The 10 WARNING Signs of Dementia | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about the 10

warning signs of dementia specifically

Alzheimer’s and I have some additional

very important information to share with

you that relates to your genetics for

example if your grandparents or your

parents had it does that mean you’re

going to have it I’m also going to touch

on some important information relating

to the actual cause of Alzheimer’s

um there’s been some recent information

on the amyloid plaque theory that is

completely going to flip things upside

down but before I touch on the warning

signs I just have to say out of all the

stresses that someone experiences

a loss of a loved one a loss of your

mother with Alzheimer’s or your father

is probably one of the most devastating

things that can happen not just for you

but for them as well because you’re in a

situation where you’re gradually losing

yourself and you’re losing your ability

to think and remember and locate things

and navigate so it’s very very

unstabling it’s very confusing and it’s

basically terrifying my wife’s mother

had Alzheimer’s and Karen was so close

to her mom I mean it was her best friend

and it was just tragic to go to the

nursing home and visit her you see all

these family members trying to

communicate and trying to

connect with this person that they love

I mean to this day that Karen just you

know misses her and she thinks about her

um all the time so today I’m going to

talk about the warning signs and I’m

going to give you some things that you

can do to hopefully reverse the

situation in a loved one and even in

yourself okay so with that let’s start

with the warning signs first the first

warning sign is a change in language

okay uh coping for different words

trying to look for different words that

you can’t remember and just realize as I

go through this it doesn’t mean that you

have Alzheimer’s or dementia it could be

many other reasons it could be you

haven’t slept it could be your blood

sugars it could be a B12 deficiency it

could be many different things but these

are just potential indicators that there

could be a problem in this area when we

talk about a problem with language we

also talk about communication there’s

problems with communicating to the

person they’re not necessarily paying

attention and then when they talk to you

it could be kind of random and and for

example you might ask them a question

and you know a few minutes later you

might get the answer so there’s this lag

time it takes a long time to sink in and

to get a response number two navigation

difficulty finding yourself around uh

town uh around your house things like

that so unfortunately over time that can

get really bad to the point where you

just basically lost all the time number

three sensory so you might have a loss

of taste smell hearing sight and before

constipation what’s interesting about

that is my mother-in-law was on a stool

softener right so realize constipation

is part of the gut and there’s a gut

brain connection there that sensors a

two-way uh communication Street one area

can affect the other all right number

five personality changes okay they

weren’t like they were before their

personality is completely altered when

you have Dementia or Alzheimer’s number

six mood changes and this can also occur

because of the frustration that they

know where they’re going and it’s very

difficult to get certain words out and

remember different things it can be very

frustrating so that’s why it’s really

important not to correct someone if they

make a mistake with words or anything

because that not only frustrates them

but it can actually make it worse if

you’re constantly correcting someone

even if they don’t have Alzheimer’s or

dementia you basically kind of lock it

in where they start to do it more and

more and more all right number seven

memories locating pictures and thoughts

that you had before are difficult

especially recent memories okay that

could be one of the indicators number

eight thinking the ability to solve

problems now solving problems also

involve having a memory of past similar

situations that you’re drawing on and if

you can’t access that data it’s very

difficult to solve problems

so if someone can’t solve problems

they’re going to have a lot more

problems built up and that’s going to be

more frustrating all right number nine

their overall awareness is affected so

you can kind of even look in their eyes

and see that they’re not a hundred

percent there they’re that means their

attention is not on the environment in

the present it’s somewhere else and

number 10 they keep repeating themselves

so they might have no idea that they

just said something twice

so again if they do that don’t remind

them because that’ll make it worse just

move on and just ignore it now there’s

some recent information I want to share

with you and I’m going to put the link

down below of a video that I did on this

topic and basically there was a

researcher in 2006 that committed fraud

on this area of Alzheimer’s and

fabricated data that wasn’t true and

this related to amyloid plaquin causing

Alzheimer’s because the problem is that

even people without Alzheimer’s has this

plaquing and they don’t have Alzheimer’s

and so all the research money that is

went to this Theory okay and this has

not been fruitful I mean I’m talking


millions and millions of dollars and so

now that cast a huge doubt on the actual

cause of Alzheimer’s so there’s some new

theories about Alzheimer’s that makes a

lot of sense and I did a whole video on

it and that relates to the lysosome and

what’s a lysosome lysosome is a it’s a

