Why has my weight loss plateaued? How do you break a weight loss plateau? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to talk about

troubleshooting because at some point

you’re gonna run into a plateau you’re

gonna run into a situation and you need

to know how to fix it and so we’re gonna

talk about like what to do the principle

that I want to talk about is it’s and

this is something I kind of just

stumbled on and I had a lightbulb go off

it’s not lose weight and get healthy

it’s get healthy to lose weight that

might sound like a real simple little

principle but it’s very very vital

because if you try to lose weight to get

healthy you may not end up being healthy

people try to lose weight unhealthy you

lose muscle mass and you feel like crap

so if you’re trying to lose weight and

you you feel like crap you’re not doing

it healthy so what does this mean

getting healthy well you’re going from

an unhealthy state to a healthy state so

you’re actually repairing certain things

you’re in a repair mode when your body

repairs it fixes structural part of the

cell the cell membrane and what does it

use it uses protein to repair if you

have a if you’re a hoarder and you have

this house filled with stuff and the

walls are caving down the smartest thing

to do would be to make sure your

structure is stabilized first before you

move everything out and sometimes with

the body

it doesn’t just mobilize fat as a first

priority it tends to go into healing a

repair mode and it fixes the structure

of the body but when that happens

protein comes in which is heavier than

fat per volume I know one time I did a

video and I said well one pound of fat

one pound of fat is lighter than one

kind of mile so I’m like now one pound

is equal to one so we’re talking about

per volume that’s a whole different

thing so when I get this thing we’re

like oh I’m not losing weight well your

body’s probably in repair mode so we

want to look at other factors like your

energy your strength your fight

tality is your cravings go away are you

less hungry those are the things that

you want to focus on more than the

weight the weight is this one indicator

the way there’s a side effect of getting

healthy so it’s a real simple principle

but a lot of people don’t really know

about that and then when you’re trying

to solve a problem you have to evaluate

you have to need more data because if

you just said oh I can’t lose weight

what do I do I mean like I don’t know I

have to find out from you a lot of data

it’s just to sort this out one of the

most important questions that you can

ask that I wish was asked more is

perfect on cue I just wanted that

leading the best question is okay when

did you start gaining weight what

happened just before that I’m talking

about a stubborn metabolism like let me

just ask you how many of you started

gaining weight after a pregnancy that

you had boom right there right how many

of you gained weight maybe as a child

you were just always overweight well

we’re not really necessarily born that

way there’s something that happens maybe

when you’re five you had a surgery or

something or asthma and then you took

steroids boom that that gives us great

data or let’s say you had a stress event

I’m sure that’s not any of you but if

you had a severe loss of a loved one all

these things are behind and you have to

pull and find out what happened just

before that problem started it’s a

simple question no one asks it and you

need to to get well so the first barrier

is to make sure that you’re doing it

healthily and the last thing I want to

do is give up when it actually is

working so all people that are like

there yeah it’s not working but it

really was and they give up and I’m like

boy you just you should have just gave

it given more time the next point I want

to bring up is you also have to look at

the duration of how long you have this

problem insulin resistance doesn’t

happen overnight it takes years to

develop into diabetes by the time it

shows up it’s already been brewing in

the oven ami was talking about

Alzheimer’s it takes

how many years like 30 years before it

even shows up yeah years I mean it

starts here and then it develops and all

of a sudden you end you don’t just end

up overnight so these things take years

to develop so it’s brewing in the oven

cancer takes a long time by Roy problems

take a long time dream will gland

problems there’s one piece of data that

I talk about it’s like night almost 95%

of the adrenal gland has to be

unresponsive before even shows up

clinically in some cases so you’re

dealing with problems that develop over

a long period of time a fatty liver

takes a long time before it even shows

up on enzyme tests you’re you in your

mind you’re going hey my friend lost 20

pounds I’m not losing 20 pounds and all

of a sudden it doesn’t work and you get

frustrated so the duration of time you

