What to Eat While Breastfeeding | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about what to eat while

you’re breastfeeding what you eat just

before during and after pregnancy will

determine your child’s future health I

think this point is just not emphasized

enough it is so vitally important that

that child gets all the right nutrients

while they’re developing so let’s just

start at defining what a nutrient is


nutrients are cofactors now that really

doesn’t help you because what is the

cofactor cofactor our helper compounds

natural helper things that are essential

for building proteins okay now in your

mind you might be thinking proteins is

hair nail skin muscle but we want to

extend that definition way beyond that

all the enzymes in your body that create

all the digestion and the biochemical

reactions are proteins most of the

hormones are proteins you have proteins

that carry cholesterol as in high

density lipoproteins or low density

lipoproteins like HDL and LDL that’s

protein hemoglobin the stuff in your

blood that helps you carry oxygen is

protein you have proteins that repair

the tissues that extend your life that

repair the DNA which are the blueprints

of the body you have proteins that

protect the cell against harmful things

you have your entire immune system as

protein that protects against microbes

and viruses you have proteins that are

like a mini copy machine for DNA the

blueprints you have proteins that are

proofreaders that help to look for

errors and go in there and actually fix

errors in your DNA it’s incredible

you have proteins that help you detoxify

harmful chemicals so you need all these

nutrients involving in all these

different actions right here all the

pumps in the body that pump the fluid in

and out of the cells

so the cellular machinery that produces

energy called mitochondria has certain

nutrients that it needs

if the growing fetus or infant is

deficient in nutrients that child could

have all sorts of malfunctions with bone

okay their bone structure will not come

out correct

they will not be as tall the shape of

their jaw could be malformed where they

have an overbite or underbite the teeth

will be missing crooked you’ll get


they’ll need braces they’ll be very

susceptible to getting sick because

their immune system will be suppressed

they could have mental or physical

disabilities a lower IQ just from having

a nutritional deficiency they could be

at risk for diabetes ad D asthma and

even cancer so you can see the

importance of these nutrients in the

early stages now how does a mother know

that she’s deficient well I would look

at it the other way I would basically

start eating the foods that are very

high in those nutrients and not get hung

up on certain blood tests because a lot

of these nutrients are inside the cell

not in the blood they’re intracellular

and they’re hard to detect you could

identify nutritional deficiencies by

certain cravings you have for example if

you crave clay for example that could

mean that you have an iron deficiency if

you crave pickles it could mean that you

are deficient in potassium if you’re

fatigued you could be deficient in iron

a vitamin b1 or even vitamin k2 if you

have no tolerance to stress you can be

deficient in vitamin b1 if you have no

endurance and you run out of gas all the

time that could mean that you’d need

more magnesium so now let’s talk about

some of the really important nutrients

that are essential in developing this

this infant selenium very very important

because selenium is involved in making

sure mercury doesn’t build up in the in

the body from the environment now even

if the child gets vaccinated which I

have my home

you point on that I don’t want to open a

can of worms but they’re gonna be

exposed to mercury selenium can help

counter mercury selenium is also

involved in the conversion of the

thyroid hormones from t4 to t3 slow liam

is a very powerful antioxidant then you

have iodine iodine is very important in

boosting the IQ and the growth of that

child if there is a deficiency in iodine

that child’s going to be shorter and

they’re gonna have a lower IQ the B

vitamins very very important in

developing a healthy heart developing

healthy brain involved in so many

different chemical reactions and also

the skin as well

folate you’ve probably heard about this

one if a child is deficient in folate

they can get something called neural

tube defects where the nervous system

does not form correctly and part of the

spinal column is exposed this is such an

easy thing to fix and folate comes from

the Greek foliage which is related to

leafy greens this is why you need to

start eating big salads very very

important not just for the folate but

for the minerals and for the vitamin C

then we have iron which is essential for

your red blood cells but if you’re a

deficient iron that child will not grow

correctly and anemia is a very common

