Dr. Berg Talks about Body Types on News 9 | DrEricBergDC

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from the first lady news station in high

definition this is 9news

it is a problem I think we’ve all

experienced we diet we work out but

still the pounds just can’t keep them

off we talk about this all the time well

either way they don’t go away they creep

back on and tonight we’re gonna take a

look at a new diet program that says to

lose weight you need to know your body

type and how to target your weight loss

take a look Caroline how is school today

for Lori the evidence is on the cutting

board okay I’m gonna go ahead and put

the fish song ad on the grill I’m gonna

it needs a little bit of protein this is

because Lori’s weight problems are

adrenal and that’s one where you sort of

gain around the middle you sort of have

a little pooch she used to wear a size

14 she’s now down to a size 8 and

working her way towards a size six and

she’s kept that weight off for ten

months and this is the man that Lori

credits for her weight loss dr. Eric

Berg a chiropractor specializing in

nutritional weight loss so there’s four

body types adrenal thyroid over there

dr. Berg believes that each body type

predisposes someone to certain health

problems that pressure and causes people

to gain weight in different ways in the

thyroid by the time its weight all over

his program begins with getting you

healthy in other words when you’re by

Xander stress and can’t burn fat he uses

advanced acupressure for what ails you

raises huh okay little stronger isn’t it

in marna Walters case she suffers from

some shoulder pain and leg weakness

because I used to carry things in one

arm and leave one arm open to hold my

body up the stairs and now I can just

run up the stairs

that was forty five pounds ago once Mona

conquered her physical ailments dr. Berg

began a very specialized diet for her

body type she too is adrenal I don’t eat

breads I get carbohydrates from

vegetables and fruit but Myrna and Lori

can have cheese butter nuts and eggs and

this isn’t a magic fix this is something

that you incorporate into your life and

its long-term all right well you should

keep in mind that you should not start a

diet plan until you’ve had a chance to

talk it over with your doctor first now

our story focused on the adrenal body

type but there are three other body

types that gain weight the ovary body

type where your fat gathers just below

the belly button and you tend to get

those saddlebags then there is the

thyroid type where you gain weight kind

of all over your body and the liver type

which gives you that beer belly look dr.

