Thyroid Success with Keto and Intermittent Fasting – Dr.Berg Interviews Vicki Bales-Humble | DrEricBergDC

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everyone we’re back with another great

before-and-after Skype with Vicki hi

Vicki hi how are you doing right listen

I wanted to share with our viewers your

story and if you could tell us a little

bit about you what happened to you as

far as your weight and then what you did

and then the after results can you share

a little bit about starting with before

alright yeah well I had a lot of

problems all after having children I you

know a lot of people gain weight after

having kids well that really wasn’t the

case with me it was years after when my

children were in elementary school that

things started happening my thigh really

shut down I got put on synthroid and the


didn’t react to me like it’s supposed to

all I wanted to do was sleep and the way

I felt was I just made me feel like a

zombie I had no energy all I wanted to

do was sleep so I just decided that I

would rather be fat and happy than

skinny and a zombie so I got off the

synthroid I tried multiple things

throughout the years from juicing I

don’t want to name everything that I did

because I don’t want to you know what

works for some people didn’t work for me

so I don’t want to you know talk out of

school but I tried for years the low fat

and I just kept getting fatter and

fatter I didn’t quite understand what

was going on because if you looked at

what I ate a lot of great vegetables I

love organic I was really very choosy in

my shopping and but I chose low fats and

so on Facebook I had been watching a

girl named Rima and once she got up to

about a hundred thirty five pounds lost

I was very you know just what is she

doing oh I’ve got to figure this out so

she told me all about keto so I looked

it up I did a lot of research

it went against everything that I had

been told you know this food pyramid

that we’re taught and so I thought well

let me give this a shot seven months in

I lost the bulk of my weight

I was 1820 size 18 and 20 and I kind of

try to focus more on size that I do on

weight because everybody looks different

at a different weight

everyone’s body build I think is a

little bit different and so as I said I

think a lot of people focus too much on

how much they weigh you know I think you

should focus on how healthy do I feel

how healthy do I look I mean that’s my

mentality because I feel so much better

my daughter is just ecstatic about it

she’s 30 years old and so my son is 28

and my youngest son is 19 so they’re all

very happy about me getting healthy how

old are you sorry old are you I’m 49 wow

that’s awesome

I’ll be 50 in March that’s awesome so

but this is the first time in my life

that I remember really feeling a hundred

percent confident and 100% healthy and

I’m not at my goal yet so what’s here

what’s your size now right now we’re a

size six eight that’s really awesome

which I see sizes have really changed

over the years because I remember being

a size 9 and I was 100-107 to 120 pounds

and so now I weigh more than that and

Here I am a 6/8 so I believe sizes has

changed a lot it sounds like it I know

are you finding other benefits like with

your energy and the thyroid symptoms are

changed yeah my thyroid is 100% working

I’ve had a full physical they’ve checked

my thyroid they have checked all my

cholesterol everything my LDL

94 my HDL is 96 and my triglycerides are

53 so everything is perfect and I feel

you know just like I don’t know how to

explain it but if I look at pictures of

what I looked like

even before I gained weight to what I

look like now

I look actually younger now than I did

20 years ago wow that’s that’s


I know I’m looking I’m like you don’t

look like you’re 49 you don’t look like

you’re old enough to have a 30 old child

basically thank you so another question

I had about your your your thyroid so if

you take the centroid a thyroid

medication and you don’t feel better

usually that means your thyroid problem

is usually secondary to something else

so I have two questions because usually

thyroid comes from either a gallbladder

liver issue or high estrogen from an an

overactive ovary so you say that your

symptoms in the past or more cycle

related heavy cycles or more digestion I

think it was maybe a mix of both because

I ended up having my gallbladder taken

out and then I ended up with a lot of

other female problems that ended up

having a hysterectomy so I think it was

a mix of both yeah because without a

thyroid it’s harder to convert the t4 to

t3 so that would explain a lot

interesting so how many meals a day do

you consume now it I eat when I’m hungry

so sometimes I get up and you know I get

busy throughout my day and it’s you know

I go to the gym my workout I like to

workout before I eat if I go to the gym

after I eat I’m more I just don’t have

as much energy I don’t know how to

explain that it’s like I feel heavy but

I really like to work out before I eat

and so I can have anywhere from you know

two to six meals a day I mean it just

depends sometimes I’ll just have my

morning coffee and I put my butter

I use my Kerrygold butter in my coffee

and my MCT oil and my coffee in the

mornings and that’s what I’ll have

before I go to the gym and workouts and

