Dr. Berg's Easy Tips to Stick to Keto & Intermittent Fasting Plan | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys recently I had a person ask me

the question how can you make it easier

to stick to a key tell an intermittent

fasting program are there any tips okay

and so I asked I asked them back

what are you running into what throws

you off okay so I’m gonna go through all

the objections one by one but really the

question is for you if you’re having a

hard time sticking to this what throws

you off isolate the barrier because

there are solutions to every single

barrier I’m gonna cover quite a few

right here I think the biggest thing is

results you’ve tried all these things in

the past they haven’t worked and now

here’s the next thing and in your mind

like oh that’s probably not going to

work but what I want to do is I want to

present a new concept to you the concept

is it’s not lose weight to get healthy

it’s get healthy to lose the weight

shift your goal to getting healthy

forget the weight because you’re gonna

find out the weight loss is gonna come

with getting healthy that concept it was

really really effective but you’re

focusing just on the weight you’re gonna

set yourself up for a lot of failure

because weight loss is a byproduct of

getting healthy especially if it’s

healthy weight loss all right so what

throws you off is it bread well there’s

a lot of recipes for alternative breads

that you can consume so that’s gonna be

easy hunger your hunger is gonna go away

when you do this because we’re gonna

drop insulin you’re gonna burn your own

fat the hunger is gonna go away it’s

gonna take about three to seven days

before it goes away but when you adapt

no more hunger no more cravings that’s

gonna really increase your ability to

stick with it scheduling maybe you eat

run a certain time and your family eats

around a certain time and it’s not

convenient blah blah blah well what do

you do in a minute fasting the frequency

of eating is shortened and you can you

can stick that eating plan anywhere in

your schedule it doesn’t have to be in a

certain time it’s actually actually

going to be very easy the scheduling is

going to be very simple because you’re

not eating six meals a day you’re eating

less frequent so it’s going to be easier

on your schedule

alright depriving yourself of certain

carbs you could have a lot of

alternatives that mimic the carbohydrate

for mashed potatoes bread cookies any of

these biscuits there are so many things

that you can substitute that you will

never feel deprived I’ll put a link down

below and I do it I do know what people

mean but because when you tell them you

can’t have something they want it more

and plus you’re gonna do this on a very

slow gradual pace so it’s not a shock to

your system or your you’re not gonna

feel like oh my gosh I’m starving it’s

not gonna be the case let’s say you’re

bored with eating the same thing over

and over

well that’s why there’s a recipe books

there’s a ton of ones we have some

Kindle recipe books that give you a lot

of choices I’ll put some links down

below it’s expensive well no actually

it’s not when you cut down the frequency

of eating oh my gosh your your grocery

bill is gonna go way down you can save

four to five to six hundred dollars a

month on doing this so it’s very

inexpensive and then take that a little

bit of that extra and focus on the

quality of your foods you don’t like

salad well just buy it predigested no

that’s impossible

get something to chew it for you that’s

probably not gonna work either but that

is one thing that you’re gonna have to

bite the bullet okay and you’re gonna

have to figure it out I think once you

start doing it and maybe blend your kale

with the shake or start doing it on a

smaller scale I think you may begin to

want it more and more because a lot of

people like the they don’t like salads

but we start consuming it they feel so

much better they’re like huh I can do

this so it is a small barrier to

overcome but you are going to have to

consume more vegetable side effects keto

flu fatigued keto rash if you understand

how to do this correctly because you’ve

studied it and you know how to do it

you’re not gonna have to go through this

and that’s why I recommend read a book

on it get the knowledge of it don’t just

do it you know halfway learn how to do

this and prepare and do it right because

you can actually

set yourself up for a lot of good things

versus a lot of bad things I’ll just

give you an example when you start going

Quito you’re gonna dump a lot of fluid

okay you’re gonna lose a lot of fluid

water weight probably leaven 212 pounds

of fluid and then you’re gonna Plateau

well with the fluid comes out a lot of

electrolytes potassium sodium but you’re

gonna lose a lot more potassium than

sodium okay so then you may feel

dehydrated so you someone told you to

drink more water so now you’re gonna

drink all this water right guess what

that’s gonna do to the small amount

electrolytes it’s gonna dilute them even

more so now we went from a potassium

deficiency to a severe potassium

deficiency then you get leg cramps you

get restless leg your heart rate goes up

you can’t sleep at night palpitations

all because you did not understand

what’s happening and how to do this

correctly so like I said you will can

avoid these if you spend the time get a

book study how to do this all right too

restrictive actually it’s restricting

really one thing we’re fine

carbohydrates and sugars but there’s

alternatives so you’re not gonna feel

like it’s too restrictive now there are

certain diets that will use that

objection and tell you oh yeah guess

what this is the chocolate diet or this

diet you can eat all the food you want

just in moderation and you’ll go for it

it won’t work so the point is that you

want something that really works then

you’re gonna have to change something

okay confusing well again it’s only

confusing because you’re getting

conflicting information you’re searching

the web and you’re going from this

person over here and this person stick

with one program one person and study

them completely and then do their

program try not to get too much extra

information because you’re never gonna

find something that everyone agrees 100%

on because people have different

viewpoints so again that’s what I would

recommend for that not sure it’s gonna

work I do understand that you probably

tried a lot of

programs in the past that didn’t work

and but the bottom line is you’re never

going to know if it’s gonna work unless

you try it and you have to change what

you’re doing I will say from personal

experience working with a lot of people

29 years of doing this this program that

I’m presenting works amazingly well

it is hands-down one of the most

effective programs I’ve ever put out

there and I’m seeing the results okay so

bite the bullet try it out and I think

you can make it easy to stick to this

long term hey guys I wanted to

personally invite you to a new Facebook

group that I just started called dr.

Berg’s Kido and in a minute fasting lab

okay so I created this so we can share

our successful actions what worked what

didn’t work your results so I put a link

down below so go ahead and sign up and

I’ll see you inside