Is a Niacin Flush Harmful or Dangerous? | DrEricBergDC

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I had a recent question from someone that wanted  it now is the niacin flush harmful or dangerous  

well the answer is no it is not harmful  or dangerous what’s happening you’re  

getting this massive relaxation of the  muscles inside your blood vessels it’s  

called vasodilation and that’s occurring because  niacin increases something called prostaglandins  

now what is a prostate glandin it’s a lipid  or fat compound that has a hormone effect  

and prostaglandins increase vasodilation they  help reduce blood pressure it helps blood clotting  

it’s also involved in headaches and fever this  is why when you take an aspirin which blocks  

prostaglandins and it can reduce a fever so that’s  really what’s happening when you’re getting this  

flushing red response some people don’t like  it they think it’s going to damage something  

some people like it i actually like it myself  i like that flushing response but it’s not  

dangerous at all the thing you need to know about  niacin is that it therapeutically has been used  

over 50 years and it is the most effective natural  agent for increasing your hdl the good cholesterol  

by 20 to 40 percent it also can decrease the ldl  specifically the small dense type the damaging  

ldl and it can has the potential to decrease  your triglycerides now of course if you did the  

ketogenic diet and your intermittent fasting that  would help your cholesterol greatly but if you’re  

concerned about cholesterol you should be on  niacin for sure but you would have to take higher  

amounts of it one to two thousand milligrams  a day now if you take the type of niacin that  

is non-flushing it doesn’t have those cholesterol  lowering benefits now the other thing that niacin  

has been proven beneficial for is by reducing  schizophrenia there’s some great data on this i’m  

going to put some links down below but niacin has  many other benefits but these are two big benefits  

if you haven’t seen my other videos on niacin i’m  going to put them up right here check them out