The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - December 9, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

hello everyone we’re back with another

show a q a and I’m excited just to Dive

Right In and we have a lot of people on

standby anything that I say is not meant

to replace your medical care or diagnose

you or even cure you that is uh illegal

in the state of Virginia where I’m from

bomber so um I know I mean I don’t know

maybe other states you can cure people

but not in Virginia


let’s just Dive Right In we have a lot

to talk about in

um a lot of quizzes to give out as well

to see how you guys been

you know staying up on the current

health topics well let’s test them out

why don’t we kick things off with a quiz

question and here is our first one for

the day

all right what is the fattiest organ in

your body

out of all the organs what is the

fattiest gross you guys can

guess this one all right figure that out

folks and then we have an especially

smart and astute panel in our green room

they all add to their questions very

easily and why don’t we just start off

with that and at the top of the queue is

Kathy who’s coming to us from Carson

City and Kathy make sure you’re unmuted

and you’re on with Dr Berg

hello I can’t tell you how excited I am

and if you would please tell Karen and

your daughter the recipes are fabulous

my husband’s very happy

um but I don’t think you want me to list

hopefully you have what I sent in I

don’t think you want me to list

everything that I’m taking but my

question is with my health improving do

I really need to keep taking everything

or do you take it you know maybe less a

week or every other day or you know that

kind of thing I’m just not sure if I

should just keep taking everything


yeah that is a that’s a very good

question it’s really hard to know that

um without getting a lot more

information about let’s say um

your weaknesses

um one thing that I’m doing a deep dive

now is on genetics which um

there’s a lot of confusion and uh but

there’s tests that you can do to find


um maybe where you have

um some susceptibility to certain

problems in which case yeah you want to

be staying on certain things long term

especially if they’re like related to

omega-3 fatty acids something related to

maybe detoxifying the liver

um but you know it’s it’s I think a good

way to um

I don’t recommend taking like just a ton

of things all the time so what you might

want to do is as you get better

you know omit one at a time and just see

how you feel and see if you’re like oh

I’m feeling great um there are other

things especially if you’re doing

fasting you know like the electrolytes

and B vitamins that are kind of like a


um and other things that are hard to get

like vitamin D but you know there’s a

other things that should not be taken

long term the goal is to get your body

into a state of uh Power where it can



a lot a lot of stress and you don’t have

to take all these you know nutritional

things but the problem is that trying to

find food that will give you everything

is not easy as well

so that’s another factor and then the

other one is like how close are you

following the diet how close are you

um how good are you with your habits

like you know

um we have some people that drink a lot

of alcohol other people that have these

cheat days so these are all factors to

look at I guess

I guess I’m not really answering your

question but I’m just kind of giving you

a some things to think with

no that really kind of does because for

example I had

um fatty liver and I had sleep apnea and

I had gallstones and everybody tells you

you can’t get rid of gallstones well

your gallbladder support and your trace

minerals I did get rid of gallstones so

you know it’s kind of like wow and so in

that sense for example since I don’t

have gallstones anymore do I need to

keep taking both of those or should I

just take all the trace minerals and

maybe take the gallbladder support like

every other day I mean I don’t know if

that works or not yeah that does work I

would I would try to uh start weaning

off things and just test the waters it’s

definitely going to be a

testing the waters so you see here’s one

of the big problems that I ran into when

I started getting into nutrition I

started going to all these seminars

right and nutrition is great

because it has less side effects but


um most of the methods of teaching how

to use nutrition are are like oh just

matching a nutrient with a symptom

they’re not like correlating all the

data connecting all the dots and going

okay what’s really causing the

underlying problem and that’s why

I keep pushing this idea

um before someone starts loading up in a

bunch of supplements make sure you get

this basic eating plan and intermittent

fasting implemented correctly long

enough for it to impinge and then that

way let’s see what you really need

because that’s really at the heart of it

and that’s under emphasized so much

especially in medicine they don’t really

talk about this basic eating plan so um

and this would explain too why certain

nutrition won’t work if your if your

diet’s not correct

um that being said as far as the

genetics which is another interesting

topic there are some people like even


um I do not absorb choline that well so

I’m always going to be deficient in

choline unless I take a good amount of

it so that’s one supplement that I had

no clue that I needed until fairly

recently that I’m taking now and um

because that can lead to all sorts of

cascaded issues with building you know

transmitters affecting sleep energy this

and that so uh stay tuned for a lot more

information on that because the problem

with genetics is like trying to

understand it so I’m going to be

creating a lot of videos just on another

channel that just to simplify it so

you know you really can get it and don’t

have to be

um falling asleep with all these

complexities and things that you

shouldn’t have to be exposed to well

that’s great Kathy listen thank you so

much for that and folks don’t you just

hate hearing from people that are having

success with a program of course you

don’t so let’s go to another one Mary

from YouTube I can’t thank you enough

for totally changing my life I got off

prednisone and cured my poly

maglia oops rheumatica good grief all

these uh ten dollar words I can’t read

got rid of my Barrett’s esophagus that’s

a big one I lost 40 pounds in the

process I have more energy and I also

