Keto Diet & Intermittent Fasting Success Story – Dr.Berg Interviews Chris Hill on Keto Success | DrEricBergDC

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so hey guys today we have a great interview from Chris Hill and Chris

welcome to the interview I got you before and after and it’s a pleasure to

meet you you as well I’ve been a big fan and following your work for quite some

time now awesome hey can you tell me a little bit

about your history of what happened to you in the past did you have a weight

issue do you have health issues can you talk a little bit about that sure um how

far back would you want me to go just to the most recent what led me to all this

or um yeah yeah was there like a tipping point where things were kind of getting

out of control and you said you know what I better do something about this

sure sure well yeah there was um all through my life I’ve pretty much had

extra weight as a child in my teen years I did play sports and you know I I was

more fit then and then uh moving into my my 20s I started putting on weight but

if we fast-forward into my late 20s early 30s where all this led me to you

but essentially I put on quite a bit of weight just do poor diet eating habits

what I understand now to be insulin and leptin resistance and you know just

eating lots of foods that were we’re telling me I’m still hungry when I was

in and and all that kind of thing but essentially the issue that when I came

across your channel had to do with digestion I I had kind of similar to a

story you once told about the meat loaf your maybe your grandmother’s meat loaf

or unit eaten the meat loaf and had some the pain in the middle of the night I

had a very similar situation and that was one of the earliest videos I saw so

it connected me it connected and it all started with pain in in the right

quadrant up here you know the typical goal

blood or the fatty liver what whatever it may be the after having a big steak

it I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain so I would say if

we fast forward to that that’s where it all began my journey began just to to

start this process of getting healthy interesting interesting so it was more

on digestion than actual weight which is which is was my thing as well like you

know being a guy like okay you have a little weight issues not a big deal but

when you start having pain in your gallbladder like kind of wakes you up

well and what’s interesting was I had I didn’t know what it was it was I had a

lot of burning a burning sensation I had the tightness of course in the shoulder

the neck all of that and I I can remember I used to lay on tennis balls

and you know a golf balls right behind my right shoulder to to get the pain

down and it seemed to give me temporary relief but but I didn’t know about

acupressure back again which definitely works but yeah it led into just a lot of

I’d be walking through a door and I’d stop in the door jamb and I would stick

my back right there where that shoulder blade was to just try to try to get that

at not to go away felt like a not so you know I I call and I do these kind of

things so I thought maybe I tweaked my back I didn’t realize it was a diet

issue at the time you know and so I thought hey I must have I must have you

know in the backswing done something wrong so that’s kind of you know I had a

lot of pain going on and had a lot of confusion going on hey Chris that’s

interesting let me just help I want to tell people a little more about that

because what he’s talking about is right shoulder white right quadrant problem or

underneath your right ribcage what happened to me for about 12 years I

start having right shoulder pain especially in your scapula on the right

side but on your right round boy back here

start getting pain there and of course I thought it was a wrestling injury and I

thought it was a you know something like that so I had no idea was my gallbladder

so I actually ended up going into chiropractic school because of that

thinking maybe well you know I got some relief from an adjustment that I want to

do that but didn’t really connect the dots with the gallbladder so this went

on for years and years and years to the point where you know it just becomes

cranky like I used to lay in the snow and just try to get some relief on my

back in Wisconsin just to take the inflammation way and have all sorts of

massage therapist people work on that back and so you probably saw the video

do you have right shoulder pain or something like that because I think that

was the name of that video and then once you saw the gallbladder did that light

bulb go off at that point and go that’s something new well this was premature to

me finding their Channel so just to give a quick sketch of it all

that this essentially led me into just my my my doctor’s office and we started

the process of figuring out what it was which in the end was a three year

process believe it or not I was very busy with work I was in a relationship

so it was kind of on the back burner but I was certainly trying to figure out

what was going on some weeks it was worse than others so long story short

you know I ended up getting my getting the ultrasound scoped I had a chore I

all these different tests done and you know they put me on medication all these

types of things that pep said a you know the the proton inhibitors and all that

kind of thing and while they gave me temporary relief because I also

obviously associated with this I had terrible indigestion

you know over time I eventually came across your material and I believe it

was along the lines of digestion or the acid reflux because that of course

played hand-in-hand in this and that was a

a very problematic as well and I I know there’s some controversy on hi4 I but I

did test positive for that but I I know that you know that whether

it’s a breath test blood test dual test I know there’s people look at that

differently but um I did test pause as they put me on all the antibiotics and

all this kind of thing so it’s just a process kept going through this process

I quit eating I just couldn’t eat anything so I ended

up losing a quite a bit of weight not not to where I’m at now but I lost a

good bit of weight strictly from just not eating not because in a minute

fasting but I just could eat it was just too painful and and so that that’s what

led me into dr. Berg’s channel and information and and following you

Wow and learning from you getting an education to leave did you see the video

I did unlike just massaging your gall bladder did you did you see that

and did you do that and well yeah when I when I learned about it I didn’t use the

