Dr Berg Live Answering Your Questions | DrEricBergDC

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alright hey guys

alright we got a bunch of people and I

can’t even read this about I’d say about

a week ago I wore these cheaters just

for the fun of it now I’m blind so I

could barely see so I’m trying to figure

that out we got people from Canada

alright so I hope you guys are on the

keto challenge if you’re not go to

youtube and sign up because on Thursday

I’m gonna be answering questions and you

can answer all the ask me all the

questions you want um oh you can only

see my hair how is that all right we got

people from all over the world

we got 800 people ok good Nova Scotia

wow this is great

what’s your opinion of the snake diet I

have no data on that

so can’t give you an opinion Pakistan

Iraq this is awesome the Netherlands

Iran Chicago this is great hey guys are

you on the keto challenge and if you are

let me know say yes or now we’ve got

people from South Korea oh my gosh still

can see your forehead hmm that’s weird

can you guys see see me ok how about now

is that better ok you could see me I

don’t know we got a we’re gonna make

some adjustments right here alright now

you’re good ok good ok now I can see I

can’t believe what happened I about I

would say about a week ago you know my

wife had these little cheaters you know

and I was reading a fine print with the

lights kind of low and so I left on

these cheaters all morning and then I

take them off and I can’t even I can’t

even read anything so now I have to wear


glasses when I’m reading which kind of

sucks alright so the challenge links

don’t open all right well we can help

you out with that let’s see what kind of

questions can one’s eyes get worse dude

wearing glasses absolutely every time

they wear these glasses I go it worsens

my eye sight so I’m actually in the

process of trying to figure this out and

doing exercises but right now this is so

tiny I could barely see your questions

okay why does our food taste of salty

nowadays I have no idea I have no

information on that okay any foods to

combat malaria yes vitamin D and zinc

for sure okay how do I get rid of facial

hair that is usually from PCOS Mandy

what you need to do is you need to do

the keto diet and bring your carbs way

down do in a minute fasting and your

facial hair should should clear up all

right best tip for acne is to reduce

antigens if you’re a female you want to

use you just want to do the ketogenic

diet because that’s going to reduce

insulin which is triggering androgens do

you do the base method well I’m

definitely gonna be doing the bates

method for improving your vision

absolutely so I have that on my list to

do god alright well okay so Alex says

I’ve been doing fasting Oh mad for 15

days is it okay to have a cheat day I

need a pizza

well not the healthy kind Alex if you’re

on the keto challenge it’s called a no

carb low carb no cheat month so in a

month you can have the pizza how about

that what’s the best food for fighting

cold sores well

lysine is one of the best amino acids

and guess what has a good amount of

lysine nutritional yeast so go ahead and

try that all right so is it safe to eat

meat at rid of meat every day yes

but you may want to watch it because

sometimes just a lot of iron and red

meat and if you if you’re a guy and you

have too much iron that could be very

oxidizing you’re gonna find your sleep

you’re gonna have a problem if you’re T

gonna have like body issues and then you

get go get your blood test and if you’re

high in iron then you can’t you read

need for a while so you you might want

to do just do it like you know a few

times a week but you can do fish things

like that sardines all sorts of colitis

any thoughts yes cabbage cabbage the

wheatgrass juice powder mixed set and

some water drink that that’ll heal

things up nicely zinc is good for all

sort of colitis so those are the things

that I would do if I were you how to

grow a beard naturally just basically

don’t don’t shave and then if you start

shave and you’re gonna start growing

more and more okay on the keto diet

intimate fasting can’t can you snack no

no we can’t snack on that your snacks

should be only at the meal why could I

have acne only on the right side of my

face if you’re female it’ll be the

opposite over there’s a problem with the

opposite over because they tend to go

contralateral there is it true that most

viruses can be removed from the body by

getting rid of toxic metals in the body

no I think the only well see that metals

feed the viruses but to get rid of a

virus I think the only way is going to

be through a toffee G and that’s fasting

in a minute fasting Kido is a healing

diet for Crohn’s which vitamins do take

I would take vitamin D and

that’s the best anti-inflammatory and

you need to do you know a lot of people

won’t be able to absorb D if they have

Crohn’s because if they’re the guests

where the receptors for vitamin D are in

your intestine so if you have digestive

issues you need to take digestive

friendly vitamin D and that would be the

sublingual vitamin D it’s in a liquid I

would get that or sunshine is it okay to

take forty seven hundred milligrams of

potassium when taking beta blockers I

can’t tell you give you medical advice

for that but check with your doctor I

think if you take a good amount of

potassium and get it from your food then

your doctor can actually work to lessen

the medication you’re on will drinking

chia seed kick me out of heat oh well

yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a type of food

so yeah and it’s gonna be a protein best

diet for Muturi arthritis would be the

keto diet that I recommend within a

minute fasting but beefed up the

potassium up to six thousand milligrams

that tends to help rheumatoid arthritis

and also add vitamin D in there because

it’s an autoimmune thing and you should

do much better all right would you

please talk about the difference between

sugar and carbs yeah well sugars are the

end product or the broke down molecules

of carbohydrates certain carbs break

down and district or faster than others

and so you’d want to study eat what’s

called the glycemic index so you could

see what foods that you need to avoid

being the top of the list and the sugars

raise the blood sugar very fast so

carbohydrates are different types of

responses to blood Sugar’s so a certain