little part of the cell that like the

garbage disposal okay and so that part

of the cell becomes dysfunctional in

Alzheimer’s patients where the uh cell

cannot uh get rid of the garbage so the

garbage keeps backing up you can imagine

in your house if you never took out the

garbage okay what would happen over a

period of time it’s going to get really

toxic and that’s exactly what happens

with the neurons and there’s a lot more

data I want to share with you on this

lysosome uh this angle of the cause of

Alzheimer’s because right now if you

look at all the factors that align with

that it all makes total sense what

happens in the lysosome is a condition

called autophagy and autophagy is the

recycling of you know garbage

to get fuel in the body and also to get

new cells and so I’m going to get into a

little plan to give you to show you how

to improve autophagy but the current

theory that makes the most sense with

the cause of Alzheimer’s is a

dysfunctional autophagy or lysosome

situation you know there’s mixed data

about this that there’s certain specific

genes that will cause Alzheimer’s but

since Alzheimer’s is multifaceted

there’s a lot of different aspects to it

and multiple causes there could be

multiple genes that you can have

mutations with that can cause this

problem let me explain like for example

mini strokes that can create a type of

Alzheimer’s called vascular Alzheimer’s

there’s other causes where you have

brain injury from some other cause and

then there’s another angle where you can

have a problem with um methylation and

without trying to get too complex

basically if you have a problem with

methylation you’re going to build up a

lot of heavy metals in the brain and

that could be aluminum or even lead or

even iron and that can create

Alzheimer’s so with all these different

causes you have related genes that are

involved with those causes and so

recently A lot of people are getting

their DNA tested and knowing your DNA as

far as what mutations you have it

doesn’t necessarily tell you you’re

going to have that problem it just tells

you have weaknesses within the genes so

I think it’s important to get that test

but also know if one of your

grandparents had this problem or your

parents had it potentially you could

have a weakness within your genetics

which doesn’t mean you’re going to get

it it just means that that Gene could

turn on at a certain point in your life

and then you could get it but there are

so many things you can do to bulletproof

yourself to make sure that Gene stays

off and that’s what I’m going to talk

about so there are a number of genes

that I’ve researched on this topic I’m

not going to kind of give you all the

complexity but I’ll just talk about one

of the genes it’s called apoe and that

Gene has to do with turning on late

stage Alzheimer’s so something you would

get after age 65 but there’s different

forms of that Gene okay so you have the

E2 version which helps protect against

Alzheimer’s and then you have the E4

version which is different if you have a

problem with that Gene it will increase

your risk of getting Alzheimer’s by 15

to 25 percent okay and then you have

another version of this APO e Gene which

is the E3 version which will not have

any effect on Alzheimer’s so basically

if you get your DNA tested and you have

a problem with that Gene um specifically

like E2 or E4 then it just tells you you

need to be doing things to bulletproof

yourself right now now there’s another

Gene called app that has a lot to do

with what I said before on autophagy

which is that lysosome cleaning up all

the garbage in the cell if you have a

problem with that then you need to be

doing a lot more autophagy and

strengthening the cleaning out process

because you have a problem with

detoxification if you don’t do extra

things the cells become very very toxic

and then there’s other genes involving

the methylation and I’ve touched on that

a little bit but if you have a problem

with that Gene what you need to do to

solve it is to take larger amounts of

B12 not the synthetic version but the

natural version as well as the natural

version of folic so what happens if you

don’t have this good methylation problem

you’re going to build up heavy metals

okay you’re gonna have a hard time

detoxifying Mercury so this tells us you

shouldn’t be eating certain types of

fish okay this tells us that you should

be very careful about taking too much

iron especially iron in synthetic

supplements especially iron in enriched

flour products so understanding the

weaknesses that you have can give you a

lot of

um Power in doing something about it

because now you’re aware where your weak

links are now another heavy metal would

be aluminum right and of course the

aluminum deodorants and aluminum pans

should be avoided so now the question is

okay and I summarize this for you to

make it really simple

um let’s say you have problems with all

all of these genes okay that relate to

Dementia or Alzheimer’s what can you do

and this would be good for any person

with Alzheimer’s they’re very important

and actions you can take that are

epigenetic actions which are lifestyle

actions that can help you control your

genes just because a gene is mutated

doesn’t mean you’re gonna have a problem

with it okay so these genetic factors

will keep things in check okay number

one is to change the fuel that they’re

running on to the ketones okay you want

to run the brain on ketones the brain

loves ketones it’s a preferred Fuel and

I’m talking about going from glucose to

ketones and the way you do that is

putting the person on a low carb diet as

