Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Recipe – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hello hi we have another recipe for you yes we are this is another one of what

I’m calling the cream cheese series fat bomb and I just had a thought

when our photographer takes a picture of this is it a photo bomb it can be oh

that was so corny so okay this is called the chocolate cheesecake fat bomb

raspberry Wow cheesecake rich it tastes a little like

a donut mm-hmm a jelly filled donut really yeah try it well I’ll take this

one do you realize that at one time in college I ate 12 Donuts in one sitting

it was bad I will never do that again I mean I could see like nine but twelve

that was a lot of donuts oh my god it was terrible that’s terrible

and why were you eating something I don’t know I don’t know I was a junk

food junkie on steroids so I like donuts you were on steroids

no on steroids that’s an expression a lot a lot of donuts a dozen donuts what

kind of donuts jelly-filled you name it long johns all sorts of different types

long johns cause he’s from Wisconsin

it’s a Wisconsin thing okay good all right well look these are really good what I

love about these is that that’s such a strong bright clean berry flavor that

you know some of them are bit on the nutty side or just cheesy and this is

such a strong berry flavor I think you’re gonna love it

awesome mm-hmm okay this how to make it