The Pain Of Pleasure Foods – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey dr. Burke here again in this short

video I’m going to talk about pleasure

foods so if we look below the cravings

we really have a situation where people

live for pleasure sensations okay

so they’re always trying to relieve

their body stress by eating certain

foods so the reason or the problem that

people are trying to solve when they’re

eating these bad foods is to relieve

stress satisfy hunger overcome upset or

fatigue or even pain so this is really

what you need to ask yourself when

you’re tempted with these foods what

problem I trying to solve and I bored

am I in pain and try to fix the real

problem instead of trying to cover it up

with foods so not that you have an

addiction I’m sort of craving but people

are literally addicted to the junk food

and they’re in this is a trap it’s a

total trap why because as soon as you

should give into it it’s going to cause

you to want to eat it more and more of

it there’s a there’s a guy named Paul

stit I wrote a book called beating the

food Giants he was a chemist that worked

for the main food manufacturing

companies and he in his book he talks

about there’s 22 different chemicals

that they put in foods to cause you to

keep eating the foods over and over and

over they’re very addictive and that’s

why you can’t just stop eating one you

know one is MSG monosodium glutamate

that enhances the taste of the flavor of

the food so the food tastes better than

it really is so you can get a bi with

eating low-quality food so that would be

one so what happens when you have these

problems and you’re stressed hungry or

tired you become more reactive you’re

not going to think and seek consequences

you’re not going to think tomorrow you

just want it now I was at an event last

night and they had cake and they had

these incredibly delicious chocolate

chip cookies out of the oven I mean

they’re warm they’re soggy they’re the

texture is incredible to smell the room

in the air and then they had this bread

out of the oven as well

freshly made bread okay so you have all

these people and I’m watching them and

they’re just like a magnet just like

they just smell it and they go over

there and they’re just everyone’s like

eating all these foods and they’re not

even conscious about doing it they’re

just like doing it without being aware

what they’re really doing and then when

they eat it they’re like oh my gosh what

did I just do so food does tend to

affect people and it triggers various

responses that cause hormones to be

affected now the hormones that are

affected are serotonin in this other

hormone called beta endorphins so when

those when the serotonin hormone goes

down you’ll tend to through stress or

the up being upset or hungry your body

doesn’t have words to talk to you it

will talk to you through cravings so any

type of body craving it’s your body’s

way of communicating it wants something

but it’s not going to be able to tell

you exactly what it wants instead of

saying I want kale it’ll say give me

something sweet right now you know so

you’ll have just this urge this impulse

to eat something that you know you

shouldn’t be eating okay so there’s a

chemical imbalance that occurs with

cravings there’s also a nutrition

balance when you’re deficient in

minerals especially potassium it you

won’t have that stability with blood

sugars so blood sugars is another affect

because when the sugar goes down in the

body what you need to be doing is

correcting that but your body won’t tell

you that it’ll just say eat sugar now

because the body only thinks about quick

fixes not long-term solutions he wants

to relieve the pain now so it’ll tell

you just to quickly eat something sweet

and then you get the sugar up and then

it goes down again and goes up and down

and up and down okay so so people will

satisfy that so what I’m saying is that

try to increase your awareness so the

next time you crave something or next

time you go to a bakery try to find out

what you’re trying to solve are you

trying to release stress and be aware of

what you’re eating

and realized that this could block fat

burning for at least 72 hours not just

80 calories but a longer-term effect

because insulin if insulin is triggered

in the body in your metabolism is slow

it can block that burning for up to 72

hours okay not just from even a small

amount of something sweet not just like

an hour so so we have this situation

where you crave and then effects the

hormones and then your body will start

giving you cravings okay so now when

people are depressed or they have

anxiety they go to their doctor and the

doctor tends to give them a prescription

drug okay whether it’s paxil prozac

effects or all these psychotropic drugs

now what happens the way these work is

they they take that small amount of

hormone you have left a little bit of

serotonin for example and they cause it

to and they recycle it so they it really

recycle that last drop you have over and

over and over to make it appear that you

have more than you really do but in fact

you have a smaller amount okay now

sometimes when you do blood tests it

won’t show up on a blood test and that’s

another reason but I’ll get to that in a


I want to come back to I want to focus

on this right here so when you take

these psychiatric drugs all they do is

they fake your body out and make it

think it has more than it really does so

you feel better right so all people come

in and they’ll tell me oh yeah I said

you’re in Psych drugs yeah and it’s like

it’s it’s working for me it’s it’s

really working

I said define working what do you mean

working oh I feel better I says yeah

you’re gonna feel better if you take

cocaine but it had it comes with the

package so the side effects from

psychiatric drugs are not only serious

side effects of the brain toxic brain

side effects in fact nearly all of the

shooters in the schools were on some

type of psychiatric drug and that’s a

big side effect too and that’s nothing

that the media is talking about

but it’s a total direct link but it also

will cause you to be wooden and you’re

just you’re like not there I can tell

when someone’s on a psych drug because

they’re not fully there they’re a little

bit delayed and so it makes it your

emotions wooden causes weight gain and

there’s just many many other side

effects from its from suicide to

aggressive behavior to all sorts of


health-wise so there’s side effects and

there’s also something else called

receptor downgrade now what does that

mean receptor downgrade well the little

receptors that receive that hormone over

a period of time become downgraded so

when you take this drug over time you’re

going to need more and more and more and

more of it to create the same effect so

it that small dosage no longer works and

it’s so funny because doctors will say

