How Food Affects Your Mood ⧸ Improve Anxiety, Depression & ADD – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today I want to talk about the

relationship between your mood and your

food there’s a huge relationship the

problem is that you never ever ever ever

ever want to treat a symptom directly

without understanding the underlying

cause and that’s the problem of medicine

is they treat all the symptoms so if you

get depression they’re going to treat it

they don’t ask why anxiety it’s a

treatment there’s a lot of pills there’s

no profit in curing these it’s all about

managing these symptoms in fact when you

treat the symptom or you diagnose

incorrectly you make the patient worse

I’ll give an example I had a patient who

was depressed and I said when we when we

depressed she goes when I was diagnosed

I said interesting I said I started

questioning more stuff and I said you

know what you’re not depressed you’re

just exhausted she goes wow that makes

sense because I don’t sleep I feel

better thank you so I got rid of her

depression just by helping her realize

the underlying cause okay so let’s talk

about this there’s a couple of factors

and in the relationship to in affecting

your emotional mood and the food that

you eat and other things let’s talk

about nutrition nutrition first you hear

the concept an apple a day keeps the

doctor away well that might have been

true in 1965 but not now it takes six

apples a day now to keep the doctor away

if you take the apples and shoot them

hard enough at the doctor I’m just

kidding don’t do that but the point is

that it there soils are so bad right now

you need so much food to achieve the

same nutrient levels in Europe or in

Africa the food nutritional factors are

so much more that that’s why they have

good teeth good bone structure because

they have more nutrition in the soils so

the soils are bad in America that’s the

food is empty so therefore you need to

eat even healthier let’s just take

potassium it’s one of the most important

minerals in a good relaxed body because

potassium is a physiological

tranquilizer it calms the nervous system

down and you might say that you eat a

banana a day

well that’s 400 milligrams you need 4700


just to get your minimum so that would

equate to about

seven to eight to even ten cups of

vegetables or salad every single day how

many cups the vegetables are you eating

every day so potassium is very very

important for two reasons to calm the

heart rate down because if your

potassium is low your pulse rate is

going to go high try to sleep with your

pulse rate just going boom boom boom


it won’t let you relax so potassium is

very important to calm the heart down

it’s also important to establish good

blood sugars and even to help stabilize

the sugar so they don’t drop down too

far we’ll get into that in a second but

I want to just talk about the nutrient

factors B vitamins especially b1 B

vitamins are used up when you’re in a

stress State so when you’re pushing your

body and you’re stressed out you’re

going to deplete your B vitamins

especially b1 and some of the other ones

when you deplete B vitamins you become

more anxious you have that internal that

restlessness restless leg syndrome for

example is a B vitamin deficiency the

best source of B vitamin E steel fist or

get nutritional yeast take a teaspoon I

like to put it in plain yogurt put in

your calcium whatever but those B

vitamins are very very very important to

actually calm you down and help you

sleep and prevent nightmares as well but

don’t buy them from a one-a-day vitamin

most these vitamins out there are

synthetic and you don’t want to consume

synthetic vitamins you want them food

base I have one called super nutrients

that I use because it has good cognitive

function it’s all food base

there’s no synthetics and you could take

probably three of those and get enough B

vitamins if you wanted to do that called

super nutrients calcium calcium is

important to help you relax calm down

and reduce stress when you’re under

stress you deplete your calcium calcium

goes through you you don’t really absorb

it as well so calcium the best source is

not from a typical one a day or some of

the calcium supplements they sell at CVS

because all those are made from calcium

carbonate that’s limestone be better off

chewing on the cement outside and I

won’t mention any brand names that

use calcium carbonate sometimes silver

but a lot of these top name-brand

calciums they basically used rocks which

don’t absorb so you need a calcium

citrate or have it from cheese or have

it from plain yogurt something like that

okay omega-3 very very important in

cognitive function and even especially

for children

so omega-3 fish oils for kids oh my gosh

huge but the problem is that there’s

something fishy about fish oils and that

would be that it’s usually rancid so get

a higher quality fish oil rather than

just kind of like the cheapest brand

that you can find get a good one and

open up the capsule and smell it and if

it’s not visually it might be it’s

probably pretty good so if you’re going

to go with fish oils make sure it’s a

higher quality okay so that’s one thing

and then I’m going to talk about iodine

when a child is growing or when you’re

nursing or when you’re going to have a

baby make sure that you consume enough

iodine as from a seek seek help source I

like sea kelp that’s the best source of

iodine and like especially pregnant

females and things like that because

