7 SURPRISING GMO Foods That You Must Avoid | DrEricBergDC

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so i want to share with you some pretty

surprising gmo foods that you

may have never heard about

but before i do i want to share

something with you this morning when i

have my breakfast


i always like to read labels so i

noticed that

this product had 2 grams of fat per

serving size which is incredible but

good thing it had zero cholesterol but

if you scroll down

it has this very interesting new term i

want to share with you it says contains

bioengineered food ingredients i don’t

know if you can see that probably can’t

see that

bio-engineered food ingredients what the

heck is that all about so the definition

of bio-engineered food ingredients

is this

food that contains detectable

genetic material that has been modified

through certain lab techniques

that cannot be created through

conventional breeding or found in nature

now a few years ago food manufacturing


were a little concerned that gmos were

going to be labeled

on their products because vermont in a

few other states passed laws

that now had to label products with gmos

and just so you know gmos are basically

foods that they’ve altered the dna

genetics and food manufacturing

companies were concerned that

more and more states

would legalize or pass laws

to reveal what foods were genetically

modified versus which ones weren’t so

they had a very very bright idea

they came up with a new term called

bioengineered ingredients it sounds

different than gmo foods the branding

shows this wonderful sun

on these great crops with this little

plant growing so it it seems very very

safe and healthy but basically

bioengineer products are another name

for gmos it pretty much bypassed the gmo


problem that they had now if we again

look a little closer at the definition

of bioengineered food ingredients

it says food that contains detectable



okay detectable

here’s the problem when you process the

food especially when you alter process

the food like in 70 percent of all the

refined foods out there

this genetic material

falls below the radar gmos are not

detectable in some of these really ultra

fine products because they’re using

chemicals and high heat and pressure

and solvents to basically break down

these gmo products so small that they’re


so what does that mean it means that

if the more processing you do to a

product the more you can get rid of the

traces of gmo so they don’t have to be

labeled as bio-engineered food

ingredients whereas if they had gmo


if they came from a gmo product they

would have to put it on the label

so it’s actually an ingenious way

to hide gmo in products below the radar

and on top of that these companies don’t

even have to use the term bioengineered

food ingredients they can instead they

can use either a qr code that little

barcode that gives a lot more

information about product that little

code that you have to scan with your

cell phone or a phone number that you’d

have to call to get more information

if this product was bio-engineered or

not so the question is who has time to

scan this barcode or call the number and

most customers probably 99 of all

customers don’t have a clue of what the

term bio-engineered food ingredients

really it means

and so now you know what it means and i

really appreciate if you can spread this

video to your friends and family far and

wide so more and more people can

understand what this new term is

all right let’s go

back to the main reason for this video

which are surprising gmo foods that you

may be eating that you may want to

consider not eating all right number one

yellow squash okay

that is gmo now realize if you’re having

organic yellow squash

it’s not going to be gmo all right

number two beets

like the vast majority of beets

especially in the u.s

probably 95 percent of them are gmo and

that is where we’re getting our sugar

from as well so if something says sugar

on the label

chances are it’s from beets and chances

are it is gmo sugar all right number

three papaya is gmo number four eggplant

is gmo unless it says non-gmo or organic

all right number five green zucchini is

gmo right unless it says organic and

number six certain apples are gmo and

number seven

which is

most surprising

salmon is gmo now if it says wild caught


it’s not going to be gmo but certain

farm-raised salmon is gmo so this is

just another reason why to

choose organic if possible but if you

don’t have organic available

at least at the bare minimum do the

non-gmo but there’s some real

interesting information about what

non-gmo really means and i put that

video up right here check it out
