Why VALERIAN ROOT Should NOT be Taken for Sleep | DrEricBergDC

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so if you’re going to use valerian root

i would recommend using it for anxiety

but not insomnia i’m going to tell you

why of course let me give you the

disclaimer check with your doctor before

taking this advice okay don’t come off

your medications because of me so this

is just meant for education and for you

to do your own research but valerian

root okay and valium

have been shown to have really no

significant difference in effectiveness

so in other words they both work the

same for anxiety

yet valerian root has virtually no side

effects and valium has major side

effects especially trying to come off

that drug now they both work to increase

gaba and the way they do it is they

block gaba receptors slightly

differently but the same effect so if

you block the gaba receptor you have

less recycling and

gaba just stays around a lot longer

giving you more gaba and gabo is a

neurotransmitter that helps make you

calm it helps reduce stress it’s an

inhibitory neurotransmitter and when

someone’s deficient in gaba they might

have more anxiety they might have more

insomnia yet when someone’s deficient in

serotonin okay

yet this has never been proven there’s

just theories the person is more likely

to get insomnia and depression

so with serotonin deficiencies we have

depression with gaba deficiencies we

have anxiety now of course i like to

always focus on natural remedies but

realize that as you’re coping with this

problem with a natural remedy that has

lesser side effects you always want to

be finding the deeper cause you want to

be getting to the root now there’s many

ways to increase gaba in your body

kimchi is one way because

your microbes your friendly bacteria

make neurotransmitters

and by consuming either

kimchi or sauerkraut it has both the

microbes as a probiotic and the

prebiotics so it has probiotics and

prebiotics the fiber which the microbes

eat but valerian root is more like a


if you have anxiety or you have panic

attacks um it can calm you down now the

problem with taking valerian root when

you’re sleeping is that it can make you

feel groggy when you wake up you can

feel very drowsy the next day you can

have daytime sleepiness the next day so

you’re not necessarily going to wake up

feeling refreshed why because valerian

root is a sedative in fact some people

get the side effect of having insomnia

so they’re taking it for insomnia but

they end up staying up all night also

valerian root can slow your pulse rate

down so i don’t like valerian root as a

sleep remedy but here’s the big question

that i want to talk about why do you

have sleeping problems why are you


why are you depressed in the first place

typically there are two hormones that

are involved

one is high levels of cortisol that’s

like the number one thing behind

sleeping problems as well as the number

one hormone behind feeling anxious

because cortisol is a stress hormone so

it kind of keeps you in this stress mode

and in the flip side your sleep is

controlled by melatonin

and melatonin is on the pathway to

serotonin and so there’s a relationship

between having more melatonin and more

serotonin and if you don’t have enough

melatonin you’re not going to sleep and

you’ll probably be depressed and because

you’re not sleeping you’ll have anxiety

so fixing this melatonin thing is very

very important in helping not just

insomnia but

depression and anxiety now i definitely

do not recommend taking melatonin i’m

going to tell you why because anytime

you’re taking a hormone

you tend to

cause the gland that is producing this

hormone to go to sleep it doesn’t need

to produce anymore so people that

actually start taking melatonin cause

the pineal gland to kind of go into

dormant mode and

this forces the body to be more

dependent on melatonin and this goes for

all hormones whether the person’s taking

testosterone or


or even thyroid hormones when you take

these communications that the body is


the gland that produces them just

doesn’t have to produce anymore so you

have to kind of be cautious anytime

you’re taking any hormone whether it’s

growth hormone or a sex hormone or even

melatonin a much much better way to get


is through increasing

the exposure to

infrared light which comes from the sun

it comes from the sun rising the sun’s

setting it comes from the sun in general

and of course i’m not telling you to

stay out the sun all day but enough

sunlight exposure will give you the

infrared spectrum which is different

than the uv light but guess what it’s

also been shown to increase

gaba and also if you have more melatonin

you’ll have more serotonin and the sun

gives you vitamin d so if you’re

depressed anxious or have sleeping

problems the sun is a powerful powerful

remedy if you get it in moderation but

unfortunately people don’t even go

outside to get it at all and if it’s a

winter time you can also get it from

sitting in front of your


or even having incandescent lights or

even having candles around so infrared

is a very interesting topic and it’s

extremely powerful and helping your

cells make melatonin so melatonin is not

just the darkness hormone that’s created

when the lights are out but it’s also

the hormone that’s created through light

and this might be new information for

you but there is a video that i’d like

to share with you on this topic and i

want to add one more thing

infrared light also helps lower


so this is why being outside being

exposed to the sun can help reduce

cortisol real quick story you may have

heard this before i had a patient who

had this

protruded belly i mean just it was huge

and every time he went on a vacation

down the florida he didn’t change his


in fact he probably drank more alcohol

but he was out in the sun okay

by the beach

and he would come home and his stomach

was literally

flat okay

so that was probably a combination of

lowering cortisol increasing melatonin

and probably even sleeping better so let

me just kind of give you a list of

things that i would recommend to help

you sleep and also reduce anxiety at the

same time number one

of course exercise that’s a given long

walks are great but regular high

intensity interval training is really

good too

physical work around the house is

probably even better for stress and

sleep i’ve mentioned that before number

two getting exposed to infrared light

and yes you can also get infrared

therapy like whether it’s a sauna or

just a light therapy or even some


pad that you can put on a joint that you

have inflammation on it’s a great

therapy and even just being out in the

sun very good therapy all right number

three vitamin b1 i would recommend

getting it from nutritional yeast


sunflower seeds okay sunflower seeds at

the end of your meal just grab a nice

big handful of sunflower seeds make sure

there’s sea salt not just sodium

chloride and you’ll get a good amount of

b1 all right number four

your microbiome makes

neurotransmitters okay so the more you

build up your microbes in your gut

you’re going to make more gaba and

you’re going to make more serotonin and

you’re going to help your stress levels

and you’re going to sleep better so a

good probiotic or sauerkraut or kimchi

is essential if you have anxiety

depression or insomnia and of course if

you’re going to take a probiotic i would

always take it right before bed it seems

to work good that way and last but not

least and this might shock some of you

and i’m being very sarcastic but get on

the healthy version of keto and do

intermittent fasting that’s just a


um building block so everything else can

work now that video i talked about with

melatonin i put it right here you

definitely need to check that one out