Bread vs. Potato: What's Worse? | DrEricBergDC

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so i had someone recently ask me a question what’s worse

bread or potato so this video is going to talk about each one

let’s start with potato now instant potatoes

really spike your blood sugars fast because you’re

heating and processing this potato down to this tiny little wafer-like

particle so when you boil it or cook it you’re

getting a very fast spike in blood sugars

so that starch is completely broken down so 97. now glucose is a hundred

so you’re you’re dealing with a product that’s very very close to pure

glucose then we get baked potato that’s 84. it’s pretty high then we get

boiled potato which is 82. the more you cook the potato the worst

effect it has on your blood sugars if you consume a raw potato you’re going

to be pretty much good to go in fact i’m going to tell you right now

you can eat as many raw potatoes as you want

okay but of course who’s going to eat raw potato it tastes

terrible but the point you need to know is like

the cooking cooking starts breaking down the starch into something that’s higher

and higher on the glycemic index now what about a sweet potato

see this word sweet right here there’s three times as much sugar

so if you have a choice definitely don’t do the sweet potato because it’s

pretty sweet all right now if we switch over here to

bread people think that whole wheat bread is so much better

it’s virtually the same on the glycemic index 74.

but look at that this is actually lower than potato

so right there this would be worse but bread many times especially white

bread has bleach in there which destroys your vitamin e it

depletes your b vitamins especially vitamin b1

and also if you do whole wheat you’re going to have phytates in the brain

phytates or phytic acid will block zinc creating a zinc deficiency and then you

have the gluten the protein in wheat which will tear up your gut create a lot

of inflammation and you may not find that the blood

sugars spike immediately but you may find after

two hours they start going a little bit higher even three

hours they start going even higher when you’re consuming

pasta you’ll see a delayed spike in blood sugars

so just because you don’t see a quick spike in blood sugars doesn’t mean it’s

not a problem it’s kind of delayed you’ll see it a

post maybe i don’t know two or three hours but when

you get into potato you’re going to see an

instant spike what’s interesting is that an average american consumes

53 pounds of bread every single year now the question is what is worse well

they’re both kind of on the same level because

this creates more of a blood sugar issue but this will create

other issues like zinc deficiency gut inflammation

vitamin e deficiencies and also a vitamin b deficiency but other than that

i think it’s perfectly healthy and i’m being sarcastic

thanks for watching

hey we’re back with another amazing recipe no grains

no sugar totally keto there’s no suffering in keto absolutely not karen

and it’s an immune system builder absolutely you have to check this out i

think you should hurry up watch the recipe and make it yourself

it’s just so easy to be keto but is it simple it’s super simple we

hope you enjoy making it as much as we are enjoying

eating it