sleep better you’re a lifesaver Dr Berg

just like Kathy mentioned her gallstones

are gone so yeah we do love that and

we’re going to continue to push that

every time you folks speak about it and

uh we’re also going to continue to push

questions because you guys keep

answering them so let’s look at the

first one for today and it asks the

audience what is the most blubbery he

didn’t say that fattiest organ in your

body I uh let’s see and uh here’s what

you said 75 percent say it’s the brain

interesting uh 20 say the liver and five

percent say the breasts and Dr Berg

isn’t your skin and all that in Oregon

can I throw that in could that be you

fat yeah yeah that’s an organ I’m gonna

throw that in so anyway who’s right

hopefully me

it’s the brain

your brain is like 60 fat wow is it

interesting yeah so um you know here you

are concerned about uh fat well you

don’t want to be um having a lean brain

you want to have as much fat in your

brain as possible for for everything to

work because we it’s it’s especially the

the type of fat that the brain needs is


DHA that’s the omega-3 that’s why the

fish oil is the cod liver oil is so



and um so yeah that’s interesting

um your brain is a very fatty organ only

it only comprises of two percent of the

weight of your body but it Hogs 20 of

all the energy and the calories

so it’s an energy hog and um as far to

part of the survival so it gets the

Lion’s Share of energy more than

anything else because we need the brain

it’s not an extra thing that we can you

know just slide by with so yeah

sometimes we need a brain sometimes we

don’t yeah so calling someone fat head

is not really a disparage in common

anymore you’ll have to think of

something else that’s right that’s a

compliment all right well uh we’d like

to compliment everybody around the world

for watching this and let’s find out

where they’re coming in from today from

the UK Canada Mexico Pakistan Sweden

Saudi Arabia Germany Albania Italy

Kurdistan Vietnam Qatar

Eritrea I think he Eritrea is that right

uh Terry he sort of fanatically spell

that out Eritrea wherever that is Mumbai

Ireland Croatia Cambodia Papua New

Guinea Jamaica Dubai Serbia Slovakia

Egypt Australia the Netherlands and

Algeria Belgium Scotland France Finland

Greenland and Russia India the Czech


Uganda Jordan Switzerland Denmark Chile

Georgia not that one uh Bali Japan Nepal

Greece Oman Trinidad and Tobago Morocco

Guyana Ireland turkey this is amazing

the Philippines is always Spain Nigeria

Israel Estonia Peru Austria Malaysia

South Africa Poland Taiwan Hungary New

Zealand Lithuania Colombia Estonia good

grief United States excuse me the United

Arab Emirates Sudan Tahiti and of course

all across

these United States and let’s see he

also wanted to point out that the host

of World Cup Guitar World Cup so thank

you for that Terry and thank you for

your um just thankless job of typing all

this stuff out I’m sure it’s much harder

to type it than it is for me to read it

so thank you everybody and as usual

stand by because some other people will

chime in afterwards being sad that they

weren’t mentioned and we’ll get to you

as well okay let’s go to social media

and re retoo from YouTube the skin on my

joints started to Blacken during puberty

and it has been the same ever since I

have very dark elbows knees and Knuckles

any suggestions doc

that that’s usually a

a symptom of blood sugar issues insulin

resistance I’m not saying you are

diabetic you might be I don’t know but

that’s definitely One symptom as you

start getting

um darker

um pigmentation in certain places uh

folds of skin in your tissue I did a

video on this and there’s other reasons

as well

um what if it’s not that then what you

can do to change the color of that skin

if you want to try something as a the

vitamin C serum tends to work good on

Aging spots pigmentation sunspots and

also other


you know extra pigmentation in certain

parts of the body so you might want to

try that as a remedy

um but typically it’s related to blood

sugar issues

very good okay here’s an off-ask concern

Sunshine from YouTube I cannot fall

asleep easily my thoughts start going

here and there and my thinking gets

foggy uh at times what can I do to fix


simple simple I used to have this

problem too


this is a problem with your autonomic

nervous system you have kind of probably

your heavier amount of sympathetic or

flight of fight versus the

parasympathetic or the rest and digest

and could potentially be more cortisol I

don’t know but the remedy is vitamin B1

you take B1 nutritional yeast

um and uh wow it should just turn off

the excessive

solving problems 24 7. that was me years


but the ideal goal would be just to be

able to go to sleep and not have to

think while you’re sleeping or trying to

go to sleep that’s the goal but when

your body’s in that fight or flight it

has to be

surviving by solving problems and um

unfortunately it’s like

start just increasing the B1 and find a

natural version of it and then watch

what happens it’s just kind of like

calms right down it’s a really good

thing to take before bed too okay very

good and that begs go ahead doc I’m


I was just going to say um

like now I’ve gotten to the point where

um there’s not any thoughts going

through my my mind right before bed I’m

just going boom I’ll wake up and then I

start thinking but uh not before bed

anymore so it does work encouraging okay

but anyway you mentioned nutritional

yeast so let’s go with the next question

that relates to that there you have it

all right what what is the primary


for bad side effects when taking

nutritional yeast it could also be

brewer’s yeast as well

so some people when they take it they

boy they feel racing racing mine anxiety

mood problems they don’t feel right and

so they’re like why is that well let’s

see if you guys know the answer

wow interesting well don’t be hitting on

my nutritional yeast but it doesn’t do

that to me but anyway Patrick from

YouTube uh his wife my wife he says

experiencing blotches on her lower leg

that are very sensitive to the touch her

physician looked into her or and her

vitals are are all good excuse me do you

have any ideas doc blotchy legs


you know you’re talking about a

neurological thing or was it when you

blotchy you’re talking about was there

bruising or discoloration on the legs

well it says experiencing blotches so I

would think it was something visible


yeah so um I have videos on that um

that’s usually related to again the