carbohydrates like ones that are really

high in fiber

don’t buffer the insulin too fast

because fiber doesn’t affect insulin at

all unless it’s with other foods and

then you can actually have fibrous

vegetables and

don’t worry about you not to worry about

it but spiking anything in fact don’t

even count those as calories okay good

can you explain exactly what otology is

please yes the tapa G is a condition

where your body is recycling damaged

protein and microbes and it’s cleaning

up these microbes viruses as well

because it’s it’s becoming like a very

efficient when you don’t eat so you

actually become a hardcore tava ji after

18 hours of fasting so it’s a really

healthy thing to clean up garbage in

your system in your body all right MA

myocarditis basically you have

inflammation of the muscles around the

heart is kita okay I think it really is

because ketones are what can feed a

damaged heart in fact I would also take

exogenous ketones and I think you’re

gonna your heart is gonna be very happy

best protein powder I I think it’s my

own veggie solution because it’s the

highest it’s a plant-based protein but

it’s the highest it’s better it’s higher

than away plus it does it has all the

phytonutrients in the fiber and it’s

really cute Oh friendly so that will

give you a good amount of protein but if

you if you want the ultimate type of

protein that will actually turn into

like muscle you don’t want to do a

plant-based one you want to do something

like eggs that would be one of the best

how many calories can I eat an Aikido I

did a video on that it really has to do

with making sure your nutrients are

solid so if you’re not taking nutrients

you’re gonna eat about 900 calories

roughly if you eat healthy but if you

cut your calories down then you better

be enhancing your diet with nutrients

and supplements because it’s impossible

to get all the requirements on 500

calories okay dr. Berger I feel dizzy

and keto especially if I stand up

quickly you need to increase your sea


maybe potassium that mainly

so all right does the smell of cigarette

smoke break a fast now what will heal

fractured ribs time yeah I fractured my

ribs many times and it just takes a long

time unfortunately all right um how

about managed heavy periods I would take

cruciferous vegetables thoughts and 72

are fasting I love it you’re gonna

notice the top achieving huge benefits

with your weight and I would definitely

do that

okay so another question from a Schmidt

so M this is okay I eat a lot of

vegetables and only get fat and protein

from eggs for day and three to five days

I take two to three cheat days when I

eat a lot of fat and vegetables and then

never repeat yeah well you’re you’re

doing perfectly fine except for that

cheat day so you just need to avoid the

cheat day I mean kind of a marriage in


they don’t were kids but hide like like

hybrid fruits that would be very bad but

I don’t know maybe if you hybrid

vegetables that might be okay I overeat

when I break a fast yeah it’s easy to do

that it’s very easy to do that

if you especially it’s not good if you

do a prolonged fast and you eat a lot of

food so you’re gonna have to make some

adjustments on that my ankles swell when

I sit for just a half hour at a time

I found that l-arginine is helping but

not totally getting rid of it doctors

tell me no give me no advice okay can

you hear me though okay I would do

essential amino acids because that would

give you big it’s called a keto

essential minos because that will give

you the complete amino acids but these

have been thoroughly researched so they

basically you don’t waste in Hindman

like a regular meat that you eat or a

protein it’s like a hundred percent it

goes well not 100% 98% goes right into

your muscle and you will start seeing

the swelling come down also take a lot

of potassium from leafy greens and then

b1 those are some things that you can

actually reduce your swelling okay why

do I get anxiety after eating well

because you’re eating pure sugar no it’s

getting I don’t know what you’re eating

so nadir I would if you have anxiety you

need a nutritional yeast add that how

many strawberries are too many in the

first day of kiddo well you why don’t

you stick with like um maybe a cup the

first day and then try to work your way

down to a half a cup okay let’s see here

this key to help with fibromyalgia

I’ve got a really a gallbladder problem

if you watch my video on that I show you

usually fibromyalgia believe it or not

is for a lot of people it’s on the right

side of the body if it’s on the left it

could be pain tris but you send the

right because it’s a gallbladder it’s

not really a fibromyalgia type thing

which they don’t even know what it is

anyway chronic gastritis can it be cured

of course I don’t like to use the word

cured but here’s what you need to do

alright I’m kind of going in and out so

I’m gonna actually go just a couple more

minutes guys and then tomorrow at seven

more times seven o’clock p.m. Eastern

Standard Time

Albany doing a live event and I’ll try

to do it in a place where I’d actually

have good good reception here

okay metformin and keto diet metformin

you got to take you know I would take b1

if I thought you were taking metformin

because that’s one of the things that

plays it you know as well as b12 but the

keto got alright so I’m just gonna go

for a couple more questions because it’s

I don’t know what’s going on with this

reception should I do intermittent

fasting every day of the week or is it

too much no you need to do intermittent

fasting every day so your body really

adjusts and you can do it for and so

you’re not like adding too many cheat

days and carbs and thinking about this

the eating a general stimulate insulin

so the more you can do fasting the more

consistent the better okay so I would

recommend the oil and I would someday I

want to go to France I heard the food is

great of course you guys have some a

little too much bread though right okay

Wow I Duke does kedo go slowly

well maybe you’re doing too many carbs

can you build muscle on a calorie

deficit diet of protein is sufficient

yeah if you all right so you guys are

asking great questions awesome I just

want to state say huh I’m gonna we’re

gonna talk tomorrow sorry could answer

all your questions have a wonderful

night and we’ll see you tomorrow okay

Eastern Standard Time seven o’clock