The #1 Worst Food for Your Heart (HINT: It's Not Sugar) | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the worst food for the

heart okay

now this is even worse than sugar but

Sugar’s still bad for the heart believe

me now some of you are probably thinking

it’s definitely the omega-6 fatty acids

right like the soil oil the corn oil

those oils and you’re absolutely right

that would be even you know comparable

to sugar if not worse but there’s

something else that’s even a worse

version of these omega-6 fatty acids and

that would be

the trans fats now you’re probably

saying yourself well I thought they’d

banned them didn’t they you don’t see

trans fats anymore in the food supply

but the FDA in 2015 no longer classifies

them as generally recognized as safe

okay because they

cost some slight minor complications and

it’s taken years and years and years and

years to recognize the fact that these

trans fats are really really bad for the

arteries it majorly increases the risk

for heart attack

stroke type 2 diabetes insulin

resistance cancer it increases LDL and

decreases your HDL it creates

inflammatory problems it’s been linked

to autoimmune diseases infertility and

even tendon and Bone degeneration but

other than that it’s pretty safe now

typically when we think of trans fats we

think of the partially hydrogenated oils


so let me just kind of explain simply of

how they make these so you start off

with an unsaturated fat most of the time

like soy oil or corn oil and then you

heat this thing under high Heats over a

period of time so it goes through this

phase it becomes thicker right so you

have this partially hydrogenated version

okay it’s altering the chemistry this is

an artificial new thing and the

personally hydrogenated oils have the

trans fats and then if you leave it in

longer it becomes fully hydrogenated and

apparently at that stage you don’t see

the trans fats now that does not mean

it’s healthier it creates a lot of other

problems I’m like how could you go

through this process and have it being

really bad and all of a sudden if you

leave it longer it’ll become healthier

so when you read any label and you see

partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated

you know you need to avoid it but you’re

making this kind of liquid into a salad

and they use this in pie crust and

popcorn and cookies and crackers and

croutons I mean it’s all over and so

industry is adapted to this and they’re

definitely lowering the amount of trans

fats which is good but

it comes with the package which we’ll

talk about but you should know that

every increase of trans fats by two

percent in your diet you dramatically

increase the risk of getting a heart

attack or actually dying a heart attack

by like 20 to 35 percent so it’s really

really bad for your heart because it

kind of it becomes part of your cells

it’s no longer fluid your arteries

become rigid and hardened I mean you’re

introducing this very unnatural

substance into the body and at one time

they said these hydrogenated Foods were

to replace the saturated fats that were

really really bad like they were

healthier than saturated fats the only

reason they did this is to increase

shelf life now you can take this

unsaturated oil and you don’t have to

keep it in the refrigerator anymore

right it’s completely changed and it

just lasts for a long period of time now

the interesting thing about this FDA

claim is it doesn’t include animal feeds

right like animal food even pet food or

you know the chicken feed the poultry

feed or feed for other animals so you

could be getting these trans fats

indirectly by eating animals who have

been fed these trans fats they don’t

even know they’re getting it it’s not

even labeled as hydrogenated oils and

this is the problem you don’t really

always know what you’re getting and so

when you see something that says

encapsulated citric acid okay and you’d

probably see this you know in 99 of all

the beef sticks some of the sausages out

there and what that is is a combination

of citric acid and hydrogenated

vegetable oils which include trans fats

and I will say this I like to consume

some of these beef sticks and one that I

found that’s pretty good that does not

contain these trans fats this

encapsulated citric acid

is the Rome sticks and just to remind

people I’m not affiliated with this

company I get no Kickbacks or anything I

just recommend good products when I find

them and I will put a link down below

the other thing is that if you go to any

fast food restaurant or you know even a

regular restaurant chances are you’re

going to be getting some of these trans

fats and they can accumulate in your

body but there’s something else I want

to talk about it’s a loophole that

industry uses because of the creation of

a definition of zero trans fats you’re

allowed to have 0.5 a half of a gram

500 milligrams of trans fats in one

serving size to be able to claim that it

has zero trans fats

So when you buy these products to say

