How to Rid Skin Tags and Warts Within 24 Hours - Dr. Berg on Skin Tag Removal | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about how to get rid of your

skin tags and warts within one day

hopefully now many times it’ll actually

disappear within one day 24 hours

but sometimes it actually shrinks and it

takes a little bit longer with some

people it could take up to four to six

weeks so give it a little time but this

remedy is extremely effective so skin

tags and warts what is the actual cause

well most of the information i could

find points to the hpv virus human

papilloma virus this is an extremely

common virus that infects

325 million women worldwide and there

are over 100 different types and 14 of

them have the ability to cause cancer

but realize that what determines someone

getting cancer or not is really the

epigenetic factors those are the things

that are superior to your genes like the


what you expose yourself to your

lifestyle what you eat

your stress level and so you can do a

lot of things to keep this virus in

remission now when you get infected with

a virus

your immune system is going to fight

that virus but these viruses are very

very stealth and so they go into hiding

and they don’t necessarily bother

anything so there’s no red flags for

your immune system to find them and so

they just wait and they wait and they

wait until your immune system

becomes lowered let’s say you get older

you go through stress

and then it comes out and it kicks you

when you’re down in fact the cause of

cervical cancer for women is hpv and

this is the fourth most common cause of

cancer in women so it’s a pretty big

deal but there are several studies i’m

going to list down below that show

that you can use a simple home remedy

called iodine to help make these skin

tags and wards go bye-bye so one study

showed 77 percent success rate but i’m

not satisfied with 77 we want to bring

it closer up to 100 percent so this is

why we’re going to add

garlic now garlic is not only deadly to

viruses but also to cancer the

phytonutrient allicin in garlic


viruses from invading different areas of

the body including the cervix and anal

canal now there’s some great day that i

found in a patent someone was attempting

to get the patent using

topical iodine to help suppress the hpv

virus to inactivate this virus to

decrease the risk of cervical dysplasia

and to prevent cancer in the uterus and

the anal canal so i’ll put that

information below now in this natural

home remedy you’re going to be using two

things you’re going to be using povidone

iodine which you can get pretty much

anywhere in the drugstore and you’re

going to be using some fresh garlic now

there’s a few things that you need to

know about pobidone iodine

number one it’s less toxic than other

types of iodine it’s very soluble so it

can actually absorb into the skin and do

its magic this type of iodine is also

used to treat burns and vaginal


and apparently microbes don’t become

resistant to it like an antibiotic and

other forms of treatment so iodine is

really good to suppress viruses bacteria

fungus mold parasites

and so is garlic garlic is antimicrobial

as well so the combination of both of

these items is going to be very deadly

to that skin tag and wort so this is how

you make this concoction you take a

little dish

and you crush up some garlic okay crush

it up to the point where there’s some

juice in the garlic now you’re going to

get another dish with a couple drops of

pobidine iodine and then you’re going to

take a very small amount i’m talking

about maybe an eighth of a teaspoon of

the garlic juice and some of the

material just a tiny bit

and mix it with the iodine just mix it

all up in a solution then you’ll take

that solution

and apply it topically right over the

skin tag for the wart

and then cover it up with a band-aid

then you’re going to take this garlic

cover it up with a little saran wrap

keep it in the refrigerator it’s going

to last one day because what you want to

do is you want to do two applications

per day so you can use the same garlic

that you crushed in the morning and

again just put a couple drops of iodine

with it mix it up apply it to the same

skin tag and wart and then cover it up

with another band-aid so you’re just

repeating the same thing twice a day and

you’re going to do this every day until

this skin tag or wart is completely

gone now what determines the speed at

which it goes away is probably related



health you may be a diabetic or

pre-diabetic or have very severe insulin

resistance because diabetics or people

with blood sugar problems have a higher

risk of getting skin tags and warts and

so there’s definitely a discorrelation

between insulin resistance and viruses

so as a side note if you

haven’t already

gone on the ketogenic diet and practice

intermittent fasting

i would highly recommend you do that

because those two things are very

powerful and can help you in the long

run to prevent them from coming back now

some people will see a complete

disappearance within about seven hours

but like i said before it could take

some weeks even up to six weeks

but you should see a gradual reduction

in the size over time now the garlic

that you use when you crush it

should last several days however we want

to make sure that the potency

is at its highest level so i’m going to

recommend you use a fresh clove of

garlic every single day and also when

you crush the garlic it takes about 10

to 15 minutes

for the phytochemicals to become

activated but it doesn’t really matter

because you’re going to be putting this

material with iodine underneath the

band-aid so it’ll have a time to absorb

into the skin and do its magic now i

also recommend that you eat garlic

during this process and you use it in

your food you can get garlic powder as a


and on top of that start taking zinc

zinc is also very beneficial for viruses

especially hpv

so i would recommend taking about 50

milligrams of zinc every single day

in a blend of trace minerals if you want

more information on that i put a link

down below but the fact that you have a

skin tag and a wart could indicate

that your blood sugars

are too high

your a1c might be a little bit higher

you may have insulin resistance

so this is why you should start the

ketogenic diet as well as in a minute of

fasting i put a real simple to

understand playlist of your exact steps

right here check it out