Do You Need a New Liver? | DrEricBergDC

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are you in need of a new liver do you realize that  15 000 people in the united states are on the list  

for a liver transplant now if you’re in this list  i want to share some information that i think  

could be very beneficial to you um in the meantime  as you’re waiting to get your new liver now the  

good news the very cool thing about the liver  is that the liver cells have a huge tolerance  

for injury they have a massive capacity  for repairing and regrowing the liver has  

some key functions one is a biochemical defense  against toxic chemicals it makes certain proteins  

one protein has a function of carrying cholesterol  through the body another protein carries oxygen  

through the blood another protein will help you  clot okay so if you’re bleeding the liver makes  

bile it makes vitamins and it’s very very  important in brain health if there is liver  

damage it can affect your brain it can actually  cause dementia now there’s three things that  

destroy a liver number one inflammation number  two a fatty liver number three scar tissue they  

call that cirrhosis and many times you start out  with a fatty liver and then you get inflammation  

and then you you get scar tissue sometimes you  start with inflammation and then you develop a  

fatty liver and then you roll right into fibrosis  and other times you might just have inflammation  

and then roll right into fibrosis so there’s  different stages that can occur and what happens  

in this process the liver starts to enlarge and  when it enlarges it can cause referral pain to  

your right shoulder or your neck right up through  here and it can also start reducing your function  

so you can’t make bile and then that backs up  and it creates more liver damage there’s so  

many things that can go wrong with the liver now  the question is this at what stage can the liver  

no longer recover i have had patients come in my  office that were on the transplant list waiting  

for a new liver that were able to regenerate their  livers to a point where they didn’t need to be  

on that list now i’m not going to say that that is  going to be your situation because you don’t know  

but many times when you’re on the list  they don’t really tell you what to do  

to help improve the situation to possibly reverse  the damage and what we’re talking about is  

reducing the damage with the fat reducing the  damage with the scar tissue and reducing the  

inflammation of the liver but you know what  it’s worth a shot because the liver is highly  

resilient okay it bounces back so what is the  most important thing you need to know do you  

change the fat in your diet do you go to a  low-fat diet do you go to a high-fat diet do  

you reduce your carbs do you reduce your proteins  what’s the most important thing you can do  

it’s lowering your carbohydrates okay why  because all three things inflammation fatty liver  

in scar tissue liver are can be created by a high  carbohydrate diet so lowering your carbohydrates  

is the most important thing you can do i’m going  to put some links down below of some interesting  

studies that show that by reducing your carbs  to 20 grams per day can result in shrinking the  

large liver and also reducing fat on the  liver and improving the function of your liver  

so that’s the most important thing  and if you are new to my channel  

i put a link down below of the exact plan that  you need to do and that is called healthy keto  

with intermittent fasting you need  to do them both together because  

both a low carb diet and in a minute fasting can  dramatically reduce the inflammation and can also  

help reverse some of the scar tissue as well as  take the fat off the liver going on a low carb  

diet is the most important thing to remove the fat  off the liver despite eating more fat in the study  

that i listed down below they actually compared  a low carb to a low fat diet and the low carb  

significantly showed better improvements then the  second thing you want to do is make sure your fats  

are a little bit higher but make sure the fats  are omega-3 fatty acids olive oil fats that are  

high in lecithin like egg yolks that would be  very smart and i would make sure that you’re not  

doing a lot of omega-6 fatty acids because that  creates inflammation okay and it’s totally okay  

to do the saturated fats as long as your carbs  are low now as far as protein goes you can go  

um moderate protein two on the lower side okay i  wouldn’t do the high protein if the liver is bad  

but a moderate amount of protein to something a  little bit lower and in the link down below you’ll  

you’ll learn all about that but this low carb  thing is the most important thing i don’t want  

to beat a dead horse but just think about this for  a second high carb increases more oxidative stress  

it creates more inflammation it causes more  conversion of those carbs to fat around your liver  

it causes insulin resistance which leads to a  fatty liver and the conversion of inflammation  

to scar tissue or fibrosis so if you’re waiting on  the transplant list don’t do nothing do this plan  

hey before you go if you’re benefiting  from any of my content i would love  

to hear about your success story  please share it in the link down below