have the problem you need to actually

increase your estimation of how long

it’s going to take and that could be off

by a big factor so some people to really

get over the insulin resistance could

take a year or two years so just don’t

give up have patience that’s why we call

you a patient and that’s why you sit in

a waiting room the other thing I want to

differentiate is the difference between

fat and atrophy how many of you have are

going through or been through this thing

called menopause okay so you may find

that things start shifting it’s like

wait a second what is going off my body

I’ve had people come in and there’s like

their whole body just falls apart right

after menopause so with the adrenal

glands there they kind of act as a back

up to the ovaries so they produce the

same hormones so if the adrenal glands

are going into menopause fatigue then

everything is exaggerated and then you

end up with all sorts of problems

especially atrophy which is a loss of a

muscle you lose your muscle and so it

looks like fat but it’s just a loss of

muscle it’s flabby its loss of collagen

and then you do the keto in a minute

fasting and it doesn’t get you don’t

lose the weight right away it’s like

what’s going on so you may have to build

up those muscles and that takes a good

amount of time it could take months even

a couple years FYI and you do have to

add extra

sighs to that you have to work those and

give it a long time just realize if it

is atrophy it’s going to take some time

but you can undo that also you have to

work on the adrenal glands I will touch

on that a little bit but I have a lot of

videos on adrenal gland but atrophy is a

real key thing okay we have this thing

called stress one thing you need to know

is that a lot of stress accumulates

pretty much all stress accumulates in

your body you’re one big bucket of

stress and so it builds up and then it

it wears down the ability of your

adrenals to handle and tolerate stress

how do you know if you have an adrenal

problem well one way is how is your

tolerance to stress

can you handle babysitting a lot of

small children and a day care center

over 8 hours without wigging it out if

you can’t handle that we know you have a

problem with your drain holes it’s

basically the adrenal strength well is a

good indicator of like how much stress

you have in your body

now there’s a couple things that you may

not associate with why you’re not losing

weight one is old injuries the

accumulation of old injuries and I have

videos on this but it’s something a lot

of people don’t talk about I talked to

some people I talked to you last night

and there was a couple of the people one

lady had a whiplash where is she ok

great I’m sorry to hear that can you

come up here can you come up here and

can someone bring that chair up here I

want to do a little demonstration of

what we can do for an old injury one of

the things that I did my clinic is I did

a lot of manual work on people and want

to give you some pointers on what to do

so you had an injury a car accident

right and it was a whiplash right and so

what happened someone hit you from

behind and so the first thing that

happens when you get hit from behind is

a your neck goes back and that tears the

ligaments in the front part ok so if I’m

doing acupressure or any type of

manipulation I don’t want to be doing

this motion to put her into the injury I

want to go the opposite way so and then

you have some sleeping problems right so

if you can’t sleep then you’re not going

to lose weight because it’s gonna

increase stress so there’s a couple

little things that you can do and you

can actually I show this in the webinar

it’s on webinar and stress but I’m just

going to give you some tips ok so if if

someone has a whiplash from behind you

can basically do a stretch and reverse

it by pressing up this way and I’m just

going to just stretch underneath here a

little bit forward I’m just reversing

the whiplash and again I just wanted to

show you a couple little things because

last night when I was talking to people

there are so many people that how cold

injury is especially to the head and

there’s some cool things that you can do

so I’m just pulling up it’s called the

occiput and I would normally do this you

know a couple minutes but what happens

it actually gives the person a sense of

relief I don’t know what do you feel

like right now feel a little better

so that’s something there’s a little

tool that I have that you can do this on

yourself you could have someone do this

but you’ll find that just a little bit

of work like that will actually just

relax the body because when you go to

sleep at night there’s certain parts of

your body that won’t turn off like

either your Nexis stiff your head’s

stiff or energetic or your your head is

your chest is like energetic or your

legs are restless and you’re trying to

go to sleep and you’re trying it’s not