blood sugar issued you see that in a lot

in diabetics because we’re getting poor

circulation and then the circulation

shows up as um

a lack of blood flow to the capillaries

and so you see a lot of

like purple and um bluish


brownish Dots and a lot of circulation

issues in the in the extremities and

this also happens with the the

circulation that goes to the nerve too

this is why you end up with a peripheral

neuropathy which is a kind of a the

nerves start causing tingling burning

numbness in the bottom of the feet and

then the hands so um

it’s so I mean it’s such a an easy thing

to fix you just change the diet get the

sugar Out start doing intermittent

fasting and it that’ll clear right up um

depending of course how much damage is

there but I’ve seen it clear up very

nicely in fact even myself right


I had pitting edema at one point in my

life I mean you press that’s a little

bit different but you press your finger

into the lower leg and it left it dead

like I’m like that is a major problem

um I don’t have that anymore so um that

also can be corrected if you change the

diet but of course when they had the

pitting edema

the only thing green that I ate was

pistachio ice cream and lime green Jello

I never ate any vegetables or any any

good quality protein I was um I think

that was when I was a

vegetarian but I was really a

granitarian so


wow interesting well I certainly hope

that works because Patrick is

threatening to date his wife’s sister

who is blotch free so I sure hope this

clear no I’m just teasing Patrick I hope

that works out for you uh so let’s move

on to the next one Stephen from YouTube

I feel like I’m starving on keto what

else should I be doing

you you haven’t adapted yet you haven’t

adapted to ketosis there’s something not

right I would check your carb levels

your carb levels might be too high and

you’re you may not be doing intermittent

fasting so you want to combine that

because there is going to be a

transition where you’re going to be

hungry but we want to convert things to

fat burning and when you burn fat boom

you’re just your hunger goes away and

that’s the biggest indication that it’s

working so

um I would re-watch the video compare

what you’re doing find out what it’s not

doing correctly but the hunger

is the thing to go away if you’re doing

it right lower carbs

um moderate protein and doing

intermittent fasting

cool okay so the uh frisky audience has

already answered question number two

which asks what is the primary reason

for bad side effects of taking

nutritional yeast and 65 of our

respondents say yeast overgrowth or

candida and 35 say a simply digestion


so this is interesting because you’re

eating a yeast that’s inactive it’s dead

it’s not going to cause a yeast

infection in fact it’s going to be

impossible to cause a yeast infection

from eating nutritional yeast

um the more likely reason is that

it’s the added synthetic

B vitamins okay like here’s an example


something and this is my own and it says

this is

non-fortified okay but most nutritional

yeast is fortified or enriched with

synthetic vitamins okay B12 folic acid

maybe B6 right well what happens um a

great percent of the population like 30

percent at least have a problem with



to take those synthetics and turn them

into the active form

and the term for that is like

methylation they can’t they don’t

methylate very well so and you need

these vitamins to do that and so

if they are deficient

in foods like in these natural forms of

these vitamins which they usually are

because they’re not converting too well

and they’re also taking the synthetics

either from a supplement which is like

pretty much all of them or nutritional

yeast which has the enrichment

boy they’re going to not feel too well

so um

that’s a genetic issue and a lot of

people have a problem with it

um I think in in Blacks it’s only one to

two percent and whites and Hispanic it’s


20 to 40 percent it’s very high have

this problem but um if someone has side

effects then we want to

um make sure they never take

uh anything with enrichment okay

enriching or fortifying anything but you

don’t have to worry about of course with

mine because I don’t enrich it but

sometimes you get even breweries yeast

that’s enriched but a lot of times it’s

non-fortified so as long as you do the

non-45 you’re going to be fine you won’t

have a reaction so that’s just a side

note but an important one since so many

people have this problem and um there’s

I did a video on it so you can watch

that very good well uh here’s a young

lady in our green room that has a cool

name Anastasia

and uh she is up next and she just took

a big hit from her coffee so I think

she’s probably all jazzed up and ready

to go there you go you’re on with Dr

Berg for your one question if you don’t


thank you yes I’m so excited to be here

I’m actually brand brand new to

intermittent fasting and keto not brand

new to eating uh non-conventional

food but um

is I have an 18 mile nursing and I’m

trying to conceive I also have um an

autoimmune issue the reason I’m doing

intermittent fasting in keto is to keep

the inflammation down but I’m wondering

if I have to use intermittent fasting

and the keto diet differently during

different phases of my menstrual cycle

to support the different hormones that

are uh

um yeah so are you you’re um you’re

trying to conceive right now right

but you’re not pregnant yet I am yes

okay well on a positive note not yet

okay when in a positive note when you do

become pregnant

um autoimmune diseases tend to turn off

which is cool they turn off so all of a

sudden I don’t have this thing anymore

well that’s great so as long as you stay

pregnant you’re fine so you can just

keep having kids for the next I don’t

know how many years but

um in the meantime the B vitamins

um you know what I’m gonna just get

something here okay so doc had a little

technical issue but uh not a problem

because I had a backup battery I’m just

going to just put this in there that’s

great in the meantime Anastasia we need

you to carry the show so maybe a little

soft shoe dancing something intermittent

little music we’ll see what um we’ll

talk about your babies if that goes on

though yeah okay and you have a baby

though right you already have an 18

month right

she makes my life very fun isn’t that

wonderful well uh we have the good

doctor back uh okay there we go oops

wait a minute let me just uh yeah let me

just fix it okay

