The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - December 1, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

good morning everyone it looks like my

light needs to be brought up a little

bit but I think we have to just cope

with that welcome back today we’re going

to answer a lot of questions and of

course anything that I say is not meant


give you any type of um solutions to

Health Care before you check with your



Steve we have a lot of

callers ready to ask questions let’s

just Dive Right In you sure do and first

up is James Morgan who tried to get to

us from Ethiopia last week but was

having trouble with his internet so

without further Ado we can’t get his

camera up but James you are on with Dr

uh Berg please State your question

yes yes uh please see Dr Burke I’m happy

to be here I hope you can hear me

Dr Burke can you hear him hello no I

can’t hear him can you can you hear me

let’s see I can uh hang on just a second

let me try to bring him in here we have

problem here of the internet we have


now I I can’t hear you again can can you

hear me please well I’m sorry uh James I

can’t here’s what I’d like you to do yes

I can hear you very very very low can

you raise up your voice yeah

oh can you hear him wait wait say

something James

but it was working

okay I can hear you now oh good I don’t

know but uh

go ahead with your question Dr Burr can

hear you I’m very happy to be here Dr


I hope you can hear me now he can go

ahead with your question James okay

please Dr Burke mine would not be really

a question I’m just want to say thank

you very much

I was very very sick my wife and I we

were very sick

we were having insulin resistance we I

myself was a blown up diabetic I was a


and it was the Christmas of

last year that we happened to be in

Nairobi Kenya

and that was my first time to come

across your videos

I you know these days Dr anything on the

video people don’t take it serious

because many things videos YouTube the

social media has been corrupted with so

many things in the first place I didn’t

believe that it was real

but I decided to take few minutes to

listen to you

I listened that uh video to the end

I said is this really real or just uh

things of the social media

and then I continued I subscribed and

then I started receiving your videos

then I continued watching you for almost

a week

right from there we decided to put it on


first of all we started that let us try

two meals a day


um 16 hours 8 hours of window eating

window and 16 hours of fasting

when we tried it doctor it it it was

showing some improvements

that I could wake up in the morning

without having dizziness heavy pains and

so on and so on

so for two weeks I said no let us go for

a meal how much

one meal a day

that was in our January 2022 yeah

13 of January

we followed it very very strictly we

went on three months later

we went for checkup

the results were very amazing the doctor

asked what have you done what have you


I said what have I done I’ve just

followed the instructions from one of

the doctors in U.S

and this seemed to be helpful

for the first time my A1C dropped

to 5.3

wow that’s fantastic that was wonderful

and then my fasting blood sugar that

morning was almost like

um 90. by the way James I’m sorry we’re

just a little short on time but man

we’re really excited to hear the grand

progress that you’ve made uh why don’t

you you know this would be one of those

great things for a testimonial if you

could uh write into Dr Burke

can you give us a little more guidance

on how he can do a testimonial

hey James thank you so much for that

success story it’s just yeah and I

really want to hear the whole thing the

only thing is I have a whole uh series

of people in in line waiting so um we

have to do it quick but definitely send

me the whole write-up this is amazing

this is amazing went to your doctor your

A1C came down your blood sugars came

down doing one omad you probably did

keto as well

um this is this is awesome awesome I I

just I’m blown away that

you know it’s just not so more obvious

to the average doc that you know whoa

got high sugar so maybe we should change

the diet and lower the sugar so



um you know what’s missing in the Health

Care system is the creation of Health it

is kind of more the management of


um other but there’s not a lot of things

to create health and one thing is to

lower the sugars increase the nutrient

dense foods

um I mean if you take a look at

a place where they need nutrient dense

foods the most

that would be in the hospital right but

what do they serve people in the


institutional foods that the same foods

that they serve prisoners I mean it’s

just so bad it’s like worse than

the standard American diet so


you know when I had my shoulder work


I was like oh wow what am I going to eat

so they had well they had some Jello and

crackers and some um

some beef that looked like it was like

completely processed I mean it was just

so bad so anyway Steve Let’s uh let’s go

on to uh the next topic okay okay the

next topic is we have six not five but

six exciting quiz questions and here’s

the first one

all right uh let’s see here so what is

the most important anti-stress hormone

in the body

okay so you have all this cortisol all

this stress

did you realize that there’s another

hormone that counters all this what

would that be

um this might be new information but

it’s very exciting because

um it’s something brand new I haven’t

really discussed in any of my YouTube

channel uh videos

very good okay let’s go over to social

media Victoria from Facebook please

share any advice you have on clearing up

stretch marks

I did a video on this

um I think the best thing you’re you’re

dealing with um

the elastin in the skin is like um a

rubber band right and so now the um

elastin is overstretched or the the

collagen fibers have overstretched now

it’s like they leave these little marks

so you’re gonna have to clean up that

through um various things um increasing

circulation to the area you can rub

these superficial part of the skin with

a kind of a they have a brushes that you

can when you’re in the shower you can do

that as well as I would think the

biggest thing would be prolonged fasting

where you’re going through autophagy and