so then I get home from the gym and I

get busy throughout my day I have a farm

I have milk goats so I have dairy goats

and so I make my own soaps and I do a

lot of things around the farm so you

know I get busy on the farm but you know

if I get hungry I eat which you know

that was that used to be a big problem

of mine is that I was a meal skipper so

give me an example you say in the

morning you have the coffee and then at

one’s the next time you roughly eat on

average like what’s usually around 2

o’clock 2 o’clock ok that seems to be

the time that I get hungry after I have

my coffee I go to the gym I workout I do

my farm chores it usually is around 2

o’clock and then I usually have dinner

around 6 o’clock at night cool I try not

to eat three hours before I go to bed

right and at 2:00 what would you eat um

usually I’ll make sure that I always

have a cheese a protein and then green

leafy vegetables good that’s what I like

to have good are you finding that your

cravings have gone down Oh most


because used to my biggest craving was

donuts maple doughnut yeah that’s the

gall bladder problem and was there

anything in any of my videos that you

saw that you got some tips to tweak

either in a minute fasting or ketosis a

little bit better the intermittent

fasting was what did it for me is

because when I watched your videos about

it you know I was kind of you know leery

about it at first but I had hit a stall

and so I I watched more videos and

decided I was going to give it a try

because I had hit a stall for several

months but I was still losing inches and

I still felt fabulous so I was just I

wasn’t giving up and I’ve gone too far

to give up

and so I tried it one morning and I

actually lost two pounds that day so I

was pretty amazed and I had gone to the

gym worked out came home and I ate

roughly around 2 o’clock that seems to

be my time that I get hungry and so but

then sometimes I’ll get up and I’ll have

my coffee and I you know I still do my

my butter and my MCT oil and then I will

not eat for the rest of the day until

that evening when I make dinner because

I’m just not hungry but I also think

that is you know it helps me get out of

the stall to do that fasting in between

that time and for those of you that

don’t know we’re talking about and it’s

probably a new thing the reason why in a

minute fasting is so powerful is that

you’re going longer between meals and

you’re allowing insulin to go lower so

when insulin goes lower your body starts

pulling fat from its reserve every time

you eat you spike insulin so if you can

go longer and you can add bat like she’s

saying with your coffee that sustains

you longer then you will be satisfied

and you’ll be fine but by doing

intermittent fasting you can increase

growth hormone by up to 2,000 percent

that’s the anti-aging hormone that’s

probably why you’re looking younger and

also it gives your gall bladder a chance

to reset it gives your digestion a

chance to feel better it decreases

inflammation and you combine the with

healthy Kido you’re gonna be in good

shape so that’s awesome are other people

like also commenting on like your like

how you’re looking healthier they saying

anything like wow what are you doing I

have a lot of comments you know people

want to know what I’m doing but people

want to know you know if I’ve had Botox

you know different things usually no

this is Kido Kido is the Fountain of

Youth I’m telling you it is definitely

the Fountain of Youth because you not

only feel better on the inside you feel

better on the outside

and it’s like through the years you know

seeing other people lose weight I’ve

seen people lose weight and then they

look twenty years older after they lose

weight and I really do think from all

that I’ve looked at in everything that I

read I believe me I have a lot more to

learn but everything I’ve read I really

think it’s the high fat that makes us

look healthier and makes us look younger

you think about what our

great-grandparents ate they ate that

high fat diet you know I totally agree

with you of course there’s this whole

movement to get everyone off fat but

you’re gonna look older your skin so I

can look good I mean I’m going on 53 I

mean I don’t have a lot of wrinkles I

mean I eat a lot of fat the fat is

needed for all the cells the skin your

brain but you just have to be able to

digest it and apparently you without a

gallbladder are able to digest it

probably because the intermittent

fasting you have a chance to you know

now has stressed that bile too much so I

think you did really well

I mean I’m impressed well thank you

that’s been a big question for me a lot

of people have asked me with I don’t

have a gallbladder I can’t do keto I’m

like well I don’t have a gallbladder

either and I haven’t had any problems

with it so and I do take probiotics

every day so I don’t know if that’s what

helped me or I’m not sure I think I’m

still learning I think I think it’s

gonna help you because you’re doing in a

minute fasting and you’re eating healthy

and you’re not doing a lot of carbs your

liver is probably adapted and you’re

probably as soon as you eat it releases

a little bowel because you have a little

tube that goes from your liver down to

your your intestine now you just don’t

have the concentration so the liver must