this is on camera triage and uh I think

we’re good there we go

I always come with a backup battery

um so

the first thing is any autoimmune

disease you need to be taking a good

amount of vitamin D3 and I would take a

maintenance dose at least 10 000 I use

on a regular basis that’ll keep the

inflammation down and you don’t have to

change that anytime during your cycle

um I would definitely during pregnancy

and before this is the most important

most important time

to um eat healthy to have this baby

that’s going to be a super baby so that

means like a combination of I would do

two meals a day intermittent fasting and

I would do the healthy version of the

ketogenic diet and I would definitely

take the key nutrients which is zinc

vitamin D of course all the B vitamins


um and cod liver oil because it’ll give

you the omega-3 that you need and all

this is very important for fertility and

it’s also important for once you become

pregnant is give the baby everything

that needs unfortunately so many um

mothers are taking

um prenatals that are synthetic I

wouldn’t recommend that

um get get something that’s food based

and then um maybe when you’re pregnant

um don’t do too much intermittent

fasting but don’t snack so have like

three good meals with enough calories so

you don’t have to snack and that way the

child would be less susceptible to

having insulin resistance and blood

sugar issues but so many mothers too

they don’t stop the the junk food while

they’re pregnant and then that just

creates a whole bunch of issues now once

you be deliver

um this is when

the immune system for that child really

starts and um

I mean even in the womb I mean they’ve

done studies on this and found it’s not

a sterile environment that um

that fetus is basically have has

microbes and the amniotic fluid and it’s

in the placenta placenta so all these

microbes are are inoculating and

starting the uh the digestion system and

as well as the immune system so

hopefully you will breastfeed for a good

period of time too because that’s where

you get the microbes and hopefully

you’ll have a natural birth and not

C-section because

um now the child will have the best

immune system for future life and so

these are all things that you can you

can then prevent the child from needing

braces down the road and having

scoliosis and flat feet and all these

other issues just by these basic things

that are so simple so inexpensive but I

wouldn’t necessarily alter it for your

menstrual cycle


is that did that answer it sort of

yeah I think so I

you know of course you get

the whole and you’re doing your research

about whatever and so you know I’ve

definitely read in different places that

throughout the amendment

natural cycle estrogen and then

progesterone and then you know ovulation

to treat intermittent fasting and keto a

little bit differently during those

different phases and so

um I guess I just want to make sure that

I’m in the in the right space uh you

know and optimizing fertility that’s my

main goal right now so yes just wanted

to make sure there wasn’t anything

different that I should be doing okay

two points I just want to bring up since

you brought that up is that

um these studies that you’re probably

reading about

um you know the type of the ketogenic

diet that they’re doing is definitely

not the healthy version it’s just like


um because keto is just basically low

carb so who knows what diet they’re

really on and also if you’re just doing

three meals or two meals with no snacks

um that is not in any way going to

reduce fertility in fact think about

even women that have insulin resistance


um what do they get they get polycystic

ovarian syndrome they come very

unfertile so there’s a huge Factor

relationship to having insulin problems

and infertility so if you’re just doing

cut out the snacking and do a little bit

of intermittent fasting now that’s the

best chance you have becoming fertile

there’s a couple other things too you

can take to increase the fertility a

good quality of vitamin E is also good

because we know vitamin E deficiencies

will cause infertility in animals and

humans but the other thing is which I’m

sure you’re going to love is fish eggs

are a really good remedy for fertility

um poor thing like caviar right but

um you may not need that but it’s

something you can yeah I don’t mind


wow well that’s great well listen best

of luck to you uh and show off your new

baby once you have the healthy keto baby

you know uh Dr Berg’s always bragging

about his grandchild or grandchildren

and uh just white brussels sprouts and

all that right and just loves that kind

of thing is that right to Dr bird

yes yes it is correct and uh you know we

just we’re starting a um this child Out

on Just without all the the tons of

candies and sugars and Ultra processed

foods that most kids are raised on which


so bad

um people people just say Well they’re

not they’re not overweight I’m like that

is not the reason why you should

um feed kids healthy foods but don’t

wait till they’re 18 before you change

their diet I don’t know if you’ve

noticed this it’s very difficult once

they become teenagers to try to change

their diet


ideally what I’d like to do is just um

start over with some new kids and go you

know what they’ve never even heard of

sugar until they’re 18. that would have

been a lot easier that’s right I shun

all of my children that have had any

sugar so that leaves none anyway uh

let’s see uh this is sad Isabella from

YouTube started keto which is not sad

but it’s created acne on her back and

chest what’s going on with her

that’s just a there’s something else

it’s either the type of Keto you’re

doing it’s not the healthy version or

there’s something you’re missing


um with acne

um usually acne goes away when you do

the healthy version of Keto but vitamin

A is one of the most important things

for to prevent acne if you ever think of

Accutane it’s like a synthetic version

of vitamin A which you don’t want to do

but the natural version

um is in egg yolks it’s in liver

in butter it’s in some Dairy cheeses and

things like that so vitamin A the

retinal form not the pre vitamin A from

vegetables but that would that would

greatly help

terrific next question sir this is a

true falser


true or false a sedentary lifestyle is

the fourth leading risk factor for


audience true or false on that one in

the meantime let’s go back to our great

audience on social media uh let’s see I