like Saturday no Friday night I’m trying

to sleep I wake up at 2 o’clock in the

morning going through and my mind is

like going through what I’m going to

talk about right from 2:00 to 6:00 but

that’s different this but old injuries

can actually keep your body in a state

of tension and stress and heaviness and

it can prevent you from going to sleep

so I have people write out all your old

injuries and then we kind of do some

work on them so that would be one thing

have you ever had any head injuries yeah

now okay so here’s the principle of what

to do with old injuries it’s really cool

like let’s say she one of the gals I

won’t bring her out but she got hit with

a baseball right here well guess what I

found over the years that can really

keep people from relaxing and sleeping

old head injuries to the skull injuries

so like hit by a baseball that’s

traumatic so what you do is there’s a

principle you work on the opposite some

of you already know this because you saw

my videos but you work on the opposite

you can actually release it I’m not

gonna get into why it works you just

need to try it so if she got hit right

here with a baseball I will press on the

mirror image side right here and I’m

gonna massage it what’s interesting

about this is when you press on this

it’ll hurt twice as much so go light and

like what is this side here this is the

good side but you would massage it and

maybe a couple minutes each day and

you’re gonna find that it releases the

tension in the head just have to try it

it does work so I just want to show you

that little thing thank you for coming

up okay and then another thing and I

won’t spend too much time but I want to

I want to see who is it does anyone have

any pain okay you a pain where where

what what’s that

okay come up here alright so I just want

to show you a really cool very cool

technique on pain and you can do this to

yourself if you like to put yourself in

to more pain

I have a lot of videos I probably have a

video in every part of the body and how

to do this you can just search it but I

just want to show you a really cool

thing that is not taught in school but

it works and yeah take your boots off

make yourself comfortable so what kind

of injury did you have how ok so does

that kind of affect your ability to walk

yeah so that will stop exercise so this

is a really easy one because what we’re

gonna do is we’re gonna press on the

opposite side ok so if I grab her foot

here and I press right here now I’m

gonna press really light because this is

gonna be very tender the more damages on

this side the more tender is gonna work

on that side tell me when I find you

find it good morning I’m barely touching

I try to get a job as an interrogator

but I press too hard so I became a

health care practitioner now one of the

things that you would do is I would just

work on this to her tolerance I’m

watching the eyeballs make sure it

doesn’t pop out and just work this out

we’re just like this is just something

you can do to start stripping down like

old injuries and kind of clearing those

out now the other thing is you want to

do is I know that she’s been limping

probably on the opposite side so she has

a lot of tension in the calf on this

side here so you’d also relax you want

to really work on the calf and this is

going to be like like that so I’m just

going to very gently just kind of work

through that for about an hour just tell


that’s why I’m standing over here since

you can’t kick me on that’s it

so you’d work on the calf so anytime you

have like a foot problem you work on

that the calf on the opposite side it’s

a great little trick but it works like

magic if you have a knee problem you

work on the opposite muscle on the up

cycle that’s limping so any problem here

you can work on this these are all the

videos but it’s a great technique to

quickly give the person relief so I just

did a tiny little bit I don’t know if

it’ll feel better but we’ll we’ll see

good thank you

you are healed so you got you a pain you

have old injuries and a lot of people

had old injuries I’ve had old injuries

and that’s why I developed a technique

what about what about people can people

stress you out occasionally people

stressed out especially the one that’s

called the like the passive aggressive

they call them under miners they’re the

person that gave you a compliment but

they followed up with a sharp critical

comment how many of you know anyone like

that these guys everyone knows these

guys really jack up your adrenals okay

they really get you they’ll say hey you

got a haircut that’s really nice did you

get to that cheap cuts

they bring you up and they bring you

down oh that’s a nice sweater it wasn’t

on sale my ID this guy who said oh you

graduated congratulations why didn’t you

want to become a real doctor I was like

ooh so what these peoples they try to

