Dietary Guidelines & Junk Science – Dr. Berg's Skype Interview with Ivor Cummins | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone I’m really excited to bring

you an amazing interview that Ivor

Cummings okay so if you haven’t heard of

this guy you have to check them out

because he’s like the the science of

keto and low carb and cholesterol he’s

done his research I just want to tell a

quick story I am I was searching around

because I I pretty much read everything

out there related to keto and I was

looking at Kindle books and I noticed

this book it was called eat rich live

long mastering the low carb keto

spectrum and I said I’ve never seen that

before I just noticed a hot over 100

reviews 97% 5/5 star so I’m like what

I’ve never seen that high percentage

like there’s it’s amazing so I had to

get it had to read it I was thoroughly

impressed and so and then I started

watching your videos so I’m really

honored to have you to interview you

because I’m I I really were on the same


so mr. Cummings is a engineer and what I

like about that is that you think in


you look at cause and effect honestly I

believe that medicine really does not

it’s not very scientific

conventional medicine it’s not very

logical it’s mainstream is just like

completely illogical so unfortunately

you know other people from the outside

have to come in to try to figure this

out and dissect it and you looked at

this from an engineer standpoint cause

and effect to make it really simple for

people to understand so I really

appreciate that

hey thanks a lot Eric and I’m delighted

to be a to be in an interview here so

it’s an honor for me also for sure

awesome well we’re just gonna dive right

and I have some questions the first

question I have is them from your

experience from your research what is

the single common denominator with most

health problems chronic health problems

nowadays the use you’re seeing like

what’s the com

if you had to like pick one thing

yeah well Eric it’s hard to big warm

thing because I find that multifactorial

is often used as an excuse like in heart

disease it’s multi factors as 300

factors and that kind of gets people off

the hook would be but not clarifying

what you need to do but in fairness this

health problem is multi-factor too but

if you’re going to pick a few of the top

items or Pareto items we like to call

them so the Pareto principle is the top

20% of causes that lead to 80% of your

problem so I think the triumvirate for

myself and dr. Jeff Gerber my co-author

is processed food and bringing as it

brings in refined carbohydrates sugars

and vegetable oils so industrial seed

oils so if you’re allowed to dodge the

question you’d say those three together

are the Nexxus that’s driving a lot of

modern chronic disease if you had to

pick I’d say sugars refined carbs as

being a head of the vegetable oils but

it’s a very hard call because there’s

great science on both as to how they can

drive dysfunction obesity and liver

problems and insulin resistance over

time but I think the key message is for

people if you eliminate sugars refined

carbs and the industrial seed oils the

vegetable oils if you just did that

alone you’d be way ahead of the puffy oh

yeah so then what so for those viewers

that are under trying to trying to grasp

their wits around this what do those

consuming vegetables and triggers do to

the body like what what do they

influence what’s the thing that it does

to the body right well the vegetable

oils there’s many many hypotheses and to

a greater or lesser extent some of them

are proven out so one thing about the

vegetable oils is their promise to

oxidation in the body so their own

stable polyunsaturated aaalac put it

very well we need some of these

polyunsaturated vegetable oils and the

percentage you need in your diet is very

low because they act as signaling

molecules and cell men

brain fluidity molecules so they’re kind

of technical components that you need

but you should not be using them as fuel

because when you take in excessive

amounts you have excessive

polyunsaturated in the body a proneness

oxidation and damage and oxidative

stress and then inflammatory cascades

which dr. K’s in deep nutrition Ventris

in great detail and all of the evidence

behind us so there’s the whole

instability of these molecules when

taken to excess certainly when you cook

them and eat them even more so and then

there’s also emerging theories that they

drive obesity through enhancing

influence sensitivity of your adipocytes

or your fat cells and enabling them to

enlarge and gather more fat than

otherwise would occur so I think there’s

some great animal model experiments on

vegetable oils that people may not be

aware of in one area they did rat

experiments where they gave high

percentages of vegetable oils like

soybean oil and linoleic acid is another

big component and they found that when

you fed them quite a lot of vegetable

oil in their diet