be concentrating it the only thing I

would tell people if they don’t have a

gallbladder is just you know watch to

see if you have any symptoms with fat

soluble vitamin issues like can’t see in

the dark too well when you’re driving

let’s say your skin is getting drier

those are all indications that you need

some help in that case you could do some

bile salts

Goll better support and then you’ll be

fine but I think if you don’t seem to

need it and your skin is looking good I

wouldn’t even worry about it but you

sounds like you’re doing great

so ride the wave but a lot of people

don’t understand about bio what it is

they they don’t get it so they end up

looking older and they just have a lot

of digestive issues but you need that

bile to pull out the fat side with

vitamins vitamin A D and K so yeah so I

think you did really good awesome well I

want to thank you so much for your

interview your I think you have a lot of

similar symptoms that other people have

and similar a similar story to other

people and they can relate to that so

that’s really good and just to know that

you’ve done it so I think it’s gonna

help other people get some more ideas

about I mean they should probably take

action as well right and the one thing I

one of the things I like to always tell

everybody is when you start keto

everyone wants to talk about the keto

flu and I see so many people when they

go through it they just throw their

hands up and give up and you just can’t

do that

you can’t do it because if you just get

through it it’s just gonna be right

around the corner and then everything is

gonna be okay yeah let me just let me

just kind of talk about that keto flu is

a symptom where all of a sudden you

start feeling tired it has to do with

the transition from sugar burning the

fat burning it’s called keto adaptation

when you’re building new cellular

enzymes from sugar to fat it’s a

transition and it requires a lot more B

vitamins and potassium so and even some

sodium so if you’re low on that going in

there because you’re not having enough

vegetables or you’re not having any B

vitamins from I recommend nutritional

yeast or some potassium supplement you

won’t have hardly any symptoms if you

know what you’re doing so on the videos

youtube I actually have every single

possible symptom that you could go

through in the transition and you can

watch those and just get ideas but yeah

I recommend nutritional yeast and you

should those things should just go away

like that and the other thing is that if

you start noticing muscle weakness

that’s sodium loss so you need more salt

if you point your toes and notice that

you’re getting cramps in the calf that’s

more calcium so you could so I show you

basically what to do for different

situations and I just want to mention

one thing a lot of people watching I

already have my book the seven

principles but the new one is out this

is this is supposed to be out last

January first so it’s a little overdue

there’s a lot of pre-orders that are

people are gonna be a little upset

because it’s not out yet but it’s out

now and it has all the details about

keto in a minute fasting how to do it

right with a ton of qat

how to make healthy desserts and he’d

call keto bombs and it also has in there

how to add into your body type so if you

have a little more thyroid issues how to

tweak the diet to even be more strategic

in what you’re doing so just all about

giving people better ideas to overcome

these issues so that way they can stick

to it longer so awesome I just tell

everybody to not give up just keep

moving forward and you know you’re gonna

get through it now I you know myself I

didn’t ever go through the keto flu and

I don’t know if that has to do with that

I I started paleo first and I had lost

some weight gained it all almost all of

it back and so then that’s when I

started keto so I don’t know if it was

because of that transitioning that you

know the only thing I had was severe

headaches and so I didn’t go through a

lot of you know feeling like you are

actually have the flu but I have you

know had friends that had it

I have a friend right now that she’s

just started keto and she’s two weeks

into it has lost 20 pounds my husband

actually just started it a little over

30 days ago and he’s lost over 20 pounds

and so I’m very happy

I’m glad you just brought that up

because I have to make one more point

when you

20 pounds or 10 pounds in a week you the

most you can actually lose the fat

that’s two pounds so you’re losing a lot

of fluid right yeah fluid comes comes a

lot of potassium and sodium loss so that

means that you may end up with a little

some issues that you just had to put

that back and that’s the issue with

people don’t realize they need a lot of

sodium they don’t have the sodium they

can’t maintain the fluids that well so

it’s really simple when you understand

it but yeah well that’s a that’s awesome

so thank you so much Vicki for sharing

your story and I love it I think you did

wonderful so keep up the good work and

your your I know do you have a you know

more goals to achieve but maybe in like

a couple months we’ll do another one

like an update oh that would be awesome

thank you all right I hear the chickens

in the background so it sounds like you

gotta go alright thank all right great

day you too