What Exactly Do Electrolytes Do? | DrEricBergDC

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alright guys I’m back and today we’re

gonna answer the question what do

electrolytes do now electrolytes are

electrically charged minerals that allow

things to move in the body they allow

the muscles to contract and relax they

allow the nervous system to communicate

and they have many many functions if you

can recall back to chemistry where you

saw that little plus or minus sign on

the right upper corner of an element

like calcium as a plus 2 chloride is a

negative 1

potassium is a plus 1 sodium is a

negative 1 electrolytes are basically

charge minerals that have various

function all right listener with sodium

sodium is considered this bad mineral

but it’s actually not it has a purpose

it helps you maintain fluid volume

outside the cell within your blood most

of the sodium is not inside the cell

it’s outside the cell so the sodium

helps hold fluid in the body and this is

one reason why if you drink way too much

water without sodium you’re going to

dilute sodium and you’re gonna create a

condition called hyponatremia it’s very

very dangerous so sodium has a very very

important role in many different

functions and sodium excites nerves and

muscles so if you’re deficient in sodium

you’re gonna find you’re gonna have

weakness within your muscles you might

have issues with the nervous system as


insulin sensitivity so sodium helps

insulin work better and it can prove

insulin resistance which is probably one

of the biggest root causes to the

majority of health problems ok next one

this is interesting it protects your

heart now you would think that sodium

worsens the heart but if you’re

deficient you’re gonna have problems

with the heart I will say that most

people are not deficient in sodium they

have too much so the ratio of sodium

potassium is out of balance but the

point is that sodium does protect the

heart in the right amount ok hydration

and also it helps keep LDL which is the

so called bad cholesterol which is

really not but keeps LDL in check all

right potassium what does potassium do

it maintains intracellular volume so

most of the potassium is inside the cell

not outside the cell so if you have

enough potassium inside the cell you’ll

have the volume that you need and sodium

potassium work together as the sodium

potassium pump which generates a lot of

electrical energy for the nerve in the

muscle and also to allow things to go in

and out of the cell through the cell

membrane and they need to be in the

right ratios or you can have a big

problem the average person is very heavy

on sodium very low in potassium and that

creates big problems all right next one

is antihypertensive effects so it helps

you lower blood pressure stroke

prevention bone health muscle synthesis

so if you’re trying to get more muscle

mass it’s not just about eating protein

you need potassium also potassium is

involved in making hydrochloric acid so

if you’re having digestive problems you

may need more potassium cell energy we

mentioned that cell pump I mentioned

that kidney stone prevention interesting

all right kidney protection now

sometimes you’ll read that potassium is

bad for the kidney only if you’re like a

stage five you’re in kiddy Dallas’s

where the body can’t get rid of

potassium but our body has all these

mechanisms to get rid of excess

potassium unless the kidney is very very

very damaged but we need potassium to

protect the kidney all right next one

antiarrhythmic so if you don’t have

enough potassium the rhythm of the heart

can go off you might have palpitations

it might be so severe that you have

atrial fibrillation insulin sensitivity

so you can see sodium and potassium

actually help make insulin sensitive so

you need both of those minerals to help

with insulin resistance and arthritis

especially rheumatoid arthritis but if

you have rheumatoid arthritis I would

recommend something like 6,000

milligrams and you should see a lot of

benefit alright magnesium energy

production the mitochondria which is the

energy factory needs magnesium to

produce energy also magnesium is

involved in over 300 enzymes and I’m not

just talking about digestive enzymes I’m

talking about cellular enzymes that

build things in the body like proteins

things like that bone support

cardiovascular function

vaso dilation and of course that’s going

to bring the blood pressure down opening

up the coronary artery which is the main

artery to the heart muscle calcium

balance so you need magnesium with

calcium they work together just as

potassium and sodium work together

it helps absorb vitamin D and vitamin b1

alright the last one is calcium helps

your lower blood pressure lowers

cholesterol decrease risk of cancer

muscle contraction this is muscle

relaxation so is this it’s a bone

support blood clotting cell signaling

the majority population has a

subclinical potassium deficiency and a

magnesium deficiency usually people are

heavy on the sodium and the calcium but

very low on these two minerals and you

may not notice any big things other than

some fatigue it may be some heart

palpitations but over time they can

definitely rush become magnified alright

guys now you know electrolytes do and

check out some additional videos I have

on this board relating to electrolytes