your body’s recycling these old damaged

proteins and then the third thing

is I would rub Vitamin E oil into your

skin and that will help break up some of

the scar tissue the same thing if you

have pock marks from acne vitamin E is a

really good um


kind of an anti-fibrotic kind of a

breaking up Scar Tissue vitamin

well that’s uh that’s interesting okay

let’s see I also want to go to Michelle

in Germany because she keeps popping off

and on not to insult your internet there

in Germany but for some reason it’s not

behaving so stand by unmute yourself

dear and uh you are on with Dr bird

am I unmuted you are go ahead with your

question Michelle

all right so I’m having trouble

maintaining ketosis I’m hearing a lot of

background stuff I don’t know

um so I’m having trouble maintaining

ketosis and I have a history of

prolactinoma I had surgery in 2018

and a number of

medical problems

um so I’m not sure what’s going on I’m

doing intermittent fasting I thought I

was keeping my carbohydrates pretty low

but my fasting glucose levels are higher

than my right after eating so I’m a

little confused

so are you on a a really low

carbohydrate diet

probably not as low as as zero but it’s

pretty low okay

mostly salmon vegetables and salad

so I think the um a really good product

because you had you had surgery on this

this tumor right yeah so um I think if

you took a stand it’s called a standard

it’s a standard processed product called


called the two at 12 and PMG I would

take one before bed because a lot of

times when you have surgery


that that can affect other hormones and

I think there’s a there could be an

issue with that I’ve seen that before

and just trying to regulate this hormone


um and then the other thing that I think

would help you

um well just just to realize that some

of that blood sugar issue that might be

too high is probably being made by your

own liver it’s not you’re not eating

sugar so your liver is just making it so

um you might have to just do something

to burn that extra sugar off to get you

into deeper ketosis and with time that

will improve if you just maintain that

all over time but you might want to

exercise burning extra sugar off every

day and then um that will um the kind of

counter what you’re dealing with and do

other things to stabilize your blood

sugars too like um the cinnamon you know

you can put some cinnamon on your toast

I’m being very sarcastic now just uh

cinnamon apple cider vinegar is another

good one and berberine because you

probably have some insulin resistance

that you just have to break through and

it takes some time okay

well that’s terrific well thank you so

much Michelle and I’m glad we were able

to get you on the air and let’s see I’m

looking for answers Terry I’m not sure

let me look through this list I don’t

think I see it yet in the meantime we’ve

got Michelle from Germany and we’ve got

a pause from Denmark we’ll have her up

shortly we’ve got another one from uh

Manila Jennifer and in addition to that

we’d like to say good morning to our

viewers joining us from the UK Canada

Sweden Ethiopia and that was James by

the way Taiwan Austria Australia excuse

me India Cyprus Nigeria Spain Sweden

turkey Mongolia good grief haven’t heard

from them in a while France Ghana Israel

Mexico Greece Malaysia Kenya the

Philippines there we go Jennifer

um Germany Kuwait Estonia South Africa

Italy Trinidad and Tobago Japan Egypt

Switzerland the Netherlands uh there’s

another one we’ve got uh let’s see is it

is Denmark in the in the Netherlands

shake your head positive I’m correct I’m

not sure if that is anyway that’s up

there a Czech Republic

Poland Lithuania Chile Oman Singapore

Hungary Indonesia Belgium New Zealand

Pakistan Denmark Peru Colombia Russia

Australia Austria excuse me and all

across these United States so thanks

everybody for participating in class and

in fact all our guests again are from

out of town somewhere so thanks so much

for participating and making the show

such a success everyone and let’s see

what let’s go back to face back to

social media with Facebook

Linda from Facebook I have heart failure

what advice would you share to help me I

guess congenital heart failure is that

what that is Maybe

well the best thing the best thing to

take from a nutrient angle other than go

on the healthy version of Keto and

intermittent fasting immediately is to

start uh find some um

it’s called tocotrino it’s a vitamin E

tocotrino that is very very good for the

heart heart protective there’s many

things in our heart protective cardio

protective that you can take with

natural nutritional things so that’s the

simple version and of course you know

the things that the two things that

really destroy the heart are refined


and refined sugars so um

so that’s kind of what I would do

immediately and I think um you might be

able to pull yourself out I have a lot

of videos on the cardiovascular system

uh watch them all and apply the



you know

Steve I I had a comment that someone was


you know asking well they kind of had a

disagreement they’re like why why do you

you know I like your information but why

do you sell nutritional products you

know it’s kind of a conflict of interest

and I I said well would you rather have

someone who doesn’t know about nutrition

Market or sell

products Health Products right I mean

for example I’ll give you an example

um I recently got this email from

my Manufacturing Company who helps me

with the um making the vitamins

and um

out of

3500 other clients that they’ve worked

with over the years no one has ever

asked or requested

a product without maltodextrin

except me because I I don’t want that in

any of my products and he said he said

99.9 of all these products that involve

like spraying powders and also um

like flavorings have hidden maltodextrin

right so


this is another reason why you you know

if someone’s um

promoting products you got to make sure

that you don’t have these hidden things

in there and so um I would recommend

reaching out to the company that’s

selling you a product and then making

sure that they send you a documentation

that ours are not with maltodextrin or

hidden things like that because it’s

just so invasive it’s just all over the

place and this maltodextrin is way worse