if you subjected them to alcohol they

got massive liver damage but in the same

experiments when they had very low poly

on a trip and high saturated animal fat

like beef tallow they gave the same

large amount of alcohol but had almost

no liver damage that’s just that’s an

interesting one so one of those papers

was entitled that vegetable oils are

essentially required for liver damage

from alcohol not just that they make it

worse but you almost need to have them

in the diet and they went through all

the mechanisms and then you’ve got

obesity so there’s many recent

experiments quite recent on mouse models

where they fed 8 to 10 percent of these

vegetable oils versus one percent which

is what humans traditionally had and

they saw hugely increased liver fat

obesity and other issues in the mice at

the 8 to 10 percent and they raised the

issue that we’ve been told to eat

vegetable oils

we’re eating eight to ten percent we

tested this in an animal model and we

see it causes obesity and liver fatty

liver the very things that humans are

experienced in the last 40 years as weed

more vegetable oils Wow so one could go

on but there’s so so much evidence and

we have it in the book especially in the

appendix we don’t want to go too heavy

and the main body of the books who even

appendix from vegetable oils going

through this and much much more and

human human trials the Sidney Hart trial

had the data was essentially perfectly

put aside thirty years ago and it was

basically rediscovered by a team in the

UK in the British Medical Association

and they published that the people on

the higher vegetable oil had twenty to

thirty percent more cardiovascular death

and all cause mortality and in the yeah

the Veterans Administration trial they

saw a slight improvement in

cardiovascular events from the man with

the high vegetable oil but no

improvement in all cause mortality and

quietly a year later they published a

paper explaining that the reason there

was no improvement in all cause even

though the heart events reduced a little

whilst there was an increase in cancer

and cancer death which was significant

so there’s all of these human trials to

but as you well know the ones that go

against the dogma that the Polly’s are

gods and the satyrs babs they quietly

disappear and that’s the way the bias

works Wow amazing and then as far as the

and you you talked extensively

extensively about this the topic between

some people people consuming high

cholesterol foods and heart disease can

you touch on that a little bit because

it’s been ingrained in almost

brainwashed into our minds that oh yeah

cholesterol oh my gosh you’re eating all

those eggs it’s gonna cause a heart

attack well yeah at the forty lead off

Eric I’m sure you see the recent report

coming out showing that eggs actually

cause no harm for heart disease even in

diabetics and the whole the whole

literature is a bit of a mess but very

simply at many

kids go and Sookie’s decided he was

researcher that saturated fat drove up

cholesterol in the blood and the

cholesterol in the blood was a causal

driving factor for heart disease now

that’s all kind of a half truth and not

correct but hey it even Ansell thirty

years ago or forty years ago he realized

quite quickly that dietary cholesterol

didn’t change your blood cholesterol so

even that guy simply a wiped dietary

cholesterol intake off office table and

yet you’re right the myth still is here

i think the u.s. is one of the last

countries in the civilized world to

remove cholesterol as a cause for

concern in the diet just a year or two

ago the rest of the world knew this for

decades so the dietary cholesterol is is

meaningless because if you eat less

cholesterol you’re never will make more

cholesterol the crucial components as

you know and if you eat more cholesterol

you will either passage into bile salts

or whatever our annular liver will make

less so it makes no difference so the

remaining question is of course the

dietary fat is that a problem yeah mmm

yeah and that brings up the next

question relating to you have this whole

group of plant-based people and then you

have the meat eaters and there’s you

know several so-called credible doctors

who are saying no it’s the fat it’s the

fat that’s causing the insulin

resistance it’s not the sugar what’s

your thoughts on that

yeah that’s a tricky one because this is

a complex topic and it is relatively

easy for people to twist data so there’s

a hint of truth in that that if you eat

large amounts of fat and they’ve done

this in human experiments especially in

people who have some insulin resistance

or overweight and they hit them at a

large amount of fat

often with a little bit of sugar

alongside you do see a spike in insulin

resistance but there are mechanisms by

which if you take a large bowl of so


and your body has to become infamous

a cellular level right to keep sugar out

as a fuel source and to use the fat for

fuel so there’s an element of truth in

