I Lost 100 Pounds in 7 Months: Dr. Berg Interview | DrEricBergDC

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so I always like to do

um these success stories when you find

an amazing story you want to you want to

share with people today we have special

guest Jim bizat and uh welcome Jim how

you doing I’m doing great thanks for

having me absolutely you know it’s

interesting I uh my sister is about I

think eight years younger than me and

she went to school with Jim and he went

to the same

uh middle school and high school and

college and so he was also a wrestler so

we have definitely have something in

common he wrestled heavyweight and I

think two-time National Championship

right yes wow well done

so um Jim tell me a little bit about

um you did you always have Centrio

heavyweight I’m guessing you’ve been big

for a while right you’ve been overweight

or I don’t I don’t know you tell me

yeah I was always on the heavy side you

know always uh always chunky I guess

wrestling was a good outlet for me to

get in shape wrestling and football and

sports I always uh kind of got in better

shape when I was participating in that

stuff and then I’d always kind of fall

off when the season was over and it was

always a struggle so you’re going along

for how many years before you said you

know I just need I need to lose this way

I was gradually getting higher and

higher at one point reached 395 and I

was sitting with one of my friends and I

said hey five more pounds and I’m in the

400 club and he said what are you doing

you’re crazy stop it so that kind of

dropped me you know down to I think I

got down to 360 and stayed there

probably for the last five years I was

probably in the 350 360 range at that

point did you have any other health

problems yeah I had a lot of health

problems I was hospitalized a couple

times with uh cellulitis in my legs


it was kind of I was always kind of I

was just sickly and you don’t realize it

at the time but you just think it’s

normal you know that that you

occasionally get ill and I and I did

that and I

and then and you just feel like this is

kind of the end you know you’re

gradually get older and then you’ll just

get sick and die and hopefully you can

make it as long as possible so it’s

something you kind of got used to I mean

especially like being that heavy I mean

I would imagine you probably got used to

it but I mean just the weight of like

close to 400 pounds on your joints on

your knees and your back I can’t imagine

them but you probably just adapted to it

yeah it just seemed I think everybody

got comfortable with it my family me

um yeah I just thought it was I would

just stay

medicated and

and you know I’m just keep going that

way you know was there something that um

when you started to figure out uh keto

um what what how did you run into Keto

whenever I would shift to a high protein

diet I would uh

I’d lose weight you know I was just kind

of some clicked and I knew how to do it

you know I knew

that if I cut out you know processed

foods and and carbs I would uh lose

weight but

what happened was I went to a wrestling

meet up at Parkside and I seen their

heavy weight get beat and I thought you

know what I’m gonna go I can help this

kid I’m gonna go in the room and help

them so I went into the room and

realized I can’t move anymore like I

used to you know I I I can’t help this


so I thought you know what you need to


start working out start eating right and

I really shifted towards

as much protein as possible and

really cut out

you know

every every carb I could think of you

know and I

and then the weight this is February of

this year that this started and it just

fell off me like

you know it just it was amazing and I

and I did work out throughout the

process but it wasn’t like it was crazy

workouts you know it was maybe twice a

week up at the resting room you know

getting on the bike slowly getting back

into I knew how to work out because I’ve

done it you know pretty much my whole

life and

but this there was something different

and when I really

kind of pushed out the processed foods

and the sugars that

it just changed my life you know it

really did so you went from how much

weight to your current weight now like

tell me how much what you went from to

currently I was in February I was

probably in mid 360s maybe 365 and I

right now I’m 255.

