The #1 Best Protocol for Gout | DrEricBergDC

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today I’m going to give you a really

good effective protocol

for gout and so the question that I get

a lot of times with remedies is like if

it’s so effective why don’t doctors

recommend it well because it’s not

Medical Care there’s not a lot of money

in these natural remedies you can’t

actually patent some of these remedies

well actually that’s not true because I

find a lot of great protocols from

patents which in this case I’m going to

put a link down below with a patent on a

certain combination but we’re not using

the whole combination we’re using

something very specific to help with

gout so why am I doing this video what’s

wrong with the current medical treatment

for gout well the medication that they

recommend has side effects whereas

natural remedies have much less side

effects if any and so let’s just Dive

Right In so what is gout gout is a

situation where you have a buildup of

uric acid and for some reason it’s

building up crystals in certain places

in your body primarily it’s in the big

toe but it can be in other places as

well they’ve determined that almost 24

percent of the cases is genetic related

but even if you have a genetic

propensity to get gout there’s still

things you can do we’re going to use a

strategy okay we want to use natural

remedies things that will help excrete

uric acid and we also want things that

will help get rid of pain directly if

there’s a gout attack now allopurinol in

the main medication for gout works by

inhibiting an enzyme it’s called

xanthine oxidase so this medication

inhibits that enzyme but I want to give

you some natural Inhibitors that have

virtually no side effects the other

thing to talk about is your diet if you

look up gout they’re going to have you

recommend a lot of different foods

especially proteins but I found that if

you eliminate sugar especially fructose

and of course alcohol especially beer

you’re going to be a lot more successful

and generally speaking there’s two

things that can be done to reduce the

intensity of gout number one is just

drinking more water to dilute the

concentration of uric acid and number

two raising the pH of your urine you’ll

have less precipitation of this uric

acid forming in the joints one more

really important point I want to mention

this protocol I’m going to give you I

would recommend to do it for at least

two to three weeks number one is called

White Chinese Mulberry extract there’s

some great research on this and all the

research I’m just going to put links

down below well this remedy Mulberry has

a certain phytonutrient that inhibit

that enzyme that forms uric acid the

next recommendation is Chinese cinnamon

the scientific name is called cinnamon

cassia and you can probably find this in

a powder or a capsule Chinese cinnamon

has some fascinating principles that

related to other types of cinnamon but

it’s a little bit different

cinnamon also has some other additional

properties to help with blood sugars

okay and insulin resistance

and so it can help you in various ways

diabetics for example or people that are

pre-diabetic or have insulin resistance

have a much greater risk of getting gout

than people that don’t and the third

would be omega-3 fatty acids and yes you

can use fish oils I recommend cod liver

oil because it adds two additional

things vitamin A and vitamin d and

vitamin A is good for your kidneys and

vitamin D is also good as a natural

anti-inflammatory but there’s some

interesting research that shows that

when you take omega-3 in in sufficient

quantities it can act as an

anti-inflammatory but it can also

inhibit the enzyme that forms uric acid

all right so the next remedy and this is

specifically to help excrete excessive

amounts of uric acid I would recommend

alpha lipoic acid alpha lipoic acid is

also beneficial

for peripheral neuropathy if you’re a

diabetic and you have nerve pain but it

can help get rid of uric acid and as a

side note there’s many theories about

why people get gout I think what happens

with people’s gout their kidney just has

a very difficult time getting rid of

uric acid so the more you can improve

excretion of this uric acid and improve

kidney function you’re going to have

much less gout but with gout patients

they’re just reabsorbing a lot more uric

acid than they should the last two

remedies are mainly for gout attacks so

the first remedy is Devil’s claw another

name for this would be cat’s claw

because the flowers look like a claw but

Devil’s claw is in one study just as

effective as viax which they took off

the market but it’s a very potent

anti-inflammatory and so you can take it

to get rid of really any type of pain

arthritis pain but definitely gout pain

in the last remedy is from the Brazilian

Rainforest it’s called IPO root room and

this herb is also another potent

anti-inflammatory and it can act as a

cox-2 inhibitor so that’s how Aspen

works and when someone has gout a lot of

times they’re recommended aspirin or

other types of NSAIDs non-steroidal

anti-inflammatories but this remedy from

the Brazil rainforest can act as a

natural NSAID to help decrease pain now

the last point I want to bring up

there’s some great data on your microbes

in your gut helping you break down the

uric acid and so one thing I would add

to your diet to help bring up certain

microbes to help you fight this would be

eating certain foods that are more

probiotic like the sauerkraut the kimchi

I would highly recommend doing that as

well as consuming enough good salad

that’s healthy that can feed the

microbes because there’s some additional

data that when the microbes eat this

fiber they make something called a small

chain fatty acid called butyrate which

is also great for gout now before you go

to get more information on how to

alkalize your urine

I created this video for you and I’ll

put it up right here check it out