11 Ways to Protect Your Liver from Toxins | DrEricBergDC

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so there’s one cell in your body

that takes a beating it does the

majority of detoxification and that cell

is called the hepatocyte and hepatocytes

are liver cells so your liver is the

main detoxification organ of the entire


to a lesser degree the kidneys help you

detoxify in small intestine helps you

detoxify the skin can help you detoxify

and even your fat cells can help to some


detoxify but it’s that liver that takes

a beating So today we’re going to talk

about how to make sure your liver is

doing its job I want to give you some

solutions that are simple easy changes

to protect yourself but you do need to

be aware of the quantity of chemicals

that we are swimming in every day

because they do affect us in a negative

way but it’s hard to pinpoint One Thing

versus another because there are so many

chemicals and variables it’s very hard

to test for this I mean think about this

we have 27 trillion pounds of chemicals

that are produced or imported from other

places to the U.S every single year

that’s 74 billion pounds every single

day which comes out to about 250 pounds

of chemicals per person

so there’s a lot of exposure of

chemicals now you might say well I live

a pretty clean life and I don’t I’m not

really exposed to chemicals it doesn’t

include fuels doesn’t include pesticides

it doesn’t even include the chemicals in

your food and I’m not even including the

poisons I’m sorry did I say poisons I

meant medications from health care I

mean it’s just bizarre to me that if we

think about health care well that’s just

another way we’re exposed to more

chemicals to suppress symptoms I mean

really what’s missing in healthcare is

the health part I mean what is in health

care that’s actually creating more

Health these chemicals they build up the

half-life and some of these chemicals

can be from weeks to years to decades

and a half-life the substance is that

you’re reducing the potency of something

by 50 over a period of time so it

becomes less activated and a lot of

times they’ll measure the half-life of

certain chemicals okay the book on

toxicology you can see there’s actually

quite a few toxins in our environment

and a lot of information on it but the

half-life a lot of these chemicals are

measured usually through the blood not

necessarily through your tissues the

cells outside the blood which is a whole

different thing we definitely need to do

three things we need to be aware of the

chemicals we need to reduce the exposure

to the chemicals and we definitely need

to increase the ability to detoxify the

chemicals and the main support needs to

be to the hepatocyte that liver cell and

now a lot of these chemicals in the

environment act like estrogen okay so

they’re called estrogen disruptors or

even endocrine disruptors because what

they do to the endocrine systems they

can act and mimic like your hormones and

so they can really throw off the thyroid

the adrenals the pituitary all these

different hormonal Pathways and there’s

definitely a direct connection between

what those chemicals do and how they

damage the DNA how they alter the DNA

they can mutate and change the DNA and

they create a lot of diseases a lot of

oxidation and free radical damage and of

course this free radical damage can

create a whole Cascade of problems and

this is why antioxidants help to counter

that our bodies make antioxidants and we

also can get antioxidants from food now

another really interesting thing about

certain chemicals in foods that can help

us detoxify is the fact that we already

have the Machinery the enzymes

within our bodies okay we have certain

enzymes that can turn poisons in Thomas

particles but they can become activated

by certain things in our Foods so

sometimes we have this idea that it’s

just the antioxidants that are kind of

countering the oxidation but also

they’re activating something that we

already have inside we just need to turn

on those genes to do the job a little

bit better and I just had my DNA tested

and apparently I also have certain

detoxifying genes that are not working

like they should so I have to work

harder at getting them to work so

there’s a group of enzymes that are

called the cytochrome p450 enzymes and

there’s this whole biochemical pathway

that goes from phase one phase two phase

three that helps to turn these poisons

into things that are harmless so the

majority of that occurs in that

hepatocyte that it does incur in other

places in the body so I’m going to be

going through uh things that we can do

to minimize exposure to the poisons well

you can do to activate them and also the

number one food that will help you

activate these enzymes that you already

have all we have to do is trigger them

we have toxins and pollution from the


from the water

from the food from beauty products right

lotions shampoo hair gels conditioners

hair dyes etc etc etc we need to make

sure those are as clean as possible

let’s just kind of go down the list and

just talk about it so air pollution I

would highly recommend getting some type

of filter there’s one good one called

Merv 8 and that can be very essential if

you live in polluted areas especially if

you live in the city you want that air

filter to minimize the amount of

chemicals and that can make a big

difference in your exposure number two

growing certain plants that can help

soak up chemicals like Benzene and

formaldehyde and many of the other

chemicals in the air so it’s not a very

expensive thing to just have more plants

in your house and I’m going to put a

video down below of what plants I would

recommend spending more time in nature

is very very therapeutic from just

breathing in healthy air all right what

about a water filter do you have a

shower filter do you have a water filter

you definitely need to get one the

amount of crap that’s in our water I

mean even chlorine yes chlorine will

kill off pathogens but on the flip side

it can increase the risk of cancer so we

have chlorine we have fluoride we have

all these other chemicals in the water

so you need to get a water filter and

they don’t have to be expensive I mean a

really simple uh relatively inexpensive

water filter and you get all different

kinds you can get it from the shower or

a pitcher or under the counter or over

the counter just go to zero water I’ll

put a link down below I’m not affiliated

with them but they have a good system

they have three ways of getting rid of

chemicals the carbon filter they have

one that binds to heavy metals and they

have another filter that will help

reduce other things like chloride and

fluoride and things like that now

another really important thing is fish

okay always it’s well caught farm-raised

fish are loaded with pcbs okay just more

chemicals you want to do wild caught and

you definitely want to consume the fish

that are smaller you don’t want to

consume the big fish like avoid



tuna these fish accumulate a lot of

mercury because they tend to eat smaller

fish that eat smaller fish so there’s a