tool but I just the hands I did but that was a later down the line of course so I

didn’t find that initially initially what fixed the acid reflux was

acidifying the stomach and I didn’t believe when the thing about your

approach that I appreciate it is like with your blood numbers and all these

things you say just try it you know being in peer assisted bout it if it

works you’ll know it if it doesn’t switch it up and that’s what I did I

started taking the apple cider vinegar I started taking the digestive enzymes it

took a little bit of time but it certainly started changing especially

when I got rid of all the you know GMOs and started incorporating strict

strictly the organic selection at the store um you know it took time but

though those things started I started being able to see that my digestion was

off and my acid was off in fact and and and so you snowball that with then you

learn about the acupressure and you learn about

the more and more about how all these mechanisms work inside the body it’s

it’s it’s just like it’s just an ongoing education you can keep trying new things

and and that that’s what happened Wow yeah that’s a that’s a great

demonstration to do if you’ve I’m doing a seminar and someone comes up with

right shoulder pain you work on the gulp you just press meet the red ribcage the

pain goes off like a switch and they go what how did you do that it’s and I

think you know people think that it’s just the fatty foods but it’s really the

sugar and the refined crap that we eat that causes all better to go bad so

fast-forward you’ve probably got some improvement with the gallbladder and

then you watch other videos right oh yeah I’ve probably watched them Alda the

webinars you used to do you’re you’re older material I really really dug into

those because they were long and they were very informative I didn’t watch him

live I got to watch him recorded and I would recommend anybody out there who’s

looking to learn more about what you talk about go to those webinars the ones

you do in your other office or whatnot at home those are just packed with

information so yeah I went I started going through all those things and then

I started going into the nutritional ketosis lifestyle you know I always say

nutritional ketosis because a lot of people when I say keto they go to that

80 90 percent fat and I’m not talking about that I’m talking about you know

the low carb the 2025 maybe 50 whatever it may be for somebody I like to make

that dissipation because I like talking with family and friends you know you say

the word Tito then they go online and they’re confused and now you have you

know a long conversation so going through all that material and taking

just lots of notes yeah it absolutely just kept improving and improving and

and and of course then the weight after the digestion was fixed like you say you

got that then the weight just again I didn’t come to this for weight loss it

just naturally started reducing

and I have to believe because of the reduction of carbohydrates it’s not so

much of in taking Baku’s of fat but more so lowering the carb and you know

insulin stays load and glucagon can release its you know the way I

understand it now you know but you know I know that’s simplified but to me it

just makes sense so certainly I did keto three meals a day for about the first

year this is before I knew about intermittent fasting I didn’t really

implement intermittent fasting until about three months ago now I do in a

minute fasting and either one or two meals max ma yeah so I I thought I

you’re right you know you skip that breakfast I don’t you know I don’t do

the cheetah or not the cheat but you know some people put cream and and MCT

oil and they don’t think it’s breaking it fast I keep it water or black coffee

and I make it to lunch have my two meals and I’m I’m satisfied in me and I have

you to say I want to say this I have you to thank for that because the digestion

obviously you fix that first then all this stuff just kind of it’s like Dom

and you just keep falling it goes right and now it’s it’s like you get the

nutrients out of the food you feel good and that’s why I continue with you and

following this because it’s proven that’s great I love it there’s nothing

like a personal experience to know for yourself that hey it worked you know and

then so what give me an example of what your meal would consist of okay and I

did want to mention this if anybody out there is trying to fit you know I made

it I made an Instagram thing I don’t I don’t do it anymore but it’s just called

ten for keto T in the number four in Quito and what I did was I did a food

log and there’s no all it strictly is Quito foods and what I ate for the first

year that was my three meals but I now have changed it up a little bit I kind

of cut out a lot of the like the bacon and things like that not because it’s

bad but I just I wanted to try something different

so now mostly like so for lunch because I’ll skip breakfast I might have black

coffee for breath but for lunch I typically have sardines

because I do that for the gaba and all the omega-3 that’s really important as I

Aikido has really helped my mind but I typically am eating a sardines or a wild

salmon all of these things are wild with avocado typically with nutritional yeast

