The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - October 13, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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good morning everyone or good afternoon

or good evening um anything that I say

is not meant to diagnose treat mitigate

prevent any medical condition so check

with your doctor before implementing any

things we’re going to talk about and i'

just like to just Dive Right In Steve

looks like we have a huge line of people

let’s get to as many questions as we can

okay we sure can and this is for others

in the audience waim was on the in the

Green Room last week and got cut off

because of the vagaries of the various

systems in the internet so we’ve got him

back on this week he’s also outside of

work snuck out to his car looks great

and he going to ask this one question in

30 seconds and to the other people by

the way that that’s happened to we urge

you to Rite into we’ll make

sure you eventually get on the air in

the meantime waim welcome to the show go

ahead with your one question with Dr

Berg thanks Steve and thanks Dr Berg for

having me uh so last month I had a

severe octive colitis flare up and they

put me on infliximab and a prazone taper

and so basically after that my blood

work started to read that I had two

liver enzymes that were uh very high a


Al um and I was wondering if you think

that I could take the liver cleanse

detox that you have to be able to kind

of get that in order or if there’s

another uh way to do that that would be

better so is there a

um is a lot of the inflammation that

they detected in your stomach the small

intestine or the large intestine did

they tell

you so they said large intestine um

towards the end of the track

actually so I think um I think probably

the most important thing to do is to get

you on the right eating plan right off

the bat which should be the carnivore

diet because um what happens we want to

get rid of the inflammation we want to

calm down the the fire uh as the most

important thing and I think the

medications obviously have a side effect

of messing with your liver so I would

work with your doctor to see if um if

that’s the right choice in the meantime

I think the the liver detox product that

I have could help to

um kind of protect the liver because um

there are certain ingredients that are

liver supportive so it can be a

protective thing for the liver but I

think the most important thing is to go

on a carnivore just to kind of heal the

gut um that’s it’s high on glutamine

which will uh provide the

anti-inflammatory effect and support any

leaky gut going on um that’s what I


do um the other thing is that um

is just kind of go back in to my videos

on that topic just so you can get more

knowledge about the area and and make

sure that you understand like all the

different causes so you can that now pre

going forward prevent it from coming

back once you get it

corrected all right thanks Dr bur

appreciate it sure great call Hen and

once again just to everyone out there I

know how annoying it can be when you

sign up and take your time we value your

time and then don’t go on on the air a

couple things just to address first of

all we have a um you know a maximum

amount of spots available and yes we do

overbook a little bit because many times

people’s cameras aren’t working or this

that and the other so we want to make

sure but any of you in fact that

happened today to a couple and you know

who you are we’d ask that you right back

in and we’re going to put you back to

the top of the queue until you finally

get on the air uh with us so we

certainly don’t ignore you uh and we

don’t ignore our quiz questions and here

is the first one for the day Dr Bur

all right so if you have early morning

insomnia where let’s say you get up a

little too early and you can’t get back

to bed which mineral are you mostly

missing in your

diet sorry doc let me get your shot back

here all right so climb on that audience

and now let’s head over to social media

and Hayden from YouTube which

supplements should someone on birth

control meds be

taking well the birth control pills do

um deplete things they create issues

they could create issues with your bile

and so you just I think

um I wouldn’t necessarily take a vitamin

while you’re taking it I would just kind

of like see if you’re deficient in

anything because if your diet is the

healthy version of the ketogenic diet

then you’re probably going to be okay

but I will say that one one issue that

I’ve seen in the past with birth control

pills is that uh that does mess with it

messes with the the gallbladder and

sometimes then you can’t absorb from the

diet the fat cable nutrients like the

vitamin A D E K1 K2 so if you

notice problems with that especially

let’s say you’re driving at night it’s

hard to see in the dark because you’re

that’s like a real easy one like vitamin

A deficiency then chances are instead of

taking vitamin A maybe you just take

some bile salts after you after you eat

and that might help you but

um yeah that’s what I would do um and

just make sure you you re-evaluate your

what you’re eating so you can get all

those nutrients that’s terrific and in

addition to our green room um

participants Candace dwen and Curtis we

have others that are joining us from

around the world and they are as follows

uh we’d like to give you all a warm

welcome uh to the UK Canada Mexico

Switzerland India Poland Romania Germany

Italy Germany excuse me Italy Gree

Greece Jordan South Africa Pakistan the

Philippines arria Nigeria Norway

Australia Belgium Chile the Virgin

Islands Oman P Pac uh excuse me

Palestine Scotland Taiwan Spain Egypt

France Argentina yakistan Sweden the

Bahamas lickstein Jamaica Bangladesh

Morocco Ukraine Portugal Ireland brunai

South Korea Saudi Arabia Japan Israel

Zambia Colombia the Netherlands Trinidad

and Tobago Ethiopia um Iran Nepal the

Czech Republic and once again all across

these United States for thanks for

everybody for joining us around the

world in the pursuit of a great healthy

life and many are achieving

that so let’s see let’s

go by the way we are I also didn’t

announce today we are safely on Rumble

we are broadcasting it’s showing up over

there so we urge all of the uh YouTube

