Insomnia, Depression & Anxiety Explained By Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Berg here in this video we’re going  to talk about insomnia depression and anxiety  

okay there’s a lot of confusion out there when  you look up depression you know psychiatrists  

labeled depression causes insomnia okay and it  leads to anxiety and anxiety leads to depression  

I mean it’s just like one big ball of confusion  and of course we have a drug for you but let’s  

just take a look at what the difference is  between depression and anxiety depression is  

the blues it’s apathy you lose hope you don’t care  anymore you’re feeling down okay anxiety is worry  

fear panic always nervous always thinking always  solving problems okay so that’s the difference  

between those two now I believe that insomnia  if you were to correct that you would see huge  

changes so let’s talk about what would cause  insomnia normally light it’s supposed to wake  

you up in the morning right and then when it gets  dark it’s supposed to help you go to sleep and  

this is all controlled by the circadian rhythms  are called and there’s hormones involved you have  

a clock a mini clock in your brain called the  super chiming nuclei and it’s triggered by light  

and dark okay so vitamin D for example when you’re  out in the sunlight you get more vitamin D vitamin  

D is really good as an anti depression type thing  and that’s probably why the mint a winter’s month  

people get depressed because they don’t have  enough vitamin D so that’s one thing but how many  

people sit inside all day watching their computers  like sitting all day long watching YouTube videos  

I don’t know if you know anyone maybe you of  course myself do I watch a lot of YouTube but  

vitamin D will actually light triggers vitamin  D absorption through the skin but you got to be  

outside and be exposed to it now when it gets dark  out which is interesting because you may be being  

you’re inside the room and it’s all it’s light  until you finally turn the light off so there’s no  

chance for the darkness to start stimulating the  hormone called melatonin so melatonin is if you  

take it as a supplement it’ll start to create some  tiredness because it turns into serotonin which is  

the sleep hormone which is also a mood hormone  too so we have these this is hormonal shift okay  

and then even in the morning there’s another  hormone that kicks in that wakes you up it’s  

called noradrenaline it’s similar to adrenaline  okay so we also have other things that can help  

you sleep as well and that would be making sure  that you have enough be one if you deficient in  

vitamin b1 you’re going to be very restless you’re  going to have a lot of nervous tension you’re not  

going to be able to wind down easily at night  you’re going to be excessively thinking all the  

time so that’s that nervous energy that just that  low tolerance to stress it’s just it’s bate it’s  

basically related to the adrenals when you’re  Drina gland is overactive you deplete b1 and  

so it’s kind of like you have this slider fight  nervous stress state that you are stuck in okay  

so we need b1 the other thing that will deplete  b1 is alcohol and sugar refined carbohydrates and  

also having gastric bypass here you are trying  to lose weight and you get a gastric bypass  

and now you can absorb b1 that well so and then  that creates sleeping problems and more weight  

gain you name it the minerals that help sleep are  magnesium and potassium and calcium so those are  

three minerals that are relaxing they’re calming  on the nervous system where you get these three  

minerals from vegetables okay that’s the main  source so you want to consume enough vegetables  

the other thing that can affect your sleep  especially urinating all night long would be  

having insulin resistance it’s like a pre-diabetic  or even being a diabetic so what we want to do is  

you want to correct it I put some links down below  if you have a blood sugar issue I don’t want to go  

into that right now but if you have that problem  that could actually seriously affect your sleep  

hypoglycemia that’s a low blood sugar very similar  to insulin resistance but what happens is that you  

might find in the middle of night you just wake  up for no reason that’s because the blood sugars  

and it stimulates adrenaline that kicks in the  blood sugars again it starts to kind of come  

back up so try to sleep if you have adrenaline  running through your bloodstream it’s not going  

to work and then lastly digestion digestion can  seriously affect your quality of sleep especially  

at night let’s say you have dinner and you sit in  front of the TV and you start grazing and start  

snacking all the time you go to bed you’re stuffed  you think that might affect your sleep it does so  

we really want to make sure that you after dinner  you don’t eat anything okay until you go to bed  

that’s going to actually greatly help the quality  of sleep the other thing is getting outside to get  

some space you’re inside all day long you need to  get us I go for a walk walking is the best thing  

to chill out the adrenal gland which is involved  in stress and many sleep issues okay so that’s  

pretty much that will help you with insomnia  now if you have specific symptom depression  

the key vibe the two vitamins that are involved in  depressed states are vitamin b3 and b12 so what I  

do I like to recommend nutritional yeast take it  in a tablespoon a couple times a day because you  

need probably more but that’s those two are really  good to actually pull some another depression but  

it also could be that your digestive system is  so far off you can’t absorb the vitamins let’s  

say you have leaky gut or a damage or IBS or  or constipation those things could affect the  

absorption or if you drink a lot of alcohol that  could be it right there but the B vitamins are  

key in depression or you could have a hypothyroid  issue which is deeper it’s it’s a bile deficiency  

