Best Remedies for Rheumatoid | DrEricBergDC

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so lately I’ve been doing a lot of

research in the area of autoimmune

diseases specifically rheumatoid

arthritis and I found some amazing

natural remedies that have some hardcore

research behind them so I wanted to

expand the list because in the last

video I talked about these remedies okay

in a minute fasting vitamin D potassium

ozone zinc oregano and doing healthy

version of Aikido okay and these are

really great things but there’s some

additional things you may want to

consider if you have rheumatoid

arthritis which is a really terrible

condition and you want to do everything

you can to minimize the pain and the

swelling okay borage oil amazing amazing

results with rheumatoid arthritis

it’s an omega-6 fatty acid it’s a gla

type fat it’s also good for exam a

dermatitis and something called ARDS

acute respiratory distress syndrome okay

cat’s claw very powerful for rheumatoid

arthritis but it’s also good for

inflammation of the diverticula would be

diverticulitis also it’s good for ulcers

colitis inflammation of the colon

and by the way diverticula are those

little pouches in the large intestine

allergies okay so you can see cat’s claw

really dresses this common theme of

inflammation okay ten cob liver oil very

powerful for rheumatoid arthritis and

also heart issues and then we have

hydrotherapy which involves water

therapy at different temperatures you

can do steam there’s even a cold water

version hydrotherapy but it’s fantastic

for rheumatoid arthritis and also COPD

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease so

you wouldn’t think that it would affect

the lung but it does and lactobacillus

is a friendly bacteria that helps you

make lactic acid so it’s very good for

rheumatoid arthritis but it’s also good

for diarrhea

increasing the absorption of iron

decreasing colds and the flu in

constipation and especially abdominal

pain and children and young adults and

hay fever as well so don’t forget that

if you have abdominal pain you may need

some more lactobacillus it’s also good

for SIBO small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth because you would think by

taking microbes that’s going to make it

worse but apparently this specific

microbe actually improves that condition

all right and 13 Thunder God vine okay

that’s an interesting name that’s a very

powerful for rheumatoid arthritis and

ALS which is another autoimmune

condition an MS which is an autoimmune

and even Crohn’s as well so this is

really good for inflammation and if you

haven’t seen the original video on RA I

put it up right here check it out