can’t even pronounce this but I’m going

to try Maggie from YouTube My granuloma

annulera will not go away it’s on my

back and legs doctors can’t help me what

do I do did I say that right doc have

you heard of that

yeah I just love these questions because

I’m not a medical doctor I can’t can’t

give you a medical treatment but I could

just suggest a couple things to research


um anytime you have

any skin disorder whatsoever there’s two

things to look at one is the gut

your gut lining there’s obviously

probably some problems with that there’s

some problems in your gut could be

related to your food

um the surface area of all of your in

the inside of your digestive intestines

if you were to stretch it out would be

the size of a tennis court so it’s a

huge surface area that constantly is

being exposed to Foods pollution

microbes this and that so I would go

back to the simple basics of uh watching

my basic videos and what to eat and

doing the healthy version of Keto okay

that’s one thing and then the other

thing that’s really good for any skin

conditions would be fasting but period

with periodic prolonged fasting so you

have intermittent fasting and then

um maybe once a week or every two weeks

you do a three day fast boy your skin

will be so good after that if you could

do that

um so

that’s what I’m going to recommend

versus trying to take some Remedy or

some lotion that

you know the skin is really from the

inside out you have to focus on that

interesting okay Jamila from YouTube is

there such a thing as eating too much

broccoli I could eat it every day with

no issues are there any drawbacks from

eating too much broccoli

I don’t think so I don’t think so I

think if you’re feeling good with it I

would also make sure you have other

Foods other than broccoli but no I I

wish I could eat more broccoli that’s

one thing I can’t eat because it tears

up my stomach but you’re getting a lot

of sulforaphane which is a phytonutrient

to help prevent cancer it’s one of the

most researched phytonutrients

so um and there’s a lot of other things

in broccoli that can help you of course

um you know if you have some raw some

steamed that would be good a little bit

better than um you know overly cooked

but no the breakfast is fine having it

in good amounts especially if you don’t

react to it yeah and especially if you

throw some Gorgonzola cheese sauce over

it oh so good that’s what we’re having

for Christmas with our filet uh Doc and

by the way yeah the the birds are so

gracious they send us this fantastic

keto uh meat each year and uh we’re just

in heaven with that and again it forces

compliance on keto if you have that

greater quality of meat you might as

well do the deal and we’re going to do

it with some Gorgonzola cheese sauce on

the broccoli you know Steve speaking

about meat I have I haven’t ever had

venison before instead until recently

and I actually I really I’m impressed

with the deer meat and it’s so

so healthy and it’s so good I’m like

really enjoying it I think I might have

it more on a regular basis and it’s um

I’m liking it now can we plug that

company is it the same company that uh

it’s called go out and get your own deer

in the woods oh okay good for you all

right I get that that’s uh no fresher

than that Odette from YouTube I have a

red swollen right foot and ankle please

help that doesn’t give any more detail

well was there an injury yeah I mean it

was an injury believe it or not the um

people go for ice I don’t recommend ice

because ice slows down the healing think

about the blood is coming in there then

you get rid of the healing response it

delays the injury uh the best thing to

do is to do infrared get one of those


um little pads you can put on the injury

that works a lot better but ice is not

not the best thing this is different

than probably what you’ve heard but um

it’s um it makes sense when you think

about it because

um the only time I would use ice is if I

had severe pain

okay and then you maybe want to use to

get rid of the pain but other than that

it does not increase the healing very

interesting well oh Dad if you get a

chance why don’t you give us a little

more detail in case we’re off um

you know off what’s really going on with

you and we wish you well on that uh

let’s see Sarah from YouTube can you

recommend a generic test that would

indicate if I am absorbing nutrients

efficiently or

how do you think about it well that’s uh

that’s a really good that’s a really

good question I think um there are

some GI tests that you can do

um I don’t know of the names that’s more

for the gut


you know unfortunately some of the other

tests are involve a scope scoping you

and looking at the lining of the


that’s pretty invasive Sometimes some

because they have to sometimes put you

out in Scopia which will give you a lot

of good data


whether this is inflammation or maybe

Celiac or damage to the lining

um but that being said

um there is

a video I did on I mean I think it was

gut permeability it was called a leaky

gut with a doctor from Hungary which did

have a test

and it’s something that you can measure

for leaky gut which is uh which kind of

indirectly will help you understand

what’s going on with the lining of the

colon which could tell you a lot


so search out that video


the other thing

would be to get a DNA test because that

will pick up if you have

genetic weaknesses that are not allowing

you to absorb vitamin D vitamin A B12

folic acid and a lot of other nutrients

that’s another good test to figure

things out


so yeah that’s that’s my answer and I’m

sticking to it Steve okay and here’s the

audience’s answer to our true false or a

sedentary lifestyle is the fourth

leading risk factor for mortality uh and

here’s their claim 65 percent say that

that’s absolutely true 35 percent say no

way it’s false winners please

I was surprised it’s actually true now

if you think about the word sedentary

which means sitting too much it comes

from the Latin word which means sit and

um that means you’re not getting

physical activity right so

um when I started to do a deep dive into

that topic I was actually very very

surprised in the studies they’ve done uh

just comparing people that get two and a

half hours of exercise or physical

activity per week versus people that


oh my goodness your risk for cancer goes

up cardiovascular disease deaths from

diabetes like all these things get

really bad just from not moving you’re

saying well what’s that how is that