make nothing of you they try to make you

feel like you’re a criminal so that’s

just realized is the two types people

bring you up and the other people bring

you down those guys you seem to avoid

them but there is a technique that I

used to get even get revenge you guys

want to know it okay it’s a great just

makes me feel better so if they start

going in onto that because they’re

usually kind of critical and then they

think oh now I’m your best friend right

so that that whole thing so I will

quickly want to get them out of my space

so what you do is you just don’t respond

don’t answer them just look closely on

their face and go

is that been growing is that how long

how long have you had that that little

blemish there yeah you should get that

checked out to be the liver so they’ll

be in the bathroom for hours looking at

this and you get them out of your space

it works like a charm

I’ve done it many times


when people have losses for example they

actually can gain weight ooh it’s called

sad fat and in Germany they call it

grief fat I don’t know the word for it

but grief fat I don’t if you’ve heard of

that but you have losses right and loss

of loved one don’t you start gaining on

this way because the spike in cortisol

so if someone is stuck in a a loss or

they’re basically stuck on a problem a

chronic problem it’s worried about it oh

my gosh that’s gonna raise cortisol so

the best thing to do is go for long

walks like I’m talking an hour and a

half because walking is increases oxygen

with low stress and you get space don’t

like have your friend here that’s the

Underminer with you walking was there

you’re being constantly being chopped

down chopped liver so be by yourself

just walk and just get space it’s good

that’s the best thing because when

you’re stuck in that trauma it’s like

it’s just kind of like your space kind

of goes in so that’s really important

the other thing is um there’s a couple

places in your body where you tend to

hold stress and I need to find someone

who just can’t sleep okay let’s bring

you up don’t worry I’m going to show you

this and you can do it in the person

next to you when we’re done

this is a technique that looks really

simple but it’s really effective for

sleep Wow can we have an easier case now

let me just take these so I can see what

I’m going to do to you

now what happens there’s two parts of

the nervous system it’s called the

autonomic nervous system you have the

sympathetic and the parasympathetic the

flight-or-fight or the rest rest and

digest okay so the parasympathetic

nervous system is controls rest and the

sleep centers are located in the

brainstem so there’s some cool little

pressure points that you can work on to

just kind of relax those points okay and

so what you do is you take your hand I

like to take the thumb and my middle

finger I’m not flipping you off right

here and there’s a tool that I have that

is I built that looks like my hand it’s

a little tripod a lot of you have it and

you can use that to lay back on a tall

back chair I wish I would have brought

one and that’s just that’s why I use

that every night don’t I care yeah I

pretty much use that thing and I go to

sleep like within like 30 seconds I’m

out you know so what you do is you got

the back of the skull you take your two

fingers and take these two fingers and

just drop them below the skull you can

do this as someone or you can use that

device and then you apply pressure

symmetrically right underneath the skull

without messing up their hair and then

what you do is you just yeah you just

hold this these points for like a minute

and the person will feel really relaxed

the only time you wouldn’t want to do

this is if they have a like a whiplash

injury from behind like you you want to

go the other way so if you had a

rear-end collision this is the one that

you probably don’t want to do have you

ever had a rear-end collision

okay so I’m just holding this

and I used to do this all the time in my

clinic and people just like literally

start snoring and I’m just relaxing the

muscles underneath the top of the the

top of the neck underneath the skull and

I’m about kind of needs someone that is

kind of bold so I can show you back here

yeah I just want to show people the

location of this because they need to

see this now is this feeling any any

different yeah you’re gonna feel like a

wave through the whole body this is what

this is great right before you go to

sleep okay thank you thank you so much

so you didn’t need them we can kill two

birds one stone handled okay this one

right here look at my thumb and my

fingers coming right underneath here and

I’m pressing this way I’m just holding

the forehead and pressing in this way

this is all on video guys so you can

it’s called a stress webinar but you

press this and you hold that so let me

just have you sit right here and I just

kind of come in here and I just hold

