Can Your Pulse Rate Tell How Long You'll Live? | DrEricBergDC

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now your resting pulse rate can give you some  idea on how long you actually have to live now  

there are other better indicators that will  predict mortality like the coronary artery  

calcification test if you haven’t seen that  video i put a link down below but your resting  

pulse rate can give you some good information  to predict your mortality to a certain degree  

and i’m not just talking about cardiovascular  deaths i’m talking about deaths from all causes  

so based on a meta-analysis which i’ll put  the data down below mortality increased by 9  

for every 10 beats per minute of resting  heart rate now what does that actually mean  

it means that if your pulse rate is low let’s say  it’s 45 beats per minute you have a low risk of  

dying and if your pulse rate is higher let’s say  it’s 90 beats per minute you have a significantly  

higher risk of dying from something so the goal is  to monitor your arresting pulse rate just to kind  

of give you an idea where you’re at and also to do  things to to bring it down well-trained athletes  

have very low pulse rates i’m talking like 40 45  50. that’s all really really low and of course  

people with cardiovascular disease coronary artery  disease arrhythmias high blood pressure typically  

have a higher resting pulse rate which puts them  more at risk now i do want to make a note here  

if you are on a medication that  is bringing your pulse rate down  

that’s not what you want to go by you want to go  by a resting heart rate without any help doing any  

manipulation of your heart rate that will give you  the true number another study i want to make note  

um found that postmenopausal women with a pulse  rate of 76 beats per minute if you compare that to  

women with lower pulse rate at a 26 increase  risk of heart attacks okay so anyway it’s it’s  

one indicator it’s not the whole picture but it’s  something to look at and it’s a very cheap test to  

do because you just basically need to measure  your pulse you can even use your two fingers  

and look at your watch and see how many beats  within one minute it comes out to so what controls  

your pulse rate something called the vagal  tone the vagus nerve which is a very long nerve  

and it comes out of your brain stem and it goes  into a lot of different organs but it goes right  

to the heart as well and the blood vessels of the  heart and the things that control the rhythm of  

the heart and so this vagus nerve is under  the parasympathetic control parasympathetic  

has to do with rest and digest it’s an active type  wave in the body that pushes things down and helps  

recover things for example let’s say you exercise  really really hard for a minute okay and you  

checked your pulse rate before and then right at  the end of the exercise so it’s going to be high  

and then you kept checking your pulse rate after  a minute and then two minutes and three minutes  

the faster that pulse rate comes down the faster  the recovery the stronger the vagal tone or vagus  

nerve or parasympathetic nervous system that  is pushing that wave down and the same thing  

in a resting state your parasympathetic nervous  system is supposed to keep your pulse rate nice  

and low and that is your recovery system so there  are various things that you can do to strengthen  

your vagal tone or your parasympathetics  number one exercise consistent regular exercise  

with a catch the catch is this you must  be able to recover because if you over  

train you’re going to end up with a lower recovery  so you need to make sure that you don’t over train  

next thing is sleep yeah sleep recently  i’ve been doing an experiment with my body  

by just sleeping more i’m sleeping like nine hours  and i’m liking it a lot i’ve been sleeping for six  

hours for years you know with this idea that  i don’t need much sleep i can just take a nap  

but then i compared it to sleeping longer i mean  nine hours is excessive i’ll probably end up going  

to eight hours but wow do i feel better with nine  hours of sleep incredible and i have more mental  

cognitive function i’m in a better mood so you  might want to actually try that one too but more  

sleep is going to help your recovery especially  of the heart all right the next one and this might  

be a big shocker for most of you fasting okay  it’s not a big shocker all right next one is  

low carb okay when you combine a low carb diet  with fasting you strengthen the parasympathetic  

you take someone out of the sympathetic flutter  fight mode and put them more into a calming  

recovery state and by the way when you’re on a  low carb you’re eating less sugar when you eat  

refined sugar that depletes you of the next two  things which have to do with keeping your pulse  

rate in check and that would be having enough  potassium a potassium deficiency okay can cause  

your pulse rate to go higher and one cause of a  potassium deficiency is consuming a lot of refined  

sugar and refined grains okay so potassium is  a real key mineral to help push down that pulse  

rate so that means getting enough potassium  from your diet whether it’s from supplement or  

a lot of salad vitamin b1 is the next thing and  uh if you don’t have enough b1 your pulse rate  

can go up and it just so happens when you  eat refined sugar that will deplete you of  

b b1 people that do more carbohydrates require  more b1 diabetics with higher blood sugar require  

a lot more b1 or they get a lot more damage to  the eyes the kidneys the heart and the brain  

vitamin d is a great thing to help lower your  pulse rate and your blood pressure if you just had  

a vitamin d deficiency that could be the reason  why your pulse rate is high and the reason why  

your blood pressure is high too and of course  the last thing is keeping your stress as low as  

possible easier said than done but i wanted  to bring that up so anyway i just wanted to  

give you some data on your resting pulse rate  and definitely monitor it and do things to  

keep it on the low side hey before you go if  you’re benefiting from any of my content i would  

love to hear about your success story  please share it in the link down below