possible because our bodies were

designed genetically to move with motion

so in our environment we don’t move as

much as

um our ancestors moved and because there

are so many genes connected to motion

and exercise and physical work

that are related to

reducing inflammation helping blood

sugars helping your cognitive function

so when you stop moving as much

boy you start really turning on

inflammation all sorts of problems

so I’m going to do a video on this

um I think it’s fascinating and

it just is going to convince someone

that regular consistent exercise is

going to really prevent a lot of a lot

of problems from your brain your blood



very important simply because now we’re

activating genes that promote health

and we’re inhibiting the ones that cause



if and here’s just a survey question if

you can put this in the in the comment


um tell me how much physical activity or

exercise that you get

in the comments section right now I’m

curious you know you can

you know just kind of describe what you



but so many people I think 30 of the

population doesn’t really do much I

didn’t do anything between the ages of I

think 29 and 41 or two I did not


very much and I had a lot of body


of course I’m 43 right now so I am much

better isn’t that something a youthful

doctor for us we’ve got a lot of years

left in him and next up is Raj he’s

coming to us from Raj Rod Chester excuse

me New York and Raj is right on the

money he put his camera back on go on

you’re with Dr you’re on with Dr Berg

for one quick question if you mind Raj

hi doctor uh so basically I’m feeling

like a lot of thirsty actually uh for

the past two three months so I went to

hospital like they did all the great

work they checked the potassium calcium

and sodium everything is normal and the

tasted A1C also it’s like 5.1 which is


so they were saying it could be sucrose

or something uh autoimmune disease but

they’re not clear so I’m feeling more

thirsty throughout the day actually like

night time before sleeping right I’m

drinking like four to five liters of

water continuously

so I’m not sure what to do here

okay if you did the A1C and it came out

um normal then the other reason for

excessive thirst would be what’s called

hypercalcemia so you may want to get

your parathyroid tested or your calcium

levels tested

um because there could be a problem

somehow with that of course in the


um realize that the water that you drink

is retained with salts and you you also

may need a bit more salt to hold the

water in your body


and to adjust the thirst so make sure

you’re taking at least a level teaspoon

of sea salt in your diet every single

day within your food and things

um and of course I’m assuming that you

are on keto and you’re not consuming

you know the breads pasta cereal

crackers biscuits waffles pancakes rice

um things like that I’m assuming you’re

not consuming that because that could



a problem with your fluids um because it

tends when you what happens when you do

eat refined carbs or sugar you retain

a lot more uh water and that can also

cause imbalances with the sensors for

your your fluids and um also your um

thirst and


as well as your urination do you have um

problems with urination do you urinate

frequently or not

oh yes I’m doing frequently

yeah you know there’s also another type

of diabetes insipidus that you should

check as well so I think you need a a

deeper test check the parathyroid check

your calcium and check for uh find a

doctor that can check with diabetes

insipidus and see if there’s any problem

in that area and then watch my videos

on whatever they found to to get uh

maybe a natural solution

all right well please let us know about

that Roger kind of short on time so but

please do get back with us and let us

know how that goes and we wish you all

the best health in the coming new year

and stick with that great keto stuff or

whatever that is going to continue to

increase your health and let’s see let’s

uh let’s just go straight over to Eric

uh he’s in Boston and he was just

stretching his arms so I don’t know if

he’s got carpal tunnel or something or

we’ve just kept him on hold for too long

go ahead with your one question for Dr

Berg please Eric

hi Dr Eric thank you for the opportunity

so I’m usually a healthy person with

perfect BMI but back in January I had a

panic attack because of uh major

Financial loss and suddenly some other

health problems uh appeared like I had

uh I had like gerd reflux shortness of

breath a lot of digestion issues a lot

of bloating constant dry coughing all

the time and of course anxiety

so you know it has been like almost like

10 11 months now I’m doing much better

than it was before however uh

my GI doctor told me that I have IBS

and I’m using Duloxetine 20 milligrams

every day it’s like anti-depression

medication and it’s also helping my uh

bloating issues as well because it’s

recommended by uh my GI doctor so it

looks like uh I will have to be using

this medication forever this is what my

uh behavioral

behavioral uh

doctor told me

so I was wondering if there is any

replacement for this medication because

I don’t want to use this medication

because of side effect over long term

is there any special diet or lifestyle

change or any type of food any type of

system that can replace this medication

by the way I asked this this question to

my GI doctor and she told me that oh if

you find that kind of like replacement

just let me know so I’m asking you



it could be and it’s very commonly

that you would have some of these

symptoms related

to the side effects of your medication

um I would check all the side effects

see if they correlate but as you were

talking you know I was just kind of in

my mind seeing if there’s any Common

Thread between some of the symptoms and

there definitely is when you experience


of any sort which that’s the that’s the

worst stress

our bodies can experience which creates

such a shock to the system that you


depleted with some really key nutrients

the biggest one being vitamin B1 and it

just happens vitamin B1 is the antidote

to a panic attack

it calms the nerve it pulls you out of

the flight or fight you know fear

sensation and it’s great for nightmares


um for worry which is kind of like um

anxiety and uh not having a solution to

a problem

and so B1 is what you need to take a lot

of I would find a natural one but then I

would also find

um probably nutritional use with more B1

would probably be the best thing you