iodine supports the thyroid children

that are mentally usually I

have an iodine deficiency because the

mother was deficient and it transported

over to the baby and i neva know some

adults that are mentally as

well because they don’t have enough

iodine iodine supports the thyroid the

thyroid helps the cognitive function of

the brain but I like to have it from the

food base not a synthetic or like a rock

so take it from sea kelp

next thing blood sugar is very very

important if your blood sugar is not

perfectly level at 100 if it goes too

high you’re going to get brain fog

you’re going to have loss of memory when

the blood sugars go down you’re going to

have irritability a DD you’re going to

be edgy so just from blood sugars so the

blood sugar relationship to t between

cognitive function on a physical level

it’s it’s huge it’s very very important

I used to have brain fog all the time

and then one day

I started to change my breakfast from a

carbohydrate cereal to a protein

breakfast I think I was having buffalo

burger or even a piece of fish and then

I went to eggs oh my gosh I felt so much

better like a like a helmet lifted off

my head so you want to make sure your

breakfast is protein because that

actually stabilizes the blood sugars

through the whole day if you skip a meal

skip breakfast or have a carb breakfast

in the evening you’re going to have low

blood sugars now having low blood sugars

doesn’t mean you’re just you should eat

more sugar it just means that you didn’t

set it up where you have good protein in

salad or vegetables in that potassium to

stabilize your sugar so when your blood

Sugar’s drop down have a salad have some

don’t eat sugar that’s not going to fix

it and so we want to make sure that we

don’t eat sugars because it’s going to

spike and then come down you’re going to

help with a low blood sugar and then

you’re going to irritable so the bottom

line is you have to avoid sugar okay

seven cups of salad we talked about

potassium will help stabilize your blood

Sugar’s and it’s great for diabetics

protein breakfast very very very

important that kale shake and get the

recipe off the website kale shake in the

morning is wonderful to establish the

blood sugars through the whole day

hormones hormones influence your brain

as well serotonin it’s a pleasure

hormone and that’s how psych drugs work

too they recycle that last drop of

serotonin you have over and over and

over again tricking your body and

thinking it has more than it really does

so when you take these psych drugs they

end up causing a deficiency over the

time even more and the need for that

medication Rises over time so it doesn’t

have a long-term good solution and

sometimes when the doctor doesn’t have a

plan to get you off the medication then

you end up mean more and more and more

on different ones and to the point where

it really ruins the body so you want to

start building up serotonin with a good

diet before you even get these symptoms

now next thing is cortisol that’s the

stress hormone and that comes from all

types of stress you push yourself over

the years you work two jobs you don’t

sleep maybe you don’t take care of your

maybe you party too much and you go into

the flooded fight mode and you will get

anxiety as a symptom from cortisol so

anxiety worry thinking all the time

that’s a higher cortisol adrenaline

adrenal problem which needs to be

improved through natural means one ways

is through walking each day through

maybe acupressure stretching pulling the

stress out or sleeping or keeping the

diet good or avoiding stressful people

many many things you can do but if your

body is stressed out all the time your

course level behind you will be stuck in

anxiety but the problem is you don’t

want to treat it directly you want to

find out why PMS is there a relationship

between your cycle and your mood if so

then you need to support the ovary

because I know some women that can get

very irritable that time of the month or

even certain times of the month if

there’s a pattern to it

tyroid the thyroid if it’s a physical

problem you you can get depression you

can be apathetic like you don’t care

anymore so there’s a hormone aspects to

your mood as well that should be

supported to nutrition okay so now we

want to talk about sleep oh my gosh

without sleep you’re going to have a lot

of anxiety you’re going to have worry

you’re going to be in stress mode

because sleep is a natural repair for

for body stress without sleep you can’t

rejuvenate you can’t recharge the body

and you will have all sorts of mood

issues without sleeping you try to take

your kids to the grocery store when

they’re tired they’re going to be cranky

okay so and the question is are you

exhausted are you tired or are you

depressed I found mostly you’re tired

and you’re going to feel the press from

being tired so you don’t want to take a

5-hour energy drink to stimulate the

body you want to get more sleep so the

more stress you’re under the longer you

need to sleep so don’t get seven get

eight hours okay so a lot of problems

with anxiety it can’t happen when you’re

sleep okay so take a look at the

relationship between your mood and the

physical part of your body

versus just a mental problem and it’s

huge and this is what’s missed so if

you’re having any type of mood problems

look at the nutrition look at the blood

sugars look at if there’s a glandular

imbalance look at your sleep and never

treat a symptom find the root cause