much higher concentration of mercury

like sometimes up to a thousand times

more and that mercury can accumulate in

your body but with the smallest fish

there’s much much less Mercury and the

selenium can bind to the Mercury that’s

in there and inactivate it so it’s not a

problem now what about organic

vegetables absolutely let’s say you just

can’t afford organic you can break down

a considerable amount of

organophosphates by using apple cider

vinegar and water you just put a fourth

of a cup of apple cider vinegar and a

gallon of water and wash your vegetables

you can remove a lot of chemicals just

by that simple procedure so organic food

is without pesticides and it is more

nutrient dense now I already mentioned

the chemical free beauty products so

many people are exposing their bodies

deodorants and hand creams and they’re

not really reading the lab able these

things accumulate they go into the liver

the next thing I would really avoid is

canned Foods canned foods greatly

increase things called bpas and I’m not

going to get into the technicalities of

them but if you go through this book

right here and look at the section of

bpas you’re going to find that they

create a lot of problems with your

endocrine system their endocrine

disruptors and you’re going to get a lot

of them if you’re consistently eating

canned foods especially those soups so I

would just avoid canned foods or if you

do consume them don’t consume them often

all right so let’s bring up the number

one food to help

strengthen and trigger the detoxifying

enzymes and the hepatocyte the liver

cell and that is cruciferous vegetables

now there’s a lot of other things that

will do it too like garlic for example

onion will do it oregano but the

cruciferous family of vegetables

are potent inducers of cytochrome p450

enzymes and there’s a tremendous amount

of research on this it’s hardcore data

those Foods consumed on a regular basis

can help too not just pull chemicals out

but they also provide a lot of other

benefits anti-inflammatory anti-cancer

now every time you deal with toxins or

free radicals or antioxidants people

always think about plants right because

we all know that these antioxidants are

not in you know meets well that’s not

actually true I recently was involved in

a study sending my beef from my farm

into a study okay it’s called beef

nutrient density study I just want to

show you this one graph right here I

don’t know if you can see this see this

this green bar right here okay right

there versus the Blue Bar versus the

this other colored bar right here I

think it’s pink so right here we have Dr

Berg’s beef and then we have other

Farmers on average of the grass-fed beef

and then we have the grain-fed beef now

what this is evaluating

is phytonutrients these are plant-based

chemicals plant-based chemicals in beef

now the healthier the beef the more

you’re going to have these plant-based

chemicals that can act as antioxidants

and create a lot of other health

benefits but you can see there are

definitely more if you compare grain fed

to grass-fed definitely more but the

healthier the beef like I do grass-fed

grass finished okay and I really take

care of my cattle so you can see the

amount of phytonutrients this would be a

great substitute for vegetables if you

have gut problems right because there’s

definitely a increase in people doing

carnivore because of their gut issues

and people will say well you can’t get

all the nutrients from beef or other

types of organ Meats well apparently you

can but I really think it’s the quality

well this just proves it it’s the

quality of meat you know you’re not

going to go down to the local

um Safeway grocery store and get deli

meat and think you’re going to be

getting those phytonutrients you know

you’re going to have to go to a farmer’s

market or you’re going to have to get

grass-fed grass finished to really get

the full health benefits of these

products is the animal being fed grains

okay or grass and weeds grown unhealthy

soils so we have the cruciferous

vegetables like the kale the broccoli

the arugula the radish all those are

very very key but you also have all the

herbs too that can greatly help you and

then we have things that contain B

vitamins that can help you detoxify I

did a whole video on that it’s actually

a very interesting video which I’ll put

a link down below and then we have

minerals that help you detoxify like

selenium like in Brazil nuts very

important to help increase glutathione

which is another enzyme to help break

down poisons and your gut microbiome is

so important in supporting


if you don’t have the full diversity of

your gut microbes that’s going to limit

your ability to get rid of poisons so

start consuming foods with microbes like

sauerkraut kimchi kefir very important

the next thing I want to talk about is

fasting when you fast especially

periodic prolonged fasting you increase

your own body’s network of antioxidants

okay you strengthen and turn on the

genes that help you detoxify your liver

starts increasing its capacity to get

rid of poisons you go through what’s

called autophagy which is the recycling

of old damaged proteins and getting rid

of pathogens strengthening the systems

that help keep you clean you know I had

this really bizarre thought I would love

to go into a nursing home and just

replace their food just to see what

would happen to the health of these

elderly people I think the need for

medications would go way down and it

would probably just be miraculous but

unfortunately I just found something out

that’s pretty depressing that there’s

certain regulations about people in

nursing homes and I think even hospitals

that they have to eat every 14 hours and

they have to have these certain

foods which I’m looking at being not

very very healthy so I think it would be

very difficult unfortunately to put them

on some type of intermittent fasting

program which is exactly what they need

and actually have them eat food that

came from the farm that would be just

awesome but if you have the ability to

do intermittent fasting do it it’s going

to help you and last point about toxins

is exercise and sweating very important

when you exercise you stimulate genes

that help you detoxify but if you over

train you’re going to really shut down

the systems to get rid of toxins because

think about when you exercise you’re

generating a lot of free radical damage

and oxidation from just the metabolism

of pushing yourself so that requires a

strong robust antioxidant system there

are certain things like grapefruit okay

and grapefruit juice and St John’s Wort

that inhibit that detoxification system

in the pedocyte so this is why if

someone’s taking a drug or a medication

and they’re taking grapefruit juice at

the same time they’re going to retain

these chemicals in their body and I’m

not telling you not to consume them I’m

just telling you that they do tend to

slow down the elimination of poisons

there’s a very interesting video on a

vitamin deficiency that can greatly

influence your ability to detoxify and I

put that video up right here check it
