Ketogenic Diet & Intermittent Fasting – Big Overview For Beginners By Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video we’re going to

give you an overview of keto and in a

minute fasting okay from A to Z let’s

take a look at all the things that

happen and all the barriers that you

might run into I mainly created this for

new people just so they could see

everything together I know it looks

complex but let’s just kind of go

through it okay so here you are you’re

having breakfast lunch and dinner don’t

forget about the snack snack snack

s’right that’s an average person you’re

just pretty much grazing the whole day

you got belly fat fatigue memory

problems lack of focus you’re craving

high blood pressure anxiety depression

and diabetes but other than that you’re

doing pretty good so what is the common

denominator of all these high levels of

insulin okay you have insulin resistance

which is causing high levels of insulin

that’s what’s creating all these

symptoms so these symptoms are the tip

of the iceberg this is the iceberg okay

so we have to fix this the way we do it

is through keto because keto is gonna

lower the carb and it’s going to reduce

the insulin all right intermittent

fasting works because you’re gonna eat

less frequent not the amount but less

frequent because every time you eat you

trigger insulin so the combination works

really good to lower insulin okay so

you’re gonna start it right okay so now

between day 1 and day 3 you may go

through a little transition period which

you’re gonna feel some symptoms of the

low blood sugar and that would be

lightheadedness hunger and cravings

maybe a headache

you have to realize it’s temporary and

if you give up right here you’re gonna

lose the benefits of all the great

things down the road so just realize

it’s gonna happen and just hang in there

but you can actually increase potassium

and B vitamins to make it even smoother

I recommend the electrolyte powder and

nutritional yeast tablets okay so for

this we’re going to do three meals only

no snacks because we’re transitioning

from sugar to fat so when you make the

transition you’re gonna make new

cellular machines that run on fat and

not sugar anymore okay that’s key to

adaptation now the way to do that is

you’re going to go from one meal to the

next you’re going to have to

some fad to satisfy you so you’re not


so the fat is the thing that you need to

adjust so you have just the right amount

so it’s not too much where you feeling

bloated and right shoulder pain and a

headache and you have just enough to go

from this meal to this meal when you’re

satisfied okay so you’re gonna play

around with that and adjust that I’m

talking about brie cheese nuts pecans

are good walnuts are good eggs are good

avocado is good any of those fats are

really healthy and if you were to do a

hamburger for example which has twice as

much fat as protein versus a steak which

is twice as much protein versus fat

you’d be better off with the hamburger

because the fat helps you go from one

meal to the next all right so make sure

you have enough greens whether it’s

salad or vegetables because we want to

start increasing potassium very

important you need 4700 milligrams of

potassium that’s between seven and ten

cups of salad that’s a nutrient-dense

food to allow the hunger to go away

because your body is finally going to be

satisfied of nutrients okay so you’re

not eating these empty calories so but

primarily you’re gonna get a lot of

potassium to really help reverse this

insulin resistance problem now you may

experience constipation for example in

which you might need to even add more

potassium or it could be the vegetables

that you’re consuming you’re not used to

like kale for example if you’re having

too much kale that can bind you up if

that’s the case switch the vegetable but

let’s say you have keto fatigue and

you’re tired that usually means low salt

so add some more sea salt and by the way

when you’re doing a ketogenic diet you

need about one teaspoon of sea salt

every single day compared over here you

need about 1/4 of a teaspoon okay so we

need more sea salt not table salt to

actually prevent fatigue and help your

body with the electrolyte sodium and

chloride all right so we’re gonna do

this for a while we’re gonna get used to

it now we’re going to slowly graduate to

two meals per day the way we’re gonna do

that is we’re going to take our

breakfast and we’re going to start to

push it forward in other words when you

wake up in the morning

ask yourself am i hungry no good go

longer keep going longer and longer and

longer because if you do this right you

wake up at night you’ve been fasting all

night and now you’re not hungry the

morning push it further and further and

further until you’re at the lunch we

have no more breakfast and you’re at 2

meals per day so that’s how we want to

graduate slowly all right so don’t eat

if you’re not hungry

now at this point a lot of people

mention oh my gosh I was losing weight

on this and I stopped losing weight you

know what’s happening well you don’t

want to go by your weight why because a

lot of people that do this when you

measure them they are loaded with fat

and they have low muscle density they

don’t have a lot of muscles anymore

they’re basically have atrophy and they

think it’s just all fat but it’s atrophy