than sugar and glucose on the glycemic

index it’s like

way higher than a hundred and glucose is

  1. so

here we are trying to get in keto we’re

trying to lower our carbs and then

you’re taking nutrition you’re thinking

that might be helping you but it could

be filled with sugar unknowingly so I

just wanted to put that out there and

that’s one thing that you have to watch

for well I’ll tell you what there’s a

fly on the wall you know I work in and

around Dr Berg and his lovely wife Karen

and I don’t know if I’m at Liberty to

say this but let me tell you something I

know for a fact that he pays a great

deal more for the ingredients that go

into all these various supplements

because I hate to call you obsessive doc

but I think that’s what it is you’re not

going to put out a rotten product and

you know you’re in Karen’s health is

reflective of that and John from

Ethiopia talked about it but it really

is I can assure you folks that he um is

not looking to just slap but Dr Burgess

not looking to slap a label on a bottle

and get out there he really scrutinizes

over it and you know I’m a benefactor of

many of his supplements you know I’m a

nutritional yeast freak and so on but

anyway thank you for that Dr Berg and I

I just got to throw that in because

again I see the inner workings of the

company and I know what he goes to to

put out these products and it ain’t

nothing like the other people just sort

of slaying the uh you know foreign

ingredients and put a label on and call

it great

so let’s see uh we’ve got a quiz

question answer and the first quiz

question was uh what is the most

important anti-stress hormone in the

body and our uh

our audience 65 of them say melatonin

thirty percent say serotonin and five

percent say insulin


um you know you guys are are close but

it’s oxytocin now um

oxytocin normally

you know is related to

the birthing process with the

contraction of the uterus the lactation

the bonding between a mother and a baby

but I recently did a whole Deep dive in

oxytocin which blew me away it has also

a huge factor in regulating

um cortisol and stress and um

um buffering your stress response and so

in a video that I’m going to release

very soon I’m going to show you how to

trigger oxytocin and it has nothing to

do with nutrition

um they found um you know anything


um bonding with uh you know another


volunteering sharing something reading a

story like all these things that involve

helping another increase oxytocin which

is fascinating because if you ever think

about the last time you helped someone

were you stressed your stress went down

you would never think you would never

connect the dots there but there’s

definitely um a therapy of just helping

in general which actually has a lot to

do with uh this you know one aspect just

the oxytocin from a physical standpoint

reducing your stress you know um so this

just kind of goes beyond just you know

getting on the right diet exercise that

type of thing but just stay tuned for

that video it’s actually very very

interesting wonderful next question


okay what is the most important vitamin

in in preventing a stroke

I’m on an audience I know you have some

answers uh and here is

a good question and I just I just lost

it let’s see

oh here we go uh Jolie from YouTube

while we’re fasting what should we do to

address the lack of minerals during this

period I have also been diagnosed with

oh my goodness breast cancer

you need to take minerals uh

electrolytes while you’re fasting very

important so many people don’t because

think about what’s going to happen is

the first thing what happened first

thing that happens when you start

fasting is you’re going to start to use

up your stored glycogen that is stored

um sugar okay in your liver and some in

the muscle as well okay so you’re going

to use that up and then you’re going to

start burning fat well guess what’s in

the glycogen you got potassium

and so you’re going to dump a lot of

um fluid because this glucose also holds

water so with that loss of glycogen

water you also lose potassium so if

you’re not taking the potassium you can

end up with a deficiency especially if

you don’t consume 10 cups of vegetables

a day like I do and um

and then so if you have cancer you

should watch my other videos on cancer

there’s a lot of things you can do but

probably the most important thing you

can do is start doing prolonged fasting


depending on the severity of the cancer

like let’s say you had stage four if it

was me I would start with a 21 day fast

starting yesterday

because it’s more severe and you want to

you want to create the biggest impact

there’s other things to do but the

fasting is the most potent thing and

it’s not too expensive

so um everyone can afford fasting

all right well I can’t afford to give

out my observations on geography because

Terry says I’m getting roasted on my

Denmark Netherlands remark he says two

different countries bro so I’m going to

be very careful in the future before I

start slinging those Geographic areas

about but that’s you learn something new

every day so by the way folks denmarket

is not part of the Netherlands thank you

all right let’s see let’s go on Terry

also mentions that hugging also

increases oxytocin yes yes hugging does

so start of course yeah you know I

wouldn’t suggest just start hugging

everyone out you know no matter who they

are just all day long because um you

know that comes with the package but I

would just hug those that um yeah

especially like even um

uh what’s another thing that triggers

that um

you know I think volunteering for

something I was like wow that’s

interesting you’re contributing to

something and you feel good about it and

your stress goes down so um it’s a

fascinating topic

fantastic well by the way when we do our

shout out to people all over the world I

think it’s really fun that some other

people say hey what about us and Terry

is always on the side of the viewers so

he added a few more we’ll do a shout out

to those joining us from Kurdistan

Vietnam Qatar

you’ll have to spell that fromatically

with for me Terry Mumbai Ireland Croatia

Cambodia Papua New Guinea Jamaica Dubai

Serbia and Slovakia so thanks everybody

and we don’t forget about any of you and

