Revealing the #1 Hidden Source of Digestive Problems | DrEricBergDC

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so many people are having digestive

issues and they’re changing their diet

and they’re doing all these things

they’re taking supplements but it’s not

really working and that’s probably

because there’s something else going on

that I want to share with you today it’s

kind of a hidden source of digestive

problems that you need to be aware of

and when I tell you this it’ll make

sense and you maybe already knew it but

it’s called

stress okay and I’m going to talk about

the specific types of stress that

influence our digestion the most but

this stress digestive problem link is

huge so I’m going to go through exactly

what happens when you go through stress

and this will kind of be mind-blowing

when you think about it but if you even

look at the autonomic nervous system in

relationship to the two different

systems well actually there’s three you

have the sympathetic flight mechanism

and then you have the parasympathetic

nervous system which is also called rest

and digest most of the healthy digestion

occur in a parasympathetic low stress


but you also have another part of the

autonomic nervous system the system that

works on automatic called the enteric

nervous system and that’s another system

that’s directly embedded into your

digestive system and that links right up

to the uh this thing called the vagus

nerve that goes up to the brain and this

is why whatever’s going on down here is

going to affect up here but it’s a

two-way street whatever’s going on up

here as in stress can go down here as

well and that is what we’re going to be

focusing on today when we talk about

digestion if we take a look at the

foundational part of digestion it’s a

cell and it’s a single layer cell in

your small intestine in the large that’s

called the introcyte okay now in the

colon It’s usually referred to as the

colonocyte but basically it’s a little

cell that absorbs things minerals trace

minerals vitamins amino acids and longer

amino acids called peptides and lipids

which are fats and b12 and even bile so

these cells are constantly absorbing

these nutrients okay and of course

they’re broken down from the acid in the

stomach the enzymes in the stomach and a

lot of the enzymes within the small

intestines well as the pancreas as well

as well as the bile does help break down

the fat to a certain level so then the

enzyme can break it down even more but

at some point it needs to be absorbed

into these little cells one interesting

thing about the these cells or this

layer of cells is the surface area is

massive the body’s very smart and

strategically the way that it increases

surface area is by kind of having these

folds okay like if you took an accordion

or like a slinky for example and you

stretch it out it would be a lot longer

right well same thing with the

intestines you have these little Villi

which are little

um pouches that kind of come up and down

like this so basically it can actually

increase the surface area but within

each Villi or a little

um pouch you have these tiny little

cells and then hairs which are like kind

of a micro uh version of these Villi uh

extending from that little cell so if

you were to stretch all that out you’re

going to get a tremendous amount of

surface area to do the job of absorption

now these colonoscience or these

enterocytes aren’t the only cells

there’s other cells I don’t want to get

into that but they some cells that

produce mucus a mucous layer as a


between like pathogens and microbes and

then the actual surface area as well so

that’s just a side note all right so now

let’s talk about the consequence of


in your digestive tract well number one

there’s a conversion of the bacteria to

something called biofilms which are

these colonies of microbes that band

together and they start to develop

either a slime or even a calcium a

little protective mechanism so they can

go underneath the radar with your immune

system and because a lot of these guys

are pathogenic and they create a lot of

problems but you’re going to get more


developing when you have more stress

that’s their survival mechanism number

two you get an erosion of the mucosal

layer now if it keeps eroding more and

more and more you end up eventually get

an ulcer and maybe you’ve heard the link

between H pylori and ulcers and that’s

because of the microbial infection you

see the H pylori is normally in your


hanging out not creating any problem

okay but when you stress it

it comes out of remission and it starts

to hammer you and create immune

reactions and they don’t know exactly

why that mucosal layer becomes destroyed

but it does and then you start getting

an ulcer and so the way they treat it is

with antibiotics

that gives you a bunch of other problems

I’m going to recommend a much safer

remedy sulforaphane which is in broccoli

Sprouts or it’s in cabbage and radish or

zinc carnosine zinc carnosine helps you

re-establish this mucosal layer in your

stomach in the top part of the intestine

and even the large colon

and another thing it can do is potently

inhibit H pylori and it’s a really good

anti-inflammatory and apparently stress

inhibits this zinc okay but zinc

carnosine is the best to take for an

ulcer or for gastritis or for an eroding

mucosal layer these microbes are very

strategic and very smart and sneaky

because H pylori produces this enzyme to

make more

urea which then turns into ammonium and

the pH of ammonia is really super high

it’s very very alkaline and that’s how

it counters the acid in your stomach to


so if you can understand that and keep

your stomach strongly acidic you can

kind of keep this H pylori at Bay but it

can start doing more damage in an

alkaline environment just remember that

so with stress you get more biofilms you

get this erosion of the mucosal layer

you get decreased transient time of food

particles going through the digestive

tract this is called constipation I mean

even think about this when you go

through stress what do you feel you feel

like a knot in your stomach maybe

nauseous because it locks everything up

it takes a very relaxed state to be able

to digest and have things travel through

nicely the actual bacteria during a

stress date start to feed off these

enterocytes and it can start to break

them down to the point where you start

getting leaky gut which now there’s

spaces or an increase permeability and

this is not good because

food particles and proteins and all

sorts of things can then travel through

and they don’t go through the normal

immigration and this creates an immune

reaction because your body now senses

even good things as bad things

potentially incorrectly identifying them

as pathogens and now you have antibodies

against maybe some good things with your