patrons and again we’re appreciative to

be on YouTube and on Facebook but it’s a

good idea because of some of the um sort

of regulations that are popping up that

you always find Dr ber and the way to do

that is go over to rumble and uh you

know make sure you see where the show is

and is there a register can you what’s

going on on Rumble with that do they

follow or what’s the

routine you just you just subscribe you

press subscribe and you’re good to go

okay that’s great so you will never miss

anything from Dr ber in fact you will

gain more from them because there are no

censorship rules over there rumble’s

allowing people to make decisions fors

and uh you know urge that way you can

research uh the traditional medical

stuff and all the Alternatives that

cumulatively make us and keep us all

healthy we hope okay Brenda from YouTube

I started taking the nutritional yeast

by crushing up Seven Tablets into my

electrolyte water I felt great but now

after 3 days I’m constipated any


I highly doubt that that’s causing

constipation I would look at something

else because

it’s nutritional use doesn’t con it

won’t it won’t constipate it’s just it’s

a it’s just a very small amount of

something there’s not enough calories to

constipate but I would look at other

things that you maybe change in your

diet and it could possibly be too too

much salad or too much greens for some

people other people it’s not enough

grains so I would look at anything out

of the ordinary that you added to this

mix I mean even the electrolyte powder

as well as B1 actually is known to get

rid of

constipation that being said one of the

interesting things about

constipation um is that you can also be

constipated from having not enough bio

salts and if you have too much bio salts

you can have diarrhea so um on quite a

few people I noticed that you give them

a little bio salts after they eat and

then now now they’re actually really

they’re able to go very nicely so

just that’s just as a side note um but

watch my videos on constipation because

there’s many different

reasons all right very good the audience

has always has leapt on the first

question which ask if you have early

morning insomnia which mineral are you

most likely missing and 66% of our

respondents say it’s magnesium 24% say

it’s potassium 5% say selenium and the

final five say it’s B12

okay the answer is

magnesium magnesium magnesium now you

might say well it’s easy to get

magnesium uh it’s actually it’s it’s

more difficult than you might think

because um the dark leafy green

vegetables that would be like kale Swiss

chart and especially spinach have a good

amount of potassium but they also have a

good amount of oxalates which can create

uh issues with people that are sensitive

like uh even AR

um even um kidney stones you know or

risks to kidney stones so but you can

easily overcompensate by adding a little

cheese to that spinach but kale in Swiss

CHS Swiss chart doesn’t necessarily have

as much um oxalates also you can get it

from chocolate but of course you have to

watch the sugar but chocolate also has

oxalates so have your cheese with your

with your chocolate and then also it’s

an almonds but almonds are also high in

oxalate so you know you want to do the

best you can yes it is true that

magnesium is a lot of different products

but you should just do the math sometime

and try to see how much magnesium you’re

actually getting from the foods that

you’re eating you’re going to be

probably quite shocked to find out that

you’re low and this is why you may need

to have a supplement I recommend

magnesium glycinate and have that um

doesn’t necessarily like to be right

before bed but I think you’re going to

find that actually you’ll sleep been uh

better and you’ll just feel like your

especially your muscles your muscles

will just feel relaxed you’ll sleep

longer and it it t tends to lower

cortisol too so um like 45% of the

population is deficient in

magnesium so and on top of that vitamin

D is dependent on magnesium so you can’t

even convert the active form of vitamin

D without magnesium so it’s a really

important mineral um I did a video on it

and uh it went viral recently so if you

wanted to see that video watch it it’s

called what is the first symptom of a

magnesium deficiency all right very good

we go to rumble good morning and this

person is using a bit of scripture to

identify himself Ephesians 4:10 from

Rumble I love Mexican food but how can

uh I do it on healthy keto good question

I’m 70 years young and loving your

supplements thank you Dr

bird well you know if you go to actual

Mexico they have some seriously high

quality food and you can do keto but you

just have to do it without the corn corn

tortillas and the other other uh wheat

wheat type products um so you know you

have your guacamole you can do maybe

some almond tortillas and things like

that um but I think with all the

different sauces and things and without

omitted the rice and the beans I think

you can do it um in fact if you go to my

YouTube channel under uh and then look

at other channels I have a recipe

Channel and there’s quite a few recipes

there you can check out which will make

keto delicious but

um yes you can do it you just have to

understand what’s on the okay list and

what’s on the not okay list all right

very good well uh speaking of the Green

Room Curtis from Hampton Virginia popped

off off because of one of the vagaries

of the system and he’s back on I want to

make sure we don’t lose him so make sure

you’re unmuted Curtis and go ahead with

your terrific and captivating one

question that you will belt out in 30

seconds welcome to the show okay hello

Dr Burke thank you Hi how are you all

right uh my question is about fruit of

of course I love fruit and I’ve been

watching you since February my question

is is it the sugar content that you’re

concerned about in Fruit concerning keto

or do you consider fruit not being being

really healthy for the body because of

the sugar content you know it’s

definitely better than um high fruit is

corn syrup and these other sugars but

there is a bit more sugar in fruit now

you might say well it’s natural yes it

does have fiber it does s phytonutrients

absolutely um but the on the flip side a

great majority of the population has