so it’s all 100 plus it matched that

short amount of time which was is

really it’s crazy that it happened that

fast and uh

you know I I follow kind of the three

like I follow a carnivore

diet but it’s almost impossible to stay

that you know that

regimented so but I really don’t eat a

lot of fruits and vegetables you know I

think I get I mean I multivitamins is

kind of where I’m getting you know and

and from your advice uh

um organ me is where I get a lot of my

uh my vitamins but I uh I mean I don’t

eat any pasta any sugar and I

I just think

yeah I just I agree it’s crazy what

happened to me in this short amount of

time it was it’s been it’s been amazing

it’s life-changing you know and it’s

been so many different aspects that

that have happened to me it’s different

positive things you know

one thing that did happen I I did have

uh I had a seizure


I wasn’t used to not holding the water

that I had so I I went to my daughter’s

softball tournament and spent the whole

day I had some coffee in the morning I’m

kind of nervous when I watch her pitch

so I I uh didn’t drink any water

throughout the day I got home and I went

to bed and I had a seizure and I ended

up in the hospital and it kind of broke

it down the neurologist and everybody

that it was heat stroke and dehydration

and maybe a salt efficiency that kind of

caused this thing so I mean that’s kind

of a a warning to other people if they

go through this to really keep an eye on

you know their electrolyte intake which

I which I do

you know so


yeah I’ll just mention one point for

those of you that are watching what

happens when you when you start this

when you cut out carbs you lose a

tremendous amount of water weight and

with that comes electrolyte loss so if

you don’t especially potassium too so if

you don’t add either electrolytes and

sea salt you’re going to end up um

pretty dehydrated so that’s just a

really important little Factor I’m glad

that you you figure that out but yeah

that’s amazing so Jim when you do uh the

carnivore of course you can get all your

nutrients you just have to know what to

do so you you’re adding uh fried beef

liver organ Meats uh eggs uh fish the

omega-3 fatty acids probably and also

shellfish for all the trace minerals and

you can even get some vitamin C from

liver as well and uh you’ve been doing

that right I mean you’re like because so

many people just do the steak which is

it’s not going to give you everything a

lot of things but not everything

yeah you know I eat a lot of chicken

liver I eat a lot of beef liver we blend

up the liver and add it to the um to the

beef make hamburgers with it kind of

takes that that funk away from the taste

a little bit

um yeah salt I

no seasonings really except salt I use

sea salt


I do go like I said I I if I in the

morning I’ll drink uh

a protein shake carnivore protein shake


a Premier Protein Bar if

you know if

I try not to get hungry I try not if I’m

I always keep something with me just so

I’m not ever really tempted these days

I’m not I’m it’s it’s weird how I like

Fourth of July I stood in the tent where

all the food was and just looked around

at everything and I was thinking why

don’t I want this food anymore wow and I

grabbed I grabbed a brat and ate a brat

and uh

and yeah it’s really has like because


the way I feel just out ways that that


yeah you know that’s that’s with me too

when I get to the point where I’m like

you know what I already know what I’m

gonna feel like if I go this other

direction it’s like no it’s not worth it

because I’m sure people around you are

not doing what you’re doing and then and

they’re they’re probably looking at you

kind of weird but you’re like no I’m

good I’m good I do get it my I I think I

got it for a month from my wife until

she started seeing what was happening to

me and now she’s probably about 90 on

board you know she eats what I eat and


I seen her eat an onion ring the other

day but uh and she’s she’s had

miraculous with her skin you know and

and it’s just those those little

byproducts of this diet that are just

amazing I feel like my hair is coming

back on the top of my head and you know

it’s the weirdest you know skin tags


wow and it’s and I I see people that

I’ve known for 20 years and I walk by

them and they Double Take You know

because they don’t recognize me I mean

you I you have those before and after

pictures it’s a different a different


and so then the people I talked to and I

explained today I was at the gym and I

was talking to a guy and I mean

the results that have happened that you

you just can’t deny what has happened to

me so they there’s a lot of people on

board you know and I uh

and I appreciate the the info I get from

you and there’s several doctors that I

kind of pull stuff from and uh

you know I’m Barry Dr Barry I pull some

stuff from and Dr chafee he’s in a kind

of an extremist but I I think you’ve all

um kind of done this for me and and

thank you for that hey you’re welcome my

pleasure that’s that’s why I do it it’s

really it’s a lot of enjoyment just to

get people

just at least try it to see that they