own tissues foods that are good for you

and now you’re allergic to those as well

so allergies and autoimmune diseases

really stem from this leaky gut

situation you get an alteration of the

ratios of bad to good you get more bad

pathogenic microbes versus good you also

get a decrease diversity of microbes you

get decrease of total microbes so the

relationship of these microbes starts to

change when the environment is stressful

of course this is going to lead to

inflammation so these are all the

different things that can happen I

recently did a video on

um stress relating to damage to the

heart muscle right because adrenaline

causes hypoxia a lack of oxygen well now

we’re talking about how stress affects

the digestive system directly now let’s

touch on the type of stress that creates

these problems probably the biggest

thing is emotional stress this can

happen after a loss of a loved one a

loss of a job loss of money loss of

anything or an ongoing emotional stress

that you’re stuck in and can’t get out

of it that’s the worst type of stress it

could be related to the environment the

world relationships anything it has a

profound effect over your digestion and

anything you can do to improve that

would be very beneficial to your gut

issues I have a ton of videos on how to

cope with stress you know nose breathing

controlling your breath especially when

you’re sleeping going for a long walks

there are so many things you can do

exercise wise there’s just many things

now another big stress for these

microbes and your lining of your colon

in your small intestine

is antibiotics okay and uh also things

that act like an antibiotic like

chlorine and tap water artificial

sweeteners GMO foods that have

glyphosate glyphosate is an herbicide

that is classified as an antibiotic and

then you also have all the foods that

are sterilized okay pasteurized milk

products pasteurized juice

pasteurization canned foods box Foods

preservatives processed foods but the

more the food is cooked the more it’s

dead it lacks enzymes but more

importantly it lacks microbes okay good

microbes and they do this to increase

shelf life and that comes with the

package you’re creating a an

encouragement of sterilization of your

own microbiome anytime you take an

antibiotic you better at the same time

start taking a probiotic but there’s

some other interesting stresses that I

want to talk about that directly relate

to your digestive system and one being

intravenous feeding when you’re in ICU

in the hospital or for other situations

you have to be

fed through an IV boy does it create a

lot of problems with your digestive

system big to end your liver if fatty

liver liver disease increased risk of

infections blood clots severe

deficiencies of all sorts of things and

I’m just bringing that up because if you

have to take this or you know someone

taking this

you might want to look for a more


type of intravenous food because what

they use for the calories is they use

soybean oil wow you’re going to inject

some of the soybean oil and that that’s

very very high in omega-6 it creates a

lot of problems in the liver like I said

a fatty liver and there’s a lot of

research to back that up if it creates

that many problems injected what is it

doing in our diet right crates

some other issues it’s not a safe

product and also in this intravenous

feeding they this glucose they put

glucose synthetic vitamins

minerals that are probably not in the

right form not good now um I mentioned

ICU right

um critical care this creates a lot of

digestive problems because when

someone’s in that state of critical care

a lot of times they’re they’re fed their

nutrition through an IV which I already

mentioned all the problems with that but

they a lot of times put someone on a PPI

and that acid type medication which

creates more stress within the digestive

system itself and then they put you on

an antibiotic right so you’re just like

just putting massive stress on these


at the worst time a critical care

situation and sometimes they feed you

epinephrine and they have to but you

have to realize what that’s doing to

your gut Flora it’s creating um hypoxia

okay it’s creating more stress because

what is epinephrine that’s a stress

hormone you inject it right in the

person now sometimes you have to but uh

boy you better be doing something to

kind of counter some of the the bad

effects and then let’s say they use

opiates right opiates really shut down

your GI system so now

we have all these pathogens that are

stuck there you have constipation as a

side effect and I even know when you

have like an anesthetics they put you

out a lot of people wake up and they

they can’t urinate they can’t eliminate

there’s just so many problems with

surgeries and ICU that I think more

attention needs to put on this this

critical time where you’re in the

hospital and it’s just amazing how

anyone survives that and just as a side

note when you take antacids or anything

that addresses the pH of your stomach

whether it’s ppis or or other types of


and you start raising the pH of that

stomach above 3.8 okay normally should

be between one and three when it goes

above 3.8 you start getting overgrowth

of bacteria in the wrong place in your

small intestine and so now every time

you eat fiber guess what you have

microbes in the wrong place that’s going

to start to ferment in your small

intestine and create a lot of bloating

so I’m just bringing this up because the

the solution of fixing one problem ends

up giving you another problem so the

question is now what can we do about it

number one do whatever you can to reduce

this stress and I put some links down

below of things to help you cope with

stress in addition to eliminating the

source of the stress right okay number


L-glutamine is really beneficial to heal

an inflamed gut as well as a leaky gut

L-glutamine that’s a really good remedy

all right number three



fermented foods as in

kefir if you don’t have a dairy problem

uh like in some allergy or lactate

intolerance problem

um sauerkraut is really awesome but

here’s the thing if if you have

sauerkraut or kimchi or some type of

fermented vegetables like pickles for

example and you have more bloating from

that then you’re going to have to do the

carnivore diet for a while because

that’s one way to address severe

inflammatory problems in the bowel as

well as

sibo small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth where you have a lot of

bloating because every time you have

fiber it feeds some microbes and these

microbes are in the wrong place now if

you haven’t seen another really good

video on digestion you should check this

out which gives you a lot of the

remedies that are not necessarily

related to stress but other things and I

put that up right here check it out