How to Start Eating Healthy – Top 4 Tips by Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Burke here I have another

question can’t stick to a healthy eating

plan well if that’s your issue you

definitely need to watch this so number

one you want to decide that you want to

get healthy you want to decide you’re

going to start and do this right the

anatomy of a problem is indecision it’s

a maybe so all you have to do is decide

deciding is almost like a therapy in

itself okay because at you you’re making

your mind up okay so people are stuck in

this doubt maybe I should do it I was

the worst I had to wait till I was 28

years old before I decided to start

eating healthy I ate like crap I had to

be dying before I finally like that’s it

I’m done I’m going to start eating

healthy okay so don’t just learn from my


so we want to secondly realize that our

bodies are stupid they’re not very

intelligent okay so that’s why they’ll

demand like they’ll create this impulse

like I have to eat this donut or some

people are addicted to drugs or alcohol

it doesn’t differentiate what’s good or

bad it just does it it wants something

for the moment if your blood sugars are

low it will tell you to eat that sugar

okay so you realize that the body is not

very intelligent when it comes down to

cravings and eating okay number three

reduce your body cravings you might have

a physical craving okay now you have

habits of eating bad foods but let’s say

you have physical craving that your body

needs sugar or carbs okay you can get

rid of that you can get rid of it but

here’s the thing when you lower your

carbohydrate it won’t work because in

order for you to run your body on fat

fuel you must understand that the

purpose of fat is to act as a backup

fuel for sugar and so you must starve

your body of sugar before the fats

actually burned starvation means zero

sugar doesn’t mean reducing your

carbohydrates it means zero sugar in the

diet so if you do zero sugar what your

body is going to do between now in the

next three days two maybe two weeks it’s

going to start to build new machinery to

start burning more fat so it’s going to

take a process

but if you cut the sugar out completely

you’re going to find your cravings going

to go right down to zero because your

body is now forced to burn fat when

you’re burning fat you crave nothing

okay I don’t expect you to do this with

cravings so we must bring sugars down to

zero we must start eating healthy but

you can’t keep any hidden sugar in the

house so you have to this is what I want

you to do I want you to pause this video

right now and I want you to go through

the house go through your refrigerator

go through the cupboards and get the

junk out of the trunk take all the

hidden sugar all your stash and shoot it

in the garbage go ahead and just waste

it it’s not helping you don’t give it to

the neighbors don’t give it to your kids

just get it out of the house why because

the body is stupid it’s not it’s when

you when the blood Sugar’s go low you’re

going to be searching and roaming and

trying to find that sweet and you’re

going to eat it because it can’t

differentiate for you it’s not going to

actually give you the right answer all

the time so you got to get this sugar

out of the house okay just not make it

available number four very very

important we have to plan a little bit

more in advance is this is kind of a

hidden step that so you want to like let

me just ask you a question first how do

you know what you’re going to eat the

next meal do you just wait for your body

to tell you at eat or do you just eat

what’s available okay in the house

that’s why you need to get the sugar of

the house you need to actually have your

house like plan up for the week like

have food in the house that you know is

healthy very important don’t keep any

junk don’t keep no food keep some good

food in the house so you actually what’s

available is only good food okay I mean

it sounds simple but it’s very very

important so the worst thing to do is

like let your blood Sugar’s crash and go

wow what am I in the mood for today Oh

Chinese food no that’s not good okay

I’ve been at a split no that’s not good

so you want to eat consistently and you

want to kind of plan out your meals

whether it’s every three days or the

whole week so you have a plan okay and

want to make it simple because you don’t

want to spend all your time in the

kitchen like I’ll give an example my

salad sometimes I will only have lettuce

it’s really simple it’s fast

make it very complex all the meals are

very very very simple it’s a couple

different ingredients I don’t sit there

for hours and make all these complex

meals I have simple things couple things

and make it quick eat it and then out

the door you want to just kind of again

again we want to decide to eat for

health not necessarily always for

pleasure okay so these are some tips to

help you stick to it I think they’re

important because it’s really time that

you do stick to it because you know I

look at this as kind of a preventative

measure you’re it’s like real health

insurance you either you’re going to pay

the farmer now and get healthy or you’re

going to pay Big Pharma later for drugs

so why not just invest in your health

now as your preventive health insurance

okay so go do it and I will see you in

the next video