we’ll continue to give you shout outs as

you pop on here okay let’s see


pitcam from YouTube can you please

discuss the effect of black seed oil as

a way to strengthen our immune system

any comment on that doc

that’s a really good one black seed oil

is a potent

anti-inflammatory I mean the list goes

on and on and on


anti-cancer it helps to regulate um

estrogen metabolism

um it helps to balance your endocrine

system it’s it does a lot of things so

if you have access to that I would take

that on a regular basis

um as I might if you’re watching my

videos you may have noticed that I’m

kind of just talking a little bit more

about DNA and some of the DNA testing

and I’m doing a huge Deep dive um

fascinating fascinating topic

um but

what that’s about and stay tuned for

um a better explanation with that but if

you um check your genes and you can find

the most important areas for you

personally to focus on because

your genes have been given to you by

your ancestors and uh and there are

certain genes that um are permanent but

other genes are not and your environment

has a lot to do with and your epigenetic

factors have a lot to do with whether

these genes are going to be expressed or

not so for me uh personally my greatest

weakness is in in the inflammatory genes

I mean they’re just like the worst of

the worst so what does that mean

it means that um I shouldn’t probably go

out drinking each night right I should

probably not consume the bread pasta

cereal crackers biscuits so um and I

don’t I load up with um a lot of the


from my if my diet from my huge salads

and things like that I have a very wide

range to build up my microbiome also I

do a lot of omega-6 foods and oils that

the cobbler oil and so

um also I got to be careful not to over

train I’ve been guilty of that so

um there’s just a lot of things once you

find out about your personal weaknesses

then you can

kind of change your lifestyle geared to

that so you don’t end up with a problem

down the road so it gives you kind of

some prediction on what problems you’re

going to have whether it’s Alzheimer’s

cancer whatever so I’m going to be um

doing a lot of videos and also recommend

where to get a good test and all that

very soon but I will say it’s a it’s a

it’s a complex subject and to understand

it you have to it takes time and so I’m

I’m dig digging through it but um

I’m almost there very good okay audience

is astute is always in getting the next

answer in for quiz question number two

which asks what is the most important

vitamin in preventing Strokes

and our audience said 45 at least uh say

it’s K2 30 say vitamin D and 25 say

Omega-3s and then the uh the last five

percent say vitamin C

well if you notice I said vitamin

someone said omega-3 which is uh it’s a

nutrient it’s not a vitamin but um

the answer is the most important one

would be by the mini in the form of

tocatrinos which is literally

probably between a hundred to a thousand


more potent than the regular tocopherol

so you want the tocatrinals

you don’t want the tuck off roll so what

does that do well first of all

it’s kind of a driver to help you absorb

more omega-3

with DHA

which is important

um and also it’s a it’s a very powerful

antioxidant so it it can actually go in

there and help

um with the damage during

um The Stroke after and even as a

preventative so if you’re actually if

you had a stroke and you’re rehabbing

that you should you better be taking

tocadrino’s because that’s uh the

research on that is tremendous

especially what it can do to prevent the

fibrosis and the other stuff that comes

after you get a stroke the problem with

the stroke is that

um you get lack of blood supply to an


um and then if you get in time of course

you want to call 9-1-1 and there are

certain drugs that they can dissolve and

you know get if you get it within like

three or four hours but you know a mini

stroke is something that you it doesn’t

have a residual but a severe stroke does

so that tocotrino is like a really

important thing

um take


during and after as well as before

my my whole thing is that’s all real

great but let’s go for preventing a

stroke in the first place and that would

be changing your diet and um and eating

correctly so I have videos on that that

would be like the smartest thing to do

but if you’re unwilling to change your

ways then you should be taking other

things to counter some of the the damage

that’s occurring

from your diet very good okay speaking

of Strokes maybe this next question uh

delves into that issue Dr Berg

okay so what is the most important

vitamin involved in lowering cholesterol

folks get on that and here’s a problem

that probably all of us have from time

to time a letter from YouTube I have a

problem with hair loss from long-term

stress and family problems what can I do

to save my remaining hair

that is um

boy that’s a Common Thread with all the

different types of

things that can cause hair loss I mean

because the stress depletion of


the stress activates cortisol and burns

out the follicles in fact a stress event

can cause hair loss that’s delayed up to

three months so it’s hard to connect the

dots so um you know what you want to do

is watch my video on oxytocin

um that’s coming up real soon


which is fascinating

um that’s related to stress and then do

things to reduce stress and cortisol so

um of course

go for long walks a regular


exercise without over training uh

sleeping a little bit more being out in

the sun eating a healthy Keto Plan is

all going to help you reduce stress and

also fasting intermittent fasting for

sure and then also take the nutrients

that stress is involved in depleting

like the zinc the vitamin C


so these are real key factors and also

vitamin D

good old vitamins a lot of things yeah

okay sounds great and next coming to us

from Denmark not the Netherlands uh is

uh pause pause you’re on with Dr Berg

make sure you’re unmuted

I can’t hear you yet

and unmute yourself her mic is muted so

she just needs to unmute her mic because

I can see it’s muted all right there she

goes there we go there we go okay no can

you hear me yes

hi Dr bed I’m so happy

already submit

I’m so excited I’m I’m very very

grateful to be here with you because you

you change my horses in my life