could do right now and you’re going to

feel calmer and so then you can work

with your doctor to kind of make the

adjustments and wean off that medication

um the other thing is that watch my

video my two videos on panic attack


your breathing is very very important to

actively slow down your breath in and

out especially when you’re sleeping you

can actually change your autonomic

nervous system and pull yourself right

out of a panic attack just by

slow breathing which is interesting

um so B1 vitamin D is important as well

but B1 is the key one and the other

interesting thing about B1

is that if you’re deficient

you are not going to be able to make

this hormone another hormone it’s a

neurotransmitter called acetylcholine

and that’s going to affect something

called the vagus nerve

which calms down the heart and it’s

going to affect your digestion big time

so just by not having a B1 can create

all sorts of problems with the valve on

your stomach

um creating

um increasing your risk for all sorts of

GI gastrointestinal problems even the

production of hydrochloric acid is going

to be off so I think B1 is going to be

your best friend coming in the near a

few months that’s what I would recommend

and then watch my recent video that I

talked about that which is the

the consequence of having a B1

deficiency and how it relates to

digestion I don’t even know the name of

that video that I recently did but I

released it from the last week it’s on

digestion and it’s quite massive and

it’ll give you some data and then also

watch um other videos that I had on B1

so you have the full understanding but

that’s really what you need right now

that’s great well listen Eric get back

with us and let me tell you something

Eric here is a remedy on screen now and

for the whole audience and that’s Dr

Berg’s uh wonderful app now available uh

on from the Apple store or Google Play

and these are organized not to say that

the doctor is disorganized but YouTube

apparently is a tough place to research

and find different stuff but not on this

app so you have the power of Health

right at your fingertips whether you’re

Android or uh iPhone so go get that

folks and uh you’ll probably knock out

these questions 20 times faster there’s

there’s a there’s a an audio part of

that so what’s great is if you’re

driving you just click the audio on the

videos and just listen to me listen to

certain videos that you’re interested in

that way it’s kind of like a an audio

book I listen to a lot of

audiobooks when I’m driving

um so um it’s nice so I would recommend

that very good okay next question

another true false or doc

okay true or false gluten is the only

protein we don’t digest completely

all right folks climb on that let us

know what you think uh let’s see

oh here we go uh coins and ghouls is the

handle that this person’s going uh from

on YouTube do breath Ketone meters

actually work

I think they do work they give you some

data but here’s the thing as soon as you

adapt to ketosis you’re going to be more

efficient at Burning ketones and less

efficient at wasting well you just

you’re not you’re not going to waste as

many ketones like that’s why the urine

Ketone test or the breath test are good

in the beginning of Keto but when you

start burning it it might not show up in

your urine anymore because you’re

utilizing these ketones you’re not

wasting them

um so the best one is a blood test but a

urine test is you know it’s a good good

indicator roughly especially in the

beginning but probably not when you get

fully adapted

okay very good let’s go to uh Saint

Augustine who got roughed up from a

hurricane I think and we’ve got uh Dana

on and Dana we’re running a little on

time but we want to get you in here so

let us know quickly what your question

is for Dr Burke

I’ve been dealing with

um a phlegm or mucus for over a year now

and I just can’t figure out what’s going

on I have been to an ENT they’ve scoped

me I’ve been to an allergist I’m not

allergic to any environmental allergens

um I’m currently working with my primary

doctor and he has me on some nasal


um an allergy pill for a couple weeks to

see if that might help but nothing seems

to be working and I’m not sure what to

do I have watched your videos

um and I’ve done a couple of the things

but I’m just stuck on what to do what to

try is it originating from the back of

the throat somewhere or is it coming

from the post nasal it seems like it’s

post nasal uh because when I wake up in

the morning I’m having to blow my nose

I’m having to clear my throat

but I also find that throughout the day

I have to clear my throat it’s almost

like a frog like it changes my voice

and I have to almost like gag to to

clear this

have you ever had uh mono or

epstein-birs that you know of not that I

know of

okay have you ever had really bad sore


I get sore throats but I I think maybe

just with a common cold

have you do you have a history of

um having tonsil issues

that I’ve had I’ve never had my tonsils

out so not that I know of yeah we have a

history of taking antibiotics

I’ve taken a lot of antibiotics

I mean I have two young kids so I’m

always sick

yeah what happens though um you know

when people become sick and they have

this uh immune it’s really think about

it like this wow my immune system is

actually working

and people don’t like to be sick so they

instantly take something right when you

take antibiotics and a lot of them you

kill off bacteria and unfortunately

you end up with more uh fungus and yeast

that can grow because the bacteria there

to keep the yeast in check and the

fungus in check and a lot of people have

this chronic um fungal infection in the

sinuses and then they get that treated

and then it just comes back with a

vengeance so I think a good approach

for you would be to watch all of my

videos on the sinus and the to find

there’s several remedies that you can

use and one would be actually a diluted

juice of kimchi if you take some of that

and put up in the nostrils it tends to

there’s even supplements there’s a

certain microbe that can help uh

reestablish the the microbes in your



and there’s also the Halo um it’s called


it’s like a salt therapy it’s a device I

think it’d be good for you that runs at

night in your room it’s dry salt it’s

not sea salt sodium chloride that seems

to really uh purify your sinuses it’s

like being at the beach and that’s Salt

Air and it’s really good for uh sinuses