and tumeric on that avocado every now and then I’ll add the macadamia you know

I’ll add some some butter some Kerry gold also I’ll just pour it over over

the fish and obviously salad I the thing about the potassium is so important and

I I supplement as well with the wheatgrass juice and and and of course

coconut oil I use all those things but basically that a lunch is typically like

that I don’t tend to eat too big of meals because I just seem to do better

with a little bit less and then dinners pretty much the same thing maybe some

mushrooms added so you know if I eat sardines for lunch I’ll usually wild

salmon for dinner then I’ll switch them but typically nowadays I’m only eating

fish that that’s my main my main protein source and fat - to a certain degree so

that that blog I did kind of isn’t fish and now it is fish and I lost I think

it’s important just for me to say to you and just for everybody because you

already know this I lost a good bit of weight doing the three meals a day

exactly how you explain them but when I’ve gotten towards the end now where am

I my maintenance is going to be doing the in a minute fasting and switching to

two meals it the weight loss is a little bit slower which is understandable

because the measurements are changing but it um it works and and it’s it’s

good to get the last weight off is what I’m trying to say that’s awesome what

was the amount of weight that you lost so far well uh about 70 pounds

Wow I didn’t even realize that was nuts that’s incredible

yeah and that’s been over 18 months so it’s you know it’s taken time and and

but it’s it’s something I’ve kind of just you know no I wouldn’t say enjoy

but it’s it’s a learning process so I have enjoyed it you know it’s something

I’ve been learning and learning all these new things it’s very informative

do you have people around you that are like that look at you know what the heck

did you do I mean are they kind of impressed are they kind of like I would

see reaction that you’re getting with people around you yeah they want to know

the people who obviously who knew I was overweight and have stable ought stable

off now they want to know about what I’ve done and and I’ve had those

conversations you know so I I typically I’ll have a short conversation but then

I’ll point them to the professionals and people who who do this for a living and

know I mean if someone wants to have an in-depth conversation I’m up for it

but at the end of the day yeah absolutely I’ve talked to a lot of

people about it in my immediate circle outside of that you don’t even if

acquaintances I don’t really go into it but you know and along those lines a lot

of people look at the ketogenic diet nutritional ketosis as oh it’s just like

a diet and I agree with you that it’s not it’s an eating style it’s a

lifestyle you know and it’s it’s very doable I mean I eat at home mostly um

you know I kind of freaked out about going to restaurants because I just

don’t know what they’re cooking with and I watch all the oils and all those

things that they talk about or that you know you can find research for and stuff

but I think more so now I’m more into the research behind it all

researching the research like I like to say I like to look at those things and

look at the studies and see what’s really you know you know dividing the

information mm-hmm I think you think I’m the same way I like to really know the

mechanics of it I want to know why it works I want to see if there’s any new

research I’m um I’m like into a big time there’s two things I wanted to mention

to people watching this number one when you start doing this over a period

of time and you start to switch over to fat-burning a hundred percent so you’re

burning your own fat you may even find that your hunger goes away like you can

just keep going and you’re not even hungry because you’re burning this fat

it’s only till you start eating that you start like oh so now I’m really hungry

but the point is that because you’re burning fat one of the things that it

talks about in guidance physiology is that you could end up with fatty liver

if you just look online and try to do ketosis as ketosis because it says keep

your carbs to 20 20 to 50 grams well that would be like one piece of bread it

doesn’t talk about consuming a lot of vegetables with the ketogenic that

that’s what I’m telling you to do because it’ll prevent a fatty liver give

you the potassium you need for the nutrients to get you healthy and also it

keeps the liver clean so you don’t end up in the solid liver and you’ll

minimize any type of bad effect that ketosis can do I mean it just forces

your body into a fat-burning effect which you know if you’re getting all

your nutrients is totally healthy so so I think that one thing is you know

people say well you have to consume all this fat on a ketogenic diet once you

get into it you don’t really you’re going to find you don’t even need to do

as much fat as in the beginning part as you’re having a hard time going from

meal to meal like you might even feel a little nauseous if you do too much

butter or something like that so play around with it you know it’s just kind

of it’s a learning experience and those are the two points I wanted to recommend

that’s not you know cuz if I can just say one thing along that line I did the

I went against for a month or so eating reducing the salads and things that I

had been doing in mass amounts and I had a lot of digestion issues and

constipation and things like that so what you would again I like the test

things just to see how I react to them and since then I would do that anymore I

keep like you’re saying the vegetable and the salad very high I’m the same way

it’s like even sometimes I’ll test it out and if there’s I don’t eat

vegetables on a certain day I just don’t feel quite right I’m like

you know what you need to put it in there so awesome hey Chris it was

amazing before and after it’s a great live demonstration of how you did this

correctly and and tested it as well so you have amazing before-and-after 70

pounds and that’s awesome so well yeah and thank you for all that you do you

you really are helping a lot of people out here and we’re driving people to

your site I know it’s not just me just because it works and if you follow what

you say it will work it might take time but it works it just stick with it

absolutely thanks so much Chris great so staying you know keep me updated on your

future progress and we’ll we may do this in the future sometime but it was nice

meeting you you as well hey thank you so much you’re welcome

all right well bye okay bye bye