The Surprising Facts about Insulin You Never Knew | DrEricBergDC

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I’d like to share something about

insulin that you probably have never

heard before and this is extremely uh

revealing because most people are

sitting on a confusion relating to

insulin don’t even know it’s a confusion

and then at the end of this everything

is going to make total sense there’s a

lot of great

truths that you can figure out by

looking in a subject that involves

paradoxes and conflicting information

and in this area there’s some

conflicting information

that we need to sort out conflicting

information is where you have fact a

conflict with fact B right

you can’t have two facts that conflict

right one of them is not a fact

so when you get these conflicting facts

you just have to go deeper and just

figure out what is going on but then you

usually can find some really interesting

information let’s talk about this in

relationship to insulin the main reason

why keto works okay for so many problems

and intermittent fasting is the benefits

of reducing your insulin so anytime you

reduce your insulin you get all these

amazing benefits and so there’s even

books on

hyperinsulinemia which is a state where

you have this High insulin in the blood

so even if someone’s a type 1 diabetic

they have to take a lot of insulin and

of course the more they take the worse

things are for their health right I mean

the idea would be to take the minimal


but if we go through the function of

insulin okay most people do know that

insulin lowers your blood sugar that’s a

good thing other people might know that

insulin helps your muscles grow okay it

has an anabolic effect on your muscles

and this is why even certain um

bodybuilders might take insulin or

consume carbs to increase their insulin

so they can develop their muscles but if

insulin is so bad or so dangerous in

high amounts why does it help you with

your muscles okay that sounds like a

real positive thing well when you start

looking into the other purposes or

functions of insulin you find some

fascinating fascinating information you

may have seen where I talk about people

using insulin spray to spray

insulin up their sinuses into this

barrier that goes into their brain to

help dementia wow that’s interesting

because I thought like type 3 diabetes

is considered Alzheimer’s and the more

insulin the worse off you are for your

brain and your cognitive function right

but why would they use this nasal

insulin spray to improve the symptoms of

dementia also insulin is

anti-athrogenic it means that insulin is

actually supportive

for your arteries hmm interesting

because we hear so much about how

insulin destroys your arteries

contributing to the plaquing and

cladding and calcification and heart

disease now this is another thing that’s

very interesting and I you probably need

to be sitting down to hear this

insulin actually lowers your LDL the

so-called bad cholesterol now that’s

totally conflicting of what most people

know that too much insulin increases the

bad cholesterol LDL especially the small

dense particle size which is very

pathogenic to your arteries now here’s

another one insulin is the vasodilator

and it helps to lower your blood

pressure yes it’s totally true go ahead

and look it up but what about this thing

called metabolic syndrome where you have

high blood pressure you have high LDL

and you’re pre-diabetic how can that be

here’s another one insulin actually

lowers the production of glucose in your

liver it’s called

gluconeogenesis so in other words

insulin reduces

gluconeogenesis the formation of new

sugar in the liver now what about all

these people who are diabetics or


that wake up in the morning with Dawn

phenomena where they have high blood

glucose but they have not eaten any

carbs the day before they had no sugar

where is that Sugar coming from well the

liver is making it well insulin inhibits

that process now I already mentioned

this thing with muscles so insulin helps

you develop and grow new muscles it also

prevents the breakdown of muscle

protecting against muscle atrophy all

right but why do people with high levels

of insulin like hyperinsulinemia have a

very high incidence of muscle atrophy

fascinating all right here’s another one

insulin helps you absorb potassium and

magnesium yeah

but how can that be if people with high

levels of insulin in the blood hyper

insulinemia have a deficiency of

potassium and an efficiency of magnesium

I mean it’s even correlated with the

more insulin you have the less potassium

you’re going to have the less magnesium

you’re going to have in your body here’s

another one that’s interesting this

involves the adipose tissue

there’s a term called lipolysis and this

basically is a term to describe the

breakdown of lipids or fats and Insulin

suppresses lipolysis which is a

breakdown of fat so it preserves adipose

tissue for a survival mechanism it

prevents the release of this fat but

what’s interesting with people that have

a lot of insulin in their blood they

have an aberrated dysfunctional

suppression of this lipolysis it’s not

that they’re going to start losing

weight at least initially but they will

lose fatty acids from the fat cells that

end up in the arteries okay creating

high levels of blood fats or lipids okay

and yes I’m talking about triglycerides

and yes I’m talking about cholesterol

and LDL so again we have another

conflict of these so-called facts all

right here’s another fascinating one

insulin is a potent anti-inflammatory

wow I mean this completely goes against

what so many people have been taught

that insulin creates more inflammation

like in a diabetic where they have all