Eric Berg is here in our studios today

and we welcome you I know you’re here to

take some web questions right our live

web chat today and how to target your

weight loss he’ll be here until 7:30

tonight so you have a chance to talk to

him you can take part just log on to our

website wusa9 dot-com or you can send us

an email at talk back at wusa9 dot-com

we will talk to dr. Berg in our six

o’clock hour so you have a chance right

now just about what 40 minutes or so

send in those questions you’re going to

talk back live we would love to hear

from you

tarah Eric Berg is here with us now in

the studio taking your questions on our

live web chat and we are glad that

you’re here now we had one person who

wrote in we’ve had several people to

write in but one person wrote in and

said I noticed that over the past year

that I have not gained weight but I have

belly fat my pants fit tighter around

the waist but my actual weight has not

increased do you think that the target

diet would help me I’m getting very

frustrated and that’s Debbie in Upper

Marlboro what would you say to Debbie

well one of the challenges with the

weight in the stomach is a lot of times

people think that’s from the food

they’re eating but it’s actually coming

from the hormone a stress hormone that

can actually make the fat accumulate

around the belly and not necessarily in

the legs or the arms so it’s it kind of

tells you where the problem is and we

see their adrenal or a liver body type

and you’ve broken it down into all these

different body types that tell you sort

of how you should go about targeting

your weight loss we have another

question here from dr. Frank he wants to

know can this diet be followed long term

or is this one of these quick fix diets

you do it for a while then really you

can’t sustain it well the whole

principle is actually not even a diet

it’s a educational book to teach you how

to burn fat because even the derivation

of the word diet comes from way of life

so it’s kind of a lifestyle change so

you can do it long term because diets

just come and go and they people don’t

need another diet they need to

understand how to burn fat

lifestyle change right

all right Carol would like to know if

you can be more than one type and if so

she wants to know which one should you

follow and I’m kind of like that too I

looked at the was it four or five

different and I said well I’m this one

but I’m also maybe this one too so what

do you do in that case so some people

are a mixed body type but they always

have a primary and they have a secondary

so when you do the program you’re going

to start out in a certain step one and

then it’s gonna tell you what to do

based on your response to that just

start like step one so if you actually

have high energy with step one you’re

going to go to plan a if it’s low you’re

go to plan B so we have it all figured

out it’s very very simple and actually

you wrote a book about it right the

principles of burning fat yeah yeah this

is the educational book it’s based on

about two years of it research on the

body types okay some of them involved

not just carbohydrates because they’re

you know there’s so many the zone and

Atkins and everything else but yours it

sort of breaks it down into more than

just not eating carbohydrates right well

the biggest biggest missing links is the

educational step on the actual hormone

connection to burning fat as compared to

just using calories and fat grams this

is more of how to trigger your own

body’s hormones to dissolve certain bad

around certain parts of your body okay

we want the viewers questions to keep on

coming in all right now we talked to

several doctors and nutritionists about

this and we want your questions to come

on in our web chat will continue

throughout the evening we’re going to

come back on at seven o’clock tonight

and talk more with dr. Berg and we’re

going to read off more of your questions

tonight so again go to our website it’s

an interactive quiz it’ll tell you about

your body type log on to WI say 9.com

click on the live chat on our home page

and you can also email your questions at

talkback on our website wusa9 dot-com

also at seven o’clock we’re going to

show you several health calculators on

our website we can find out your body

mass index we’ve talked about that a lot

too and the calories you can burn during

exercise depending on your height your

weight and much more so we’ve got lots

to talk about all right stay with us

it’s all about getting in shape and

getting healthy at the same time so


you know Derek you and I are always

talking about how do you get off the

weight and keep it off it’s tough for us

it’s tough for everybody but I’m here

with dr. Eric Bergen I mean he’s there

talking to our viewers as the questions

come in to our website we’re getting a

great response you keep going here but

the idea he’s come up with a way that

you sort of target your body your shape

and then you figure out what you can eat

you get your body healthy and then he

says the weight can come off and stay

off for a lifetime so let’s listen to

what Cheryl wrote in and said now if you

would just listen to this for a second

Cheryl writes in and says I’ve been in

premenopause in the cycle for the past

four years I’m losing inches because I

exercise I watch my diet problem is I’ve

been stuck at the same weight for the

past four years you know you sort of

plateau I’ve been there too what do you

suggest for her well when you’re going

into menopause the ovaries are going

actually shutting off and the adrenal

glands right above the kidney are taking

over so they’re going to be more

stressed so if there’s any stress going

into menopause that’s the area that she

is a target and support nutritionally

and also with exercise okay now I know

we have a lot of people here on the the

live web chat with you at this amazing

the response is terrific Denise wants to

know she says what program do you

recommend for a new mother because you

know moms they put on the weight as

they’re carrying the baby what would you

say to her well this program is

extremely healthy so it’s not based on

calorie cutting so it’s it’ll support a

baby very very well she would probably

just have to modify it to make sure that

includes them a wide range of foods and

but mainly the program will do that so I

wouldn’t see a problem with that all

right here’s a guy Matt he says the

harder I workout the more I gain weight

I start to cut calories but my stomach

gets bigger and bigger and I know from

working out you put on muscle mass

you’re gonna gain weight but what would

you say to him about his midsection well

if someone actually is exercising and

putting more stress in the body if they

have an adrenal body type more stress

means more stress to the adrenals which

make actually more fat around the belly

so some people that exercise too much

will actually gain more weight so if

your adrenal body type you should be

doing light exercise something below

like 120 pulse rate so it’s not cut out

the exercise total if you can you know

you want to adapt it towards your body

type all right interesting all right

Jennifer says I’m 39 overweight by a

hundred pounds I have sugar cravings

constantly I don’t necessarily want to

change the type of food I eat that

stuff what can I do well any type of

cravings will indicate certain

weaknesses within the body types but

cravings in general mean that there’s

some out of balance situation once she

gets her body back in balance with the

program those cravings will go away it’s

not an issue all right now I called you

dr. Berg now you are a chiropractor a

nutritionist we always tell people don’t

start a diet unless you talk to the

medical community I assume that you

support that idea oh yeah yeah

absolutely okay all right I want to tell

you too that you have an interactive

quiz right and it sort of allows our

viewers to go online wusa9 calm and

determine their own body shape can you

walk us through how that works

sure what you do is you actually go into

targeting your weight loss okay and

that’s right there on her own page and

then you go right down here free body

type quiz and you answer these questions

and these questions will tend to pull

out your main weakness and classify your

body type as you click down here and

then you can press way down here enter

somewhere down here and then it will

tell you will bring up your body type

and then you it’ll tell you what foods

to eat and and what type of category you

sort all under we won’t actually tell

you that that’ll tell your body type and

then you’d have to go either to a

seminar that I give or out of my book to

get the exact program okay all right

well dr. Berg we appreciate you being

here obviously a lot of people want to

talk about this so thanks so much and

you can go online and take this body

type quiz by logging on to our website

I’ve got lots of people know it by now

wusa9 dot-com and click on news and go

under health that’s where you’ll find

all the information we also have a

number of health calculators on our

website as well you can get personalized

information about your body mass index

how you can take in calories how many

how you can burn them during exercise

and how many carbs you can eat in a day

again health calculators on our website

right now and that body type quiz that

dr. Berg just showed us on our website

wusa9 calmed Eric back over to you