thing with kids now one side note I want

to make about this topic is that if

you’re carrying your baby okay and

you’re eating for two the fetus will get

the lion’s share of nutrition so if

you’re deficient in a nutrient you’re

going to become really deficient because

that child is gonna get pretty much all

of that nutrients so you’re gonna start

seeing symptoms yourself with maybe your

hair will start falling out of your

nails or or whatever but if you have any

of these symptoms realize it’s usually a

nutritional deficiency and it means that

your diet is not correct okay so then we

have zinc probably one of the most

important nutrients behind vitamin D for

the immune system if you’re deficient in

zinc the skin will not form correctly

there’ll be low testosterone there’s

over 2,000 chemical reactions that occur

just with this one trace mineral right


and over 1 billion people on this planet

are deficient in zinc and by the way if

you’re eating a lot of refined carbs and

whole-wheat bread it’s gonna deplete

your zinc sugar depletes zinc ok copper

works with zinc copper is part of the

vitamin C complex and copper is

essential in forming connective tissue

and I’m talking about joints too so

that’s really important and facha

another part of your connective tissue

now we have calcium you want to get your

calcium from dairy to help with teeth

formation ok and bone formation

if you deficient in vitamin D and you’re

breastfeeding the risk factor for

getting diabetes type 1 which is

autoimmune go way up the risk factor for

asthma goes way up the child’s skeletal

structure may not form correctly they

may have bowed legs or even scoliosis

then we have vitamin A ok which is

essential for the vision then we have

manganese which is another trace mineral

that could potentially lead to flat feet

so as you can see there’s a huge

influence on these nutrients and how

this baby is being developed you never

want to go low-fat if you’re

breastfeeding or you’re pregnant because

there’s such a thing as essential fatty

acids omega-3 fatty acids this is the

big one right here DHA which is so

important to form the brain of that

child and the vision these 2 right here

very very important if you’re taking a

prenatal by the way a lot of times I

don’t even have this and they have a

bunch of synthetic vitamins and it’s

they have soy in there and they have

very poor quality nutrients you always

want to get a whole food based prenatal

but you really need to fix the diet as

the most important thing now how can you

get some of these key trace minerals

like selenium iodine iron zinc copper

manganese shellfish okay very very

important and fish like in salmon you

want to get the wild caught it’s much

better cod liver oil

essential these three things are really

important cod liver oil will provide

enough vitamin D and vitamin A and a DHA

fish will provide DHA minerals and

protein and shellfish will provide the

trace minerals you will also get the

trace minerals from fish and even organ

meats but a lot of people do not like

organ meats they can’t seem to consume

liver and things like that you can get

this as a supplement but you can also go

to US wellness meats calm now I’m not

affiliated with that company I don’t get

any kickbacks I just really like that

company because everything is not just

grass-fed and organic but it’s

grass-finished and they have a hamburger

meat with organ meat in there and you

wouldn’t necessarily taste those organ

meats it kind of camouflages the taste

but that would be very very good to

consume if you’re breastfeeding or if

you’re pregnant because you’re gonna get

the trace minerals you’re gonna get all

the vitamins and minerals organ meats

pretty much have every single nutrient

maybe not enough vitamin C but some of

the organ meats do and that’s why you

need the salads right large deep leafy

greens to get the vitamin C and also the

minerals like potassium magnesium

nutritional yeast is vital for the B

vitamins it’s one of the better sources

of natural B vitamins I would not

recommend the enriched nutritional yeast

get the one that’s unfortified you can

get them in tablets as well eggs as

almost every single vitamin except

adamancy especially the egg yolks that

has the most nutrition this is very very

important and just make sure that when

you’re buying food it’s non-gmo and I’m

talking about organic if at all possible

because you don’t want to add the extra

chemicals that can add problems like

birth defects and all sorts of toxicity

in their child alright I put a link down

below for more information on

a good formula that you can create and

additional information other foods that

you can eat but I at least wanted to

create the basics and emphasize the

importance of the diet and the nutrients

before you’re pregnant during pregnancy

and after when you’re breastfeeding

thanks for watching so if you want more

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