Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting Success Story – Dr.Berg Interviews Mark Christopher | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone we’re back again we have

another great Skype interview and I

wanted to introduce you to mark mark has

a great before and after hi mark how are

you doing

I’m doing awesome great that’s great

you’re talking your column from Texas

and I wanted to I wanted to call you

because I wanted to hear some your story

like what happened before you decided to

lose weight and I saw that I mean we’re

looking at the before picture tell me a

little bit about what was going on with

your weight that led up I had I have a I

have a desk job so I’m real haven’t been

real sedentary and it’s real stressful

too so basically I just let myself get

very out of shape I I was way over way

my blood pressure was real bad all my

all my glucose and cholesterol

triglycerides all that was really bad

and I feel like I was probably getting

close to diabetic gonna sleep at night

normally bad and I met with a guy last

November about mid-november at a

luncheon and and I didn’t recognize him

I had worked with him in the past and he

started telling me about how he had lost

55 pounds with the contoso diet and you

know I sitting there having my sushi and

my rice and not really locking a lot of

what he said but after that later I

thought about it and started doing

research and decided hey if I’m going to

get healthy I’m gonna have to do

something so the change was obvious in

him so that’s when I started looking

into low carb and ketosis and decided

hey I’m going to do this because you

know I want to see my grandkids one day

Wow yeah exactly what what was your peak

weight that you reached that you’re

working out with that

seventy-three and today I’m down 86 and

a half pounds that’s incredible

I started November 28 and since then

I’ve been completely on ketosis you know

I’m one of those guys that it’s these

are all or nothing so I hear people

saying oh you can have a cheat day once

a month or you can have a car day once a

week I I’m not that way if I was I’m you

know I’m kind of like if I have a cheat

day I’d be afraid I couldn’t get back so

I’ve been he tells us ever since

November 28th yes sir okay that’s a

pretty that’s a significant weight loss

so so were you on blood pressure

medications at the time I my doctor was

telling me to get on it and I was always

afraid of blood pressure and diabetes

medicines I was afraid that once I got

on it I wouldn’t be able to get off so I

basically just didn’t do what he said

and went on for several several more

months you know really not being in good

shape but since then all my blood

pressure is normal all my glucose

cholesterol triglycerides are all normal

and losing weight something somebody

asked me what you know what’s the

negative side of this and the only thing

I can think of itself had to buy several

sets of clothes that could be expensive

so it might be a problem if my wife had

he’d the wind ‘red at fun in Clarence

bill oven matter it would be really

rough it really would I mean the the

price of having to tailor-make all the

clothes and buying your clothes I mean

that can get really expensive it’s

almost like is it really worth a stack

of clothes that I that fall off of me

basically and my wife is scared to death

to get rid of it she’s like she saw me

gain and lose weight so many times I’ve

tried so many different diets and you

know they might can drop them some

weight for a while but it all come back

and this is nothing like I’ve ever tried

before I’m I never get hungry I mean I

get hungry but I don’t stay hungry

that’s a big difference before I would

like to starve and I’m I’m satisfied

even doing the intermittent fasting is a

breeze I enjoy the good foods you know

the veggies and the higher fats and

moderate proteins just like you thought

hey Mark questions so that brings up the

question I was going to ask you so the

main difference as far as which what’s

what is making it easier before doing

other diets in this one would you say

it’s just basically the cravings and

hunger would that be the big thing I

don’t have cravings like I used to at


but I enjoy my food but it’s not like

I’m you know sitting around chomping at

the bit because I’m so hungry I’m just

not hungry like I used to be

I enjoy my food a lot more too you know

I have salads a big salad every day I

make my own dressing and follow the

recipes that you got out there I make my

own balsamic vinegar dressing with oh

it’s good isn’t it yeah I know I hear

you you know I haven’t touched bread or

noodles or rice beans corn any of that

there’s November 28 then I don’t miss

them Wow so that’s so cool because it me

trying to do an eating plan on top of

hunger and cravings is totally insane

and for those of you that are watching

that are new to keep ptosis in a minute

fasting ketosis is a type of eating plan

that omits a lot of the carbohydrates

but we’re still doing a lot of vegetable


we’re just limiting the sugar ones and

that way you can drop a hormone called

insulin force your body into fat burning

and when you’re burning your own fat

that’s what your body is living off of

it’s not living off necessarily the

dietary food living on your reserved

thus you’re not going to be so hungry


in fact you ever get to a point where

when you have to eat you’re like I’m not

even hungry I’m just gonna eat because

it’s time yeah and I when I’m like that


it takes lips over all it takes less

food to satisfy me and and to make it

you know I don’t find myself longing for

food I don’t think myself you know

reaching out and grabbing something like

I used to

you see I really noticed that you know

looking back how much I would grab for

food and not even think about it and

just just eat something down and just