us but the key thing is that chronically

over time it’s the refined carbs and

sugars which really cause the insulin

spikes that with time lead to insulin

resistance and through their action in

the liver and one of the best ways to

show the falsehood in what you’ve just

mentioned about those doctors is

Professor vol ik and professor Finney

have done many human trials and they do

know that if you eat a lot of fat with a

lot of refined carbohydrate the

carbohydrate must be metabolized first

the fat does not get metabolized

properly and it tends to go into storage

or arrays energy levels or fats in the

blood however when they switch people

who are challenged like diabetic people

are obese people and they switch them to

a very low carb with a very high fat

diet then they get dramatic improvement

in their body markers blood markers over

the following week four months and their

blood fat levels actually drop right

down by eating a very high fat diet but

the key is they’re not eating sugars and

refined carbs they’re switching to a fat

metabolism absolute absolutely I mean if

you I think people they’re not gonna

read the studies themselves but you

you’re aware of the the rodent that my

studies they’re they’re high fat diet is

not really standardized it’s it’s oh hi

sugar and high fat well in they calling

an eye fat so right there you’re gonna

you know alter the data there that’s a

massive kind of scam I I so strong word

to use but to be quite honest Eric it’s

an incredible scam I have gone through

endless medicine rat studies and you’re

absolutely right the high-fat diets

they’re called hft they got an Akram hft

we we put in hft and oh look they got

fast oh look they got in so resistant

which are absolutely right there full of

dextrose and vegetable oils or an 8%

soybean oil a mixture of sugar and

vegetable oils along with a load of

large an absolute toxic bomb and but

then they blame it all on the fashion

friendly to all the people well no you

shouldn’t eat eggs it’s insane it’s

insane it’s totally insane and and then

the other thing is that you’ll see this

I don’t know who’s behind it but they’re

pushing this thing where oh well yeah

kudos good for weight loss but we don’t

know the long-term effects it’s probably

dangerous long-term I’m like what what

why do you say that where does that come

from like mm-hmm

they try to you know they’re trying to

different angles of course you know you

have something that’s so powerful but we

have thousands of people with amazing

results but then you have you’re gonna

have the opposing side you’re gonna have

you know mainstream and you’re gonna put

these little doubts in people and so

they’re a little scared well I want to

do it long-term I’m like what are you

gonna go back to the carbs like sugars

it yeah it’s crazy and one way they

Trude out on keto as well was the

epileptic kids over the past decades

they were in ketogenic diets and they

showed some evidence of some issues over

time but I went through those studies

and I challenged people to give me clean

studies and they’re not out there they

have a fused studies and the kids had

lots of Polly’s because of course these

poor guys believe the fat fat is bad so

they put a lot of poly in there as

they’re fast which we’ve already said is

not a good idea they’ve also got

medications concurrent they’re taking

multiple medications so you look at

these kids that maybe don’t do so great

over time but it’s a really bad

your diet under on multiple meds and

they already have medical issues by

definition because they had epilepsy and

other somewhat comorbidities so using

that as evidence is farcical but they do

you’re right they do users along the

long term thing you see the onus of

proof is on them at to say there’s a

long term problem because it’s a

perfectly natural diet proven

evolutionarily and in many many

populations very healthy populations

with no chronic disease traditionally so

the default is it’s fine prove it’s not

but you’re right they bring this thing

up they bring up doubt but they’re pass

that they said high carb low fat has

been proven to fail at the population

yeah we’ve done that experiment yeah it

wasn’t just to fail I did it’s it’s a

catastrophic explosive fail and we got

60 52 percent of the adult American

population last year in the paper are

acknowledged to be pre-diabetic or

diabetic now they’re all essentially

diabetic Wow you know yeah they all have

hyperinsulinemia they have glucose

metabolism issues hypertension which

goes with us all the classic stuff so

the majority of adult Americans are now

essentially essentially diabetic more if

you measured with insulin and we tell

them to eat more carbohydrates even

though by definition their carbohydrate

intolerance because they’re diabetic

it’s it’s the most obvious thing to me I

just like sometimes I’m like is it Maya

a planet an alien plan here can’t people

see it I want to bring up this point dr.

