Sticky Tarry Black Stool on Keto Diet? Here's Why – Bowel Movement & Steatorrhea – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re gonna talk about

something kind of disgusting someone

wanted to know why do I have sticky

tari black stool on keto okay so for

those of you that have this let’s kind

of go into why you might have this it’s

basically unabsorbed fat when you are

transitioning from running on sugar for

many many years and then you’re going to

actually burn fat and you’re going to

consume more fat it’s going to take some

time to make this transition or this

adaptation you have to make new enzymes

you have to make more bile your whole

body has to adjust to it in that

transition phase which is just temporary

you may end up with some fatty stool too

much fat in the stool so still my float

might be greasy it might leave skid

marks on the toilet and that condition

is actually called steatorrhea which

you’re overloading the colon with more

fat than it can actually handle now

there are other causes to this but if

you’re just starting keto and this

starts happening the most likely reason

is because you’re in the transition

phase and you’re kind of overloading the

colon with too much fat at this point

because your body hasn’t adapted to it

here are some other reasons and I reason

I want to bring this up is that if you

make the changes that I’m going to

suggest and it doesn’t solve this

problem and it goes on for a period of

time get with your doctor and check

because there could be an ulcer possibly

or a hemorrhoid pancreatic disease you

could have exocrine gland insufficiency

which basically you’re not producing the

sufficient enzyme that the pancreas is

supposed to and then you can’t break

down certain food particles it could be

I ain’t too many iron pills side-effect

from some medication and the list goes

on and on and on so when you overload

the colon with more fat than it can

handle you’re getting an incomplete

digestion of fat and you can at the same

time how deficiency is a vitamin A like

your vision at night vitamin D vitamin E

vitamin K omega-3 because of course

these are fat soluble nutrients okay

so if we take a look at right here we

have the stomach it has a certain amount

of acid your body is designed to have a

certain concentration of this

hydrochloric acid and if you have the

right amount of acid then you’ll be able

to trigger the bile release from the

liver and then the gallbladder will have

enough bile in a certain concentration

to release at a meal so there’s a lot of

problems that can happen with this right

here and one can be you don’t have

enough acid in which case you know I

recommend betaine how to chloride or

outside a vinegar to start to build up

your stomach acid but realize that your

body actually can adapt to this new diet

over a period of time and actually start

making more acid just because it needs

more acid not just to break down protein

but also has a function of releasing the

bile now what does the bile do it’s kind

of like the detergent that breaks down

the grease but it’s not breaking down

the fat to the smallest particle that

the body can use it just breaks it down

to a certain level it needs help from

the pancreas so the pancreas makes this

thing called lipase which is an enzyme

that breaks down lipids and this enzyme

takes what the bile did to a certain

level and breaks it down to the smallest

level so the body could start using it

so there could be potentially a problem

with the pancreas there could be a

problem with the gallbladder there could

be a problem with the stomach there can

even be a problem with your friendly

bacteria not having enough because the

friendly bacteria helps recycle the bile

you recycle like over 90% of your bile

so in finding the cause it could be a

problem with this this this or even the

lower digestive system but the biggest

suggestion I’m going to give right now

is simply to give it more time so your

body can adapt and possibly cut down

some of the fats the other situation

that this might occur is when you go to

Rome at one meal a day so here you are

doing three meals and then two meals and

then you go down to one meal a day were

you doing this math especially in the

beginning you doing this massive meal

because you’re thinking oh my gosh I’m

not going to eat for 23 hours I better


a lot and you overload the system with

just too much food too much fat and then

you have this right here that could be

another situation in which case again

give it more time let your body adapt

and you can also support your system

with various things like outside a

vinegar like betaine hydrochloride which

is an acidifier like purified bile salts

do I put a link down below for more

information about that but purified bile

salts will help you break down the fat

and you have to take this after you eat

not before and you take the acid before

the meal so you drink it up cider

vinegar or take them in tablets before

the meal and then after the meal you can

even take digestive enzymes okay so

that’s another thing that you can do

just to assist this whole process you

can even take a friendly bacteria to

also help you in this process all right

so basically what I wanted to do with

this video is just to increase your

awareness and what’s happening you don’t

to freak out

it happens with quite a few people it’s

temporary and just give it some time and

definitely support your system in the

process thanks for watching hey guys I’m

not sure if you have my app yet dr. Berg

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