can do it and that’s why I wanted to

create this video to inspire other

people who are sitting there haven’t

done it yet you might want to you know

Try It Out and because uh you know it’s

not it’s there’s like thousands and

thousands of people that we have on the

website just before and afters but

um you know what you did is you just uh

cut out the carbs that’s the that’s the

most important thing is cutting out

carbs and then um you substituted the

protein and and the fat and then once

you started feeling the difference then

no one can convince you otherwise I mean

you probably also have how about your

energy or even your cognitive function

I I drive when I’m driving through

Kenosha sometimes I look at a house and

I realize I got babysat there when I was

seven that’s the kind of weird stuff is

happening with my brain and uh energy

this people say you’re working out a ton

right I said I’m not working out a ton

but I cannot not work out I got to be

doing something because at the energy

level is so high you know I probably

rode my bike to the four miles to the

gym today four miles back I lifted but

like it’s not crazy I’m not you know

maybe it was a half hour 45 minute

workout and then came back because

otherwise it

that gives me the best if I if I get rid

of this energy I sleep better

and and it really doesn’t feel

restrictive of the diet because there’s

such a you know people ask me what

you’re eating I said anything that any


if it comes from an animal too I eat

cheese still I drink milk and it’s the

ultimate Elimination Diet because you

know milk makes my shoulders a little

sore a little bit of inflammation I

think from the sugar and the milk but I

know what it does to me

and uh that’s kind of what what’s

happened I know you know I know what

everything how everything affects me

yeah you attuned to the food and you can

you you know it’s almost good sometimes

they go off just so you could really see

for sure like okay yeah that that’s

going to create some inflammation no

thank you

um you know and and when I wrestled

unfortunately I was I had always cut

weight you probably didn’t have to worry

about that but cutting a lot of weight

if I only would have known but I know

now I mean back then have been

incredible because I was trying to live

on carbs

and lose weight by just not just

starving for like three days right the

worst worst for your energy and um

so not not that someone wants to do

you know if you’re an athlete uh you

know you’re gonna have to eat a lot more

calories or else you’re going to get

really lean

so um and actually probably more fat too

but um but yeah so this is amazing so

also what about like your your your

exercise and I don’t know if you’re

still wrestling now or coaching or

working with people

um what about your physical

strength or agility and endurance

it’s it is through the roof it’s

the muscle mass at this age to be

putting on you know and abs I didn’t

have I’ve never had abs before you know

it’s just a whole different

body it really is it’s I walk by the

mirror sometimes at night on the way to

the bathroom and I kind of stop and look

at the mirror and I’m just flabbergasted

what has happened and wow it’s yeah

it’s I didn’t I never I couldn’t believe

that at this age

I could have this much energy and I’ve

wrestled I’ve wrestled in two


since this I’ve lost I’ve Owen four but

I I went the distance and lost in

overtime the two of these are 30 model

guys that I’m wrestling and I I lost two

nothing to two of them and and over time

to the other two and I don’t even mind

you know that I lost because I just

start being able to participate at this

age and I’m gonna do it again I and I’m

I plan on the wrestling season is going

to start here in a minute up at Parkside

and I I plan on being in there working

with that heavyweight and now I can you

know he’s going to be a junior and I

hope to give him you know oh like he can

handle and I uh are you are you 51 years

old or whatever I’ll be 53 in in a week

and a half yeah okay so now are you

saying you wrestled in like an old

timers tournament or what basically yeah

basically an all-time the Badger State

Games I wrestled in so

I had a couple guys at my weight class

in their early 30s and then I wrestled

in an Old-Timers tournament in Franklin

and uh

those guys were a little younger but

I feel like yeah it’s just

and I can’t wait to do it again and I

mean the my knees feel better than they

probably ever have you know I I just I

don’t have any inflammation is what it

is credible yeah it it is it’s

incredible it’s if I can only find at

like an old terms tournament around here

I would jump into that and do that if my

wife let me because I I just would love

it because you train you do that for so

long and all of a sudden you like okay

you stop and you have you want to keep

doing it because it’s like it’s a game

and but um unfortunately there’s not

much around in Southern Virginia but

um yeah that would be interesting

because I’m about 180

7 so I guess uh I’d have to maybe lose a

couple pounds for uh the 183.