Kraft you were able to interview him

before he passed away this guy he wrote

I mean did the research for I don’t know

how many years can you can you just tell

us a thumbnail sketch about dr. Kraft

and who he was and what he discovered or

observed right Eric yeah so dr. Kraft we

discovered in 2014 I think from

professor’s grand show field in New

Zealand and when I looked him up I

thought wow I gotta talk to this guy

because what he found

with me so powerful from my five years

of research I’m basically was a medical

captain in World War two would you

believe actually stationed in Panama he

came back he was a pathologist and he

became a doctor of nuclear medicine

which the running a few in the states in

the 50s and 60s trained to use radio

nucleotides and radioactive substances

in the body so very special guy and

pathologists are amazing generally I

find because they really root cause and

they do the analysis Nate they go deep

so long story short he found he had

access to the new insulin tests he

researched diabetes massively he

discovered that diabetes type 2 is a

disease of high-end forum and that this

was known from the 60s with the work of

yellow and Bernstein and he realized

that the whole diabetes world was

treating it as a disease of high glucose

but that was only a symptom so what he

did was he eventually went on to test

15,000 patients with a five-hour glucose

insulin assay where he fed them glucose

and he measured the glucose and insulin

over five hours around seven

measurements and he realized after a

thousand patients that there were five

special patterns that people had even

though he had thousand people there are

only five patterns of insulin response

you could have and he realized Truths

research only one of those patterns was

healthy non-diabetic and all the other

ones were a form of diabetes

he called it diabetes in situ and

basically he realized that we are not

diagnosing the vast majority of

diabetics because the glucose measures

they used to diagnose for the time the

low glucose has gone up your way down

your diabetes journey it’s the rising

insulin after eating carbohydrate that

shows you when you’re first diabetic and

he realized essentially that 90% of the

people who had passed a fasting glucose

test could fail his insulin test Wow and

yeah and even 50% of his people who

would pass a glucose tolerance test

could fail his insulin test so he

realized was an enormous amount of

diabetes out there and his test was the

one to use yeah he’s a great we

interviewed a man couple years ago he

died at 95 last year but an amazing man

Christian nine children devout hugely

wanting to get the message out but he

was he was robust no one wanted to hear

the American Diabetes Association no one

wants to hear I mean just the fact that

you know doctors rarely ever check

insulin if ever and to know that you can

have diabetes with normal blood sugars

which is so bizarre it’s high insulin

that’s the chain at the first chain of

event that occurs BAM hi yeah that’s it

and and after time some people down

across their insulin will flag as their

pancreas becomes problematic so they

won’t show up at high insulin because

they’re further down their journey but

the beauty is by looking at insulin

you’ll always catch people at the

earliest stage you are heading into

trouble because yeah and he his other

statement which was a little strong was

those with cardiovascular disease not

identified with diabetes are simply

undiagnosed though is essentially saying

that most cardiovascular disease is

diabetic type dysfunction it’s just for

not diagnosing it and now I think myself

and dr. Garber there are many many other

drivers but I think it’s in fairness to

dr. Kraft the line share of of

cardiovascular disease problems

particularly severe ones are tied to

this physiology and the euro aspire

study last year in Europe or two years

ago they essentially found out that just

measuring glucose seventy-five percent

of heart disease victims from ages 18 to

80 across 25 countries 75% have diabetic

abnormality which is incredible

three-quarters and they didn’t measure

insulin so a huge amount of

cardiovascular disease is diabetes

not all of

that in the US or a world water that was

across 25 European countries and ages

yeah and they picked cardiovascular

disease patients from ages 18 to 80 so

in engineering world we call that a

really good pole you’re pulling all the

ages randomly all the countries and

you’re getting a big picture of you and

they wanted to see how much glucose

metabolism issues like diabetes is in