zero trans fats it doesn’t really mean

zero trans fats and this is just so

logical and let’s look at this for a

second right you have Ruffles potato

chips right very delicious one serving

size is basically two tablespoons of

these potato chips so Ruffles potato

chips claims to have zero trans fats

right and if you’re like me

there’s no way you can just consume two

tablespoons which is one serving of

Ruffles potato chips more likely you’re

going to consume the whole bag and

that’s what I would do so if you’re

eating the whole bag you’re going to be

consuming a lot of trans fats despite

it’s saying zero trans fats on the label

now Western price foundation uh worked

with I think it was the University of

Illinois to do some testing on some

foods in the grocery store to measure

how much trans fats are really in these

foods and so with Ruffles potato chips

they found preserving size there were

3.7 milligrams of trans fats per gram of

all the different fats but that’s just

for one serving size right if we

multiply that by the number of serving

size that really adds up Ritz crackers

on the label trans fats are zero the

serving size is 16 grams and Western

price found when they did a testing

51.9 milligrams now with the Hostess

Donuts which I’m sure you’ve eaten

before which have zero trans fats a

serving size of 57 at 20.9 milligrams

per serving size I mean I don’t know

about you but can you just eat that one

little donut I can’t I have to eat

multiple donuts and then we have like

Crisco shortening this is interesting

because Crisco shortening has been known

for these trans fats right so they had

to go back to their chemistry and really

kind of redo the numbers and figure this

out and reduce the serving size and also

reduce their chemistry to reduce the

amount of trans fats but of course what

are they replacing that with more

saturated fats and so the way that

industry has been coping with this is

probably by reducing their serving size

to really make sure that they fit the

definition of zero trans fats which is

0.5 grams but they also have to replace

these trans fats with something else and

they’ve been replacing them with

saturated fats now some of that maybe

came from palm oil

but that’s also replaced with artificial

saturated fats right and that would be

the hydrogenated the fully hydrogenated

oils that are not the partially

hydrogenated they don’t have trans fats

in there but hydrogenated oils are like

plastic they’re just very very hardened

and your body does not do well on them

either just with one serving size of

Crisco they found the trans fats were

not zero they’re like 11.9 milligrams

per serving size then you get the

margarine called favorite margin they

don’t claim to have zero but it’s 1.5

grams but check this out when they

evaluated the true amounts of trans fats

they found

116.8 milligrams per serving size now

you have to realize that just because

they reduce the amount of trans fats

okay in these foods and even they

replace it with saturated fats and

probably mostly artificial they’re still

made from these omega-6 fatty acids

which are normally

um GMO right we have the soy the canola

the corn oil the cottonseed oil and

these are all heated and oxidized in

they use solvents with them and they’ve

been known to create a lot of problems

and inflammation in your body and so you

just need to read labels be aware of

what you’re eating when you go to

restaurants you know really make sure

you order things that have no potential

for having these trans fats like even

the croutons right that you eat who

knows but these things can accumulate

they can affect your heart they can

affect your liver and you know I really

feel for the institutional food as well

because there’s no requirements for

trans fats for those foods that that

would be the foods in the school system

in hospitals and nursing homes daycare

centers I mean you can just imagine like

going to the hospital right the place

that you’re you’re trying to get healthy

and uh you exposure to all the the

different uh microbes and sick people

and then the food on top of that with

the trans fats and the omega-6 fatty

acids which are highly inflammatory even

though it might not be trans fats so I

hope you’re a little bit more aware of

these Foods so you can avoid them and

replace them with healthier fats and I’m

talking about healthy saturated fats and

by the way saturated fats are healthy if

they come from animals that are

grass-fed the grain-fed animals are

going to be more inflammatory but the

fat that normally comes with the protein

in nature is natural and they’ve never

should have been replaced by the

saturated fats and especially promoted

as that being something healthier and

since most heart problems start with

inflammation on the inside of your

arteries you should probably know more

about tocatrinals which is a protective

vitamin E against that problem and I put

that video up right here check it out