metabolic issues they have insulin

resistance in which case they don’t do

as well in fact I just gave up apples

when I was you know years ago I gave up

apples and I went from 111 pounds of

pure muscle and I’m being sarcastic to

185 uh pretty A to B from just those

apples and that is has to do with the um

how they did hybrids with the fruit a

long ago we didn’t have this sweet fruit

like we have now I mean honey crisp

apples is just like eating candy so even

the bananas they’ve been hybrids for

more carbohyd hydrate that’s really the

big problem and also um fruit typically

comes seasonal right not all year round

well and you could have it all year


so I’m not I’m not saying I’m against it

but I I would just say I would if you

have metabolic syndrome you might have

to not do fruit you can do some berries

um like even on my property there’s some

indigenous apple and pear trees there’s

a pear tree that these pears are not

even sweet at all um

so like that might be okay I haven’t

tested the sugar content but um but you

know the bottom line is you might want

to just test it out on your body see how

you do do you feel better do you are you

trying to solve a problem uh healthwise

and uh um and play around with it to see

if it works out for you would you do

better or worse on


okay and it is hard to get on keto

because the carbs are are a bit high on

that so especially like like an apple

it’s like 19 grams of carbs so you can

imagine if you’re on keto you can easily

knock yourself out true okay understood

thanks a lot appreciate sure no problem

I tell you what this uh group of Green

Room participants is knocking it out of

the park with their their succinct

questions intelligent uh uh process own

thank you all very much and Curtis I’m

glad we were able to get you back and

get you on the air uh and you just hang

around there Curtis and you can enjoy

the rest of the show from right where

you’re at let’s see um here’s another

interesting name we’d like to hear from

BH 2366 on Rumble what an interesting

name what’s the best way to naturally

address Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is the

same protocols we should follow with

other types of cancer and again not uh

you know replacing his medical

care well it’s one of those things where

I can’t I can’t um have have any more

videos on YouTube about that well I can

but I you have to be within their

guidelines but I think if you go to

rumble and you search um those videos I

have the protocols that um that you

could you can research so you could see

what we’re talking about um there is

some really interesting things about

cancer that I will say right off the bat

um they don’t have’t figured out okay

they have a lot of theories out there

and and um they don’t they don’t know

they don’t know even though they might

sound like even the General Medical

consensus is blah blah blah but they

don’t it’s not known uh yet but there’s

some fascinating new theories coming up

that um make a lot of sense that have to

do with cancer being connected to um uh

fungus because if you take a look at

inside a tumor for example they recently

found out it’s not sterile there’s

microbes in there which is interesting

which could explain a lot of these wild

variables that it’s that just don’t

makees sense

um I won’t get too much into it but the

point is I would search on Rumble um not

YouTube on the protocols that uh may be

worth doing a research to see if it can

work for you boy it is so exciting to be

on Rumble you know we are now

bulletproof uh in the service of our

various viewers and

those that have found a better life for

Dr Burg so you can find whatever answer

you want one way or the other let’s go

back to um Rumble again let’s see Ethan

loves keto he’s from Rumble I started on

keto in October one and it feels like

I’ve always been on it and I love it uh

was always bloated badly on on veggies

so I cut them out how long should it be

before I reintroduce


well I think um the type of Keto I

recommend is U is starting out with

vegetables you’re doing vegetables

you’re doing a combination of vegetables

and meats so um you should start

immediately but I thought you going to

ask me something else how long do I have

to be on this before I can go back to my



um um as long as you want to get well

but um there’s a new diet that they’re

trying to they are trying to push on us

all it’s called the planetary Health

diet which you can have one and a half

ounces of meat per day I think you have

a fourth of or a fourth of an egg a day

uh or you can have um a little piece of

one bacon strip per day for your pro

protein because they want to get rid of

all these dangerous you know animal

products um but but you can have um 800

of your calories can be grains okay and

you can have S and a half teaspoons of

sugar and I’m not kidding this is a diet

that they want to it’s called the eat

Lancet diet that they want to put

everyone on so I’m sure we’re looking

forward to some great great new things

coming up um I think it’s actually not

going to happen because when I went

recently I went to the

butcher um it’s organic butcher uh place

and there was a line that wrapped around

the entire it’s going to be really hard

for people to give up their meat and

start eating these other foods and even

if they do uh you’re going to see um

some major health problems because

people don’t do well on these grains 800

calories of grains and they don’t do

well in sugar and you’re going to create

nutritional deficiencies so

um that’s um so it’s not going to work

basically and a uh simple way to

describe that diet is just a big picture

of Kool-Aid with plenty of sugar and

you’re on the road to health so I’m sure

you’ll feel terrific oh yeah it’ll work

it’ll work bound to Something’s GNA

happen Okay JS Fuji if I said that right

from Rumble again what are your thoughts

about drinking Bulletproof Coffee he

didn’t mention whether he puts any cream

or anything but

anyway I think it’s fine I think it’s

fine the only thing when you do the

Bulletproof Coffee where you’re adding

like butter or MCT oil to your coffee is

that realize it’s good to do that when

you start out but if you’re trying to

lose weight you may find that that fat

could be used as fuel more than your own

