What Causes Sleep Apnea & How to Get Rid of it? – Home Remedies by Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys it’s dr. Berg here in this video I want to show you what’s behind

sleep apnea sleep apnea is not really a sleeping problem it’s a sleeping symptom

it’s an air obstructive pathway problem people sleep apnea can’t breathe because

there’s something obstructing the pathways of air getting into the lungs

so if you’re not breathing you’re not going to sleep so that’s why they use

the little CPAP machines to force air in there and then you can sleep better

right there’s a couple things that I wanted I want to show you what’s behind

the scenes and number one if you have a sleep apnea usually you have a

collapsing of the back part of the sinus back through the throat area and it

starts to what’s called atrophy and atrophy is kind of a sagging drooping

tissue that can then obstruct the breathing pathways and it can come from

many different things people say it’s obesity but there’s a lot of skinny

people that have this and a lot of fat people that don’t have it so it’s not

necessarily the obesity that does it but you could have some excess fat back

there that’s possible but we don’t normally accumulate fat in the back of

our sinuses so that’s very unlikely but the things that people are doing to

get fat usually are causing other problems in the body and that’s the drug

that’s the connection number one the immediate thing that I

would do if I were you of you if you have this is change your diet one is

that you want to avoid milk any milk products ice cream and even cheese

because that will create a swelling back here right off the bat and anything that

creates inflammation will be a problem so allergies food allergies are a big

problem sugar is a big problem because sugar will cause swelling of the

different tissues it’s very inflammatory and if someone has this problem before I

do anything I will change their diet get them off the sugar

get them off wheat grains that would be breads pastas or crackers biscuits

waffles and milk and then see if it clears up

it might just clear up and they might have allergies

because during seasonal allergies when your sinuses are all clogged up well

that’s going to also create a problem with this as well if you have allergies

hives asthma anything like that one of the best remedies would be royal

jelly and that is a kind of a something to get in the beehives where it’s a

little excretion of a fluid that the bees put to help grow the queen bee to

help to fertilize that and there’s something in there that is really good

to help neutralize allergies so that’s one thing I would recommend if you have

a problem with allergies to the sinuses and then send us congestion I would go

after the eating first and then see if that just doesn’t just clear it up and

then high cortisol that’s high stress that can also shrink a nerve that’s

connected to your brain stem when the cranial nerves that goes to the back of

the sinuses and so one of the symptoms of high cortisol or being on prednisone

or cortisone for different conditions that can create a problem with you

developing this condition so if it’s that problem I would recommend my

cortisol support product which basically what it does is supports inflammation it

supports adrenal and helps to support the deeper cause of that and that will

help reduce inflammation and then you’ll start breathing better if you have

allergies year round that could be a fungus growing in your sinuses because

you had a history of antibiotics but it can also come from other things so if

that’s the case then I would work on your gut established friendly flora

build up the good bacteria in your gut and that will definitely help this okay

the last thing I’m going to recommend is apple cider vinegar why because just by

dropping dropping the pH of your body just a little bit with apple cider vinegar

like a teaspoon in some water every day it will instantly increase your oxygen

carrying capacity through your body and you’ll actually breathe better and you

should just try it to see if that’s that works for you I

there’s one more thing I would do as well a lot of times people like at night

have a hard time breathing in general so having plants in the room will increase

your oxygen so in my room I have several plants and I find that if I sleep with a

plant next to me I actually actually breathe better so that’s just you know

try to sleep in a greenhouse right you’ll just have more oxygen or even in

a thunderstorm you get more oxygen in the air so those are some tips to help

sleep apnea and I will see you in the next video