four years ago since we’re doing your

keto diet

my husband had a diabetes but now we

reverse it and have a healthy life and

more strong and everything is positive

so thank you very much that’s awesome

you’re welcome

okay was that is that your comment do

you have a question

with that thing I’m going through this I

have a friend a very good friend who has

a problem with gold and gold bladder


on a inside and high and enzymes right

and the doctor wants to take off the

gallbladder next month okay and I

introduced time to the keto diet she

said doing it and she had good result

and everything but

suddenly she can continue eating into

the diet because the doctor asked her to

stop to quit from the diet because he

said the the keto diet is not a good

diet to being while you have good little

Stone and deficiency of of a bile salt

okay pause uh let’s get an answer from

Dr Berg

yeah so well you know

might as well go all the way and just

remove the gallbladder and the liver

because the liver produces bile and that

way you completely eliminate the problem

um remember coming back

um here’s the thing um honestly I would

scope out some other doctors that can

look at the bigger picture

um people associate the ketogenic diet

well it’s a high fat diet well it

doesn’t have to necessarily be just a

high fat it can be a quality fat and it

can be low carb which is very beneficial

think about this what’s the alternative

a higher carbohydrate diet which

actually creates some more problems for

the gallbladder

um if he’s concerned about fats then why

don’t you just um not add additional

fats to the ketogenic diet and then add

some bile salts and choline and those

two right there will keep the bile nice

and thinned and happy and flowing freely

but um

you know I had gallbladder problems very

severely and I’ve been on the ketogenic

diet for um

a very long time and um before the

ketogenic diet what did I have oh pain

underneath my right rib cage severe

gallbladder problems so

um it just doesn’t understand

what the healthy version of the

ketogenic diet is it could be very

beneficial because even if you think

about bile itself what triggers the

release of bile which happens to help

you dissolve Stones it’s fat it’s

saturated fat now you say well wait a

second I thought fats are bad for the

gallbladder well only if you take them

with carbohydrates and and also you

can’t tolerate it so if you’re going

from a low fat to a high fat maybe you

just do it slowly so your body can adapt

but um

you know you don’t have to go crazy with

the fats with the ketogenic diet

um but um if you can’t digest them just

you add things to help your digest them


um find another doctor who really is can

work with you

well pause thank you so much for that

question and it speaks volumes about you

that you would be interested in your

friend’s Health after you’ve already

benefited so much and here’s another and

boy I’m so excited Carrie’s been bashing

me to get a graphic produce forever and

here it is so for people like paws she

can tell her friend about the Dr Berg

app that’s now available uh both on the

App Store Apple’s App Store and Google

play so get that and you will have a

source of knowledge Second To None on

your phone in your pocket all the time

and by the way they Dr Berg held back a

little bit until he made sure that all

the sort of little kinks are out of it

so that you can really go on there and

dig down and find the video that you’re

looking for which apparently according

to Dr Burke is very difficult to do on

YouTube sometimes so Dr Berg do you have

any uh wonderful things to say about

your app well I created the app because

I was like having a hard time finding

certain things on my own channel so

um which is really weird this happened

like two years ago and I remember

October I started searching I’m like I

can’t even find these videos they’re on


um but I’m like not showing up so um

created the app and then that way you

can have the resources

um if you need them like if you want to

do a quick search it just pops right up

and so it’s a free app check it out I

and you know what if you don’t like it

please let us know why because give us

feedback if you like it let us know why


um I’m constantly trying to improve it

and um so it’s just another little uh

resource for you and also just just as

an FYI we’re doing something on our

website it’s called The 12 Days of

Christmas starting today if you live in

the U.S it’s free shipping today if you

wanted to check that out

um of course we’re not

um offering that in Europe because of

the expense but anyway I just want to

throw that out and um each day we’ll

have a different

nice little surprise for you so stay

tuned for that have fun okay quiz

question number three ask what is the

most important vitamin involved in

lowering cholesterol

and Terry

ferreted out the answer which is 55

percent say some form of vitamin D 35

say niacin five percent say vitamin B

B3 and five percent say vitamin C

okay it’s the answer is niacin that’s B3

so a lot of you were correct niacin um

is quite quite fantastic I mean what I’m

shocked is this you know this is not

like on the front page of the news while

I know why it’s just there’s no money in

it but there is some hardcore data that

niacin literally not just regulates

cholesterol but it protects the inside

layer of your artery from oxidative

stress and oxidative cholesterol

oxidative LDL it can actually uh reverse

that I mean if you have heart problems I

mean you should be popping these niacin

through the day you can get a 500

milligram time release and you know um

don’t get the one that

um is like a no flush you actually want

the flushing response if that bothers

you then take smaller amounts of it

starting out to gradually increase it

over time but boy what it does for your

um your heart is amazing amazing on many

different levels so I just want to point

that out and so much research I was like

why don’t more people know about this


very good well here’s an interesting

question I’m sure many people around the

world are on this odd schedule Kathy

from Facebook why

um oops let’s say sorry Vanessa from

YouTube can I lead a healthy life

working from 11 30 P.M to 8 A.M what can

I do to improve my health with these