fat which means it could slow down your

ability to lose weight because you’re

you’re giving your body extra fuel to

live off ideally it’d be nice to have

you live off your own fat and in which

case you once you get adapted maybe you

want not not consume this these extra

fats that aren’t really part of your

protein but if you don’t have a weight

problem I think it’s it’s a great thing

especially for the brain uh you might

find your cognitive improvements improve

as well as your your physical ex energy

from your exercise improves as well

because you your body starts using the

especially the the MCT oil for energy

you’ll have a lot of energy okay very

good now I our producer Terry keeps me

on very short leash terms of keeping the

show moving and so I’m putting up the

question before he scolded me for it

this is the second question so take that

Terry I remembered and Doc there’s our


falser okay true or false the average

American consumes 45 gallons 120 170

lers of soda per year wow is that true

audience we’ll find out let’s see uh

midy from Facebook book well eating more

protein possibly cause M micro bulit Ura

oh God I should have read that micro

bulua does that ring a bell you ever had


doc sorry see sometimes I read these

questions not all the way through and

then I get stuck let’s

just yeah remember we talked about that

Steve like when he gets a very specific

medical questions yeah um but I think um

here’s the thing um if you EA too much

protein is it going to create like maybe

some waste products in the urine like

like ammonia or certain types of

problems for the kidney um the answer is

no um it’s not but that being said you

you may find that if you already have

existing kidney damage the ability to

tolerate extra protein might not be

there so in which case you want to do

maybe moderate amounts of protein not

too high but I will say on the flip side

if if you start going on a low protein

diet low animal protein or

whatever you could you’re more

susceptible to having um deficiencies of

protein which is very damaging to your

body uh so you know everyone’s focusing

oh too much protein yeah but what about

if you have not enough amino acids you

create a worse problem so um I would

just recommend doing moderate amounts of

protein and you don’t have to worry

about anything all right well I tell you

what the can you believe how fast the

audience got back to our question we

just asked the average American consumes

45 gallons or 170 lers of soda per year

and 95% of our respondents say it’s true

and 5% say how could you do such a thing


false it’s absolutely true it used to be


gallons but now it’s uh what 48 gall

and um also do you know how much water

Steve you know how much water someone

consumes 58 gallons so just a little bit

more wow so someone’s drinking a lot of

soda and I know Soda is hydrating and um

some of these beverage companies you

know they’re they’re definitely um

supporting the anti-obesity

movements which is kind of ironic

because um like this liquid candy I’m

sorry soda is just so so much sugar and

uh without the um without the nutrients

so you’re creating a

situation that is really going to put

your body in a especially your liver in

a state of danger when you add that much

and I know um growing up um we used to

get cases of soda at different parties

and didn’t even think twice but of

course that was that trigger was sugar

cane it wasn’t the high fructose corn

syrup they have now but um but yes a lot

of people are drinking a tremendous

amount of soda without even thinking

twice and then on top of that if you’re

adding a burger with fries to that soda

unbelievable how you even survive that

that’s a lot of lot of problems for your

kidneys your eyes your arteries and your

nerves wow that meal you described I

think is a number three you get all the

ingredients there by the way just to

confirm is that Sugar soda not diet or

do it matter the 45 or however many

gallons yeah I’m talking about I’m

talking about the the typical hypose

corn syrup sweetened yeah I’m not

talking about the diet sodas that’s a

different a different question yeah all

right well maybe we’ll see that soon

Tanya from Facebook are apple cider

vinegar pills just as good as drinking

it that’s one of the questions that is

the last question we’re going to get to

that well okay let’s that isn’t that


Serendipity uh okay let’s move on um

Tracy from YouTube what dietary

recommendations would you offer for a

teenager I would I would recommend the

same diet as an adult however I would

probably depending on the situation make

sure that you’re doing the three meals

no snacks and not necessarily like two

meals unless you have a way problem and

definitely not one male because children

or teenagers as they’re developing they

we have to really make sure they have

the enough calories as well as enough

nutrients in the calories um very

important uh but I’m if you did the

healthy version of the ketogenic diet

that I recommend and just did three

meals like that without snacks that

would be awesome that would actually be

very healthy in fact um I

would if if I if I if I was a teenager

and I knew about this I would that’s

what I would be eating probably wouldn’t

have the acne that I had probably I

would have more endurance especially

going through wrestling and uh and not I

would not do what I did which is go as a

lower weight class and try to starve

myself that was a big mistake all right

very good Anna from YouTube uh do you

have recommendations on CI it’s a

bacteria that creates diarrhea and

Colitis my brother still fighting it

after a round of

antibiotics yeah you have to have a um

more powerful probiotic to solve that

issue so I would do find something

that’s really strong and probably double

double the Dos dosage as well as

consuming on a daily basis at least one

cup of raw

sauerkraut and and then in the evening

after dinner have a cup of whole

milk uh plain without sweetened kefir if

you can find the kefir from goats or

sheep that would be better than the

cow’s milk but any kefir will do that

way you have your pro um additional

microbes that can help you all right

let’s get personal now because but a lie

from YouTube how can I fix keto tongue e

i shouldn’t say that am I using your