gall bladder or liver or high estrogen from the  cycle to cause a hypothyroid issue I have some  

videos on that I’ll put a link down below but I  would honestly first start trying to work on your  

sleep to get to sleep better because you’ll be  surprised you may have such chronic fatigue that  

it feels like you’re depressed it’s almost the  same sensation so I would go aft get some energy  

and then see if you’re really depressed okay  now then you have anxiety that’s usually adrenal  

the adrenal controls the adaptation of stress  and to the body so your body is adapting to a  

stress state but when the adrenal gland is being  stimulated too often it can almost kind of put you  

in a state of stress mode 24/7 almost like you’re  kind of in a flight or fight and it could come  

from many reasons let’s say you’re drinking a lot  of coffee you had a history in college you drank a  

lot of coffee like myself math the dosages of high  quality Cuban coffee that was me and I would just  

drink tons of it and then all of a sudden I just  started crashing and burning so you have things  

that stimulates the adrenal caffeine will do it  and then also just being in a stress State being  

in a bad relationship having a trauma emotional  stress watching too much of the news will do  

it unfortunately in the news is like constant  speculation like always recycled the same story  

recycled what if this happens what if that happens  so you really have to control what you watch what  

you’re exposed to because if you sit there and  watch TV and then try to go to bed it’s going to  

be on your mind so I would recommend turning that  thing off and reading a book the other thing that  

what I use for the adrenal is I use an adrenal  night formula and my massage will be for bed  

every night I’ll put a link down below for more  information on that now for anxiety it’s b1 b1  

deficiency will handle most types of anxiety so  that’s a nutritional yeast again so you could just  

take nutrition aleast and kill two birds with one  stone it also is going to help you sleep as well  

especially that except you know that winding down  at night potassium is really important and anxiety  

as well because it’s a physiological tranquilizer  it’s a calming mineral it works similar to  

magnesium but it calms the pulse rate down its  way that you know your potassium addition is  

your pulse rate really high put your head on the  pillow and you feel that pounding boom boom boom  

boom your potassium deficient and you just can’t  wind down easily if you have enough potassium  

you will be able to sleep and your muscles will be  relaxed and then just avoid you know like I talked  

about on the videos you have to take a long list  of all the people that are stressing you out and  

just avoid them because I have you know I’ve been  in practice for a long time and I keep running the  

same situation where someone is you start digging  deep into their environment and they’re loaded  

with just people that are constantly stressing  about I’m like why don’t you do something about it  

why can’t well you know find another relationship  or something because it’s just killing it so those  

are some things now nutritionally I think  it’s going to help you and I think change  

of environment going for a long walks exercise  is going to really help you but I want to just  

kind of mention this this thing that’s happening  recently there’s a lot of people put on psych  

drugs Prozac medication okay now what’s going to  happen in the next couple years you’re going to  

see a shift to another form of therapy which is  pretty scary for depression and even anxiety and  

they’re going to use it under this classification  of treatment resistance so if the drugs don’t work  

they do the next thing okay and it’s called deep  brain stimulation and I’m not kidding you that’s  

actually used right now in a lot of hospitals  even there’s four children’s centers around bottom  

Washington DC right now that use this therapy on  kids I’m not kidding I’ll put some links down I  

don’t want to depress you any more but I want  to increase your awareness and what’s going to  

happen what some doctors are shifting to some are  going away from drugs into even ECT electric shock  

therapy for depression unfortunately that’s what’s  going to be happening so I want your awareness to  

be very high and if you see this definitely object  to it because when they do deep brain stimulation  

there’s two parts to it they basically lock up  your skull and the first part is they drill two  

holes in your skull I’m not kidding and then  what they do is they put two wires into the  

brain okay so that’s part one part two is they  put a pacemaker type mechanism in your chest and  

then they can control it remotely and they run  electricity to your brain and there’s actually  

hardly any Studies on this okay now there’s a  builder trying to pass right now called the 21st  

century cure act and basically it’s calling to  skip the scientifically sound and safety testing  

for new medical devices okay so they want to slip  this in hopefully they won’t get it passed they  

flip this in with the FDA and now they don’t have  to do testing to even see it is safe and use it  

even on children I’m not kidding watch the links  down below and now some of you who don’t even want  

to know about this but I think it’s good to know  about it because they’re really pushing this big  

time there’s even a facility in New York right  now but they’re experimenting on kids and it’s  

just it’s sickening so they’re going from drugs  now to this electrical device with actually no  

studies incredible and it’s because the drugs  don’t work right so what I want you to do is  

get the word out about natural things that you can  do because what’s happening now is there’s just no  

differentiation between cause and effect like they  don’t medical profession especially psychiatrists  

don’t look at the cause and effect relationship  they get it confused they say well depression  

causes insomnia insomnia causes depression  they don’t really look at cause and effect  

okay so check out some links below thank you so  much for watching and I’ll see in the next video