heart disease victims and they found out

they got a shock

I think together shark I didn’t right

yeah so what’s your what’s your kind of

guess at how many people have higher

levels of insulin one of those patterns

in the US what do you think it’s because

he he found this in the seventies in me

he did and it’s very important he was

taking in many patients who had

suspected diabetes but we’re not failing

the tests in fairness he was taking

walk-in patients so he didn’t have a

random sample so his group proved his

methods they were a great group to prove

his methodology in his test but they

didn’t represent the states so myself

and dr. Gerber if 52% are published as

being pre-diabetic or diabetic and

that’s two years ago and they didn’t

really look too closely an insulin or

anything we reckon and many other

doctors in this low carb field in our

network estimate 60 to 65 percent of

adult Americans have not got normal at

you insulin emia or good healthy insulin

response so you may be up to two-thirds

would not pass our criteria and I guess

we see that when we walk out in the

street race you know it you know it’s

not a shock and the other countries are

all catching up you know Mexico massive

issue Brazil enormous issue particularly

in the population centers China has gone

from 1% in the decade I think to 12%

full-blown and their papers talking

about a catastrophe coming

so this this is blossoming all over the

world Wow

when I tell clients they want to know

they want to get the insulin test even

the doctor doesn’t want to do it or they

don’t even never even heard of it I mean

I don’t understand why this test isn’t

it more available yeah I think it’s

because it’s well craft found he was

swimming upstream and all the guys on

his side the the ear nose and throat

doctors actually got involved because

some of those guys discovered that 98%

of their Meniere’s disease and kinases

are tinnitus patients ninety-eight

percent plus were failing the craft test

so they discovered all there’s many

errors in balance and tinnitus is

massively to do with glucose metabolism

issues but all of those guys were

pushing and having conferences but the

established Orthodox world doesn’t

really want to look at insulin insulin

is problematic if you start looking at

insulin you find your way towards low

carb you find your way towards keto if

you look at insulin too much you begin

to say well hold on a minute what are

their cholesterol their cholesterol is

far they’re all comfortable focusing

even though insulin is vastly more

important so I’d only get the conspiracy

I just think all of the industrial

pharmaceutical food industry and even

research and medical research are all

kind of gently always pushing towards

the bad cholesterol and the high carb

guidelines and this stuff all is

uncomfortable to them and I think we’re

seeing it unfolding now it is they have

a great inability to be wrong and I have

to be right they really have to be right

about this like just because it would

just be devastating if they were wrong

so it’s have to maintain this logical

rightness even though it’s completely

insane yeah and they’ll die right

exactly I reckon I reckon they’ll

they’ll change slowly they can’t change

quickly for the exact reason you said

but we’ll see the guidelines changing

will see more insulin focus but it’ll

have to be slow to protect essentially

all the reputations so

everyone fill out 30 years in the

orthodoxy has been you know going from

warm him she’s and it’s suddenly over a

year or two we say hold on a minute

we’re completely wrong to look at

cholesterol we talk about the moments

the the blood cholesterol and we should

have been looking at insulin

we’re completely wrong about high carb

it’s crazy we should have been looking

at just vegetable carbon fibers real

food carb and higher healthy fats it’s

all that changed within a year or two I

mean everyone has egg in their face

I mean it’s so bad like I would like to

be them either would I in fact you know

I do a lot of educational videos and one

of the where I get a lot of my material

is I basically get it from mainstream

medical sites health care sites because

they basically you just look at their

data and you could you know for a fact

it’s it’s 180 degrees backwards I mean

like you just do the opposite you’ll be

very successful it they always have it

wrong it’s just very ironic so it’s

incredible and it came up the other day

actually that I mentioned to someone

I’ve said this before the only thing

they were really correct on on the big

series of things like cholesterol fat