well as doing intermittent fasting okay

both of those will induce ketones and it

will support the brain even if there’s

damage to the brain because the first

thing to go downhill with Alzheimer’s is

damage to the hippocampus the nipple

campus is all about navigation memory

and things like that so a ketone fuel

will bypass the damage feed the neurons

directly because because at the heart of

the matter is a shrinking brain a brain

that’s addressing a brain that has

neurons that don’t connect well anymore

and so they’re starving of fuel so if we

feed them ketones we will instantly see

at least some good Improvement all right

number two you want to induce autophagy

autophagy is not some cellular thing

it’s a condition that you put your cells

into so they can recycle garbage okay

and damaged proteins and the most potent

way to stimulate autophagy is with

fasting okay regular intermittent

fasting with periodic prolonged fasting

but you can also induce autophagy with

exercise so you don’t even have to go to

a gym exercise you can be exercising at

your home doing a mild version of it you

know stretching things like that but any

exercise is better than no exercise the

next thing is green tea these

phytonutrient treat it in green tea e g

c g can greatly help you and also induce

autophagy curcumin is another really

good natural phytonutrient in turmeric

that can help induce autophagy number


omega-3 fatty acids specifically the EPA

and the DHA which your brain desperately

needs and I would recommend getting it

from cod liver oil make sure if you’re

getting your omega-3 from fish that you

do the least amount of heavy metals or

Mercury is possible because what we’re

trying to do is we’re trying to

eliminate all these extra things that

can create problems and that would be

number four reduce heavy metals okay so

you’re going to have to understand what

fish that you can eat and one fish you

can’t selenium is the trace mineral that

helps reduce Mercury so if you do have

fish maybe you take selenium at the same

time to lock up that mercury so it

doesn’t become a problem distilled water

is something I would also recommend

unfortunately this might be a pain but

to get one of those distillers where you

have stainless steel okay and not the

plastic jug but glass and you can make

your own distilled water and consume a

good amount of the water being distilled

water why because you have to realize

what is in tap water I mean even like

even builted water there’s still all

sorts of chemicals when you distill it

you remove everything and so it’s a

really good way of drinking pure water

without the heavy metals as well as

pulling out metals from your body okay

it’s a great detox and then you can just

put the minerals that you want back in

so that’s really important

make sure you don’t take uh supplements

that are synthetic because a lot of

times it has the wrong type of iron and

that can really mess with all sorts of

things because we don’t want these

synthetic vitamins and we don’t want

these Elemental minerals from

supplements so it has to be really like

food based or plant-based type nutrition

not food I’m talking about the

supplements themselves make sure that

they’re really like food based number

five methylation I mentioned on that B12

okay you need a lot more B12 you can get

a supplement with B12 and folate if you

have this problem and so there’s a real

simple genetic test to see if you have a

problem with methylation okay but then

the solution is simple B12 and folate

number six medications okay if your

loved one is on medications you need to

work with the doctor to get them off

because even with my mother-in-law we

found that she was on incontinence

medication and she was on all these

things that had side effects of memory

loss so once we made those changes she

did a lot better okay I didn’t resolve

the problem but it improved the problem

then we have number seven vitamins now

these specific vitamins have a direct

effect over your genes okay so we have

vitamin A I’m not talking about

beta-carotene the precursor I’m talking

about actual retinol from things like

liver and egg yolk cheese things like

that then we have vitamin D which will

improve things like inflammation in your

brain and then there’s B1 okay don’t get

the synthetic version make sure it’s

from natural sources like nutritional

yeast B1 is probably the most important

vitamin for the hippocampus which is the

first area of the brain to shrink when

you have dementia vitamin C if you take

an Alzheimer’s patient they’re nearly

always deficient in vitamin C so vitamin

C is really important too I would not

get this synthetic version I would get a

food base or just eat foods high in

vitamin C the top vitamin C Food believe

it or not is sauerkraut vitamin E very

powerful antioxidant not just good for

the heart very good for your brain

especially the structures of the brain

that relay uh you know memories things

like that and then we have vitamin K1

and this is interesting because people

were on like kumichin drugs which

basically block vitamin K1

have a higher risk of getting

alzheimer’s than people that don’t and

you get a lot about vitamin K1 from dark

leafy green vegetables and then number

eight lion’s mane which is a mushroom

and it even has regenerative properties

for brain tissue as well as neural

protective properties as well but a lot

of people have dementia report amazing

changes when they take lion mane now if

you haven’t seen this video in

Alzheimer’s that I actually talk about

the amyloid plaque not being the cause

for it you should definitely check that

one out next very important I put it

right here