How To Stop Overeating And Be Satisfied With Your Food | DrEricBergDC

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so the question is how do you become

satisfied is it just consuming more fat

is it eating more nutrient dense foods

is it making sure that your digestion is

working like you have enough bile to

extract these fat soluble nutrients and

these are all things that I’ve talked

about in other videos but I haven’t

talked about the biggest thing that’s

going to satisfy your hunger and this is

based on a recent book with some

fascinating new information I’m going to

put that link down below but this book

talks about this one concept called

protein leverage hypothesis and

basically they studied insects and they

found that certain insects will continue

to eat

until their protein requirements are met

and if you put these insects on a low

protein diet they will overeat okay to

get that protein need and this is very

interesting because one of the devices

that I give people is to make sure you

have your salad first before you consume

your protein because if you have your

protein first the odds of you finishing

that salad are much less so protein

tends to make you satisfied and it’s

really not the protein it’s the amino

acids in the protein so let’s just take

a look at protein and what what actually

it does for your body well number one

you know it replenishes your muscles

your ligaments your tendons your

collagen your skin your bone but not

just that

all of your enzymes not just for

digestion but all the biochemistry is

made with proteins your cells are made

out of proteins your blood is protein

your most of your hormones are protein

so as a survival mechanism there’s a lot

of importance on protein especially

since you don’t store your protein and

so if you don’t eat protein where does

it come from right well it comes from

your muscles but not initially okay when

you do prolonged fasting where does a

lot of your protein come from it comes

from damaged protein and your body

actually has a this amazing thing that

recycles damaged protein and this

condition or this mechanism is called

autophagy so when you do prolonged

fasting because protein is so important

it’ll take that damaged protein and

convert it into amino acids to make new

proteins and so this is very very

therapeutic so just as a side note if

you do prolonged fasting and you don’t

feel very good

it could mean that you need you know

certain nutrients like B vitamins

electrolytes salt but it also could mean

that you might need

amino acids so I don’t recommend taking

protein but I would recommend if you

don’t feel very good when you do

prolonged fasting is to take as a

supplement not throughout the day but

maybe once or twice a day and a good

amino acid complex now if you have just

the right amount of amino acids it won’t

then convert to sugar and this is one of

the problems with consuming too much

protein the excess is not stored it’s

converted to sugar and so if you eat

just the right amount of protein that

your body needs it will replace the body

tissue and give your body what it needs

but without turning it into sugar or fat

and as far as human requirements goes

that would be if we’re looking at pounds

you would multiply

0.64 times how much you weigh okay and

that would be the number of grams of

protein you would need per day if we’re

talking about kilograms you would

multiply 1.6 times your kilograms in

weight and that’s how many grams of

protein you need per day now that’s just

on average it could be a little bit more

if you’re younger and you’re an athlete

could be a little bit less now what’s

really interesting about this whole

topic is recently I bought two horses

right because I live on a farm and um

you know trying to figure out what to

feed a horse because going into buying

horses there’s a couple of conditions

that everyone says you have to be

careful not to overfeed them because

they get

things like hay belly where their belly

becomes extracted because they’re eating

too much grain they might get this

condition called laminitis which is like

this inflammation of their foot which in

humans would be comparable to having

this inflamed tissue right beneath your

fingernail that’s connected to your your

finger can you imagine having that

inflamed and trying to walk on it and so

a very severe form of that is called

foundering where you have this inflamed

foot and then all of a sudden this horse

can’t walk and then you get what’s

called a lame horse you know which is a

very terrible condition so I wanted to

know a little bit more about what’s

really behind all this stuff so I found

a fascinating

of that that doesn’t recommend feeding

your horses grain and apparently and

this all makes sense to me because I’m

in the health field the arthritis that

the horses get the ulcers that they also

get is all coming from either too many

grains or when a horse is put on um new

spring grass it’s very very high in

fructose where if you eat too much

fructose you can get inflammation and

create all these problems it happens in

humans all the time we’re on this

fructose diet and we have way too much

of it well horses are the same thing

normally in the wild the horse is not

confined to a barn or a a pasture

they’re able to travel migrate and eat

not just grass but eat legumes and other

things and of course with a lot of

exercise to burn that off and so with

horses they’ll continue to eat until

their protein requirement is satisfied

right and unfortunately in the spring

the grass is very high in carbs it

doesn’t have much protein and so they

will just keep eating and eating eating

until they get enough protein well this

vet gave me some really good advice to

feed the horses legumes right and

Alfalfa is one but the other one is soy

soya is a legume that has basically

twice as much protein as grass and of

course I’m very much against consuming

soy for humans but apparently when you

have soybean meal they take out they

extract the oils that oxidize and that’s

where you get that high omega-6 fatty

acid which is inflammatory and you’re

left with this product with amino acids

and of course I would also try to

recommend getting the organic blend but

the point is if you feed these horses

legumes right they’ll get the protein

and they won’t overeat and apparently

he’s been doing this for many years

working with lots of clients and has had

a lot of great success with these

problems with horses so the same thing

that’s happening with humans is

happening with animals for some reason

we have this idea we have to feed horses

grains and have to be in a barn and they

have to do this and that but you just

want to look at nature what do they do

in nature naturally I mean when someone

goes on a diet what do they do they they

search out how to do a diet they go to

Google and to handle an appetite they’ll

say well make sure you drink more water

eat more fiber to fill you up and make

sure you have a lot of the small snacks

through the day to prevent overeating I

do remember when I used to have a carb

breakfast man would I I would be hungry

an hour and a half later I would be

hungry in the evening right and then

when I switched to a protein breakfast

which I I don’t do that now because I

fast until lunch but the point is when I

had eggs or meat hamburger or steak for


boy that really handled my Hunger I was

satisfied I felt the best and that was

simply because I was achieving my

protein requirements without going over

the requirements just had enough and I

did really well now just to fully grasp

this information it’s really important

to understand the translation of those

grams into quantities of protein and to

get more information on that I put this

video up right here check it out