well well let’s just take this short

term for the crisis and then we’ll have

you come off of it well you’re never

going to come off that stuff as far as

the doctor is concerned because you’re

gonna need more and more of it you know

it doesn’t get better with time it gets

worse so unless you’re doing something

to correct the real problem you’re gonna

be hooked on it for a long long time and

then it’s going to eventually not work

at all so long term it’s a bad solution

but the doctors really never cover the

actual correction of the real problem

which has to do with food they don’t

talk about your eating they don’t look

at the effect of all these junk foods or

sugar or refined carbs in fact one of

the things that will affect serotonin is

is grains specifically the gluten gluten

is the protein of the grain that’s the

that’s the thing that’s creating so many

allergies and all sorts of diseases like

silly a candy acts brew and

diverticulitis all these digestive

painful problems come from the gluten in

the grain and it also creates depression

and all sorts of anxiety so there’s a

lot of side effects with gluten but the

reason why we tis bad for you is because

not only does it turn in sugar

that gluten breaks down into your

stomach into a small protein that can

cross the blood-brain barrier it goes up

into the brain and it starts to affect

your chemistry because it goes in the

receptors the opiate receptors the

morphine receptors in your brain so they

you’re talking like wheat is acting like

a drug in your brain and that’s why

there’s so much pleasure in wheat and

bread and this is why people are

addicted to it so it does affect your

mental state and in kids it can actually

create the reverse effect and create

hyperactivity a DD brain fog memory

problems oh my gosh so when I see people

  • even with psoriasis all of their arm

all I do is I get them off the gluten

and boom that cook clears right up so it

has a lot of effects so if you don’t

believe me try try to just get it out of

your diet for a week and just see how

much better you feel from arthritis to

allergies to digestion I mean I used to

live on bread I remember one day driving

the backseat of this cab and I I bought

this huge roll of French bread I downed

that whole thing and it didn’t satisfy

me I could keep eating it over and over

and over

so very low nutrients very high in carb

and I started developing a pizza crust

around my waist but I used to live on

that bread and when I stopped that bread

oh my gosh all my digestive problems

cleared up so bread sugar does trigger

serotonin and then it comes up and it

comes down up and down up and down

that’s why it’s a pleasurable thing so

it’s a trap though because these

pleasure foods end up being pain foods

down the way down the road not just in

digestive pain and arthritis but being

fat and being tired and having a lot of

health problems okay so if you tell

people to not not eat this food it’s

very difficult sometimes because they

are addicted so the question is how do

we overcome depriving ourselves it’s

like oh yeah I’m gonna deprive you a

pleasure I’m saying you can’t eat this

anymore it’s not going to work long term

so how do

we handle the pleasure of these grains

with some we have to give them a

substitute basically so the substitute

what I recommend is some foods that will

create a neutral effect or a positive

effect eating salad or eating kale is

not very pleasurable okay you cannot

live on lettuce for the rest of your

life unless you have something else with

it you can’t live on pure lettuce but

probably I could but no one else could

so what we want to do is we want to

consume so it can’t be it has to be the

the fats okay so we want to increase the

fat in our diet

why because sad fat is a SAT effect on

the body it creates a satisfaction and

it satisfies certain hungers and it

makes you feel better and so that’s

pretty much what I do and I’m talking

about the healthy fats and that would be

like an egg yolk maybe some animal

proteins some nuts peanut butter those

type of things even certain types of

butter I like not certain times but just

butter cooking and butter all that is

very very very good to actually replace

the carbohydrate effect of what this is

going about right here so we want to

increase fat there’s various recipes

that I have on my website that you can

consume make brownies with butter and

maybe egg versus grain and sugar okay

and you can use substitute sugars and

alternative things but we have to be

conscious about what we’re doing we have

to use substitutes and we also need to

focus on being objective like listen

there’s a lot of pleasure in being

healthy there’s a lot of pleasure in

working out and having energy from that

I’m 48 years old I’ve been really taking

care of my body for a long time and

building up my health I have a lot of my

body gives me a lot of pleasure why

because I invest in it I take care of it

I get it healthy I wake up I feel

energetic through the whole day I feel

great I exercise I feel good from that

have the fatigue that I did before so

there’s a lot of pleasure and having

health and being aesthetic because one

thing that these pleasure foods make you

look very unhealthy you’re not sexy

anymore you have this fat roll around

your waist how much pleasure do you get

when you look at yourself in the mirror

not very much so look for the long term

pleasure of liking your body and

enjoying that but short term we want to

think okay what can we use as

substitutes and then we also have to

increase the nutrients in our food sit

to heal our bodies as well so what’s the

moral of story realize that these

pleasure foods end up being painful

foods it’s a trap because they

chemically food manufacturing companies

could chemically manipulate your

hormones and keep you addictive to keep

selling more more of this these products

there is no profit in curing you and

that’s why drugs only last for a certain

amount of time 24 hours you have to keep

taking them there’s there’s no research

that’s gonna cure you doctors don’t

spend a lot of time in educating about

the foods because there’s no profit in

fixing the problem it’s much better at

putting you on a drug and keeping you on

that for the rest of your life it’s a

business so look through the whole thing

where oh this is science and this is

scientific medicine or this is

science-based medicine that’s bogus it’s

basically drug medicine there’s no

science in it it’s about covering up

your symptoms to keep you feeling better

temporarily ok I’m not against drugs I

mean if you cut off my arm right now I

will take I will take an aspirin or a

stronger drug or if I have a kidney

stone I will take something but when

something like this you want to look at

the foods ok so apply this information

and I’ll see you in the next video