this for two minutes but it kind of

takes the tension I mean a lot of people

have stress in their upper part of their

neck but this is great for sleep it’s a

great sleep technique

also the breathing centers are there too

does it feel any different

good okay I just want to do a little bit

cuz of time but thank you for coming up

you’re welcome

so there’s a there’s that technique

there’s you would also you can work on

the abdomen through these points there’s

some techniques there there’s about

seven different things you can do I do

them every night before I go to bed

Karen might be watching TV I’m already

out I’m just and she does massage my

shoulders and by the time I start I’m

like oh so stress is a really key point

to overcome so you want to do various

things you want to do handle any cause

for the stress if it’s a that

personality for people some problem you

have to improve that somehow also

physical old injuries pain inflammation

one of the best remedies for

inflammation is intermittent fasting but

as a coping mechanism stinging nettle

root is one of the best herbs for

inflammation fYI I’ve given you guys a

chart on some good remedies and a

checklist as well you can look at that


now also people that had like severe

losses and things you have a 21 times

increase of getting a risk of getting a

heart attack so it really affects the

body it increases the risk of getting an

infection and the gain weight and then

develop insulin resistance virus has

come out of remission when you go

through stresses I interviewed a lot of

people that autoimmune diseases and I

said what happened just before it nearly

most of the time it’s either some stress

loss divorce or some traumatic thing so

there’s that huge connection that no

one’s really addressing so here you are

trying to fix it nutritionally when it’s

really a stress trigger you got to work

on the Drina ’ls so I’m trying to expand

your viewpoint there’s other other


to look at what happens when you’re

stressed what do people eat when they’re

under stress this stuff right well so

they eat sugar right because stress

sugar makes you feel better

sugar actually increases beta endorphins

beta endorphins are 30 times stronger

than morphine for pain relief and they

reduce stress sugar also increases

dopamine maybe for just a minute but it

makes you feel better so the combination

of eating sugar for a beta endorphin and

bilk mean will increase make you feel

confident decrease pain stress socially

connected you’re going to feel hopeful

and you can have a pleasure sensation

and feel a little motivated this is why

people are eating sugar they’re trying

to solve a problem with a certain

sensation but it’s kind of crazy because

you’re out you’re gonna add sugar for a

solution like it’s like I’m gonna put

gasoline on a fire

to get rid of the fire because the

problem is the rebound effect you feel

temporarily better and then you feel a

lot worse and the longer you do it the

more that these effects go away so it’s

a bit of a trap so again we want to use

the tools keto and then fasting to

overcome these problems vitamin b1 will

really help especially if you’re kind of

in that trap because you’re depleting b1

as you’re eating the sugar and you put

that in there it gives you some nice

relief pretty quick there’s a really

great book Kindle it’s very expensive

it’s like $79 Kindle book but it’s worth

it dr. Derek long snail MD Derek long

snail and this whole book is on thymine

unbelievable book fascinating if you’re

into by me which I’m into so I knew you

can ask the name just go under Amazon

and type his name and you’ll find it

it’s under thymine time

deficiencies that’s b1 Derek long still

Derek yeah now a higher fat diet will

also help with stress reduction it’s

gonna feed the hormones it’ll help give

you DHA omega-3 fatty acids so this is

why keto is great this there’s some

other techniques with acupressure that

you can just watch us online but if you

actually go through this you are going

to sleep really good there’s something

else that I also have done that I’ve

never talked about until now because I

didn’t want to create a video and just

tell everyone all the secrets but let’s

see who there was a diabetic there was a

type one there was where was she okay

let’s come up here I wanted to show you

this technique if you take someone that

has like a known blood sugar problem I’m

going to show you what I’ve done with

great success but I’m gonna have you

experiment yourself and I’m just gonna

have you sit right here don’t try this

at home

no so if you think about it and I’m

going to show you something about

visceral massage you know you work on

your muscles but really rarely anyone

works on the organs right yeah you don’t

massage your pancreas every day do you

so I had a just a crazy idea I said what

would happen let’s just check your blood