carb you know salt all of these big

things they talked about the only thing

they were really right about was smoking

right hiccups alright but even then it

took them 30 or 40 years after the data

was in to get it right so they were

slowed down yeah all of the other ones I

mean it couldn’t happen by chance that

you’d be wrong on six seven things in a

role like it’s six coin tosses heads and

I think that’s where it just sue should

everyone to go with the initial

hypothesis and just be an echo chamber

and stick with us and then together all

wrong well even you being an engineer I

wanted to be an engineer but I was

terrible at math and you have to know

math so you’d be engineer you you

wouldn’t survive if you didn’t get it

right I mean you you couldn’t you

couldn’t function you have to be able to

find the truth the causing the foot I

mean like so if they got away with it

for this long it’s just it’s insane yeah

well end

you’re absolutely hit the nail on the

head you to succeed in the engineering

business you must get root cause and you

cannot just do band-aids or mitigating

fixes like you know the drugs that hope

your blood pressure that will never

succumb header will kill you

so everyone is forced to to be violently

going after the route calls find out the

mechanisms find out what’s causing it

and eliminate the calls there’s no point

putting a bandaid on us or sticking a

drug on it it’s it’s not good enough to

survive but in the medical business

ironically it’s kind of the opposite

because the business booms if you don’t

prevent and if you have to do procedures

and you have to do stents and you have

to do bypasses and it’s kind of driven

the opposite way it’s not anyone’s fault

in a way it’s just the way it is the

business booms if you steer clear of

Route cars and unfixed paths show up

after the event mostly as long as I

medication lasts for 24 hours we’re good

we can just take the next pill yeah

what’s your thought about the calcium

score son with the vascular system and

what’s good with where does that come

from you think yeah well that’s a really

important one and one of my big goals

when dr. Gerber as well and we features

in the book and explained there is the

calcium scan as the ultimate test for if

you have significant arterial disease so

just briefly for people a calcium scans

a high-speed x-ray it sees the calcium

in your coronary arteries and the

calcium is brought in by your body to

repair essentially shore up or repair

inflamed arteries that are in danger of

of tearing and causing a clasp on a

heart attack

so it’s a natural evolutionary process a

response to injury where basically the

exact same mechanisms that create bone

are used in the artery to strengthen

areas that’s it

the beauty is the CAC scan the CT scan

of the heart is a five minute scan low

radiation nowadays like a mammogram

really hundred dollars and in a moment

you can see the calcium and when you see

the amount of calcium you know the

amount of disease you

going on four years and your risk with a

zero score compared to a very high score

but a few percent of middle aged people

will have you can have a 30 plus times

higher risk of a cardiac event or death

with a high score so a view of a high

blood pressure you might be two or three

times more likely or if you have a

really high cholesterol or some blood

sugar two times three times more likely

in the next ten years if you have a high

calcium score it can be 30 times more

likely so hopefully people realize that

gives you the answer so we feel very

strongly a middle-aged person you know

the calcium scan will immediately tell

you your risk level and if you really

got to work hard but if you do work hard

and you go low-carb you get some

exposure low stress sleep magnesium and

all the things that you’d be very well

aware of keto fasting all the good

things done together and they’re not

hard and you’ll feel better and you’ll

lose weight and you’ll feel fantastic

all of that together can actually stop

the calcification increasing so even a

high scoring person like my support or

David Bob at an Irish entrepreneur he

had to score 4000 but he is practically

not risen over the last six years with

exactly the things we know about and if

he didn’t do those things he would have

kept rising at 20 or 30 percent a year

until the event happened so the beauty

is even a high score you can take action

and that’s that’s the fantastic thing so

I guess there’s a movie the Widowmaker

if people’s gonna ask about that motion

yeah yeah well my my supporter David

