How to Get Rid of Sinus Congestion? – Acupressure for Sinus – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey it’s me again in this video we’re

going to show you an amazing technique

to help sinuses reduce honest stress so

just real quick my disclaimers we’re not

training science infection or any type

of sinus disease this is just a great

technique to open up the sinuses so you

can breathe better and it has to do with

acupressure so here’s how it works

in this is my great drawing of the side

of the head with someone looking this

way and we have seven bones in the neck

and you have different parts of the

nervous system that correlate with

different organs and glands it just so

happens the second vertebra in the neck

c2 cervical - connects to the sinus

passages up here so there’s a direct

connection neurologically to the sinuses

okay so what you’re going to be doing is

you’re going to be using acupressure not

needles to press this way from back to

forward at the second vertebra okay so

I’m going to demonstrate this with my

camera person right now check it out so

in the back of the neck you can see that

we have the back of the skull right here

and then we come down to the first

vertebra and the second one third one

fourth fifth sixth seventh okay so what

we want to do is take your there’s two

ways to do it you can have someone do it

on you and I’m going to show you how to

do that you take your middle finger

right here and your thumb and we place

it right underneath the skull and we

drop down one inch okay and you should

be on the second vertebra and then we

just press in like this so we’re

pressing directly in at the second

vertebra and you’re going to feel a kind

of a knot if they have sinus problems

this is going to be hard as a rock and

so we take our other hand and we we stay

in it hold the head the forehead try not

to mess up their hair that’s the most

important part and we just press like

this like a scissors at this second bone

and we just hold pressure lightly for

two minutes they’re going to start

breathing better it’s going to open up

the sinuses right here now if you don’t

have someone to do this on

you you can use a massage tool like this

depending on the sides of the neck you

can take this and press it right in now

in him I’m going to take the medium

width and press right in here but you

could actually see this is a tripod this

can go back on a couch or a tall back

chair or laying on his back so we press

this right down here and we just hold

this pressure so we don’t use to have to

have someone do it on us we press right

through in here and then he lays there

and he just lets the gravity put

pressure on these points and that will

open up the sinuses again this is great

for sleep apnea just sign of stuff so

it’s a second it’s not right up

underneath the skull it’s down a little

bit like an inch down and we press

directly inward like that okay so that’s

the procedure of how you’d use

acupressure again you can use it on your

fingers right here come straight in or

you can use that device so there’s two

more quick things you can do for the

sinus stress number one we can drop the

pH now what does it mean drop the pH it

means that in in your body you have

different levels of acidic things or

alkaline things and the higher goes the

more alkaline higher goes above seventh

so in the blood your body balances the

pH between seven point three six and

seven point four four that’s a very

narrow range so the blood is slightly

alkaline alright and in other parts of

the body that’s our that are more acid

but so we want it within this range but

what happens when the pH goes a little

too too much above this when it goes

above seven point four four and becomes

too alkaline you start to getting more

allergies more arthritis more histamines

those are the things that create Jing

and things like that so one great

technique you can do is just to drop the

pH a little bit by giving someone

something more acidic like apple cider

vinegar so if you have allergies

something to reduce it all you have to

do is add a little apple cider vinegar

to your

like a teaspoon or actually and some

lemon juice so a teaspoon of lemon juice

a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to

your water and start drinking that that

drops a pH a little bit and brings it

within this range and so we’re just

talking about relative values we’re not

talking about making your blood very

very ass or anything like that we just

want to drop it down so it’s within the

range so it’s not excessively alkaline

all right so we want to drink that that

will help reduce allergies when you go

up too high and you start taking things

that are too alkaline

it can aggravate the allergies all right

so we want to upset a vinegar lemon and

water to help drop the pH a little bit

and help your sinuses alright number two

a vitamin a now what does vitamin A do

it supports the mucous membranes it

supports the inner skin of the sinuses

the respiratory the entire track all the

way down all the skin internally and

externally as well so vitamin A will

help support the tissues of the sinuses

to help reduce the inflammation in the

sinuses and guess what has the most

vitamin A in addition to carrots it

would be kale all right so again that

kale shake keeps coming back to kale you

take that every morning and helps your

breathing it helps your sleeping and

it’s great for sleep apnea because sleep

apnea is really a congested sinus and

you want to reduce the mucous membrane

swelling and kale is one way to do it so

go ahead and apply these three things

acupressure dropping your pH and vitamin