sugar so the scale comes in this is many

years ago and I said let’s check your

blood Sugar’s is well over 200 I said

I’m just gonna massage your pancreas

which is under the left ribcage

I just later down I just started

massaging it for like two minutes i

rechecked the blood sugars it came down

to 120 and I’m like what I try their gun

now there’s not any Studies on this that

I know of but it’s just something if

you’re a diabetic or a blood sugar

problems experiment yourself with your

keto mojo testing strips and you just go

on there and see if it doesn’t help you

it kind of activates that plan you can

do the same thing with

  • but you would basically take your hand

and just kind of press through here and

I’ve noticed that the person has this

great sense of like their doing and also

they just so get this Wow I just feel

really relaxing so I’m like why not the

pancreas is like working like crazy

because it has 150 pounds of sugar per

year to deal with you just work on that

and it actually gives the body a sense

of relief it’s just something I would

recommend to try out an experiment and

to see if it helps you but you’re just

increasing the communication into that

organ that’s what massages this you’re

getting the getting more circulation

into the area it’s real simple it might

sound weird but it works so try it the

other thing you can do for pain a lot of

people have pain that’s referred from

something else I found the top thing is

the gallbladder I’m not talking about a

stone in the ball but are just a

irritated gallbladder that’s congested

where is the pain gonna go on the right

side right through here and the back of

the scapula how many of you have tension

right here yeah look at that let’s use

the gallbladder when you do health

Aikido and intimate fasting that should

go away but you’d want a massage on the

right side underneath the right ribcage

I have a ton of videos on this if you

hold pressure cuz I had a gallbladder

for 12 years I didn’t know I called

about a problem I didn’t know what it

was so I would get this thing hammered

and because there was a chiropractor I

would have that thing adjusted probably

over adjusted everything everyone and

just would keep coming back because the

pain was referred so once I of course

then I years later I changed the diet

and then it totally solved but you could

massage the gallbladder points and give

a lot of relief up through here so very

important point for pain especially

people that say I have fibromyalgia but

you ask them is it on the right side

only they go yeah how did you know

because you don’t have fibromyalgia it’s

the gallbladder so the problem is people

eat six times a day and they’re they’re

not giving in the gallbladder a chance

to reset

so I just wanted to show you that just

to kind of give you a little tip thank

you very much also thank you


especially headaches on the right side

too that’s all gallbladder even stuff

that shoots down here I actually invited

like six people from my city to do a

video and I’m gonna I’m gonna do a video

in pain I think it was like five out of

six it came from the gallbladder cuz I

was working on the pain it didn’t work

and I work on the gallbladder and bam

completely went away so very common all

right so sleep how many of you have a

sleep problem Wow sleeping is a barrier

to a lot of problems especially recovery

and healing

what causes sleep problems well it could

be your bladder and that’s insulin

resistance because diabetics usually

have problems with fluids at night and

they pee a lot more frequent so that’s

another issue that’s going to be solved

when you do healthy keto and in fasting

stress all the techniques that I said

from stress aerobic exercise walking b1

the manual type work massage all are

great for sleeping because they get rid

of that issue and also the acupressure

point in the back of the neck you should

sleep like a baby when you do that

of course babies are crying all night

but now as far as sleep goes I found

that you may want to try sleeping on

your right side that seems to work

better for a lot of people why because

the liver is on the right side and if

you have a fatty liver it may just be

heavier than it should be so if you’re

sleeping on the left side with a fatty

liver that’s compressing the heart

you might feel uncomfortable so try to

sleep on the right side so the heart can

sit on the liver and it seems people

seem to do better on the right side when

they’re sleeping

not everyone avoiding excess protein

how many find that when you eat a

texas-style steak before you go to bed

that may interfere with your sleep yeah

too much protein can act as a stimulant

and you might just want to adjust that

as well because you know sometimes if

you that’s why I’d like to consume the

vegetables first then the protein

because if you have the chicken wings

first like my son will just eat like a

