The Benefits of Snake Oil - Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re going to talk about

the benefits of snake oil yeah you heard

me right snake oil

snake oil has been used traditionally in

China for a very very long time it’s

loaded with omega-3 fatty acids omega-3

fatty acids make up like epa and DHA

which are very essential for the brain

for the nervous system for the mood for

the cardiovascular system but snake oil

has 20% more epa than salmon oil ok so

everyone’s talking about salmon oil what

about snake oil and this is analyzed in

1989 by the Western Journal of Medicine

ok so it’s good for joint pain arthritis

bursitis supports a healthy

cardiovascular system why because it’s

loaded with omega-3 fatty acids so I

want to talk about quackery for a second

okay what is quackery pretended medical

healthcare skill so when we have someone

who’s pretending to have this certain

skill when they really don’t in the

medical profession they’re considered a

quack so then now let’s just talk about

the website called quack watch I don’t

feel about it before but quack watch is

very anti alternative health care they

basically attack anything that’s not

medicine okay and it’s run by a

psychiatrist which is very ironic

because there’s nothing on there about

the quackery of psychiatry which by the

way fits this definition more than any

other profession in psychiatry there’s

no talk therapy it’s all drug therapy

there’s no objective blood test or other

medical test in fact last year there was

twenty billion dollars of mental health

care industry fraud so I just find this

fascinating that a psychiatrist who’s

really pushing the danger of alternative

medicine is in a profession that has the

most fraud of any profession so now

let’s just take a look at this right

here it’s called the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

this is a psychiatrist Bible okay look

at how many pages that are in this book

so the question is how do they come

with all this data well you’re gonna be

shocked to find out they actually vote

on these diseases okay so let’s just

take a look at some of the disorders

that they have in here here’s one three

or five point nine zero caffeine

disorder okay I think a lot of people

would fit that one I don’t know what the

medication is to treat it here’s another


borderline personality disorder okay

again that probably would fit a lot of

people okay here’s another one

personality disorder not otherwise

specified again they’re just making up

and they’re just like putting every

single possible behavior into this book

alright so here’s another one right here

v6 1.8 sibling relationship problem if

you have a problem with your siblings we

have a diagnosis for that I like this

one v 15.8 one non compliance with

treatment disorder reasons for

non-compliance may include discomfort

resulting from treatment expense of

treatment decisions based on religious

or cultural belief Wow

interesting so you’d better comply with

the treatment or we will give you

another diagnosis here’s one religious

or spiritual problem that’s V 62 point

eight nine Wow okay phase of life

problem that’s a v6 two point eight nine

okay so this is a includes a problems

related to entering school starting a

new career all right here’s another one

recurrent brief depressive disorder a

depressive episode that does not meet

the two-week duration requirement lasts

at least two days but less than two

weeks episodes must reoccur once a month

for a period of 12 consecutive months

like who makes this stuff up so quack

watch puts a tremendous amount of

attention on alternative care so that

way no one will pay attention to the

real quacks

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