schedules you know a lot of times these

places you work like they’ve got one

rotten sort of fast food vending machine

where you can get a you know a Snickers

and that’s about it so how can she plan

and survive that

what was it what was the time frame it’s

what 11 30 p.m just before midnight to 8

A.M in the morning okay yeah so um so

that’s a rotational uh shift night shift

where you’re gonna have to keep your



stable like in other words on the

weekends whatever you’re gonna have to

keep that unfortunately I wouldn’t

rotate it back because the rotation

really throws off the the Circadian

waves and Rhythm

um one thing I would add to that because

everything is just kind of like shifted

is to buy some type of um lighting like

a full spectrum light they have them

like these healing lights so you can

expose your

your eyes your your face to this natural

light uh sometime at night because

everything is reversed there’s a lot of


things that are happening with with what

the sun gives us and the Darkness gives

us so you’re just gonna have to cope

with that it’s a difficult situation

you’re gonna have to be taking vitamin D

that’s going to help you as the most

important nutrient but

also get that light and maybe by your

desk you’re exposing yourself to that


um you know for at least an hour a day

and then if you couldn’t get out in the

sun too at some point

maybe when you’re getting up or I don’t

know before you go to bed I don’t know

how you’re going to do that but

that is a it’s definitely a stress on

the body it’s the stress on the immune

system so

yes all right well you know I really

like these questions I think and I think

I speak for the audience too you really

learn a lot of stuff and here’s the next


okay what foods

uh what food is highest in quercetin


leap on it

uh Haley it is interesting Juan from

YouTube can a high carb diet affect the


yeah yeah it can because

when you’re in high carbs you’re

think about what’s happening to your

metabolism right it’s a completely

different metabolism

um it’s it’s involving a lot more energy

um wasted energy then burning fat and so

the thyroid has to adjust and this is


um when you go on a low low carb diet

the thyroid does not have to work as

hard and so you’re not going to require

it as much of that hormone

as you would if you’re on the high carb

diet as long as you’re getting all the

nutrients okay

uh you’ll be fine to do the ketogenic

diet so that’s why I always recommend

the healthy version of the ketogenic

diet all right very good let’s go back

to our green room and Jennifer is from

Manila in the Philippines and I’m going

to unmute you Jennifer and uh hang on

just a second like that and we’re asking

for your one question to Dr Byrd

yes hi good morning good afternoon good

evening to all the the to everyone


um first I’d like to thank you Dr Berg

and your team for this opportunity so

here’s my concern

um I’d like to ask how should I respond

to doctors um well I’m diabetic and how

should I my question is I’d like to ask

how should I respond to doctors who

warned me about diabetic ketoacidosis

and those who really

tell me

um to take statins because of my high

LDL but I have low triglycerides and

high HDL they say because I’m diabetic

so I’m more prone to

um so all those hard problems

so are you a type one or type two

okay so I would go to the virta website

Verda website it’s a it’s a group that

even certain insurances are are will

help lower your payments if you um if

you do their program I mean they have

some great documentation that’s more

medical oriented more research that you

can then show your doctor because


I mean unfortunately

uh some of these doctors are not as

flexible in their thinking as we would


um I mean the bottom line is if I were

going up to a doctor I’d say so you

don’t recommend the ketogenic diet

because of uh and I’m a diabetic well

let me ask you this so what is diabetes

and see what they say what’s the

definition of diabetes Well it’s it’s a

state or condition where you have high

sugar in the blood so why when lowering

the sugar be a beneficial thing

and see what they say I mean this is

like so a seven-year-old could

understand that um so then

um the next question is what about the

ketoacidosis which would only occur if

you’re if you’re a type one and you fail

to take your insulin

but going on a ketogenic diet is is

going to raise your ketones but not

sorry about that


not in the level of um

not in to the level of being dangerous

which is like like you know 8 9 10 11


um you’d be lucky if you get them up to

three or four so there’s a thing called

nutritional ketosis you should look it

up and you just need the doctors just

need to be educated on that that’s a

very therapeutic thing what do you think

they did before they had insulin they

did low carbs they did this but then

they invented insulin and or discovered

it and then now

um they don’t really focus on that


the only time you’re going to get

ketoacidosis if you if you have a if

you’re eating a lot of carbs whatever

and then you don’t take insulin but

you’re not taking insulin uh so you

don’t have to worry about it it’s

actually um and then also as far as the

statins go uh it is true that statins

will lower your cholesterol but

it doesn’t necessarily decrease your

risk of heart disease that’s interesting

so um

you know there’s a lot of controversy on

the statins I would I would find some of

these books written by medical doctors

on the dangers of statins you can get

all that data because unfortunately I

still recommend it I mean if you took um

and I’m not telling you not to take your

statins but if like red yeast extract

Works in a very similar way to statins

B3 niacin works very similar to statins

what about those those have virtually no

side effects

got it

well that sounds great well thanks for

representing you bet thanks for

representing Manila so well Jennifer and

thanks for hanging on being our last

Green Room caller uh now let’s go back

to the quizzes and uh the latest one

which is the highest in

Kirsten did I say that right now yeah

which actually is good for um allergies

and uh histamines and all sorts of uh

things the audience knew what it was

because 66 percent uh say onions are