whole egg like a ton of them and then

there’s no room roof room left for the

salad so you want the salad and then the

chicken wings but the too much protein

will act as a stimulant I also found

that there’s a technique that you can do

breathing when you’re when you’re

sleeping so let’s say you’re laying

there and you’re not able to sleep and

you’re just thinking about stuff focus

on your breathing and I’m going to show

you how to do that you can actively

affect the autonomic nervous system by

breathing consciously was five seconds

slowly in and five select seconds slowly

out people that have stress they tend to

breathe like this the exhalation is a

lot shorter than inhalation so if you

slow that down just by focusing on the

breathing slowly in through the nose and

then slowly out and keep those even I

find that works for sleeping you’ll next

thing you know you’ll be waking up in

the morning it’s just another little

thing that you can do

Oh also avoid watching the news before

you go to bed or in general actually

don’t even watch the news I like to dim

the lights before I go to bed so I don’t

have all those lights around the best

light actually is candlelight I mean

this that the yellow and orange that’s

really good for the receptors and also

the melatonin stimulation which it

actually stimulates sleep so darkness

stimulates that so if you’re in a bright

light and then you try to go to bed like

you didn’t give you a chance your

melatonin to kick in there also

EMF like keeping this when you’re

sleeping right here is bad so all these

electrical devices get them out of the

area of your body when you’re trying to

sleep because they can affect you how

many of you do a lot of computer work

yeah so do I so if you’re sitting for

them computer and then you try to go to

bed it’s like it doesn’t work so you

need to break it up and go outside and

go just get some space sometimes I have

a really good sleep aid that a lot of

you are on that works good that works on

the adrenal but sometimes you need a

little extra calcium so if you’re a head

doesn’t always turn off you might want

to add a little calcium I like calcium

or at 8 that’s a really good one I take

it only you know a few times a week if I

need it but it tends to help you go to

sleep I don’t normally recommend calcium

supplements but for that one

occasionally I do also caffeine if

you’re doing too much caffeine or tea

that is going to keep you up at night so

try to cut down if you have sleep and

see if it doesn’t help you

I do coffee but just a small one one I

do one because I abused it in college I

used to have Cuban coffee

lots of it this is why I’m doing this

Eman right now because I got I got burnt

out I think most of you probably have

had experienced we you you had a health

problem that actually motivated you do

keto it in a minute fasting right yeah

it’s like there’s something that

you just didn’t you just weren’t feeling

great and decided to do it something

like I was very very sick myself if you

were a past athlete how many of her past

athletes athletic okay and then all of a

sudden you you do this intense with

exercise I was a wrestler and then you

don’t work out in your 30s 40s and 50s

then you decided to work out when you’re

60 right the the mitochondria generate

this huge machine and then you stop

depleting the energy so for you athletes

you need to continue to exercise to get

that energy out you can’t just like work

at the computer and try to go to bed you

have to workout to get the energy

extracted from your body

macros hidden carbs yogurt 10 grams of

sugar that’s some plain that’s too high

alcohol could definitely provide too

much sugar and carb for your your liver

coconut water way too much sugar fruit

I’m sorry and sugar alcohols could

interfere with your ability to really

get in ketosis especially maltitol

that’s the worst it is a glycemic index

of like 55 that’s just underneath sugar

you want to play with your vegetables

sometimes if you have too much

vegetables you don’t have enough

microbes that’s gonna create fluid

retention and bloating and that’s gonna

figure with your sleep and also you’re

gonna feel like you’re just bloated all

the time so adjust them lower or higher

depending on your ability to digest them

but I do consume I find the days that I

consume enough vegetables I sleep better

it’s I think it’s the potassium and

magnesium so potassium is a

physiological tranquilizer it relaxes


so does magnate magnesium as far as your

protein you have to try experiment if

you do too much you can affect your

sleep if you do too little you can might

feel weak and tired so personally I’m

180 pounds I need about 8 ounces per day

and that’s my optimum number you got to

play around that until experiment could

be a little less a little bit more but

everyone’s a little different fat macros

when you would get into keto and you’re