electrolyte solution I am using your

electrolyte solution and eating lots of

veggies what else can I be doing I’m

sorry for teasing you but a lie I’m sure


awful yeah I think what I would do um is

would make sure for that problem you

like you already told me you already

kind of gave me the answer of taking

enough the be vitamins and also eating

the healthy version with vegetables but

I would also uh add um try to get your

carbs down low but also at the same time

drink more fluids and also make sure you

have enough omega-3 fatty

acids right like fish oil um I’m sorry C

oil and I I consume consume a really

good amount of CER oil and um I also

have my trace minerals in the morning

with it has the zinc and then I have

magnesium as well and then um a little

later I’ll do a little electrolytes and

maybe the nutritional yeast but that

combination I’ve never seen a problem

with with side effects from doing the

keto if you do that very good let’s go

to The Equalizer as he calls himself

from Rumble how do you feel about Stevia

uh sweetened

sodas speaking of sodas I think they’re

great especially since we’re on the

topic of sodas I think it’s a great

alternative um when you buy the Zia or

whatever they’re called the sodas I

would make sure that you read uh that

the get the ones without the

caffeine so uh but yeah those are great

as a substitute I think they’re awesome

um so a lot of people don’t know about

them they taste just like a soda

and it’s flavored with stevia

um you know there’s something recently

that I tried I really like for some

reason some people don’t like it but I

like tonic water but sugar-free I don’t

know why I like that it’s like bitter um

but U most of it has sugar so you have

to read the ingredients but for some

reason my body loves tonic water

interesting I like the smell of dead

skunks on the road so the thing my

family’s grossed out by it and I don’t

smoke pot but I like the smell of it in

the hallway we have some neighbors that

do it and it has that same skunky smell

so I don’t know whether Co knocked out

my sense of smell but those are two

things Dead Skunk on the road and pot

good quality pot smoke in the hallway

for some reason you know I find that

great and that’s really an important

topic for the

show all right yeah we need to talk

later about that okay okay very good

let’s I have I do have a dead stunk on

the side of the road I’ll bring it

over that’s great all right let’s see uh

let’s go to the next Quiz question and

our producer Terry said you know you’re

bragging about getting up but you were

still 3 minutes late and uh now I’m

almost three minutes late again so

here’s the next Quiz question which is

quiz question number

three okay why are women

60% less likely to get cancer and 70%

less likely to die from it compared to

men that seems

unfair uh let’s see let’s go to another

one you’re right it is I know I mean


ladies um okay Malcolm from Facebook

will 16 hours of facing help with


resistance you said f fasting or his F

fasting fasting yeah um I think it will

I think it will I think you know there’s

so many things that clear up when you do

like prolong fast even allergies um so

it’s kind of

a kind of a a nice little recovery

healing situation that can occur uh if

you do a prolonged fast I I would try it

and see what happens I mean so many

things can change and it’s a way to uh

um kind of uh shock your system into

working right another thing that I think

if you have high Hines or even like

allergies doing those cold baths really

are amazing so I have one of those

immersion cold immersion tanks and um as

much as I hate getting in there it

really makes you feel better when you


out but it also has um an interesting

effect on various uh allergies and uh

other problems you’re running into um

but it’s definitely a shocker when you

get in there at 50 degrees uh for five

minutes wow so you’re holding out for

the whole five minutes now we remember

you sort of easing your way into it but

you can tolerate that that long yeah

yeah I can I can tolerate it’s just yeah

just getting used to it you got to

breathe through it though the key is the

breathing because you initially you’re

hyperventilating your body gets used to

it and then it it’s not that it’s

more comfortable it’s just that you can

your tolerance goes up you can tolerate

it better for some reason interesting

Blunts and Otter this soul is calling

themselves from Rumble my

63-year-old uh mom has

hyperthyroidism could she uh safely do a

week of a weekl long

fast I don’t know I think I think she

could I would um but I would make sure

you take the right nutrients the thing

you have to be careful about with a

hyper thyroid is not to take celp not to

take iodine not to take

bile salts because that those three

things can increase the uh the function

of the thyroid and you don’t want to do

that I think a good thing to take would


um maybe um the cruciferous vegetables

but that’s like when you’re eating now

um because um apparently that can help

help to some degree but that being said

I think a prolong fast would be a very

smart thing to do all right very good

Gina has an interesting question from

YouTube what are the down sides of

intermittent fasting and doing extended


cardio well the down um the negatives

are that you know it’s it’s freaking

expensive because you have to buy all

these new clothes you know you lose all

this weight and you start uh getting

younger as you get older and that’s

always a problem um and uh you said with

exercise too exercise high intensity


yeah the effort of doing that is really

a pain in the butt but um but the

benefits yeah are kind of are going to

outweigh it but I I think the downside

the the negative side would be doing it

incorrectly like if you’re create

nutritional deficiencies or let’s say

for example you’re too th thin going

into this it’s difficult to do because

you will lose weight you know so these

are all things you have to look at and

also make sure if you’re not to do it if

you’re or lactating

um but um the intense exercise if you’re

and just to be serious about that

there’s a really cool thing that we’re

going to come out

with very soon I keep saying that right

which is uh will measure your autonomic

nervous system to determine your stress