garlic 20 say cabbage and other

cruciferous vegetables and 14 per se

citrus fruits they’re all over the place


okay well onions are

um probably one of the best sources

um so

start including onions in your in your

diet um just yesterday I I love onions

and I put those onions right with my

eggs yesterday it was delicious so

um I could pretty much have onions every

single day and uh I recommend it all

right now that we’ve crap cracked the uh

the Caper about onions let’s go further

into that and this is a true falser our

one true falser for today

yeah so true or false raw onions provide

more kercetin than slightly cooked


okay climb on that audience

and let’s see here’s another one that

affects a lot of people kele from

Facebook what is the best way to address

eczema eczema excuse me issues

yeah this is related to your gut and so

you have to fix the gut to fix the skin

and chances are you might be doing

not just gluten but maybe some weed

products that you have to eliminate and

probably eliminate Dairy and um and some

other allergy and start doing things to

support the gut

um cabbage I mean like sauerkraut is a

really good thing but you want to build

up your microbiome probably take a

probiotic and then watch my video on

bloating because I actually go into that

um the skin issues are I mean also you

want to take vitamin D

or like an anti-inflammatory but uh

eczema is a definitely a gut issue


um you know they’ve found even like

these like the Europe leaky gut these

little Junctions or these uh these

spaces in your in your intestine

um when you take like gluten they just

like open right up and they allow

all sorts of food that’s shouldn’t be

passing through that barrier that passed

right through or your immune system is

ready to go what the heck is that it

starts to tag these proteins

as pathogens and something that’s

foreign and now you now you are have new

allergies now you have

um antibodies against the wrong thing

now you’re more susceptible to

autoimmune problems

like Hashimoto’s you know it’s just um

it’s a situation absolutely well this is

no fun Uma from Facebook please share

any advice for burning feet sensation at


simple simple simple simple solution you

just go out get something called

benphotamine which is a uh it’s a B1

it’s a synthetic B1 which is one of the

only synthetics I recommend

um and that B1 helps to heal the nerves

usually the products with benphotamine

also have alpha lipoic acid and so

either one of those are good but I like

the benphotamine


and sometimes with the alpha lipoic acid

you take that and it’s really good to

help your nerves which usually come from

either diabetic situation or what can

come from other things too but it’s a

it’s a simple solution it works

very well

very good and the audience works very

well they’re ripping through these

questions as I said we have six today

instead of five and by golly we’re going

to get through them and this latest one

asked or is a true falser uh true false

raw onions provide more curcitin than

slightly cooked vegetables in our

audience uh 55 of them say no way that’s

false 45 is true

it’s false

when you slightly cook these onions you

get a a little bump

um you get a little increase and so so

like maybe six to twenty five percent

um so

but you know eat them raw too but you

get a little bit more so it’s kind of

like with the garlic right you have to

and also sulforaphane which is in um

um broccoli Sprouts you have to crunch

them and break them open to release an

enzyme that then makes this active

compound active well same thing with the

onions okay very good uh and speaking of

onions this is the onion show and here’s

our last question for the day doc

okay which type of onion has the least

quercetin red onion yellow onion or

white onion

all right now let’s go back to social

media John from Facebook how do you feel

about Citrus Bergamot to lower I hope I

said that right to lower cholesterol

Citrus Bergamot I think I think it’s a I

think it’s a great remedy um but also at

the same time you know you want to cut

out cut out the carbs which actually

inevitably raise things so um if you

have also a genetic problem related to

fats in general

um if you have a weakness within an area

you know you want to add choline you

want to add some of the B vitamins you

want to add

um things like um

bile salts

so and niacin there’s a lot of things

you can do depending on your situation

but typically that is a good remedy for

um what what you want to do

that’s terrific let’s see now Kathy from

Facebook why is it that cruciferous

vegetables bother me uh badly extremely

gassy reactions help

yeah well there’s there’s definitely

there’s something that’s called

dysbiosis or this imbalance of some

microbe in in your gut that you know

these microbes are supposed to help you

break down uh this fiber but um

sometimes we don’t have the microbes

um there so then when you eat these

things and boy it just it tears us up

because they’re not digested and then

what happens is you have this over

fermentation problem so then we get uh

too much gas uh different types of gas

and then we have pressure and then so

um you just have to avoid them right now

and then slowly increase them in the

diet over a long period of time so your

body can adapt to digesting this there’s

one cruciferous vegetable that I cannot

eat or I will be in so much pain that’s


um but I can do cabbage I can do other

ones and of course if you’re doing

um brussels sprouts I would we need

those raw if I were you I would cook

them or steam them but but yeah so if

you can’t do

the cruciferous do other vegetables like

salad and things like that if you can’t

do that go on the carnivore for a while

but you know our bodies will eventually

adapt to certain things

um if you give it enough time

but if your genetics

have been adapting for thousands of

years in a certain way it may take

a few thousand years to get them back to

where where they need to be depending on

the environment or what what you’re

doing but in the meantime

you know there’s a lot of things you can

do to cope with the problem

okay my sounding the klaxon that means

that the audience has done absolutely

incredible with their homework because