adapting to fat burning for a period of

time and you’re not losing weight if you

plateau it’s probably because you’re

doing too much dietary fat and your body

doesn’t have to burn its own fat because

you’re turning the ketones from the

dietary fat so you may want to just cut

down the fat so we can force your body

to burn its own fat and that includes

the the exogenous ketones because that’s

gonna kind of replace what your body

should be burning if you’re trying to

lose weight and so I found a good number

to go below as 75 gram

maybe 60 to 75 grams if you cut it down

right around there you’re gonna find

your weight loss will kick in there the

transit time for your digestion the time

that the food goes all the way through

your system is between 36 and 40 hours

so by the time your stomach takes 4 to 5

hours to get the food through so no one

will very few the average person does

not they don’t give their stomach a

chance to let the food go through so

you’re crammed and food down there down

the pipe when the food doesn’t even get

through the stomach right so we never

get a system the system to reboot that’s

why in a minute fasting is so helpful

for the digestive system so there’s a

thing called prolonged fasting and then

I’ll I know I’m going a little bit too

long but this is important prolonged

fasting is a really important tool to

jumpstart not just weight loss but

health problems I’m talking about going

48 hours 72 hours or 21 hours right or

21 days so what’s that 23 days yeah so

you can create some really cool effects

on your body with stem cell with healing

with weight loss with metabolism with

growth hormone but here’s the thing I

would recommend letting your body tell

you when you’re ready for that just kind

of go as long as you can and just don’t

going there thinking I’m gonna go 21

days when you’re dying at the day -

because you have to work up to it

so you gradually work this out maybe

once a month or once every other month

you do a prolonged fast and you keep

working in that because you want to

build up your your nutrient reserve

because you’re drawing from your

nutrient reserve and I do recommend not

just doing water I do recommend

supplements electrolytes when you’re

doing fasting because I’ve had a couple

people just pass out and hit their head

on something because they didn’t have

enough electrolytes so we want the

potassium we want the sea salt I would

recommend that when you’re doing

prolonged fasting and when you come off

prolonged fasting you want to do

refeeding slowly so you want it you

don’t want to just eat a big huge meal

after 21 days have a little bit of

food wait a little bit a little bit of

food wait a little bit and then

gradually introduced the food or you’ll

feel that you’ll be sick because your

system is not ready for that if you have

a fatty liver that can prevent your

ability to get rid of insulin resistance

so choline is a really good supplement

to handle fatty liver I mean you can

actually pull the fat off within a

couple months with choline some other

things that are good for insulin

resistance apple cider vinegar is really

good cinnamon

vitamin D all this is in your notes by

the way I’ve given you guys a checklist

to follow so you don’t even need to

write it down a couple last things and

then I’ll be quiet

I’ve had people add a probiotic and also

they started losing weight because they

need to they that was people that are

actually overweight and thin they have

different microbial balances they have

different types of microbes in their gut

but adding a good-enough microbe and I

like the one that I like is it’s called

effective microbes I’m gonna be doing a

video on it so I can give you more data

but the effective microbes is kind of a

unique non-dairy type of flora that

really fortifies the intestines and I’ve

had many people lose weight just by

adding a probiotic some people you have

to add a prebiotic like the sauerkraut

fermented that gives you the probiotic

and the prebiotic at the same exact time

last thing and then I’m done

hidden antibiotics they find that when

you when you’re at an antibiotic that

kills out the bacteria you gain weight

that’s why it farmers give antibiotics

to help fatten up the chickens and the

cattle things like that so you want to

consume organic foods or animals that

have not been given antibiotics but one

of the biggest hidden antibiotics is

glyphosate which is the Roundup Ready

from GMO it’s patented as an antibiotic

so we’ve all been exposed to that so

again organic food because the GMO stuff

is like you just taking antibiotics and

that could be the reason why a lot of

people are getting fat

and then one last thing because I must

forgot dr. Berg app I just released it

you can download it it’s if you haven’t

downloaded and then one no thank you so

much you know and we’ll be doing a Q&A

after the next two speakers thank you
