsules okay and

that’s one way I’m going to get my

coenzyme Q10 and I’ll do a video on that

to share my experience to see what

happens but you can actually find some

grass-fed heart or you can get it as

supplements of course find a high

quality Source but out of all the organs

in our bodies and other animals the

heart has the most coenzyme Q10 and so

another good source of coenzyme Q10 is

in other organomets like kidney liver

brain finds mq10 is also in about a fish

it’s even in extra virgin olive oil when

you exercise you can increase the number

of mitochondria that you have and you

can indirectly increase the amount of

coenzyme Q10 that your body makes just

by doing regular exercise but a lot of

people get their coenzyme Q10 from


the challenge with coenzyme Q10 is it in

its bioavailability the absorption rate

is like only five percent there are

other types of coenzyme Q10 that are

more bioavailable and one being

something called ubiquinol on the flip

side what are those things that could

inhibit coenzyme Q10 well I already

mentioned statins

but there’s other things like the normal

aging process can decrease the amount of

coenzyme Q10 which could explain why the

majority of the population on Earth

usually end up dying from a heart

problem but for anything connected to


coenzyme Q10 is a great remedy that can

help there’s other cofactors involved in

the this coenzyme Q10 working in the

mitochondria so if you’re deficient in

vitamin C for example or vitamin B6 or


or alpha lipoic acid you could actually

end up having a lowered amount of

coenzyme Q10 and also anything that

messes with your mitochondria will

diminish coenzyme Q10 and that includes

diabetes Alzheimer’s many many different

things brass is another thing that can

diminish your

natural pool of coenzyme Q10 but I

wanted to give you a quick summary of

what coenzyme Q10 is in a simple video

and if you want the complete information

on supporting

a healthy cardiovascular system you

should check this video right here