and Recovery you can actually visualize

what’s happening with your nervous

system so then you can know if you can

handle a high-intensity exercise

training and there’s certain days like I

can’t because it’s slow because I just I

overtrained or the day before or

something like that so this this would

be very important to know when where

your um ability to recover is at like

because if you have a poor recovery and

you do a high-intensity interval

training it can worsen things because

you don’t have the recovery to deal with

it so you’re just adding more stress it

could affect your sleep I’ll give you

one example one lady came into my office

when I had this testing device and

measured her after an exercise bout and

her she got her pulse rate up to

158 okay she came back the next day her

pulse rate was still

158 it did not come down she did not

sleep so that would be really bad for

her to do a high-intensity exercise

training uh because she can’t push the

pulse right down but this is a great

device that you’ll be able to get so you

can do your own experiments and your own

testing and your own lab to see what

works for you and where you’re at and uh

I think it’s going to be very important

all right well there’s also hundreds of

thousands of people like myself around

the world that want to know about

growing inhouse any updates on that

going have a nice little Garden in your

house or better soil I think you talked

about instead of the hydroponic stuff

are we any closer to that yeah we we

just yeah we we’re just completing a

course on how to grow


amazing uh micro greens indoors oh boy

so that’s almost done and then we’re

we’re starting um a new YouTube channel

on that too we’re going to show people

um some really great things related to

how to grow your own food and the

importance of the soil and what it does

and and really make it simple because

there are already amazing channels out

there but sometimes um you know either

they don’t explain it right or they keep

it complex or they might you know to

even to get to the the meat of the topic

you have to it’s like 45 minutes into it

and then they eventually tell you so

we’re going to just have short videos to

give you some great information on how

to grow your own food really excited

about that doc as I’m sure are many

others okay so quiz question number

three ask why are women which makes me

mad 60% less likely to get cancer and

70% less likely to die um from it

compared to you and me doctor uh and

let’s find out what the audience said um

46 of responded say it’s because of the

effects of testosterone 24% of them say

it’s because men don’t get checkups as

much as women I bet that’s true and 10%

say it’s because men have higher levels

of stress yes we’re under a lot of


ladies well it is true with the

testosterone it is true with the



testosterone tends to keep the immune

system a little bit weaker but but

that’s not the big answer the big answer

has to do with the um women have two X

chromosomes and apparently that um is

correlated to a stronger immune system

where men has they have this one X and

then they have a y chromosome which they

kind of have they’re not as strong with

that with the immune system so maybe

that’s the survival techniques because

women carry you know they carry the um

the baby and they perpetuate the um

their race through fertility and all

that but um and also I think there is an

estrogen aspect too estrogen is the

powerful antioxidant too but um so

that’s one advantage the um on the flip

side um women have a a worse problem

with autoimmune worse outcome

because the immune system is apparently

sometimes a little bit more sensitive to

things or more

overactive and so that’s another another

topic but for the the good thing is your

risk for cancer and risk from dying from

cancer is significantly lower than men

all right as a so this just just kind of

what you can do if you’re a man is you

can um actively and

aggressively get healthy so you can

avoid so you don’t have to worry about

it how about that very good well I can’t

we’re now going to prove that women are

less stressful than men by going to

Candice and she looks very relaxed and

will surely outlive both of us Dr bur

Candace you’re on the air with your one

question 30 seconds

go good morning Dr Berg I want to start

off by saying thank you so much for your

service your products and your

informative videos I was inspired to

begin intermittent fasting and keto

again and my question is um without a

gallbladder for 15 years and with um

non-alcoholic fatty disease symptoms for

the last five years should I take the

gallbladder formula and the liver

cleanse at the same time each day or

should I start with the gallbladder

formula and then transition to the liver

cleanse what’s your suggestion on this

good question I think both of those are

going to be good for you because both of

them actually will remove fat from the

liver and I’m assuming you are on the

healthy version of Keto but that little

bit of Bio salt will actually help you

have a little bit more bile to extract

more fat cable nutrients as well as all

the the phytonutrients from the plants

which are from salad which are fat cble

so that both of that would both of those

things would help you but as far as the

liver detox there’s some really great

herbs in there that will help your liver

in general work better so I think you

take them at the same time you just want

to make sure that you take um the

gallbladder one after the meal just take

one after the meal and

um I think um that would be

smart and also I if you start noticing


like problems with your vision at night

when you’re driving that all that means

is like you need more bile so I would

kind of really look at those indicators

for fat soluble vitamin deficiencies to

see if you’re getting enough bile

another indication this probably is kind

of you know strange thing to say but um

if your stool

floats and it’s light colored that means

that you don’t have enough bile because

the there’s too much fat in there and

it’s floating so it’s just it’s a way to

indirectly see if you’re getting enough

of that

bile um one more thing uh choline would

be something to take because choline

directly gets rid of fat off the liver