they just answered six questions we

usually have trouble getting through

five and it asks the final one which

type of onion has the least curcitin red

yellow or white I’m such a fan of red

they didn’t say red instead they said 60

say it’s white onions 40 say it’s the

yellow ones

it’s the white because it’s lacking a


and these phytonutrients especially

curcitin is a it’s an it’s a pigment

which is a antioxidant pigment just like

a lot of the other ones anthraxanthins

carotenoids pigments

so um this is why


you know like the dark uh purple beets

or carrots or these uh different color

type vegetables are are good

um but yeah I mean still do the white

ones but if you do the yellow red ones

it’s just you get a little bit more of

that nutrient which is uh very

interesting and I’m I’m doing some

I have a device

I’m doing some research on this I have a

whole team of people helping me but um

so I want to find out

how can we grow

food that is higher in some of these


and a lot of it of the past research has

to do with it really depends on the

microbes in the

around the seed when you’re growing it

as well as in the soil so we’ll do a

whole research I’ll do a whole video on


um because it’s a fascinating topic and

uh you know it’s it’s related to a

couple things and one thing one variable

is the microbes another variable is the

sunlight so if you’re growing in a

greenhouse with a certain growing lamp

versus out in the sun completely


um phytonutrient Spectrum so

it’s a very interesting subject all

right here’s something interesting

Jillian from YouTube would nut Rod work

in my morning coffee in lieu of butter

while I’m fasting it has zero carbs and

a couple of grams of fat

I think we’d be fine I think it’d be


all right have at it and let’s see

Elaine from uh YouTube we’re back to

nice and how much niacin should we be

taking on a daily basis

I would take 500 milligrams of time


and you know there’s not a lot of

options as far as the type of niacin out

there so

um they pretty much all come from the

same company so I would I would take it

it seems to work regardless of the the

type on that particular vitamin but

niacin um niacin is also good for um

schizophrenia too and um even bipolar

and even depression

um so yeah it’s a real key key nutrient

for a lot of problems very good I love

these handles high five from YouTube can

the use of Moringa help with the effects

of IBS

I don’t know I don’t know uh you might

want to try it Moringa Moringa comes

from a a leaf from a tree

um and so you can actually even grow it

too it grows

very easily but it’s a really nutrient

packed plant I mean a leaf so

um will it help your gut I don’t know I

do know for example

fiber might aggravate the gut if you

have pre-existing damage so that’s

really important so if some people can’t

tolerate like vegetables because they

have already have existing damage from

the seed oils that they consumed so um

one thing that I do is I do my

wheatgrass juice powder added with water

in there because that has the benefit of

the chlorophyll without the fiber

and that’s really good to help heal the

inner skin of the intestinal tract all

right very good Charlene from YouTube

represents a great many people in the

populace women in this case what

supplements would you recommend for

someone who is post-menopausal

probably the most important one would be

starting with vitamin E

um because that’s going to that’s what

they lose from um having the loss of

ovaries so the vitamin E would be good I

would get in the tocotrinos that would

really help make sure you don’t take a

lot of calcium okay because so that can

be a problem I would get the calcium

from the food but and then I would also

do the Omega uh three these the omega-3

I would say like cod liver oil that

would be good and definitely start

eliminating the omega-6 very very




and then kind of go from there but that

that would be important

um without having any further data

all right very good and let’s go back

and brag about this app again uh it’s

free how many things are free well this

is and uh it’ll really keep you in tune

you have an absolute like an old Star

Trek tricorder my goodness you can

answer any question for your friends you

want and

um you know it’s like pause right he was

kind enough to come on and talk about

her friend who was ailing well get them

to download this app and great things

will happen I noticed you mentioned Dr

Berg that they can’t offer free shipping

internationally but you do have some

remedies for the high cost of shipping I


here’s the thing


the products that I have and in Europe

are definitely do not have maltodextrin

I can promise you that so that’s one big

plus thing

um but a lot of the products people are

taking in Europe are taking maltodextrin

unknowingly and um

you know I’m just going to keep

increasing the awareness so more and

more companies will start to get that


terrible ingredient out of the products

because it’s unnecessary but it’s very

difficult to find companies that don’t

have it in there because

um you know you have to pay more not to

have it in there but they use it because

it’s it makes a great spray and it’s

cheap and um but think about where it

comes from you know it’s like it’s just

a starch and usually from corn or wheat

which people have allergies to things

like that so it’s just not it’s not a

good product I think what I want to do

Steve is I want to go to the grocery


and I want to

um I want to look at all the products

and then have like a little chart to


how much of their products are really

have maltodextrin in them and and also

grains and uh just do a deep dive on

that because I you can see what a lot of

people are consuming a lot of grains and

how do I know that we’ll just go to the

grocery store look what look what’s


um but there’s a lot of other hidden

things in the food so it’s becoming more

difficult to find healthy food at the

local grocery store


and on that note

um stay tuned for some really

interesting videos coming up this next

week as well as we will come Ravine next

Monday I’m sorry next Friday at our

regular time at 11 o’clock

uh Eastern Standard Time in the morning

so have a wonderful weekend uh coming up

here and we will talk to everyone real



thank you
