Before You Eat Another Hamburger WATCH THIS! | DrEricBergDC

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did you realize that 93 of a burger has


from corn 93 of that burger has come

from corn if you’re doing burgers from a

fast food restaurant of course i’m not

talking about grass-fed burgers i’m

talking about corn-fed beef

there was a interesting study which i’ll

put down below that evaluated 480

fast food burger joints

in new york

and they looked at something called

carbon 13

and corn has the most of this versus

other things you would feed a cow and

they found that 93 percent of the

tissues in the hamburger was created

from corn and they also found chicken

had a similar profile if you didn’t see

the movie king corn

you should check that out i’ll put a

link down below

fascinating on the relationship between

corn and our own body cells they talk

about a fascinating link between

the food that we eat

and corn actually getting into our dna

as well and so the very building blocks

of animals and humans are becoming

corn based

not to mention soy based

and wheat based

the great majority of our food that we

eat comes from corn soy

and wheat

now even the so-called healthy

plant proteins that they’re going to be

putting in the meat come from soy

wheat gluten

and potato starch and they’re also

thinking about putting corn in there as

well it’s called corn zine which is a

byproduct of ethanol and of course it’s

so badly processed they make it sound so

healthy when they talk about plant


but first of all using gmo plants that

are highly processed so you get all

these residuals of

solvents and other chemicals that you

really don’t need in your body i

remember in college

basically living probably for three



fast food because i was running out of

money and i would get like two burgers

for a buck

one dollar for two burgers i mean that’s

an incredible

uh deal right but of course what are you

really getting i could only imagine what

those cows ate and of course back then

uh i ate the bun i everything with it

but coming to the present i consume a

lot of hamburger of course without the

bun i might use lettuce wraps i might

use cabbage wraps or just the burger

itself but it’s always going to be

grass-fed so there’s really nothing

wrong with the burger itself but there’s

a lot wrong with what the cow is fed and

how the cow is processed or treated

while it was alive but there’s some

interesting things about fast food

burgers that i want to talk about and

number one which i’m going to put the

studies down below on all these points

they found that 12

of the actual burger itself

came from muscle meat

the rest came from

sugar sorbitol

meat glue

which is a certain enzyme and hydrolyzed

corn protein here we go with the corn

again and of course with the muscle meat

there’s also

tendons ligaments cartilage blood

vessels nerves and even bone which i

don’t mind all that stuff but i do mine

all the other stuff they add to it now

when a cow is fed actual grains the

omega-6 versus the omega-3 ratios go way

out of balance so you’re going to get a

lot of omega-6 which are highly

inflammatory now the cows that i’m

raising right now are living on grass

but in the winter we feed them some hay

which is fermented as well as something

very new that i’m experimenting on which

is sprouted barley seed in fact they go

after it like piranhas so sprouted

barley is called fodder and you can feed

that the animals and it’s super healthy

and you can grow it very inexpensively

and within like seven days that would be

a substitute to feeding the cattle

grains now in a typical burger and

restaurant there’s very very very high

sodium there’s over a thousand

milligrams of sodium which i’m not

against sodium but i like it to be in

the form of sea salt not just sodium and

also many people are deficient in

potassium so the more sodium you have

when you don’t have potassium it’s

really hard on the kidneys so the more

sodium you have make sure you balance it

out with potassium but really make sure

it’s in a form of sea salt and then you

have of course the other thing which is

glyphosate which is in the gmo

corn soy which feeds the animals

glyphosate is an herbicide that destroys

the soils and it can severely affect our

bodies as well it can actually sterilize

the soil now since we’re on the topic of

soil i want to talk about antibiotics

over 80 percent of the antibiotics sold

are used for animals that’s probably

because they’re feeding grains and that

grains create a lot of problems with

their digestive system and their immune

system there was a study in 2018 which


burger joints and they found 23 out of

25 of those

restaurants contained meat that had

traces of antibiotics now the big

problem with antibiotics for animals is

the increased antibiotic resistance so

in other words the more that you take it

the more chronically you’re exposed to

it the more that animal or human becomes

resistant to that antibiotic and they no

longer work and so now we get these

breeds of superbugs that we can’t kill

and there is some pretty hardcore data

which i’ll put down below that shows

that the antibiotic resistance from the

animals can be transferred over to

humans they call this a non-therapeutic

antibiotic i mean when you think about

it most antibiotics come from

microbes in the soil

from either bacteria


fungi and so these microbes are really

really smart because they

created this antibiotic to kill

the more deadly pathogens in the soil

and so this is their way of surviving

and keeping everything in check and of

course when we come in and destroy the

soil we pretty much sterilize the

environment and we wipe out the

antibiotics and now the pathogenic

microbes and funguses can then thrive so

really the

strength of the immune system in a plant

and also our bodies is dependent on the

immune system of the soil and the

microbes that live in this environment

and so this idea of steaming the soil

they actually do that they actually can

sterilize the soil by putting this hot

water on it it kills up the microbes and

it literally takes like four years to

grow it back

those microbes are essential for

mobilizing the minerals and rocks to

make them available for the plant and so

when you try to grow food in soil that

doesn’t have these microbes

you have to add fertilizers you have to

add a lot of minerals to try to make it

fertile again and of course they don’t

add all 94 minerals they pretty much add


npk nitrogen phosphorus and potassium so

this is the food that is created in the

soils that feed the animals this is the

food that we’re getting we’re getting a

lot of missing things from the food

because of the soil being so infertile

now back to this burger they also put

another chemical in the burger to kill

off pathogens it’s called sodium


just as the icing on the cake and then

of course we have the condiments we have

the mayonnaise the ketchup okay filled

with soy filled with corn as in high

fructose corn syrup and then of course

those fries are deep fried in corn oil

and your soda that you have with the

burger is basically corn as in high

fructose corn syrup not to mention the


being refined wheat


because they use high fructose corn

syrup and that and they put some soy in

there and sugar from beet sugar which is

gmo and then sprinkle some synthetic

vitamins and then we just mix in a dough

conditioner to make it really the great

texture that we love other than that

they’re totally healthy so it’s a really

good idea to make your own burgers make

sure you get the grass-fed grass

finished if you’re going to use a bun

make sure it’s keto friendly but i

wanted to show you this next video that

i did on one of the healthiest foods

that you can eat which is a high quality

burger i put it right here check this

