Eye Twitching Causes : What Causes Left Eyelid Twitching – Dr.Berg on Tetany | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re gonna talk about

twitching underneath the left eyelid

okay don’t ask me why it’s on the left

side normally it could be on the right

side but most the time it’s underneath

the left eyelid sometimes it’s on the

arm sometimes it’s another part of the

body alright so what is this this is

called techne it’s an excitable nerve

where the nerve is twitching now if you

do a search on this you’ll see a lot of

people are getting rid of this condition

by just taking apple cider vinegar okay

so I want to explain why that works and

why sometimes it will not work okay

the two main causes of tec-9 is low

calcium and alkalis

means your blood is a little too

alkaline normally your blood is alkaline

but it’s just a little out of range now

when you have someone that has tetany

twitching it’s kind of like a little red

flag or a little clue that there’s

something going on on the body that’s

not right there’s an imbalance of

something I have found that when you

give the person more calcium it doesn’t

seem to get rid of this condition okay

so however taking apple cider vinegar

does work very well and I’m going to

just talk about why that is first let’s

talk about the potential reasons why you

might have low calcium now it could be

rarely a parathyroid problem in other

words if you have technique and you do

all the things that I’m going to tell

you and it still doesn’t go away go to

your doctor get checked and they might

find a parathyroid problem it’s rare but

it’s a possibility so what can cause low

calcium well taking too much magnesium

okay because calcium and magnesium work

together so if you take too much of one

the other one actually goes down maybe

you’re taking epsom salts I don’t know

it could be any any number of things or

you’re you’re too low in vitamin D if

you’re low in vitamin D you’re not going

to be able to absorb the calcium vitamin

D helps improve the absorption of

calcium by 20 times in the small

intestine okay then we have low dietary

calcium let’s say for example you don’t

do dairy well you can also get your

calcium from leafy greens let’s say

you’re doing no greens and no dairy that

could be one of the reasons why you’re

low in calcium there’s other reasons but

those are the most common

okay now what about this thing alkalosis

normally the pH of the blood is within a

very narrow range between seven point

three five and seven point four five

seven being neutral okay and when you go

up in numbers above neutral okay greater

than seven you’re getting more alkaline

anything below seven you’re going more


so with alkalosis it’s above seven point

four five what happens if your pH is

above that you start getting espousals

cramps technique and there’s a whole

series of other issues that could happen

and the other point I want to bring up

is that calcium is mobilized in the body

it’s absorbed in the body with an acid

pH in the stomach so if you don’t have

enough acid in your stomach okay that

could be one cause of alkalosis and that

could be one reason why you’re not

absorbing the calcium okay that’s

actually a very common reason so let’s

see the low stomach acid how do you know

if you have low stomach acid well you

get indigestion you get bloating you get

acid reflux you get GERD those are all

symptoms of actually low stomach acid

and one of the things that can lead to

is alkalosis and eventually techne and

what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to

give you an understanding of what’s

behind certain things so you don’t just

automatically take her outside of

vinegar get rid of the tetiny and not

really understand what’s really going on

okay vomiting laxatives can cause this

as well low potassium can also cause

alkalosis okay how do you become low in

potassium it could be you’re not

consuming enough vegetables it could be

your carbohydrates are too high you’re

eating too much sugar okay that’s a

common thing and then we also have high

cortisol which could also cause

alkalosis how do you get too much

cortisol by stress okay in which case

you need to get more sleep

you need go for long walks you need to

remove the stress in your life as much

as possible so what you want to do

if you get a symptom like this is you

want to kind of run through all the

possibilities and see what’s really

behind it is it that you it’s wintertime

and you just need vitamin D that can

solve it just like that

is it more your stomach acid is it

stress do you need to start eating more

vegetables are you taking a laxative

maybe you should fix the reason why you

have constipation or let’s say you’re

bulimic and you’re vomiting okay so now

you understand like why you have this

condition so anyway I wanted to just

create this video to show you what’s

behind this very common symptom so you

can actually find out the root of it and

fix it thanks for watching so if you

want more knowledge on how to create a

healthy body subscribe now and get daily

notifications daily notifications that

sounds weird well I’ll just remind you

on a daily basis about that