Bobbitt and the Irish heart disease

awareness charity set up they founded a

big-budget movie the Widowmaker and if

you google my name and Widowmaker you’ll

pretty quickly hear a version you can

watch straight away and it tells a

fascinating story after calcium scan and

high for 30 years it didn’t get adopted

a bit like insulin and it’s narrated by

Gillian Anderson and Larry King as in us

and all the professor’s of imaging so so

it’s a great watch Wow

that is I recently saw the magic pill


I want to put I’ll put a link down below

for for that movie and I do want to

mention to everyone

I rarely recommend books you guys need

to get eat rich live long mastering a

low-carb keto spectrum for weight loss

longevity I’ll put a link down below

check this out because it’s just filled

with incredible data all the secrets are

right there and I was impressed what’s

your thoughts on in a minute fasting I

interpret a five-second reaction I love

and I guess it gives to do i IC fasting

as essentially a performance drug and I

know that sounds funny but I’ve said it

before when people resonated when I go

on stage speaking at a big event or

anything big coming up or I need to be

at my best

I almost never eat for 24 hours before

that event I go into it 24 28 hours and

to be quite honest I’d I’d actually feel

not so happy if I didn’t do that because

the edge it gives the mental acuity is

the feeling of energy and vibrancy it’s

huge so that’s just warm advantage and

fasting basically for longest periods

brings down your insulin brings down all

your hormone levels allows your body to

normalize especially for people who have

high insulin or diabetic dysfunction

fasting is very reparative or are very

helpful and over longer periods we’ll

bring in our top adji so it’ll kind of

use up old damage less healthy cells and

recycle them break them up reuse them

for new proteins a beautiful process of

self-healing basically and and fasting

it just you can’t really do it when you

are on a high-carb food pyramid diet

because when you’re a car burner and you

go without food you know you feel bad

but the beauty is when you become fat

adapted and you’ve been a low carb or

keto diet for a while and all the

enzymes have been made to smoothly burn

your body fast fluidly then you can fast


unity and I I just love happy Hallows

berg I love us I love the feeling in the

afternoon when I haven’t eaten since the

night before and I know the meal I get

at 6:00 p.m. it’s gonna be really good

ancestral healthy fats you know some

vegetables low carb and it’s gonna be


it’s gonna be even more delicious

because I’ve been fasting in in Ireland

we used to say hunger as a good sauce

but if you’re a fat adapter the hunger

is very manageable you feel great but a

little bit of hunger though does make

the meal when you when you have a

special and you relish it

so I’m kind of rambling but I just love

fasting it’s I’m all over it might as

well myself a cognitive function

elevation of mood I mean it’s like and

then you start eating and I was like no

I don’t feel as good now I’m like you

know I can go longer so yeah I am I’m

all over it

I’m in termina fasting and keto and

that’s awesome

did you have anything else that you

wanted to talk about in your recent

studies things that you’re you’re

researching or any interesting things

that you’re involved with well yeah I

I’m I’m gonna be in Prague actually next

week at a conference food news and

that’s gonna be fun and Czechoslovakia

and it’s a sign that things are moving

because it’s essentially a low-carb

biased conference they’re not calling a

low-carb too much they’re trying to keep

it as an healthy food and question

processed food then in the public health

collaboration PHC in the UK in London a

few days later and then there’s loads of

events in the US this year going to

quito fest and north carolina

I think that’s July and ancestral health

and low-carb USA and San Diego and

Keyshia Kahne in Texas so I think it’s

great that really the whole low-carb

keto thing is blossoming and the forces

that try to push against that the

invention derly ER they’re beginning to

have an issue I think so it’s great


but I will just mention one other paper

I got the other day 2014 and I was

amazed I didn’t have it already and

actually I’ll send it on to you if you

don’t have it and it was the metabolic

syndrome it’s much bigger than you think

by a team of doctors and profs and what

they did was they knew that the

metabolic syndrome which is huge in the

world was kind of defined by insulin

even though they don’t even measure