so you’re gonna start growing more

muscle and all this protein is now

retaining in the body it’s a little

heavier and that’s why you’re not losing

weight because muscle weighs more than

fat ok the best indicator for success is

your weight circumference ok so measure

your waist and that should be shrinking

if you’re doing this correctly alright

now sometimes you might experience high

levels of something called uric acid you

might start noticing a gout symptom it

might not happen but if it does that is

normal in this transition phase or you

might if you’re susceptible to getting a

kidney stone you might notice a little

pain in your lower back that’s because

the higher levels of uric acid so you

just want to make sure that you’re

consuming enough lemon juice or lemon in

your water or actual lemons ok lemon is

a great thing to help flush that out and

counter the effects of stones gout and

this acid okay so I recommend that and

also apple cider vinegar will also help

this as well

tablespoon in some water drink it with

your meals with a lemon and you’re good

to go a couple of things will happen you

might consume food a little too much

because you’re like going to two meals

and you’re gonna you’re afraid you’re so

used to so many meals you’re like oh my

gosh am I gonna be hungry so you stuff

yourself right well you just have to

make sure that you learn from that and

adjust the food because you you probably

don’t need the stuff yourself I know


hard to believe you might actually cheat

on this program somewhere and you might

find that the next day you’re like way

more hungry than you were yesterday and

you’re craving carbs okay because you

just bumped yourself out of this whole

ketosis just stick with the program get

back on the wagon and continue but if

you consume the wrong foods here

your blood sugar will be off then the

next day you’re going to notice like wow

now I’m like really hungry

that’s what that’s all about one thing

to note is if you’re doing two meals

make sure you’re not doing low calories

make sure they’re nutrient dense a

little bit more food so you’re actually

satisfied and you’re going to do three

to six ounces of protein unlimited

vegetables and the rest was fat now

right about here your friend calls you

and she says oh you’re doing that keto

program did you realize that it destroys

the thyroid it’s gonna make your thyroid

slow right well let me just explain the

facts on that so number one we’re not

doing a low-calorie diet we’re eating

less but we’re keeping our calories high

the second thing you need to know is

that as your body becomes more efficient

the fuel is a more efficient fuel the

need for thyroid hormones are less so

you’re not gonna need as much thyroid

hormones so if it goes down a little bit

this is completely normal

you’re not losing your hair you’re not

having other issues it’s totally fine

especially if it’s within the normal

range but your thyroid does not have to

work as hard when you’re doing

intermittent fasting in keto all right

another thing is you might end up at the

doctor to get your annual checkup and

find that your cholesterol is high

before you freak out and start going on

a statin drug realize fat is composed of

triglycerides and cholesterol so guess

what when you release the fat your

cholesterol has to come out it has to go

through the blood it may increase

temporarily but the problem is most of

the cholesterol in your body is made by

your own body only ten percent comes

from the diet so if you eat more it

makes less if you eat less it makes

our body basically makes about 3,000

milligrams of cholesterol every single

day so it needs it for hormones it needs

it for the vision for the brain for the

nervous system and act as a band-aid to

help heal any type of lesions on the

arteries the real problem is this high

insulin that creates the inflammation in

the destruction of your arteries so if

your question is a little high this is a

temporary thing it’s not an issue and

you want to keep your vegetables very

very high I recommend that you watch

some of my videos on LDL I’ve put some

links down below ok so from here to here

we’re between 18 to 23 hours of

intermittent fasting okay this is where

we get into some serious fat burning we

get into something called a Toph eg a

Toph Ajit is a condition where your

cells are recycling old and damaged

parts it’s cleaning of bacteria fungus

candida and mold so it’s like a

self-cleaning action and your skin’s

going to start looking better it’s going

to be neuroprotective of your brain

you’re gonna actually have better memory

better a mood better cardiovascular

function and you’re gonna save a lot of

money because you’re no longer consuming

three meals a day or six meals a day

you’re doing two or even one meal a day

so you’ll say between 300 to 600 dollars

a month so you’re welcome

so now you can see the big idea and the

huge benefits that can occur these

things may not even happen to you but I

want you just to realize if they do

there’s a solution you’ve got to keep

pushing through it until you get over

here alright thanks for watching

hi guys listen I want to thank you so

much for your wonderful comments and I

want to ask you if you wouldn’t mind

giving me your review on Google I put a

link down below I’d really appreciate it

and thank you in advance