yeah there there’s probably something

down there you could find I think

there’s something I’m gonna have to

check it out well I have some serious

endurance because I live in a farm and I

I’m talking about hills I think uh I

mean I know even people that come here

that are a lot younger they can’t keep

up because of the environment you know

the high altitude the the work around

the farm um it’s like I’m in better

shape now that I was 20 years ago so

yeah totally into it when people say

that in the past I wouldn’t believe it

you know but I believe it now you know

yeah I I find it hard to lose my wind

um I’m on my bike going uphill

and I and and yeah it’s a whole new it’s

a whole new life for me and uh I can’t

wait to see what’s next you know how

yeah how I how I improve

more you know literally have gotten

younger as you’re getting older uh so uh

as far as advice if you were just to

give someone some advice and they’re

sitting on the edge thinking you know

what I need to do this but I what what

tip when you give them more advice to

motivate them

it’s not as hard as it’s not as hard as

you think and I think a lot of people

think especially if they’re obese

because I feel like I was obese when you

put up that picture I was obese


you you think it’s going to take two

years is the ticket’s gonna take I

haven’t got two years to I can’t do this

for two years but it don’t and the other

thing is you can have such a large range

of food you can eat from the chicken and

uh and you don’t bypass you know in my

brain it’s not the animal fats that are

clogging arteries my mom died at 56 in

her sleep from a clogged heart

and it’s in her mom the same thing you

know my father’s still alive they have

strong Hearts luckily and uh

I don’t I don’t feel like it’s animal

fats that are clogging the hearts it’s

it’s that gluten in the animal in the

starch mixed together so now in my brain

is I know if I start adding that back

into my diet I feel like it’s just gonna

stop everything up again so that’s kind

of but the you got to look at it the big

range of food you can eat and I mean if

you look at I know I get some uh I get

some plant-based stuff from my from my

bars and stuff that I’ll eat and I think

that’s kind of the key too I talk to

people they say I can’t I can’t give up

chocolate I’m like well have some

protein bars sitting there and if you

gotta have one have one you know but

the mat the big group of foods you can

eat makes it easy you know because I’ve

tried you know you try if you try to

just eat salad and you deprive yourself

of of of calories to lose weight I did a

juice fast one time for 30 days and I

sure I lost it’s like 60 pounds but I

was awfully weak and

I didn’t feel like I feel now you know

and then soon as soon as it was over it


that ballooned up again right away I

can’t do it for any period of time right

this you can live on and if you

and people say well I can’t eat a I

can’t eat steak with just salt on it I

need to put well then do that if you

have to do that do that to stay on it

you know don’t

you know

do whatever you can to stick with it you

know if it takes some vanilla yogurt at

night and with a little bit of sugar in

it do it you know if that’s going to

keep you on track because that’s what I

do once in a while I have a cup of

vanilla vanilla yogurt to get me through

the evening when I’m want I got the

little sweet tooth you know but I I

think it’s easier than you think and the


I told them I tell the people that

question me and and I could tell they’re

on the fence I say do it 10 days

you know do it for 10 days cut out all

your carbs and sugars and don’t eat

anything that grows for 10 days that’s

what I say try that just try it eat you

know eat some beef bacon they say I can

have bacon yeah you can have bacon you

can you know you can drink milk you can

I went for a stint where I was drinking

raw milk I was getting it from a farm

one of my wrestler buddies his dad has a


um and I was going to the farm and

getting the milk and I felt when I was

drinking that even now I feel like I

can’t get sick that’s one thing my

immune system is so solid right now my

daughter has a cold right now I don’t


her you can give me a kiss if she wants

she I’m not getting sick I feel like I

mean that’s how I and I really haven’t

had any illness besides the the seizure

which I think was caused from the

excessive weight loss and but I haven’t

been sick in months and I that’s how you

kind of feel like you can’t

you know that’s why my wife said I think

your hair is getting darker and I said

let me go check and I act like I was

going to fly away because that’s how you

it just gets better and better and

better so that’s awesome yeah if you’re

on the fence and you’re thinking about

doing this just kind of write down all

the foods you you can eat and there’s a

lot you know if you like chicken you

know eat the skin eat the fat you know

that’s my

that’s my philosophy and but I do like I

said I do take a multivitamin still

amount of blood pressure medicine I

found out

I thought my blood pressure would just

naturally go down when I lost all this

weight and it didn’t and so I kind of

came in it still kind of stayed up so

I have it in the perfect spot right now

it’s half of what I took when this all


but it’s uh you know I take a magnesium


vitamin D3 I do take I do get a lot of

sun but I’m gonna again your Cod Liver

uh suggestion will be my winner vitamin

D I believe correct you agree with that

yeah and uh yeah and electrolytes

that’s awesome

well I think you inspired a lot of

people uh Jim and then also uh if you

guys are inspired go ahead and comment

down below and tell us uh if you are

gonna bite the bullet jump in and get

started and I will put a link down below

if kind of hard how to start so thanks

so much Jim I think this is a great

great success story I mean it’s just

incredible I mean the total the total

poundage is how many pounds I think

about a hundred and well like I said I

was three I was

I want to say 110 is probably where I

went in the doctor’s office I got on the

scale she said 352 or 252 and I stopped

I said I’ll get back here that’s

something wrong with the scale and she

came back in and she zeroed it out and I

got on it and it was 252 and I could not

believe it

so yeah right now I’m gonna it’s 100

plus pounds lost since February


awesome thank you so much and we’ll

we’ll have to do a follow-up uh in a

while to see how you progress I’m sure I

don’t want to get down too low but I

think you’re doing great

well thank you it’s a it was a pleasure

talking to you absolutely