Real Cause Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video we’re gonna talk

about high blood pressure hypertension

okay so where do I start well first of

all there’s something called secondary

hypertension which really comes from

something else so let’s say for example

you are on KITT analysis you have a

kidney problem kidney damage that alone

can cause hypertension okay but there’s

another type of hypertension called

primary hypertension or essential

hypertension or idiopathic hypertension

all these are the same thing and what

this means is it has an unknown cause

okay idiopathic means we don’t know what

caused it and there’s no cure okay but

there’s a treatment right medication and

of course they’ll tell you to avoid salt

and your salt sensitive put you in a

diuretic or other medications alright

and then you have something called the

metabolic syndrome which is composed of

high blood pressure hypertension high

cholesterol high sugar belly fat and

insulin resistance okay so that’s

interesting well let’s take a look if

you research insulin resistance you’re

gonna find it has a side effect okay one

of the side effects of insulin

resistance which by the way is high

insulin is high blood pressure in other

words high blood pressure is being

caused by insulin resistance too much

insulin and if you look at metabolic

syndrome all these other diseases in

addition to hypertension and high

cholesterol and high blood sugar and

belly fat these are all symptoms of

insulin resistance so it’s very

confusing when you try to do research

because it’ll say instant resistance is

an associative factor it might be a risk

factor no no no it’s the cause of these

other things right here now let’s take a

look at what high insulin or insulin

resistance will do it makes your

arteries stiff now having stiff arteries

and hardened arteries you think that

might increase your blood pressure a

little bit it does it causes sodium

retention yeah

sodium retention okay so and it also

causes low potassium sodium and


work together when you have high sodium

you’re gonna have low potassium

potassium deficiencies will also cause

hypertension but that could be coming

from the incident resistance so I don’t

think people are salt sensitive I think

their potassium deficient because they

don’t consume enough vegetable you your

body needs 4700 milligrams every single

day yeah to get that potassium you would

have to have between seven and ten cups

of vegetable or salad every single leg

you might not be doing that okay and

that could be part of the problem but

mainly it’s the insulin resistance which

will then block the absorption of

potassium and then exaggerate the higher

levels of sodium and create the problem

so what’s been the missing link is this

cause effect relationship and the

confusion that is out there on this

topic I would highly recommend start

researching insulin resistance I put

some links down below so you can start

looking at the relationship between

these two and start to improve the root

cause which is high levels of insulin

okay do things to lower insulin 1b start

consuming a lot of salads number two cut

out the sugar because that’s what raises

the insulin do in a minute fasting do

the ketogenic program which will lower

your Sugar’s so I put some links down

below so you can become more educated on

insulin resistance so you can address

this symptom of high blood pressure

thanks for watching

hi guys listen I want to thank you so

much for your wonderful comments and I

want to ask you if you wouldn’t mind

giving me your review on Google I put a

link down below I’d really appreciate it

and thank you in advance