this insulin in their bodies type 2 for

example they’re just filled with

inflammation right how can that be I’ll

get to that point in about 30 seconds

okay just one last point I want to bring

up about this is that insulin is also an

antioxidant it has antioxidant

properties completely the opposite of

what occurs when people have all this

insulin in the bloodstream they have

oxidation free radical damage they have

these these massive complications from

diabetes so it’s another conflicting

piece of information I mean just go

ahead and look up the symptoms of

hyperinsulinemia that’s too much insulin

in the blood you’ll see higher risk for

sleep apnea you’ll see lower

testosterone when in fact insulin

actually normally is supposed to

increase testosterone you also see high

levels of uric acid well did you know

that insulin is supposed to help you

lower uric acid interesting and you also

see a release or excretion of potassium

with high levels of insulin but insulin

is supposed to actually preserve or

retain potassium so what the heck is

going on here okay well here’s the piece

of information that will make everything

make sense and it has to do with the

control of insulin you have the pancreas

the beta cells that make insulin and

it’s sent to the body and then it goes

through the blood and then it gets

connected to an insulin receptor

it’s the receptor that sends back

information the cells that make insulin

to tell that cell how much to make or

how little to make so really the brain

of this whole communication feedback

loop is the receptor and when that

receptor becomes resistant as an insulin

resistance then we no longer have the

function of that hormone the function of

insulin can only exist if the receptor

is receding that insulin correctly and

then it tells the body what to do an

insulin resistance we actually have an

insulin deficiency we have an insulin

lack and all those negative things I’ve

just talked about relating to insulin

relate to a deficiency of insulin not an

excess yes you may have an excess of

insulin in your blood

but it’s not affecting the receptor so

really in diabetes in all these other

conditions what we’re really dealing

with is a deficiency problem now knowing

that allows everything to make sense

when I went back and forth between the

function of insulin and the problems or

conflicting information of of insulin

really we’re talking about sufficient

insulin versus a lack of insulin but

it’s all coming from that insulin

resistance okay that’s the problem now

knowing that information will then Focus

your attention on how do we fix insulin

resistance well it’s high levels of

insulin that creates the resistance okay

so the more that you increase that

hormone the less the receptor is going

to work the more carbs that you eat the

more insulin resistance you’re going to

have it’s the frequency of eating okay

that creates insulin resistance it’s

also excessive amount of protein can do

it because this excessive amount of

protein turns into sugar but then we

also have other things too that can

create a worsening effect of this

receptor insomnia

stress cortisol like a lot of cortisol

certain medications like prednisone

which is cortisol but stress is a big

one also trans fats also omega-6 oils

like all the ones that create

inflammation and then inflammation in

general will create this insulin

resistance so how do we fix this problem

we get on the healthy version of the

ketogenic diet we do intermittent

fasting okay those two things are going

to be the big things and just so you


um like a type 1 diabetic right they’re

taking roughly 40 to 80 units of fast

acting insulin a day with about 25 to 30

units of the slow acting insulin every

single day that’s a tremendous amount of

insulin and insulin is not cheap it’s

very very expensive well at least in

America now I did a video of someone

recently was a type 1 diabetic who was

dependent on this insulin and after they

went on the ketogenic diet and did

intermittent fasting they only had to

take two to five units of the fast

acting insulin that’s two to five units

that’s compared to the 40 to 80 units

that they were taking before I mean

that’s an incredible drop in the need

for insulin especially since the morning

sun you take the more resistance that

you create are there other things you

can do to speed up the process to reduce

this resistance in the insulin receptor

the answer is yes regular exercise

extremely beneficial and of course the

obvious reduce your stress get more

sleep but apple cider vinegar in a

regular basis like a tablespoon in your

water can be very beneficial for blood

sugars and Insulin berberine is a really

good herb that has been known to help

with this situation also cinnamon put a

little cinnamon on your your toast and

I’m just being sarcastic but cinnamon is

good also chromium is really good zinc

is really beneficial vitamin D is very

beneficial magnesium is really good

potassium will also help and omega-3

fatty acids will also help and just so

you know the only two things that won’t

increase insulin are fat and fiber

this is why large salads are going to be

very beneficial in your plan as well as

increasing the fat okay in your diet

which won’t trigger insulin too much in

fact there’s a insulin index that I talk

about that the more fat that protein

comes with the Lesser effect on the

insulin versus the lean proteins lean

proteins are not good for insulin so I

hope everything makes sense now and just

to keep it simple but I think the next

most important video for you to watch

would be on this insulin index thing

very interesting that way you can learn

about the foods to eat in the foods to

avoid and I put that up right here