how to have it right it’s so that’s so


and also like when the person starts to

eat and then they become hungry because

you’re spike in the insulin and they’re

snacking especially at night a lot of

guys have snack their graves and they

spiked insulin now they’re really hungry

so they weren’t hungry before and

especially even doing like lean protein

and vegetables without the fat that

could be a problem so give me an example

of how many meals do me today

I’ll have your kale shakes but other

than that I’m good the whole day

Wow and then what do you when you eat a

meal give me an example of what you

would eat in that meal oh I’ll have a a

regular dinner plate full of salad and

I’ll have spinach and some Cato in it

some romaine lettuce some shredded

cheese and tomatoes and the dressing

that uh that I make myself and that’s

the bulk of my meal and after that I’ll

have maybe a grilled chicken breast

wow that’s awesome and then do you find

that when you initially did this did you

have to kind of gradually go into it or

could you use jump right into one meal a

day oh yeah no it was some of them was a

learning process I didn’t understand all

of it at first

Franklin ruin I started I was really

just doing low carb and then I started

doing research and I got on YouTube and

I put in ketosis and there was a doctor

that was promoting ketosis and that

really got my attention so you know I

started watching your videos and

learning a huge amount the ways that can

help me another thing I wanted to point

out is how much energy I have it’s it’s

really amazing because I get up at 4:30

in the morning now and I’ll go in and

work out before I go to work and I can

do 7 miles on the elliptical with and I

could just keep going because my

Energy’s just non-stop the only reason I

have to stop is I have to go to work I

run out of time Wow

that’s awesome and then has anyone like

that knew you before just go what the

heck are you doing you’re shrinking yeah

just this last Monday I met a guy at a

restaurant and he looked at me he he

said I’m shocked so I said I hope that’s

a good way he said oh yeah there’s a lot

of people they they really don’t think

it’s flat don’t recognize me how much

I’ve changed how about your cognitive

function how is your memory your focus

I’m more alert I’m enjoying life I’m

happy and you know I said earlier that

you know I think because of my weight I

had a snore I was snoring horribly

the kids are on opposite ends of the

house and they told me they can hear me

snore and my wife swore that I had the

sleep apnea cuz she would punch him in

the middle and not wake me up but she

thought I quit breathing all the snoring

and any signs of sleep apnea aren’t

completely gone wow that’s incredible

has your has your wife also jumped on

board or she pretty much eating the same

thing no she’s still kind of known what

she’s done in the past she’s made

statements about thinking about doing it

but you know I think she gets the

hardest thing for her is the increased

fat intake because people have been so

conditioned to eating fat makes you fat

mmm good point yeah and you just have to

you know the bottom line is you have to

have does she have a weight problem

no it’s been me I’ve had the weight

problems so long yeah and that’s just

it’s like unless there’s a big reason

usually physically that a person is

motivated they might not be inclined to

jump in unfortunately but you’re already

seeing changes in your blood pressure

and your cholesterol values and

obviously your blood sugars as well so

that is just fantastic I know I saw you

before and after I’m like wow that’s

that’s a huge change that’s amazing yeah

you know and there’s so many little

things like I don’t have to tilt the

steering wheel all the way up anymore

and I can get in and out of the car

without tilting the wheel that’s that’s

huge right there Wow I don’t even think

about that so so now that you’ve lost

the way and you’ve done this you think

there’s any chance of ever going back to

your old ways yeah now I know you know

why would I go back all my health isn’t

great I’m happy now I enjoy life

people talk about cakes and pies and ice

creams and you know just candy bars

coach none of that’s appealing to me I

don’t have any desire to go back to the

old life and the old feeling bad and

being heavy I just liked my life a lot

better now that’s awesome

one last question do you think that it

helped in some of the videos that I put

out to really understand the why behind

what to do like the why what you’re

doing inside your body understanding

insulin is that was that beneficial to

really understand that versus some

people just kind of like oh yeah here’s

what you eat this is all you’re focusing

on your videos were invaluable

they taught me so much and you know like

even when you talked about diabetes and

you know talking about ketosis and how

to get into ketosis all those things

were I’d highly recommend it to anyone

yes awesome this is awesome mark I want

to thank you so much for taking time out

I know you’re on your lunch break it’s

been a great story and so your your true

success in them I’m really excited for

you so thank you so much for this

interview well I really want to thank

you so much for everything that you do I

know you probably get a lot of heat from

you know the FDA and the medical

profession and all that cuz you’re

bucking against what they’re teaching

everybody and you know I think you’re

shedding a lot of light and people are

starting to wake up to it and I think

that’s wonderful

hey thanks that’s why I do these skypes

because no one can argue with success so

if you’re getting results how are they

gonna attack you right oh I hope I hope

someone yeah so that’s awesome

well thanks

thank you Mark I appreciate that okay

have a good week thank you sir

okay thanks