as well so just make mental note of

that is that a product that you actually

sell uh on your website Coline or is

that just a supplement you can just get

a supplement uh you can get something

called um phosph faetal choline I think

it’s called and then um or there’s other

types of choline too but any any of

those cholines would would

work all right thank you very much I

appreciate Dr B thanks for a great call

Candace or video session and we

appreciate it as always love to hear

back uh you know in some weeks or months

uh as to what we hope would be the

improvements in your various symptoms

let’s see Crystal from YouTube what are

your recommendations for a diabetic who

wants to start intermittent fasting is

it even safe to do

so well it’s um it’s not safe to not do

it I mean you it’s like U sometimes

people think that wow is it is it going

to be bad if I start doing fasting if

I’m a diabetic think about what’s going

to happen if you do that number

one you’re not going to be stimulating

the pancreas okay because you’re not

eating you’re fasting so you’re going to

you’ll have less um triggering of the

pancreas which will give the pancreas a

chance to breathe a little bit because

the eyelids of langerhan the cells that

the beta cells have been overworked and

so you can give those a chance to be

revived the other thing is like you’re


um eating so then your body then is

forced to go after the fat Fu

ketones and not run on sugar which is

going to automatically take a big stress

off your

diabetes and what is diabetes it’s a

disease of too much sugar so if we don’t

eat that would be the ultimate solution

because you’re not going to add sugar to

the system and any sugar needed your

body can make it instead you’re running

in ketones and fat and uh it’s the best

thing for a diabetic to do that is not

damaging at all even if you’re a type

one diabetic um the goal would be to

take the least amount of insulin as

possible well what triggers insulin

carbs so I think um yes you need to do

it it’s not damaging it’s going to be

very therapeutic to be on keto if you’re


diabetic very good let’s go ahead with

quiz question number

four what is the primary reason why

people are more overweight now than in

the 50s or the 60s climb on at

audience sure there’s many reasons but

what this question is specific to what

is the biggest reason

okay because from this difference see

see what you guys come up with all right

well I’ll tell you what FJ Lopez 90 from

Rumble uh must have known what the

answer was because he has

lost5 pounds in nearly a year and wants

to thank you for your advice thank you

Dr so

congratulations U maybe e Mr Lopez for

doing a great job on that let’s see um

that’s fantastic a’t that

great here we go so Belinda from

Facebook um I follow your Healthy keto

and intermittent fasting protocols and I

feel great but my gallbladder sludge has

gotten thicker in the process and

started forming pops ouch uh what can I

do to remove them and while avoiding the

surgery I would take a product called

tdka tdup and I would take two in the

morning on an empty stomach and two in

the afternoon on an empty stomach what

that’s going to do it’s going to give

you more of a nice

flowing bile that’s going through those

little tubes and um that’s that’s what

you need to actually kind of uh correct

your situation

I think probably what happened is when

people lose weight on keto and they burn

fat the fat cell has to release not just

triglycerides but cholesterol too that’s

part of the fat so as you dump more more

chuster through the the liver and the

gallbladder boy you might you might need

to make sure you have enough bile to

handle all that cholesterol in which

case you know normally you should have

it but if you’re efficient that’s when

you have problems okay very good and

last but not least in our Green Room uh

uh we have D and D’s camera or something

is botched so we’re going to take her as

a phone call D are you

there I am here thank you wonderful go

ahead with your one question for Dr

bird well Dr bird first I want to thank

you for all your wisdom and all that you

do for everybody so thank you very much

for that um you helped a friend of mine

her kids many many years ago with some

severe environmental and food allergies

and rheumatoid arthritis for her

six-year-old kid that couldn’t walk

anyway my question specifically is what

do you recommend for food allergies such

as black pepper and Elian in

milk there’s a couple things I would do

there’s when I used to have people on

intermittent fasting but really it’s the

prolong fasting periodic prolong fasting

look let’s say every two weeks you do a

48 hour fast or every month you do a

72-hour fast I think that would go a

long way with getting rid of those

allergies or sensitivities or

intolerances um that’s one thing the

other thing that you could do is

um do that ice paath I mean it’s really

interesting it uh it helps your immune

system it stimulates immune system

because you’re adding a stress so I

think the combination of both of those

would be very beneficial um there’s

other other other things too you can

avoid you know get on keto but avoid

those things that you’re allergic to for

a period of time and then go back on

them and see if that doesn’t help reset

things but I think the big biggest thing

is the prolong fasting situation that’s

very powerful because it actually

stimulates Ates uh new stem cells within

the immune system that then make you

more tolerant of

things I sure appreciate that Dr Berg I

really do thank you sure no problem all

right well D wraps it up for our Green

Room callers and what a great group we

had today once again those of you who

didn’t make it please write into and we’re going to get you a

new slot until we finally get you uh on

the air let’s see quiz question number

four asked uh what is the primary reason

why people are more overweight now than

in the 50s and 60s and I’m old enough to

remember those days uh 75% of our

respondents say there’s more sugars like

high fructose syrups in our Foods these

days 20% say that there’s an overall

increase of ultr processed foods that

are available and 5% say it’s because of

lower levels of physical activity uh in

an age

population boy I think there’s some