and also inhibiting pathogens things

like that

um and then also I would get on

my basic healthy eating plan and

intermittent fasting because that’s

going to reduce


mucus in general especially if you might

be doing too many carbs and then fasting

is going to help the immune system the

acupressure tool or technique will

probably help you

drain but you’re going to have to deal

with what’s going on deep inside and


the medication route always ends up

making it worse with time because

they’re they’re not looking at what’s

happening with this this microbiome

inside your sinuses they’re kind of like

well let’s use this they’re stronger and

stronger and stronger and then now


developing resistant microbes that you

can’t kill no matter what so you want to

go in the area of uh probiotics eating

more probiotics Probiotic foods um

reestablishing that in your sinus is

doing Natural Things

um like um I list a whole bunch of them

you can start doing that

um but I do understand where you’re at


I mean you probably had a lot of

treatment so whatever you do try not to

get any more antibiotics if unless you

absolutely have to because that’s going

to take you in the wrong direction okay

thank you you’re welcome that’s great

doc you’re so generous with all your

time with these people it’s like you’re

talking to your niece there giving a

great counsel and thanks so much you

know I was I was the poster child for

antibiotics every year I mean I took it

and uh so I have a lot of experience

with um what not to do

um you know of course I was like oh my

gosh I’m getting sick I have to I have

to just suppress the symptom I’m getting

a fever I have to take this but um that

immune system boy that’s

that’s like your friend and getting sick

is actually a training for your immune

system when you’re younger especially

um you know let your body go through

this whole cycle and you become stronger

and don’t don’t live too much in a

sterile environment that’s just as bad

yeah well I I sure didn’t when my kids

were I don’t know two or three are going

to so they’re preschool or Center four

or five whatever the age goes I was sick

for two years straight with each of

their new strains they come home from

that slobber all over me which I love

but then I got sick

helping you now become very very strong

to uh pathogens yeah I’m pretty tough

right now uh okay let’s go back to uh I

think it’ll probably be our last

question for to this week true false

gluten is the only protein we don’t

digest uh completely and our respondents

said uh sorry I it kind of jumped up on

my screen 55 say false 45 say true who’s


it’s true now if you look this up you

will say oh no we can digest it and

that’s usually uh put out by various uh

sites that don’t are not credible

um there’s a really good researcher this

guy is the top guy in the field of um

gluten intolerant celiac disease


Dr Fasano wrote a book on gluten

fascinating book I’m reading I mean this

guy is it really put put Celiac on the


um it’s done massive research has

massive success very credible and he’s

the one that said gluten does not fully

digest because our we don’t we have not

developed the enzymes yet to fully break

it down so then we end up with this

incomplete breakdown and also it has the

ability to dilate or open up or make our

gut more permeable permeable whether

you’re allergic or not

so when you’re eating wheat you’re

basically creating a a version of leaky

gut because of these proteins are not

digesting and

because some of the other chemical other

the the Cascade of things that can

happen and that leads to

um a lot of problems especially if

you’re doing it chronically

gluten is an interesting protein because

first of all over the last two decades

we’re just like we’re increasing the

concentration of gluten in the wheat so

it’s a lot more than it used to be and

um this is tearing up our colons and and


um because it’s not digested it’s not

providing a lot of health benefits other

than that wonderful texture that bread

gives you that wonderful gooey

bread dough you know that we love so

much but oh my gosh it comes with a a

package I remember

um not thinking twice consuming

uh French bread a huge uh loaf of French

bread that’s just like and just Downing

it just without even thinking it’s like

a problem at all and I always wondered

why I shortly after was just doubled

over with this serious digestive issue



these the gluten or byproducts of gluten


our bodies interpret that

um like certain components of microbes

and so it does create an immune reaction

very commonly and so we have this uh

setting the person up for a potential

autoimmune disease because all these

autoimmune start in the gut and


had to have created a permeability issue

one really important thing with small

children or babies like if they’re

for you know between being born in four

months or five months do not give them

any grains at that age you’re gonna set

them up for all sorts of problems their

immune system and their their microbiome

isn’t strong enough to

really deal with it so that’s really the

problem is that we don’t have the the

microbiome to deal with the enzymes that

are necessary to break down certain

things so creates a lot of issues by the

way can we put you on the spot just

before the show in uh this gentleman uh

let’s see wants to know when your last

cheat day was and what did you have this

is coming from ward he dares to ask you

what your last cheat day when I mean

it’s a holidays he probably suspects

you’re having some sugar cookies or


well here’s the thing I don’t have a

cheat day but

um I have gone off the program of course

so I was in uh I think I was in um Italy

and definitely had had to experiment

with um something called um Pizza

and so that was probably the last time

and um

you know I I can afford to do that

occasionally I don’t do it a lot but um

I do enjoy a high quality pizza and so

um yeah that was it that was it Ward

your suspicions were your suspicions

were correct but look he’s still healthy

so that’s great anyway thanks for that

last little tidbit I guess we’re out of

time doc so if you take us away

appreciate appreciate all your wonderful

comments and thank you for your

attention I really uh appreciate that

and uh stay tuned for some really

interesting videos coming up this next

week uh which are even I think are going

to be even more interesting the last

week have a wonderful weekend we will

see you next week same time same place
