Take 1 oz of Apple Cider Vinegar Twice a Day to SHRINK BELLY FAT | DrEricBergDC

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you know out of all the apple cider

vinegar videos on youtube

i have video that has the most views 14

million views and this morning i tried

to find it i couldn’t even find it it’s

out there but apparently it’s just not

listed so if you’re trying to find some

interesting information about apple

cider vinegar

you may not find my videos so this is

why i decided to do another video just

to kind of give you a

summary of what was in that last video

and also some new information because

this video the one that got 14 million

views six years ago was done before

there was some really interesting

research done in apple cider vinegar in

relationship to helping someone lose

their belly fat so i’m going to share

that new data today as well but there’s

a lot of benefits to consuming apple

cider vinegar and i’m going to recommend

the amounts that you need per day so let

me just first dive into a study that

wasn’t around six years ago but this

study was done on 175 japanese

participants and they were done on obese

people and this study was double-blinded

and this is what they found over 12

weeks they found significant benefits in

reducing visceral fat that’s the fat

around the gut in reducing subcutaneous

fat that’s the fat just beneath the skin

in reducing triglycerides cholesterol

increasing the bmi

and also decreasing

body fat as well as decreasing the waist

to hip ratio i mean this is pretty

amazing because back six years ago um

the only studies that i could find were

on mice and there is some interesting

information on mice if you have an obese

pet mouse you definitely need to start

giving an apple cider vinegar because it

can inhibit the expression of lipogenic


those genes are genes that increase fat

production so apple cider vinegar can

inhibit the expression of those genes

which is pretty cool i mean who wants a

bunch of fat mice running around your

house so the acid in

apple cider vinegar is called acetic

acid and so it has been known to

suppress body fat now that’s probably

because of what it does to insulin

because it really helps you regulate

your blood sugars and that’s primarily

what i talked about

six years ago now you would think that

consuming something acid would make the

body more acid and because

acid is an unhealthy state

then you shouldn’t be consuming apple

cider vinegar that’s completely false

information our bodies should not be one

ph every different part of your body has

a different ph your stomach is extremely

acid your gallbladder material is

slightly alkaline your small intestine

is slightly alkaline your urine should

be slightly acid your large intestine

should be acid but not extremely acid

like the stomach and so we need these

different phs to activate different

enzymes for a lot of different purposes

so apple cider vinegar would support the

stomach acids okay so it’ll help you

digest better in the stomach level is

exactly where the start of digestion

occurs right i mean it does start in the

mouth with chewing but the stomach is

like the incinerator that’s where you

have these really strong acids like a ph

of one to three i mean that’s like like

battery acid and that hydrochloric acid

is gonna release enzymes to start

breaking down protein and really do a

number on your food and so

you wouldn’t want to alkalize the

stomach okay and this is why apple cider

vinegar is used in a lot of digestive

problems so you definitely want to use

apple cider vinegar

for helping you lose more weight and

roughly within 12 weeks you could

potentially lose an extra two to four

pounds might not sound like a lot but if

you look at how much two to four pounds

of actual fat is

that’s significant and especially if

it’s targeting the midsection and the

subcutaneous fat just beneath the skin

as well as supporting your blood sugars

and helping you with insulin resistance

which is at the core of a slow

metabolism so

very simply this is what i recommend you


you basically take one ounce of apple

cider vinegar that’s two tablespoons or

30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar

okay and you’re going to pour that in

about an 8 ounce glass of water and you

also might want to add in there some

lemon juice okay

what i do is i take a whole lemon i

blend it in the water i put my apple

cider vinegar in there with it and then

i put a scoop of my electrolyte powder

which has all the electrolytes the trace

minerals and it’s sweetened with stevia

and it’s flavored so it tastes really

good because sometimes the apple cider

vinegar can be a little bit on the

bitter side and if you don’t want to use

electrolytes you can just put some

stevia in there maybe 10 drops so it’ll

be sweet and if you have lemon in there

it’ll taste like lemonade and just

realize if you’re going to use lemon

juice out of a bottle there’s not going

to be a lot of vitamin c in there but if

you use a whole lemon you’re going to

have a lot of vitamin c and i do

recommend the whole lemon so you put in

the blender blend it up and then slug it

down twice a day once in the morning and


in the evening so basically you’re doing

a total of four tablespoons of apple

cider vinegar every single day

split up and i would recommend doing

this on a regular basis if you’re

concerned about your teeth because of

this acid just use a straw now the only

time i don’t recommend consuming apple

cider vinegar is

during a prolonged fast

because you’re going to be in some major

ketosis and you’re going to be pretty

acid so we wouldn’t want to necessarily

put more acid and what i mean by a

prolonged fast is anything longer than

like a 48 hour fast i’m not talking

about regular intermittent fasting every

day okay and then there’s another

situation that i wouldn’t recommend it

is if you had an ulcer in your stomach

okay but you’ll know that really quick

because when you drink it you’ll have

more pain in your stomach but other than

that if you wanted something a little

extra to help you lose a little more


you might want to try that and because

it’s difficult to find that outside of

vinegar video that hit 14 million views

i put it up right here

check it out