truth in all

that yes

because is it you know could it be that

we’re just eating less saturated fat no

is it that we’re eating um are we you

know smoking less is that is that doing

it no is it the alcohol no we we

probably still do the same amount of

alcohol but you know um I looked at this

very very deeply and it

there’s many reasons the exercise is is

definitely less uh the high fructose

corn syrup is more that’s a big one the

seed oils are more but there’s something

else that I think that’s going on that

is contributing

to this problem and I think it has to do

with the frequent eating with the

snacking and uh I remember growing up

and parents saying don’t spoil your

dinner right so we wouldn’t have these

snacks uh I don’t know about you Steve

did you have as many snacks growing up

well we didn’t have time for it I’m 69

so I’m definitely Opie of Mayberry kind

of kid and we actually ate pretty

crappily so we would ride our little

bicycles and go crazy then at noon one

nice mother would come out with um an

ice tray full of Kool-Aid sugar cubes

and they’d put them in a paper towel and

we’d slurp on them that’s pure sugar

then maybe a Wonderbread peanut butter

and jelly sandwich with the crust cut

off which is probably the only good part

but we were all thin and so we had very

low caloric intake and we we burned

calories all day long so in my case I

can’t say that we ate healthier but we

ate a hell of a lot less and we

exercised all day long and here’s the

interesting thing if you saw a heavy

person when you were a kid it would be

like oh my god look because there was n

nobody on the horizon that was

overweight and you thought that poor

person would happen to them boy that’s

the norm


I think um yeah and I think if you

notice they really um everyone’s pushing

these uh these mid mid morning

midafternoon snacks night snacks before

you go to bed have a snack the snacks

bring bring protein bars right it’s just

constantly eating 247 I think that’s a

problem um but I also I will say

exercise is also right up there at the

top as well and I would also say the

fructose I mean even like um in the

50s um did you have leader Big Gulp uh

sodas did you have these large uh 20

ounce sodas the answer is no you had a 6

and a half ounce one they were very

small so we’re just drinking like this

like there going on a style it’s like

it’s pretty bad Steve so you want to

just uh start a new trend and not do

that yeah good measure of that was the

famous oh absolutely we had TV dinners

this little crappy aluminum tray with

about a square inch worth of dessert and

then you know a little chicken little

tiny potatoes and I’m sure it wasn’t all

great food but I that would be an

appetizer now I mean just getting

started so and we consider our whole

meal and I don’t remember I remember

feeling sated oh boy that was great and

then you you know go leap around outside

like a little kid anyway let’s go to our

final uh quiz question of the day and we

did address this earlier one of the

questions and you uh uh with great

discipline held off the answer until we

asked this question and here it

is true or false those keto apple cider

vinegar gummies can help you lose weight

all right climb on that audience let’s

see Joanna from YouTube what are your

thoughts on using a high fiber diet to

address high cholesterol levels and


disease I think I I I wouldn’t

necessarily just go after the fiber I

would just consume a healthy version of

Keto which include which is like seven

to 10 cups of salad get your fiber from

your salad that will help your

cholesterol for sure but it’s not just

about the fiber because so many people

are doing these plant-based shakes and

fiber and and the new functional fibers

it’s like tapioca fiber and uh cable

cornstarch fiber and all these different

fibers and they’re thinking oh yeah or

oatmeal and they’re thinking oh yeah

this going to help my cholesterol well

it’s the problem is we haven’t tested

those new things yet and uh there’s a

lot of carbohydrates in them but there’s

not a lot of carbohydrates in celery I’m

sorry like compared to other things yes

there’s carbohydrates but not a lot of

sugars so there’s a huge amount of fiber

in celery

so Steve I think it’d be um a really

good experiment to see how many stocks

of celery you would have to eat

to to gain fat well that’s all I eat do

you know my carbohydrates yeah that’s

all I eat is I know well you already

that’s all you eat but because I saw

your diet but yeah I think um I’m

talking about other people oh yeah the

weak ones uhhuh I know them anyway

there’s nothing exactly people that

don’t have power that’s right well

there’s nothing weak about our audience

in terms of answering questions I just

threw out question quiz question number

five the final one uh which was a true

false keto ACV gummies can help you lose

weight and 92% of the audience say it’s

false that disappointing 8% say it’s

true it’s false false false um don’t

waste your money I I’ll give you an

example one serving size of these

gummies is a little more than a teaspoon

of sugar a whole bottle is 30 teaspoons

of sugar it’s just pure sugar the first

ingredient the second ingredient the

third ingredient is it’s like glucose

syrup um corn syrup cane sugar I mean

like it’s just made from sugar this is

not a keto thing I don’t know how they

can legally call it keto but there’s no

legal definition and then the amount of

Alid of vinegar that’s in there Steve

it’s like maybe seven drops if you take

an average serving of apple cider

vinegar which is one tablespoon that’s


grams right so in in one serving of

gummies it’s 500

milligrams so one bottle would be

equivalent to one tablespoon of that

appet of vinegar that you could buy very

inexpensively at the store and add that

to the water it’s it is a scam a lot of

people are falling for it it doesn’t

work look at the reviews it’s just

terrible and you’re just eating you’re

just eating candy it should be in the


section on that note Steve I got the

hint there um I want to just thank

everyone for uh listening in and your

wonderful questions and your attention

stay tuned for more more great content

this next week that’s going to be

released on YouTube and other social

media like uh um Rumble have a good

