What is the Dietary Requirement for Carbohydrates? | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I’m back I’m gonna answer a

question that came up from someone that

wanted to know what is the dietary

requirement for carbs okay this is not

going to be a long video but I will say

this the requirement is that there isn’t

any there’s none there is no RDAs for

carbohydrates there is no such thing as

an essential carbohydrate there are

essential amino acids there are

essential fatty acids but no essential

carbohydrates and in this definition

essential means that your body can’t

make it it needs to get it from the diet

okay well guess what the question is can

your body make glucose yes it’s called

gluco neo Genesis okay but when you read

textbook sometimes they’ll even say oh

glucose is necessary for the brain for

the red blood cell and that’s all true

but when you actually reduce glucose and

you cut down the carbs your body just

converts and starts burning ketones

starts burning more fatty acids and any

glucose that it needs it can turn the

ketone the fat the protein into glucose

so you do not need glucose now that

being said your microbes do like to eat

fiber and fiber is a carbohydrate but it

is the only carbohydrate that has zero

effect on insulin so fibers okay unless

you have a lot of digestive issues where

when you consume fiber it just tears you

up other than that I would recommend

vegetables to get your fiber to feed the

microbes and also the vegetables have

some nutrients as well so there are no

requirements going on a low-carb diet

will do a lot of great things for you

despite consuming more fat one of the

biggest misconceptions is that oh I

don’t want to do a low carb diet because

that’s a high fat diet what’s

interesting is when you lower the carb

and you and you actually raise the fat

your cholesterol

ratios and things go into a really good

range your LDL so-called bad cholesterol

may go up temporarily but if you

evaluate LDL and for the two different

types of LDL large buoyant versus small

dense you’re gonna find that the good

LDL is going to be high and the bat is

going to be low so low carb diet puts

you in a really good place with

cholesterol in general it’s when you

consume a high carb diet that you worsen

your cholesterol ratios you increase

triglycerides you decrease HDL and you

increase the really bad version of LDL

and also you increase your risk of

diabetes and heart problems and I’m

going to put some very interesting

research down below you should check it

out but if you haven’t watched my video

on the good and bad LDL check that out I

put it right on the screen right here