insulin and that they measure HDL and

glucose so they said well let’s go and

look at all the metabolic syndrome

papers and pull out the ones where they

measured insulin because like you said

Eric they don’t measure insulin much so

they had six hundreds they got to answer

sixty or seventy where they have insulin

measurements and they were addressing

all different diseases cardiovascular

disease cancer you know if you think you

can rheumatoid arthritis all these

inflammatory diseases and what they

found out insulin stood up as being

higher for the people with the problems

and I think around fifty eight hundred

sixty-one papers in other words

hyperinsulinemia which is metabolic

syndrome which is type 2 diabetes

syndrome is all kind of the warm thing

you measure what high insulin and high

insulin showed up in nearly every paper

as being highly linked to all these

different diseases and they basically

said this is huge and are correct but

like you say Eric very few doctors

realizes this is the big thing in the

next ten years is to put

hyperinsulinemia at the center of

chronic disease and get everyone looking

others and the likes of the calcium scan

for middle-aged people to find out where

they are and then take action yeah there

are two big things I I’m just like when

I go over a metabolic syndrome II

there’s this oh there’s associated high

in sign I’m like no it’s causing it why

can’t you see that it’s just it’s very

ironic and it’s just it’s frustrating

especially since people are going

they’re going to them for advice Wow

oh yeah I want to get that paper for


I’ll pick it onto your straightaway

awesome well I want to really thank you

for your time and your what you’re doing

telling the story of you know giving

people the truth about their health I

also want to recommend everyone needs to

get the book I’m gonna put a link down

below watch Widowmaker got to check that

out I haven’t watched the whole thing I

watched the preview I’m gonna is it a

Netflix - or is it Amazon yeah the full

movie is it might be still on Netflix

but I did the short version is is

accessible they give you a link for that

and of course the full version is on a

couple of different formats I think but

it’s kind of been out a couple years and

it didn’t get really widely circulated

there was a very ironic twist where it

was put in for the Oscars a few years

ago and there was a mistake made it was

put in for Maine fella instead of Maine

documentary and it could have worn

what unfortunately was put in the wrong

category anyway so that’s an aside but

yeah and the book we go into CAC

in detail in the book and cholesterol

and answers other questions about why

people believe cholesterol is important

and why it has some importance but but

not what people think and I think we’re

on iTunes or on Amazon or in Costco

we’re in Barnes & Noble it’s it’s

available all over I think awesome

Wow well thank you so much I appreciate

this thank you so much Eric and and

thanks for you having me on I’m

delighted pleasure absolutely great

and then of course you have the I guess

here the only thing I know about Ireland

is the butter Kerrygold yeah we take

that for granted but the other thing in

Ireland is the nature of Ireland with

its enormous amount of grass fields and

it’s economically viable and default to

just have cattle on the grass so not

because we’re amazing green people we

just happen to have grass Felda fed as a

default and we have to carry gold

grass-fed butter as a default it’s all

just default now I’m sure in the coming

years corporates and unfarmed

corporations will try and turn it into

something even more profitable but for

the moment you leave amazing food and

interest in Eric you love this it’s ten

say it’s ten dollars let’s say for two

pounds of lean premium mince or ground

beef so say say it’s ten dollars for two

pounds right beside that there’s the

high fat generic same cattle same cows

but it’s high fat it’s not healthy not

lean and that’s four dollars for two

pounds so it’s less than half the cost

for the very product that I will have to

get crazy it’s reversed and eggs are

quite cheap because of the feeling that

eggs are not so healthy it keeps the

price down it’s basically you’re getting

all this high fat high quality product

for a really good deal essentially yeah

and if the world turns it’ll get a

little more expensive but in fairness

that’s that’s a small price to pay to

the curb the epidemics but but yeah

that’s interesting

Wow yeah I’ll pay more for the more fat

any day absolutely nutrient density and

healthy fats exactly