Why Keto (The Ketogenic Diet) Is Considered Dangerous | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re going to

talk about why ketosis has gotten a bad

rap in certain communities okay now it’s

mainly because there’s quite a few

studies there’s like over 650

publications that show that consuming

high fat diets will cause diabetes

metabolic syndrome high sugar and

insulin resistance okay so of course why

would we want to do a ketogenic diet

well if you read these studies what

you’re gonna find they’re done on

rodents rats and mice okay

now the question is what is this

standard high fat diet I got it right

here this is this is it right here the

standard high fat diet is not really a

high fat diet it’s a high fat and a high

carbohydrate and sugar diet and we know

that if you combine sugar with fat

you’re gonna cause diabetes if you’re

doing healthy ketosis you’re not going

to be doing this you’re not going to be

consuming what these mice are consuming

first of all it casein okay that’s milk

protein corn starch GMO as well and then

you’ve malted dextran which you know

about that that’s like 10 times worse

than sugar sucrose soybean oil which is

GMO lard and synthetic vitamins we don’t

consume this this is not very healthy

this would cause diabetes so we have 650

studies out there that are going out

into the community into media and

they’re gonna picking it up and you’re

getting rumors oh it’s bad it’s

dangerous so the next time that happens

pull the string and find out what study

they’re quoting and then show them this

okay because if you consume this you

probably would have diabetes okay the

next thing is the traditional ketosis

that were the studies that were done

with kids that then showed side effects

of kidney stones okay well here’s the

thing they were doing this for epilepsy

okay and they weren’t necessarily

looking at an overall healthy ketogenic

diet within a minute fasting at all what

they reckon

was margarine different types of oil and

something called keto kale which they

still sell right now which is

hydrogenated soy oil which is

genetically modified corn syrup solids

and I’m not kidding maltodextrin and

synthetic vitamins again not a healthy

thing not something that we would

recommend and it’s a tremendous amount

of poor quality oil a little bit of poor

quality protein hardly any vegetables

now what’s going to happen is you’re

going to put the person into some really

serious ketosis and ketones are acidic

and you are going to build up more uric

acid if you’re that acidic because you

have no alkaline minerals to counter

that pH problem so you’re gonna develop

uric acid stones probably gout okay so

you need the vegetables so again we have

to differentiate healthy ketosis and in

a minute fasting with these over here

they’re not the same oh and the next

time the critic says something bad about

the diet always ask them what diet do

you recommend that’s healthy and that’s

where the conversation stops right there

because they don’t have a better diet

than healthy ketosis and in a minute

fasting all right thanks for watching

hey guys a lot of you already have my

book some of you don’t but this new

edition called the new body type guide

is an upgrade from my last Edition

called the seven principles of fat

burning it has a hundred and fifty six

images three hundred seventy eight pages

full glossary I talked about keto in a

minute fasting the body types in detail

I have a new stressed chapter I’m going

to show you exactly what to eat any

comprehensive FAQ I put a link down

below check it out